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I just noticed Venom...

  • 11-02-1999 11:42pm
    Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭

    Hilda is in the same Guild as Bois. So be wary. :/

    Btw where's me key?!


  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Hmmm, Hilda gave me a Kryss something of Force. That any good? She's really sound...

    Anyway I'm in the bank and someone tells me Bois is killing people right outside Delucia. So I dump all my gear into the bank and grab a newbie dagger.

    I see what he's up to. He goes gray on purpose and waits for someone to attack to him so they can't get a murder count... So I'm onto that. He's all "Come on hit me!" so I just keep saying "Scum" (he gets really ****ed now with that <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">) So he attacks me, and I go Yes! He cops on though and actually heals me.

    Hilda shoots by and I start giving out, she gave out to him. I think she's ****ed with his newbie killing as well. Anyway she gates him off somewhere.

    Here's something I've learned though if they pull that ****. Let them injure you, run, bank your stuff before you fully heal then let something else kill you (a monster). Then when you die because your wounds didn't fully heal he will get a murder count.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> your going to love this...

    Bois still starting that sh!t later on, so anyway up at the orc fort Bois is getting attacked by some orcs or something. He's hurt, and two newbies to the area (hardly newbies) see him. One runs over and heals him and Bois Attacks him (maybe because now the guys mana is low). His buddy steps in and give Bois a good whack with a Halbard, instant red Bar and Bois runs like fuk!!

    So he comes back to the Bank, and do the...

    "PK Scum --->" line pointing at him. He goes no abuse. I said yea call him or do you want me to again? And others started saying yea I'll call one. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> Loads of them. So some others call him scum as well and he does his business outside.

    Someone follows him out and starts calling him scum and stop killing innocents. I walk out and do the line again, and the whole bank goes ballastic! <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    Everyone, I mean everyone!! surrounded him, there must of been about 20 or so odd people. All of them gave out to him. He started to get edgy and banked all his gear, then started getting seriously abusive. Everyone basically told him he was not welcome in Delucia and he said "FINE I HATE THIS PLACE" and legged it (bear in mind the whole rabble giving out to him lastest about 10 minutes). I should of got some screen shots!!! <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    Funniest part just before he left. Someone was shouting "Selling coloured armor", he ran over and said "I'll buy" and the guy said "I don't sell to scum", Bois freaked. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    PaulX told me that Bois had said if Paul started selling him goods again he would promise not to kill any of us (not newbies). Everyone said if he left the lost lands maybe <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> I think we are starting to get to him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    I really should proof read my posts <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    That last paragraph is actually... PaulX's guild (LDL?) are KOS for Bois, and Bois is starting to get ****ed off with the fact that anytime he passes by one of them they kick the sh!t out of him <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> So that's what his deal was, they leave him alone and he wouldn't touch his guild.

    Here's an ANTI PK tip. I explained this to Venom but here goes,

    If you are attacked by PK's and manage to escape, but are seriously injured. Try to store your stuff ASAP somewhere safe. Now go out and get yourself killed BEFORE you fully heal. When you die you will be allowed put murder counts on the people who attacked you as they helped in getting you killed. ALWAYS ONLY put 1gp bounty on thier head. They have to macro the kill away by playing a straight 8 hours.

    Do this enough times to someone and you totally screw up thier game. There is no point in trying to kill them, because one they expect that and two you are only making the game fun for the as$hole.
