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Handy Scripts

  • 14-09-2000 12:25am
    Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭

    Since theres possibly still a few people who arent fully au fait with tribes, even
    after all this time (a bit like myself smile.gif ), I thought id put together a list of what
    i think are the most useful scripts and packs out there. Since most folk probably
    have most of these already, Sorry for stating the bleeding obvious smile.gif
    Please feel free to add to
    this list smile.gif

    Writers Scripts -
    MUST HAVE! customise your prefs to hell smile.gif

    Presto Pack -
    MUST HAVE! Provides a framework for most other scripts to work, as well as
    having lots of its own tricks up its sleeve.

    Zears NewOpts -
    MUST HAVE! Control your custom scripts from the Options tab in-game, no more
    editing .cs files.

    Super Favs -
    This is my personal preference for Multiple Favorites. Set favorites for Base,
    Renegades, Shifter, Tac, or any other mod out there. There are lots of favorites
    scripts around, but this one is fully configurable in-game with newopts and a
    nice GUI.

    New Interface -
    Puts all sorts of bells and whistles onto the standard tribes interface.

    Dropper -
    Your base has just been raped and you need repairs and turrets fast. Once you get
    an inv up and running, use this to spew out turrets/repair paks/invs/whatever at
    a rate of knots. Very handy.

    Cowboys mHud -
    Add some custom crosshairs for more accurate whupping of the ass. Mortar and Grenade
    reticles feature nice rangefinders for slightly easier aiming.

    Spoonbots -
    Getting whupped in the field? Cant compete? Need some practise? This is a server side
    mod that adds quake3 style bots to your hosted game. Effectively enabling you to play
    offline. Handy for working on that darned disk/mine technique.

    [This message has been edited by Dustaz (edited 14-09-2000).]


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 599 ✭✭✭ThunderingMike

    Its like legitimate cheating frown.gif How can one still find Tribes fun after you do all that? I never bothered with scripts and I do alright at Tribes tongue.gif

    So the pope puts down the Badger and leans over to me and says , " My son , sometimes you talk a lot of ****. Knock it off." Before I could speak in walks Christopher Lloyd with a time machine under his arm and just started to get weird...

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 28,633 Mod ✭✭✭✭Shiminay

    I must get the bots and sort some stuff out. I never bothered too much with scripts. I had one for popping up a camera while I was at an Inv. Station and maybe a couple of custom crosshairs. I never learned to ski and I couldn't be @rsed at this stage. Tribes 2 won't have it, and it won't be as customizible.

    I only hope the Netcode stays as l33t as the original.

    All the best,

    My page of stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Originally posted by ThunderingMike:
    Its like legitimate cheating frown.gif How can one still find Tribes fun after you do all that? I never bothered with scripts and I do alright at Tribes tongue.gif

    Dont be talkin ****e mike smile.gif
    How exactly is a hud that displays who is on your team cheating? or a hud that shows you the name of the person who nicked your flag?
    As for the superfaves thing, all it does is add some more favorites on top of the default 5 and allow you to have favs for different mods without wiping your base ones.
    Cheating me **** , all these things do is add some handy stuff that helps if you play a lot.
    Its not like theres an AutoAim script in there:P
    The word script is probably misleading. Most of them are custom huds or plug-ins.
    and Yes, i still find it a lot of fun, more so actually smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Originally posted by Kharn:
    I never learned to ski and I couldn't be @rsed at this stage. Tribes 2 won't have it, and it won't be as customizible.
    Tribes 2 will have some skiiing, Heavy skiiing will be reduced, but not gone AFAIK, play a Base+ server and you get a good idea of what they mean.
    Tribes 2 will be even more customisable than 1 according to Dave Georgesson (PM in Dynamix for tribes 2) in a good few interviews ive seen. Certainly from the point of view of Mods and pretty definatly for scripting.

    I used to hate the idea of skiing, but as someone pointed out to me, Its there and the other guy is using it so you might as well learn it. Having said that, im no Hans Klammer wink.gif but i can ski enough to get a bit of speed up as a heavy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    *cough* Having played the latest build at ECTS, and watched the developers zoom around also - skiing is very much still in T2. It has been changed to be more challenging (ie, if you mess up even slightly your momentum drops to near-nothing and you're screwed) and of course, heavies just don't move like they used to at all.

    They've even built-in jump.cs as standard (ie: no more hammering the jump key to ski).


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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Sounds great smile.gif
    the jump key sounds a bit too much tho, but whatever.
    Could you clarify about Heavy skiing, is it completly gone or heavily reduced?
    The thing that worried me about removing skiing alltogether was that it would take fairly negate heavy o without vehicles. but then the vehicles in T2 look pretty mad.
    On the whole tho, they put out a decent game once, im sure they can do it again smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 599 ✭✭✭ThunderingMike

    /me backs down. I've had some unpleasent run ins with tribes veterans on servers about things like this before eek.gif

    So the pope puts down the Badger and leans over to me and says , " My son , sometimes you talk a lot of ****. Knock it off." Before I could speak in walks Christopher Lloyd with a time machine under his arm and just started to get weird...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Heavies can still ski, they just don't get the massive boost they used to from doing it, and they bleed momentum the moment they stop going downhill - so you get heavies zooming down a slop (normal) but don't get them then taking off and flying over mountains at super-high speed (very abnormal smile.gif)

    So yes, the base-to-base Heavy O is gone, replaced by heavies carried in the new souped-up vehicles.


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Originally posted by ThunderingMike:
    /me backs down. I've had some unpleasent run ins with tribes veterans on servers about things like this before eek.gif

    hehe, no need to back down, sorry if i came across flameish, not intended smile.gif i just smelled an 'AutoAim' thread starting smile.gif
    Seriously though, if you do think the scripts smack of cheating, just rty installing em and see the difference smile.gif
    ps im no veteran wink.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Asuka

    Im not gonna argue, but i would like to say i agree with thunderingmike - i prefer tribes without most of the scripts. Some of them are of course alright, such as the camera at the inv station, but some of the scripts almost let you walk away and come back in half an hour to see if you won or not... more complicated scripts ruin the game. IMO. But im not going to argue at this stage of Tribes life.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 577 ✭✭✭Chubby

    I too hate scripts, it changes the game too much and makes it a contest of who got the best scripts and not skills. I even had a big argument with one of the barrysworld tribes league organiser about scripts usage being the equivalent of cheating over a year ago. Unfortunately it's an accepted part of the game, everyone is doing it. When it's no longer illegal it cease to be cheating...what can you do to stay competitive except to give it and start using it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Im truly astounded.
    The only scripts that i know of that actually improve your 'skills' are jump.cs for skiing and that beacon thing for mortaring. I dont use either of them.
    I dont see anything wrong with knowing the names of the people that are on my team or having 2 extra favorites on top of the usual 5(i only have 7 loadouts defined, and only really use 4 of them regularly).
    If theres a way of me using these to **** off for a cup of tea while my pc beats the opposition into submission, id LOVE to hear about it as i spend far too much time stuck in front of this computer.
    so , please by all means show me which one of these scripts turns the game into a "contest of who has the best scripts not skills".
    Im not trying to get a flame war going, im just genuinly interested in why you guys have a problem with this stuff, so please, let me know smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 577 ✭✭✭Chubby

    You have not played Tribes long enough to see how people are abusing scripts. Skiing was the first thing. It's not hard to ski without the script but without it, people makes a lot more mistakes expecially in heavies. Now, when a good light flag runner have the flag and is out in the open, you will not catch him. I know cause I run a lot of flags. And ski script lead to constant heavy mortar bombardment on small maps because fast favs allows them to tool up in a split second by touching the inventory station.

    Now, then there's the litterbug script. Throwing out lots of turrets and plant 8 turrets in less than a minute. Then there's the throw mine and disc script to kill. Suicide script to spin, drop all grenades and mines in a room.

    Then there's the chain script some of the clans' been using to increase chain accuracy. That works cause the cone of fire is smaller when the chain is spinning up. The script fires, pauses, fires, so your bullits don't spread as much. It goes on and on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    ok , some points taken there, but to rebuff..
    Faves - It takes me no less time to tool up with this script, i just find em handy for extra loadouts and different mods.How long does it take to hit f2 running into a station? im gaining .2 second using fast faves wink.gif

    Dropper, fair enuff but as for the rest of them, they werent in the original list. I would certainly have doubts about using the chain one and the mine disk one (ive been doing that manually and not doing very well, no wonder smile.gif )
    I used to play a lot of MUDS where we were constantly trying to find breaks and features in the code to gain breaks in PlayerKilling, so i suppose i dont find these scripts much of a suprise really.
    But again, all the scripts posted above (with the exception possibly of dropper) shouldnt offend anyone on a legality point of view, mostly they are just GUI mods, so i dont see how they might irritate someone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 999 ✭✭✭DrunkLeprachaun

    I got playspoon a while back, but all it did was **** up tribes entirely. I had to play in windowed mode and the bots still wouldn't work. Anyone know whats wrong.
