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Doom 3 - Are you finding it boring?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭regeneration

    =Baz= wrote:
    You guys know what type of game you are buying before u fork out the cash, you read reviews and see screenshots!

    What you see is what u get when u buy a game, if its a fps thats what u get shooting!
    Ummmm Deus Ex? System Shock 2? Thief 1,2 & 3? All first person, all not just mindless boring repetitive shooting, and all came after doom. Looking Glass studios would be rolling in their grave ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭regeneration

    The HL2 fallout forums are broken (where the supposed mail came from) Does anyone have the full text of the mail they could copy and paste so we can look at it ourselves?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,689 ✭✭✭orangerooster

    Wrong thread I think regen.

    Anways-I've been playing Doom3 less and less since I got it but I still think its very good for what it is-more Doom.However the point about the increasingly annoying enemies is bang on-the floating heads especially-really quite horribley annoying and not at all scary.

    Theres no point in not saying Doom 3 could have been more than what it is but I still think id delivered a spectacular and entertaining first person shooter unlike the developers of Far Cry who delivered a package holiday with a few dumb mercenaries and apes thrown in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,111 ✭✭✭tba

    =Baz= wrote:
    You guys know what type of game you are buying before u fork out the cash, you read reviews and see screenshots!

    What you see is what u get when u buy a game, if its a fps thats what u get shooting!
    HA HA I didnt spend a penny, my brother bought it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭regeneration

    oops, so it is. damn, had multiple thread windows open and quick-replied to the wrong one.

    ID though delieverd a great tech demo, just like FarCry, but as a game, it's dull after the first few levels. I cant play it and NOT think about all the other games that have come out since doom1 - it's spectacular and amazing looking, but still a 10 year old game ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,484 ✭✭✭✭Stephen

    I can only play for about a half hour at a time (and hadn't played it for a week before today due to work and other time consuming ****e!), but it is still scaring me and keeping me on the edge of my seat (on alpha labs 4 at the moment).
    The fact that enemies spawn out of compartments in the walls etc whenever you pick up ammo/health/armour is lame - but hey, i remember those same wall panels in doom1.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭regeneration

    Yeah so do I - I played Jdoom the other day to get me in the mood (and went to sleep straight after), but if doom3 was called anything else, people would go "yawn, boring sh*te; but looks pretty" but because it's doom3, people somehow lower their expectations because - well "its doom! yipee" It's a return of a classic, but it's still repetitive, dull, and short.
    Comparison with a Ford Model T car, it was a classic in it's time, and served a purpose in history, but by god we don't need Ford rereleasing it with a little more horsepower after everything that's come after it.
    Next year - al jolson returns to the cinema in a rerelease of the Jazz Singer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,471 ✭✭✭elexes

    i just made it into hell and the game i have to admit has improved . th way the walls just get made infront of you is a nice affect

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 PhoebeusFenix

    Hey, since you guys are finding doom3 so boring, and you say the mp sucks. Would any one of you be willing to give your cd key to me? If so pm me or email me at


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,111 ✭✭✭tba

    sure my cd-key is - 1234-5678-nowa-yu

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,484 ✭✭✭✭Stephen

    Buy it, fúcktard.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭regeneration

    Some cheeky begger got a bent copy and now thought he'd be cheeky and ask nicely for someone's CD key while attempting to make a pithy comment about legitimate consumers feeling a little po'ed. ELSPA will be around in five minutes.

    Btw, very funny review on doom3:
    If you're mad at me because I'm the only person in the universe who is too stupid to understand that shooting spiders in a dark sewage processing facility is terribly frightening, then feel free to complain about my lack of journalistic integrity on one of a million public forums about choosing the correct neon light for your Evangelion case mod. None of this will change my opinions regarding "Doom 3" though. I'm sick to death of the goddamn "dark industrial" motif found in every first person shooter since 1994. I easily grow tired of repetitive "find the button and press it" tasks which are only made difficult by the fact that the buttons are miles apart and in different Martian area codes. I don't want to shoot spiders, I don't want to shoot barrels which explode, and I don't want to shoot only when I have put down my flashlight and therefore cannot see anything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,980 ✭✭✭✭Giblet

    Some cheeky begger got a bent copy and now thought he'd be cheeky and ask nicely for someone's CD key while attempting to make a pithy comment about legitimate consumers feeling a little po'ed. ELSPA will be around in five minutes.

    Btw, very funny review on doom3:

    Says the man who used to help run PlanetQuake :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL

    Still playing it like Stephen when time dicates and still enjoiying it on Caverns 1, dont find it boring tho. Very playbable FPS which is orientated towards single player and being alone. In that it does a very good job.

    Wonder what people expect in an FPS now , Doom 3 is Doom 1 with a shiner engine prety much what i didnt expect and thoroughyly enjoying playing.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭regeneration

    KdjaC wrote:
    Wonder what people expect in an FPS now , Doom 3 is Doom 1 with a shiner engine prety much what i didnt expect and thoroughyly enjoying playing.

    A little more plot, and point to your running about. Either have a plot and do it properly, or just admit you're a brainless shooter (stand up Serious Sam)
    A little logic (replace colour keycards with PDAs and you got the same crowbarred level design.
    A little variance in what you're doing (the key to a great game is that you can't put it down, not that you HAVE to put it down after an hour otherwise you'll realise how repetitive it all is).
    A little variance in the scenary (2 basic areas, "hell" and the industrial complex look).
    A little oringinality (how hackneyed is the "oooh blood, teeth, upsidedown heads and pentagrams are scary" thing - it doesn't work anymore)

    But wait: It's not that I think doom3 is crap, it's not - it's just being HUGELY hyped up into something it's not - a classic. The engine's ok, but the fuss being made about this game, when great FPSs in the past with more depth got ignored is a shame.
    2 years ago ID did the exact same thing with the quake3 engine and it was called Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and no one would call it's SP game a classic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    I actually came to a rather interesting bit in Doom 3 today that upped my enjoyement of the game 10 fold! I'm still pretty early on in the game, practically near the start tbh, but I just found a bit with one of those sentry drones, and I went along to follow it, found myself really trying to keep in beside it as not to loose it, giving evil marines a facefull of boomstick while trying to keep up with the drone! First time I actually found the game exciting, as opposed to the "Enter new room/corridor, something 'Suddenly' pops out, shoot, repeat" approach so far.

    With more variation, interaction, and better level design, I feel that the game could've really been great.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 Wolfy

    actually u might notice those sentry drones will come back to u so dont run and gun and miss pda's and other stuff... while system shock 2 is nowadays imo a little rubbish one of the greatest things about it was the voice logs that over the course of the game became more disturbed as the ppl were infected... dooms pda dont cause any amount of disquiet.

    edit: and i dont wanna be too harsh but if discovery a sentry drone increased yur love of the game 10 fold its easy to keep u entertained :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,739 ✭✭✭BigEejit

    It could have been much better .... a little less dark, a better AI .... i think it was rushed out the door to get into the marketplace before HL2 ....pity the boss's werent a bit harder too .... I killed the last boss first time of asking - he should have been wayyy harder ... those big spiders were harder

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,613 ✭✭✭Big Nelly

    Dont like it at about 20-30 mins and I am bored.......

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    Wolfy wrote:
    edit: and i dont wanna be too harsh but if discovery a sentry drone increased yur love of the game 10 fold its easy to keep u entertained :confused:

    It was a change of pace that made the game interesting, I was being a little colourfull in describing it.
    It's gotten quite dull again. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,823 ✭✭✭Horsefumbler

    I find this game disturbing to play. So flippin scarey. Every enemy is a hidden one. Not like the old dooms where you walk into a room and you can normally see all the things your going to have to kill.

    So I'd say it's good.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,148 ✭✭✭angelofdeath

    finished it a couple of days ago at the same time as getting round to finishing cod and far cry, my gripe with it isn't that its boring but that its too easy, once i got my hands on the chainsaw i just ran through the levels using nothing else, well except for the bosses, i thought the hell levels were absolutely amazing and there were some nice touches like the interaction with computer panels and the soul cube reminded me of pandoras box or something. i read, listened and watched everything i collected on the pda, which for the most part made for some pretty entertaining distraction. so im left with the opinion that while its a good game, its certainly not a great game and definitley doesn't live up to the hype, oh well, roll on hl2

    oh and maybe i wasn't paying attention but what the hell were those four egg shaped things about? :confused:

  • Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭Azza

    Actually I retract any earliar statements I made about this being good to merely average its repetiveness is getting to me now.

    One thing that really annoys me is the gaps vents shafts and tiny hallways that don't go anywhere solely built for monster to jump out from. I mean I can imagine the people building the place saying "in the event of a sole commando running amuck with alot of firepower during the invasion from hell with out to give the power buggers a chance and construct special little places for them" Its the video games horror version of a tpyical cliche.

    Anywho's for anyone finding this game frighting the simple thing to do is yell back at the monsters. Pretend you a marine from alien and run into every room running scream "YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME" OH YEAH" HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT" etc etc. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 419 ✭✭TheDuke

    when I played it first I put my mind back do DOOM I & II.... and thoroghly enjoyed the extreem eye candy for first few sessions... :cool:

    Then after running another corridor, reminding me of my seconday schools (Limerick that is ;) )...I set it to GOD and just kept running to look for more eye conday.

    So, here's my view
    What's right with it is
    a) that all DOOM II players will lick the fingers at the upgraded monsters
    b) some *proper* game designers will pick up the engine and build a real game or cool mod

    What's wrong with it:
    a) is that it's all corridors and crates
    b) it tries to be System Shock 2 but isn't!
    c) it is mind nummingly linear and u just run for the next eye candy point
    c) there is no envrinomemtal interaction or enemy damage (i.e. you fire a gazillon rockest into big boss and not a scratch and suddenly he's dead ?!?!?)

    It doesn't even complete with Serious Sam, cause at least you got a huge area to muck about in with lovely fields and stuff... everyone at ID must think clostrophobia is part of all games appeal.

    Anhow, I give it about 5/10 - does the oringial justice but no more.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭regeneration

    And I think that says it all really.
    Those who still love doom 1/2, and hankered for a graphical upgrade will love it.
    Those who grew past doom1/2 don't see what all the fuss is about.
    *goes back to thief3*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,918 ✭✭✭Deadwing

    Youre all n00bs. :P
    j/k...i think this game just really divided opinions, some people get it, some dont.
    Personall i still love it, but im a self confessed ID fanboy here lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,290 ✭✭✭Ardent

    And I think that says it all really.
    Those who still love doom 1/2, and hankered for a graphical upgrade will love it.
    Those who grew past doom1/2 don't see what all the fuss is about.
    *goes back to thief3*

    You forgot about those were still wearing nappies when the original Doom came out and don't get it/give a f*ck.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭regeneration

    Yeah, so they're all about 12/13 now, so they're not worth counting in anything ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,181 ✭✭✭✭Jim

    Now now, Doom 1 is out for the GBA. Maybe they will know if they manage to put down Pokemon.
