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Tonights game - thursday 23rd

  • 23-04-1999 1:22am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭

    okay i should be in bed now, but i gotta type this.

    Fuppin Awesome! dangerous crossing, fun, scarabrae, fun, but snowblind - the best snowblind i've ever played.

    A few facts :

    We lost.
    Dr. Teeth didn't like it.
    I was on defense.
    Teeth was on offense.
    I don't know what it was like to be on offense - maybe there were a lot of muppets - dunno; it took us a long long time to get up from 5-0 to 5-4.

    We lost the first few caps due to nobody being on defense except me. I would get fragged & respawn at central tower and whammo flag cap. The first time i chased the flag - got all the way to the nme base - they cap & someone else grabs our flag again cos why? I was the only one on defense - so while i'm chasing, nobody else is looking after shop. Well, okay.

    Then Elhdas steps in the heavy sitting on flag role. This is good smile.gif

    Still muppet probs - acupunture was a pain in the ass - lots of lites sitting in flag room doing nothing - i'm trying to stay on roof, but would kill one, another, then die and respawn at the damned tower again!!!

    But this is where it got real fun smile.gif

    Better defense, Elhdas doing the heavy thing - myself in lite with others - man we shut down so many attacks (as shinji should remember - ouch! heheh).

    Which leads me to two things.
    1) Teeth - I know you were up front offensive & strugglin for lack of support - but yelling about flag defense isn't gonna work. At one point I was ****ing myself laughing - they nabbed our flag after I had died and respawned at the tower (again),you were yelling at me for screwing up defense but there were 5 reds vs. myself! sheesh! smile.gif

    Which brings me to my second point - maybe you missed it being on offense, teeth, but I have never, ever seen such an amazing enemy offense. We were lucky to get 5-4 I tell you. Throughout the entire last thirty minutes we had 4+ enemies attacking constantly . Major kudos to shinji, jaguar, yum and others. It was a fuppin pleasure shutting you down during those thirty minutes ... example - After another amazing onslaught of the ladies in red, I get fragged. Respawn in tower (again) and get in lite with energy pack. An enemy attacks me at tower - but i ignore him and ski back to our base as fast as possible just in time to disc someone (think it was shinji) just as they were running out our doorway with our flag! and it was one of those really cool (read fuc(king lucky) shots - where ya shoot at a location hoping to catch the bastid as he comes out! Woohoo!

    Man, it was a fun nite for defense.

    Lessons learned? Well, we did have a few bozos on our team - which mean ZERO mid-field defense. During the entire game I only saw the ole red triangle when they were jetpacking up to our balcony and laying grenades in their path. Early in the game a heavy and two lites waltz right up to our base, full health, no problems. I look around and - uh-oh - nobody but me. Guess, what? I got fragged sad.gif

    anyways, off to bed

    - vaggabond u missed a good one by going to the pub smile.gif
    - that guy Rowen was pretty cool, wasn't he?

    all that with 4 pints on me too smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by ChungKing (edited 23-04-99).]


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    *doh* *doh* and thrice *doh*

    I arrived back from da pub early to get a couple of hours tribin in but server 1 was full - I went on to server 2 with gandy and got killed, several times, while I tried to repair the base....

    For some reason I lost my connection and by the time I reconnected gandy had gone to server 1 so I was left on my own so I hung around for 20 to 30 minutes but the server was still full.

    So I just said ****it and went to bed

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Yep Great Game last night.

    Started using the presto pack. It should be standard issue for EM for the extra communication options.

    Sorry Vagga you dropped and I decided to try 28001 and I got on (surprise. Plus I trashed the enemy base before you connected wink.gif

    Any other good scripts that you guy recommend out there.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13 Ehldas

    Great game, but apart from yourself and a couple of others, the defence SUCKED abysmally. I basically spent the whole game on defence, heavy mode, and I kept telling people to keep the front balcony and roof clear, because the ONLY way they were getting insiode was by being free to stand on the damn balcony and bunt 10 grenades in through the door. Imbeciles were all standing IN the flagroom, with energy packs, layiong mines. Good grief. After getting fed up with screaming at them to go outside, I took to shooting them. If not for the two of yis, I woulda been toast far more often... kudos and stuff :-)

    Great game though... we kept the ****ers out pretty solidly, and every few minutes a bedraggled and swearing Teeth would limp through the door with the enemy flag... cool. Speaking as someone playing from the same room as him, I'm surprised his keyboard is still intact :-)

    It was cool just standing on the flag as heavy : half the time I didn't even have a weapon held, just the repair pack. Some red triangle runs in the door, I stand there on the flag, and my turrets pick him off... excellent.

    Must do it agtain sometime :-)


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Nnnrrghhh. mortars... everywhere.. the horror the horror!!!!!! That game.. OMG..

    And you were right Chung, Teeth was on offense. Note the singular there - 'Teeth'. Just me, that's it.. me against 3 heavies and as many lights on constant D for that whole sodding game! Christ I was in bits after it - I played my heart out and the best we could manage was 5 - 5 (we drew btw).

    The last couple of minutes were nuts. It's 5 all, I get flag, rush back to base. Get disked off our balcony BY MY OWN TEAM-MATE, land a hundred meters away in time to see someone nick our flag an go ailing off. Chase after him, start straddling him with 'nades - and get mortared by Ehl. Chung picks up flag. I go offense, kill flag carrier, and get disked JUST as I was about to pick-up. Go offense again. Kill flag carrier (again) flag lands outside base - I in heavy go plod plod plod to get it - gets picked up by light - mortar light. Flag decribes a graceful arc through the air and lands a couple of hundred meters away. Curse game physics. Plod plod plod 10 seconds to go plod plod plod 5 seconds plod plod plod GAH ****IT!! AHJAGJHGDKGALKHGL!!!! **** ****F UCKF CUFKC UFKCK!!!!

