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Tribes 2 - Is there no end to the muppetry???

  • 08-07-2001 5:10pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭

    Well... Being currently a player of Tribes 2, I have found that there is absolutely no decent server out there, that isn't FILLED with muppets.

    Take for instance, this particular breed of muppet, who's main anjoyement is to place mines on the vehicle pad, blasting anyone who tries to get a vehicle...

    Another form of muppet is your basic TK'er, there muppets, while extrememly anoying, are easily spotted, and kicked by a vote.

    Yet another, who's main passtime is hopping into a scout, and crashing it into his own team.

    Then there is the fool who destroys his teams equipment...

    Just today, I found another kind of muppet, that I hadn't thought existed... Probably very rare too, I might add...
    The story goes, our team was besieged by bombers and scouts, blasting us from above...

    I was attempting to fit the base turrets with Missle barrels, so that the bombers would be destroyed, after a couple of minutes, the bombers started to recead...
    And low and behold, this muppet comes along and equips the turrets with AA barrels, which, COULD NOT HIT ****...
    Again, rain of fire from the skies, and the turrets were destroyed...
    I repaired them, and then fitted them with missle barrels again... Then went off to fit Spider Clamp Turrets to the top of the base, so that anything that flew past would get a bit of a sting...

    Low and behold, when I went back down, AA Barrels Fitted to the turrets...

    ****... I thought, and started blowing ****e over the chat window to LEAVE THE MISSLE TURRETS ALONE... WE NEED THEM TO STOP THE BOMBERS!!!
    When, what happens?
    The Spider Turrets I had fixed to the base were destroyed...

    Then guess what?
    When I start fuming at the ********, he starts calling TK'er TK'er and initiats a vote to get me kicked...
    And I was kicked from the server...




  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Welcome to Tribes 2 aw smile.gif

    Your right talking about the amount of muppets on servers, theres tons you just have to try to ignore them and educate them.

    Speaking of education ( wink.gif ), If you play a little more youll find that AA turrets are much better than missle turrets for most applications. Bombers and cappers usually carry flares rendering the missle turret useless. Shrikes can be dealt with by a couple of aware folk with the ML.

    Also, putting spider clamps on the roof of a building is pointless, clamp turrets wont put a dent in vehciles. Your much better off using them against personell. With a limited amount of clamps available, i wouldnt be happy if someone was using em against vehciles smile.gif

    If i see ye in chat, well play and ill show ye a few tricks smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,342 ✭✭✭Mantel

    I have to agree with Dustaz here, AA barrels are genrally better than the missle barrels against flying things. Tailgunners will usually have some flares for missiles, or so the pilot hopes.

    But if you thought that player was annoying wait till you meet the one that keeps putting motar barrels on most of the turrets and you and any equipment get shelled to small peices when an enemy runs by and into your base. I'm not sure if I've even seen people use the ELF barrels.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">
    Yet another, who's main passtime is hopping into a scout, and crashing it into his own team.

    Yeah I've seen this quite a few times :/ Someone was in a tank sitting right in the middle of our base, I respawn, the tank turns around and heads straight for me and squashes me. I start a vote to get him kicked and he starts moaning saying 'what did I do?' thankfully he got kicked.

    There is another muppet that I've found quite alot, they tend to be someone that like being on the attack, whenever the generators go down they start screaming to have them fixed while they sit on thier fat ar$es at the vechical pad waiting for the power to come on.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">
    Take for instance, this particular breed of muppet, who's main anjoyement is to place mines on the vehicle pad, blasting anyone who tries to get a vehicle...

    Do you mean people doing that on thier own vehicle pads or the enemy doing it on your vechicle pad? If its the enemy doing it I'd conisder it okay and a good tactic to slow down a team. I do it all the time with inv stations smile.gif Two plasma shots and a mine on top, works a treat in enemy bases biggrin.gif Especially when you've forgotten about the mine in an out of the way inv station and then someone nearby needs to reload. > smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 357 ✭✭[-Morpheus-]

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Mantel:
    There is another muppet that I've found quite alot, they tend to be someone that like being on the attack, whenever the generators go down they start screaming to have them fixed while they sit on thier fat ar$es at the vechical pad waiting for the power to come on.

    reload. > smile.gif

    Oh god don'tg et me started with that!!! I don't know how many times i have gotten in a fight with someone over repairing the generators <Dickhead>:"REPAIR OUR GENERATORS!!" <Morph>: "You are in the base ffs you do it, Im in their base"
    <Dickhead>: "Im doing something...etc etc"

    Pair of gits and btw AA turrets are better then missle turrets biggrin.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 898 ✭✭✭Winning Hand

    Nah, the AA turrets are better. But you're right, T2 is a breeding ground for muppets most interesting muppet I had was on Sanctuary.

    I get into my heavy setup and jump into the tailgunning seat. So there I am shouting for a bomber and a pilot. I get a pilot and straight away he flies to the very corner of the map where two of his friends are waiting. He then tells me to get out and that it was a "clan" bomber. TK was on so I just dropped a few mortars after being fired at (the irony was they would destroy the bomber b4 me), enough to kill the small guys smile.gif before their heavy killed me. He then tried to kick me but the vote failed, so I switched sides and scouted them for the rest of the game smile.gif

    I like my coffee like I like my women.......
    In a plastic cup

    I like my coffee like I like my women......
    covered in bees

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    AA Turrets are way better then missile turrets for air defense.

    Missle turrets can be jammed by a sensor jammer or the missles can be wiped out by flares. AA turrets can only be jammed and will strip a bomber in seconds.

    So if the bomber wiped out the turret and it didn't shoot at them they were probably sensor jamming it.

    The sensor jammer would shut down any spiders you put on the roof. The best way to deal with the bomber is to get 1 or 2 heavies with ML's and a nearby reload area or get a Shrike on base defense.

    There are some people who will blow other peoples turrets and replace them with thier own so they get score. Kind of sad really.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 357 ✭✭[-Morpheus-]

    yeah AA turrets own yo ass

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 lexual

    My current favourite breed of muppet (favourite in terms of the things I'd like to do to them with a nail-gun, 2ft of wavin pipe, 3 hungry rats and a block of rancid 4 week old cheese) the "not-tailgunner".

    The "not-tailgunner" is typically in scout armour, no flares, no ML (obviously) who jumps in behind u (I typically fly T-sword pilot) and who doesn't even know what a TG does.

    He/she jumps in for a quick ride to get him or herself killed quickly at the enemy base rather than wait around for the enemy snipers to pick him/her off at base while they're typing their latest witticism to their buddies (see below).

    "not-tailgunner" is usually accompanied by his friend "n00b-iwannabea-bombadier" who
    a) doesn't tag the targets for the pilot forcing you to have to drop your nose all the time to see them causing u to loose altitude and give those ML'ers a nice big target to try out thier candy-floss on.
    b) doesn't realise that the bombadier position has *bombs* as well as plasma cannon. Presumably their copy of Tribes 2 converts all references to 'bombadier' to 'cannonier'
    c) cops on that there's bombs just as you are coming in low over some scenery and drops his full load under your ass nicely driving you upside down into a mountain.

    This awesome duo are frequently joined by their other bum-buddy "l33t-assault-shriker".

    l33t-assault-shriker lives under the permanent impression that they actually can fly the shrike and that the shrike's soul purpose is as an offensive assault brick designed to get them into the center of the enemy base (to join their buddy not-tailgunner in a swift death)

    l33t-assault-shriker of course is also the most important person on the team and all other players and vehicles must make way (on pain of spinfusoring) on the VS for him/her to get their go first.

    Of course, the fact that the enemy has 4 shrikes, 2 bombers and 2 beowulfs ringing your base at this point in time is S.E.P and l33t-assault-shriker shall not be distracted from running to meet his inevitable fate by the laughable assumption that he/she should assist in the *defence*.

    Anyway.. enough rant.. what aliases do you lot play under? I'll look u up on servers see if we can hook up or ideally see u guys on the radox server smile.gif


    Clan |.RaDoX.|

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 938 ✭✭✭Lucy_la_morte

    I may not know how to TG, but at least I don't try. biggrin.gif

    It's just a tail, but I'm sort of attached to it.

    Lucy la morte.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,136 ✭✭✭Bob the Unlucky Octopus

    My particular pet brand of ubermuppet is the Juggie-w4nn4b3. Now as I understand it, the Juggernaught is supposed to deploy turrets, equip. stations, and use his fusion mortar/ML to make life a living hell for inhabitants of the other team's base, with a target marker helping him. But the Juggie-w4nn4b3 seems to be convinced that the best way to help his team is to plant about 300 cameras dotted at random about your base, obstructing grav-cyclers(such as yours truly) and are of no help to you in the event of mass assault. Sure, we have GREAT intelligence- we know where they're coming from, how many,'s just that when they get here, our base has no turrets!

    The Juggie w4nn4b3 also delights in randomly fusion mortaring anything that moves close to your base. Far from zooming in to check if it's a friendly or not, he'll just zap off a couple of mortars. This is particularly annoying when you've spent a minute or so finding a decent defensive sniping spot, only to see a streamer of green smoke sailing towards you from YOUR base. Also, the Juggie-w4nn4b3 is extremely dedicated to base defense. So much so, even when there is practically an impregnable wall of Spikes, Plasma's and mines ringing the base, he'll refuse to TG. "I'm busy" he'll reply- and promptly populates your base with another 200 cameras, feeling pleased with himself. When it's gently explained to them that a Juggie is usually the best armor loadout for a TG- the w4nn4b3 shoots back- "YUO DNO'T TELL MEE HOEW TO DO MAI JOB!"

    Whereupon he'll promptly blast seven kinds of hell out of the scout who's triumphantly ski-ing back to base with the enemy flag, the enemy recovers the flag, and he spams in chat- "OMAIFG! SO SORREEE" and you're forced to grind your teeth and just stay out of his way (and out of the way of the 10^x cameras and idiotic mines he's set).

    Then again- I've seen some truly great Juggies to play with- Angel's one of them as is bane, both of whom know exactly what they're doing and this guy I met on the Radox T2 server- who went around repairing us at the VS while we were getting vehicles, asking helpfully if anyone wanted to by a TS so he could TG for us. It's guys like that which make me keep coming back to public servers- for every muppet you generally have a helpful player who's willing to put aside personal enjoyment occasionally so that others might enjoy the game.

    Bob the Unlucky Octopus

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Most of the muppetry ive seen seems to stem from vehicles.
    Katabatic is a classic example. As far as im concerned there is absolutly NO reason to use vehicles on that map, yet 6 members of your team will constantly ignore incoming nmes and leave your base defenceless for the privilige of sitting in a bomber spamming 'I NEED A TAILGUNNER' 'I NEED A PILOT' for about 10 mins. Then they go off and get shot down by AA turrets and do the same thing again.
    Then theres the shrike folk who spend most of thier time flying around achieving not much at all in midfield. They are annoying but not as bad as the folk who make a havoc and either fly off alone, or wait ten minutes trying to fill it and then fly off in the wrong direction.
    There IS a time and a place for vehicle use, I just think that everyone has been brainwashed by Sierra to think that Teamwork MUST EQUAL vehicle use.
    Teamwork is all about seeing what your team needs and fulfilling that role - not spawning a bomber fer the sake of it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,342 ✭✭✭Mantel

    I kinda find Assult better for deploying turrets etc because its easier and faster to get around.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">
    Bob said:

    So much so, even when there is practically an impregnable wall of Spikes, Plasma's and mines ringing the base, he'll refuse to TG."I'm busy" he'll reply- and promptly populates your base with another 200 cameras

    Would you really want someone like that defending your back? Or anything else for that matter.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">
    Bob said:

    his is particularly annoying when you've spent a minute or so finding a decent defensive sniping spot, only to see a streamer of green smoke sailing towards you from YOUR base.

    Ah you haven't really seen the full potentional of these players then? You lay down a couple of spikes, motion sensors and pulse sensors, the Juggernaught seems to go into some kind of rage when an enemy starts to get near the base and starts shooting off morters as you mentioned but this time hes trying to aim at the enemy. Most of the time the only thing being hit is the spikes you've spent ages laying down and you get to watch the enemy capper flying off into the distance and the idiot in the juggernaught goes to find some more morters to 'defend' his base.

    But I'd have to say I don't mind them as much as the vehicle pad campers, as they are at least trying to do something. The V-pad campers won't do anything at all until they get thier grubby hands on some sort of vehicle, even if they enemey is in destroying you base and your screaming for help, even if the enemy has your flag. They seem to be the main group that sreams "repair our Genarators" over and over again.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">
    Hobbes said:

    Missle turrets can be jammed by a sensor

    Just wondering if thats true when you manually control the missle turret, can you still get a lock on?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 358 ✭✭CH

    I pay no attention to the muppets. If someone on my team starts shooting me I just do a runner.

    Just remembered a game I was playing about 2 months ago. I cant remember what map it was. There was about 6/7 ppl queuing at the vehicle pad, I was just off to the side of the pad keeping an eye open for NME snipers. Some punk ordered up a tank and a large fries, jumped into the tank and promptly reversed over about 5 ppl queing at the pad, then drove off into the sunset only to be kicked about 30 seconds later. I shamefully admit I laughed my ass off at that young pups escapade for about 2 minutes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    AA Turrets STINK!!!

    Any decent pilot can avoid being shot very easily...
    They fire laser bursts, which have a delay from when being fired, and reaching it's target. You can just fly past it and watch a nice light show...
    They are really worthless...
    Missles lock on...

    And the missles CRIPPLE ground vehicles too...

    AA don't have the same range as missles either... You practically have to be on top of them for them to fire...

    But seriously? How many proper tailgunners have you actualy seen USE flares???

    Yeah, you can get a manual lock on from the missle turrets, and they still have a chance to lock on to a bomber even if flares are used. The flares give the turret multipul targets, so that the bomber is unlikely to be targeted...

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Duh smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Mad Elvis

    I totally agree about the ground vehicles, but then again, how many ground vehicles pose a serious threat to ur base?
    (Tanks could I suppose, but in general they'll sit behind a hill somewhere)

    And surely any decent bomber pilot will fly fast enough over the base to outrun missles?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    Actualy, I saw one ****er in a tank, and he basically crippled the base...

    And you can't really outrun missles, they are faster, and they just STAY locked on...

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Shrikes and gravbikes can outrun missils. If your lucky, you can do it in a bomber too.
    Just trust us on this one aw, AA turrets are better smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Any decent pilot can avoid being shot very easily...

    Doubtful. Try flying a Shrike close by one without getting hit. Good luck. Then try the same thing with a missile turret.

    They are really worthless...

    They strip through shields and armor in seconds. They have a much higher rate of fire and better recharge (making them harder to take down while firing).

    Missles lock on...

    Missles can be.
    (a) shot down with the bombers turret.
    (b) Sensor jammed (base turrets only)
    (c) Flare launched to loose lock
    (d) You can drop into water to loose a missle lock.

    AA turrets can be..
    (a) Sensor jammed.
    (b) You can drop behing a hill to dodge the fire.

    And the missles CRIPPLE ground vehicles too...

    True, but it really depends on the level if it is any good or not.

    AA don't have the same range as missles either...

    Not true. They can have the same or longer range. Base turrets are directly linked into your sensor network. So dropping a pulse sensor out of the turrets range will cause it to track an incoming ship.

    But seriously? How many proper tailgunners have you actualy seen USE flares???

    Loads. I have a pilot loadout which carries flares even if I'm in a Shrike.

    Actually Flares I also use on base defense to stop the enemy from firing missles at our base defenses.

    Yeah, you can get a manual lock on from the missle turrets, and they still have a chance to lock on to a bomber even if flares are used.

    The first flare thrown after a missle is tracking distracts the missle. If there are two incoming missles and the TG throws out 4 flares before the second missle was lauched only the first missle will miss.

    The flares give the turret multipul targets

    Flares are only good against missles (and then only 1 per missle and after the missle has already locked).

    They have absolutly no effect against AA Turrets as they track based on your sensor net, while missles track heat signatures.

    So IMHO AA turrets are better defense against airel attacks.

    As I said don't rely on your base turrets to defend. The best combo is to have a Defender with a missle launcher (it can't be jammed) and an AA turret .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Mad Elvis

    I thought AA turrets shot at everything above a minimum height?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Wan the hobbes smile.gif

    Actually just to add to this, AA turrets are much more effective against cappers too, since every capper carries flares.

    And just to correct you, AA turrets rely on heat (maybe as well as sensor net? not sure), they will only fire on a human target if your heat bar is well up there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 935 ✭✭✭Mixie

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2"> every capper carries flares </font>

    Not this one smile.gif

    But I agree, AA turrets are more of a threat than missle turrets... besides you can have an AA turret and a heavy with missle launcher, but u cant have a missle turret and someone firing as accurately and as fast and with such power as that of the AA turret.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Mad Elvis:
    I thought AA turrets shot at everything above a minimum height?</font>

    Well not really. It only fires at ships. A player jetting has to have thier thermal signature bar in the red before the turret will track them as a possible aircraft.

    I use superlight loadout a lot so I'm able to fly by an AA turret without getting many hits on me. I normally fly high then come in cold towards the AA then Jet like crazy for a heavy landing to avoid AA fire.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    Well, seeying as how I saw pilots simply fly past the AA guns, yet get blown to bits by missles, I really have to trust my experience on this.

    The AA can strip armor is seconds?
    One hit from a missle depletes the sheilds of a shriek, and also knocks it drasticaly off course.
    Basicaly totaly prone to be hit a second time. On which it is likely to be destroyed.
    You can fly past an AA, and, even if you are hit, keep on going.

    And I also have to add another type of muppet to my list now...

    Here's an odd one for you.
    I was just at a game where this one guy kept throwing flares at the feet of his team-mates!
    How annoying is that one?

  • Registered Users Posts: 935 ✭✭✭Mixie

    Nah, the best is the guy who waits till you're teleporting into your vehicle and proceeds to shocklance it, sending you off into a hill many times, destroying the vehicle and dropping your health to like 50%

    Another personal favourite is the muppet with Concussion grenades, who throws em around his own base the instant his flag is taken, hindering the recovery. He ocassionally ventures as far as the vehicle pad, where he stands in the background throwing em at the back of havocs and bombers, causing em to fly back into the waiting crowd... (I just love em in Dessicator - they stand in the flag room and do it ARGH!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    You dont carry flares mixie? you aint a capper then smile.gif

    Angelwhore, we really must get you into a game sometime and show ye smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    I'd be up for that Dustaz...

    But anywho...

    Another muppet type is the ones who plant mines on the actual vehicle pad itself, sending the ****er carearing as soon as it's spawned.
    This one is actualy kinda funny, because it never actualy causes much grief, and only barely knocks the ship off a bit...

    Or my personal favorite type of muppetry, and this is one tactic I LOVE to use, is waiting by the enemy vehicle (You know the muppets aren't going to do anything until they sit in their pilot seat biggrin.gif) and when someone buys a bomber, hop in the bomber's seat and blow off a load as it takes off!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    I think i have a reason for a lot of the muppetry. Its so simple, i cant believe i havent spotted it before.

    They speak a different language!
    At first glance , muppets appear to speak english quite well, but a closer look shows this not to be the case.
    Clearly the words 'Our flag is mined' have a differnet meaning in mupp-o-speak.
    An accurate translation is unavailable but it seems to mean something along the lines of 'Please run over our flag for no apparent reason now'
    Im trying to put together some sort of translation service as there are other phrases that seem to have a correlation.
    For example:
    'Gen entrances mined!' = 'I think defense is too easy and Id like you to make it harder for me by running over the mines at our gens asap'

    'Incoming enemies!' = ' We have too much defense, please go offense'

    'Retrieve our flag! Its inside the nme base' = 'Please buy a bomber and fly around bombing nothing of importance for the next 20 minutes of this standoff'

    Once i am able to construct a dictionary, i think we should be able to communicate with these strange creatures smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Yea the people who buy the bomber with the last 5 minutes in the game and are screaming "Need a tail gunner!"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    I'm currently getting to grips with the EXCELENT satchel charges!!!
    Man, wait 'till the muppets on the vehicle pad get a load of it!
    Plant one and wait for the scout to spawn, KABLAMMO!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,067 ✭✭✭FunkyChicken

    muppets with satchel charges are the most dangerous , on one of the levels one just stayed in our generator room blowing us + the gens up constantly , eventually he was kicked ..... eventually
