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Buying New PC

  • 13-05-1999 9:01am
    Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭

    After getting slagged by the lads in London about the state of my PC over the weekned I have decided to invest in a new one.

    Out of all of you who read this board surely someone sells PC's or can give me a number of a guy who is selling a ninja pc for cash if you get my drift.

    The Vaggabond of the Western World
    Electric Mayhem
    The Real UK Tribes Champs :)



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 159 ✭✭Brit

    Well, PII's are now dirt cheap, and the performance increase on a PIII is negligible. I would suggest:

    PII 400 or 450
    128MB SDRAM
    V3 2000, or 3000


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Ah Vag, get yer credit card and order the stuff from the UK. There's nothing quite like putting your own box together.. brings me back to when I was a lego addict, years ago. smile.gif

    Look for good prices, but think about ordering the bigger stuff here in Ireland - posting a faulty monitor back to the UK is rather nasty.

    It's a good feeling to boot up for the first time!!

    I suggest:


    Intel Celeron 433


    AOpen AX6BC Pro or
    Abit BX6 Rev 2


    a single 100Mhz 128MB SDRAM module


    13.8GB Ultra ATA

    Graphics Card:

    Guillemot Xentor Ultra TNT2

    Sound Card:

    Creative Sound Blaster Live


    External 56K and a decent 10/100 ethernet card

    Removable media:

    Internal IDE zip drive, a floppy drive, decent 32X or faster CD-ROM, a 4x4x16 CD writer if ya like. smile.gif


    Microsoft Intellimouse pro, a decent keyboard.


    Any decent ATX mini-tower will do, some have nice pull-out mobo trays though. Look for one with an extra fan blowing over the PCI slots.

    Lump in a decent 17 or 19 inch monitor and a decent speaker set-up and you're laughin'. Increase the bus speed of your motherboard to 75Mhz - that will bring your celery up to a rock-solid 488Mhz. Nice.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND


    now, how much will you charge to do all that for me smile.gif

    plus - gis the URL of a good site where all these goddies can be bought smile.gif

    Cellery Versus AMD

    Voodoo 3 Versus TNT 2 (and the wait for it) have voodoo 2 prices dropped btw (2 voodoos would be nice)

    mad, the loans approved and all I am ready to spend, spend, spend smile.gif

    The Vaggabond of the Western World
    Electric Mayhem
    The Real UK Tribes Champs :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 273 ✭✭Scarab

    I think both deliver to Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    fuk me - I did not realise it could be so cheap

    fully loaded PIII 500 for a shade over a grand

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    my only issue is that I do not want software.

    Red Hat 6 arrived this morning
    I have win 95 and 98
    I have office pro 97

    the money saved their is the difference between a 15" monitor and a 21" monitor smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 273 ✭✭Scarab

    Well then buy off scan or memax, they will just send you over your board and and cpu and bits and u put them all together and make it go. No software.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭ChungKing

    Foreign correspondent in germany adds:

    21" monitor bwaahahahahahahaha


    I lurve mine biggrin.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 159 ✭✭Brit

    Alternatively, go for an IBM Thinkpad - one of the late 1980's models. Only weigh about 18 Kg's and have a wonderfully crisp 9" screen. Lovely smile.gif


  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    i work for ibm and i wouldnt touch one of our puters with a barge pole

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    or just order one offa dell

    the p11's are well cheap and come with 17" monitor and dvd and all sorts of nice things.

    only problem is that 2d gc is built onto mobo so no changing there sad.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 Lucifa

    Yer Scan are good, I've used a bit.

    If you getting a Celeron then get the new 466 and remember you'll need a socket370 mobo cos they don't do Slot1 one's (?). Bad for upgrading to P3 or whatever later on, but nice for the moment.
    And yer don't get that V3 - nothing new here - crap. TNT2 all the way (I 'might' be getting one tomorrow so I'll tell you all about if I do).
    **** the ZipDrive...just get a CDR and you're sorted (I can recommend the Yamaha 4416s).
    And you can afford it get a Illyama Pro 19. They absolutely rock (mate's got one). 17 is old hat...19 rocks smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Don't get a 466, you can't over-clock them for ****.

    466 uses a multiplier of 7, so with your FSB speed upped to 75Mhz you're clocking at 525Mhz, which Celeron's can't handle (without installing a freezer smile.gif ). A 433 on the other hand uses a 6.5 multiplier, which on a 75Mhz bus is 488Mhz - grand and stable, and of course, faster than the non-OCed 466 at a cheaper price. smile.gif

    The new celerons are socket-370, but you can get a 10 quid adapter which lets them plug into a standard slot-1 mobo (the two motherboards I mentioned are the current best slot-1 BX boards on the market)

    Zip drives are cool, burning CDs is far too much hassle when all you want to do is give q3test to a mate of yours, or cart 50MB of Tribes demos home from work. smile.gif

    The Vision Master Pro 450 is the monitor I'm going for as soon as I have 600 quid.


    [This message has been edited by Dr_Teeth (edited 13-05-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 63 ✭✭clanless_Coyote

    Teeth.... you need to get out more smile.gif

    Thats what the yanks would call TMI, too much information smile.gif

    "Abandon All Hope!"

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Yup, scan are good, myself, Ehldas and others have done a few grands worth of business with them over the years.

    K6-3 v Celeron:

    At the same clock-speed, running software that has been wel optimised for 3D-now (such as Q2) there's no difference between them. However - Tribes isn't 3D-now, and the celeron is roughly half the cost of the K6-3 currently. And you can over clock the celeron too.

    V3 v TNT2:

    If you have a fast Intel chip (celeron 400 or faster) the TNT2 is the way to go. Better drivers, better features, and damn fast too. Go for the 'Ultra' versions of the various cards, they should cost around 180 quid. Don't bother with V2 SLI - a V3 3000 or an Ultra TNT2 saves you two PCI slots and both are faster with better features.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    hmm posted twice for some reason..


    [This message has been edited by Dr_Teeth (edited 13-05-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    Don't touch the V3 with a bargepole mate... It's 16-bit rendering only, and while that may not seem THAT important, give it 3 months and you'll regret not buying a 32-bit capable card.

    I'm no fan of the celery, but other people seem to like them, and they're cheap.

    Used to be, putting your own machine together was the cheapest option... However, Gateway 2000 have become very cheap recently, you may wish to examine some of their deals on their website.

    Mata ne!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,657 ✭✭✭OSiriS

    Teeth, shouldn't that be Midi-tower, mini-towers are waaay too small

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,236 ✭✭✭Coyote

    Get a 466 Celeron and they do overclock well to 525
    get a slcoked convert to change the 466 from socket370 to a slot1 and if you want get a duel Celeron (that is what i am doing) with just a good fan over the chip the heat is no problem, the Celeron at 525 is faster that all other chips excludening the P3 500 but why pay $500 for it when you can get a Celeron for $150, so save your money and get one and build it your self if you know how smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Coyote (edited 14-05-99).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Muppet. Read the article more carefully. smile.gif

    You also can't use celerons in dual systems unless you buy special dual converter cards, or get out the soldering iron. Why would you run dual anyways? It's useless for games..
    "That 7x multiplier is tough to work with as it is, and another trend is developing with these new PPGA processors we've seen lately: No overclockability.

    It's not due to any engineering feat on Intel's part (we've been assured by employees in the know) but for whatever reason both the PPGA Celeron 433 and PPGA Celeron 466 CPUs we've tested are completely unstable and virtually unworkable when overclocked to any degree above their stock levels.

    At least with the 433 we were able to stabilize it at a speed of 488MHz (6.5 x 75MHz) which ran well during our endurance testing. But today's PPGA 466 was an absolute beast as it failed each time we tried to utilize it at any front side bus speed above its stock level of 66MHz.

    Sharky Extreme's staff has begun opening dialogues with engineers on the cooling side of the industry as to how and or why the PPGA design is becoming so un-overclocking friendly as the MHz levels rise. Most have agreed that the PPGA design does have some inherent downfalls for high speed stability that are linked to the build up of heat via a thin boundary level of hot air that remains perpetually trapped on the underside of the chip when running (in the void left by the Socket370 holding bracket's plastic surrounding walls).

    However, when Sharky Extreme took measures to cool our eval Celeron 466 CPU to levels that approached 10 degrees F, the results were still the same: Failure."

    Basically, unless you use a kryo unit, you can't get above 500 stably. Both the core of the chip, and more importantly the cache memory, are simply not designed to run that fast.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    BTW those ppl on this side of the irish sea would be mad to buy off those english site at the mo. The rate of exchange is like 82p at the moment. The PC's are really cheap but by the time you convert your 1000 odd to sterling and add postage and stuff you can add 400 odd quid to the cost and PC's over here arent that expensive

    The Vaggabond of the Western World
    Electric Mayhem
    The Real UK Tribes Champs :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 111 ✭✭SS 01 Ripper

    no guys are going about this all wrong.

    I've bought several PC things over at PC World in Blanchardstown. They're the best...because:
    - saved 20 pounds on a Scanner (price said 140, sold for 120 for some unknown reason)
    - saved 5 pounds (not much but hey) for Epson Stylus 600 printer (for same unknown reason)
    - saved 50 pounds on a Sony re-writable CD Burner (reason: unknown)
    - got a free 15" Monitor with my new PC (wrong price was quoted..they told me it included the monitor when it was excluding the monitor .. and I even asked if the price had dropped since last time I had asked it was some 150-200 pounds more)
    if you want a good deal on anything related to PCs..go there..not only do they promise the lowest prices in everything they sell in Ireland..but then they (at least a lot of times) screw up with the prices they have already!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    are you a fuppin shareholder or summat smile.gif

    in tribes speak ripper *no* or even *you idiot*

    who uses 15" monitors, epsom printers ect.....

    no me still going for the buy the mobo and chip in a full tower and do the rest myself option at the mo

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 111 ✭✭SS 01 Ripper

    i'm putting the 15" on the ol 200 MMX while I have my Sony 17" on the 500...

    besides...Epsons work well for me. I'm not running a printing shop !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,236 ✭✭✭Coyote

    First do not call people a Muppet when you do not know them, it was 4:19am i was board and not fulley awake or asleep, ok not the full info.

    The Chip: 466 Celeron with L2 cache cash at full speed.

    what you need to get your celeron to work duel: RA7UJ Socket 370 to Slot 1 Adaptors
    with Jumper Settings for Optional Dual Processor

    The cooling Fans: Net-N-Dude Glacier 4500C+Arctic Cap
    info on overclocking a celeron.

    The Mother Board:
    "EPOX EP-KP6-BS" or
    w/ Onboard SCSI"

    info on Duel Celeron.

    info on overclocking:

    so hope that helps and i am NOT a Muppet and i do know what i am doing.

    [This message has been edited by Coyote (edited 14-05-99).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    good man coyotee, show that toothy git what for smile.gif

    ps: must ahve taken you ages to sort all those url's

    The Vaggabond of the Western World
    Electric Mayhem

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Hmmmm Vagga,

    Don't know if Dell are still selling from their factory outlet to Ireland but myself and quite a few of the lads bought before xmas (well end of November and got ourselves systems for around £400.00 less than the new price).

    My current system is a PII450, 128MB, 10GB HDD, 17" Monitor, 56k Winmodem(replaced smile.gif), 32x CD-Rom, Turtle Beach Soundcard (v.nice), Speakers, 8MB Graphics Card, Windoze 98 & Office SBE all for £1250 inc Vat in November.

    I'll probally be going to the Tribes night in the nethouse so I can give ya details there.
    Right I'm back off to hack the ****e outta Q3Test wink.gif


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,236 ✭✭✭Coyote

    Part Two: What other things do you need?

    but the way your probley thinking why do i need Duel Celerons well Teath is right no game uses multi-thered prosersing (sorry about the spelling am Dislext) and windows 9X does not spurt Duel prosers so why get them well win 2000 will be out in 4 to 5 months (i have a copy and it's not bad) and it does spourt Duel prosersers, here is the thing if you have a game and you Celeron is not just running the game it's running
    win XX and the game, the modem and what ever is left int he backround (you do have a Viris guard) well think that your Duel is able to do the small tasks that slow one prosers down even if you have a PIII 500 it has to do more work that the Duel Celeron why coes one Celeron is running the game and one is running winZZZZ

    now you should get the best ram you can and the most you can you should get 100mhz ram at the least and 133mhz whould be a good idey for fucher MB upgrades, 128 should be the least you get.

    What type of Card do you need: TNT2 or V3
    the TNT is the better card if you have the system for it, with 32bit for fucher games and and a lager texter size with 34mb ram on the board the TNT2 is the way to go if you have a good system the V3 2000 is not bad for people with out agp slots and not to high a spc system and with it just 99 quid there not bad.
    info for Hercules Dynamite TNT2 Ultra
    looks the best to me so far
    info on Q3 card tests FPS wouth the look even if your not buying one

    [This message has been edited by Coyote (edited 14-05-99).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    yeah i agree with gandy.
    i got the same one but with 14 gig hd and a dvd card and one or two extras for 1400.
    and they dekliver it to your door smile.gif
    and its got a 3 year warrenty
    and you can flog of yoour winmodem to some git for 60 quid (like i did smile.gif)

    which reminds me. anyone know how to over clock the bugger?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 159 ✭✭Brit

    /me looks at SS 01 Ripper in utter disbelief..

    You come on here and actually support PC World?? The biggest rip off merchants this side of a merchant who rips people off??


    BUILD it yourself. Save time, money, don't get and crud software you don't need, and actually learn something smile.gif
