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The Citezenship Referendum: The Aftermath



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23 Alex27

    Why not to have another referendum and change article 2` wording to the following.

    It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, provided their parent are ordinary residents to be part of the Irish Nation. Citizenship to be conferred on those people who were born in the island of Ireland and whose parent become ordinary resident in the island of Ireland .That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland.

    *ordinary residents -(Irish citizens living in Ireland, folks on work visas,permits who been working at least 6 months and refugees).

    Here is a short quote that encapsulates to a degree what I think and feel about the issue been raised in this thread.
    And seeking to promote the common good, with due observance of Prudence, Justice and Charity, so that the dignity and freedom of the individual may be assured, true social order attained, the unity of our country restored, and concord established with other nations

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭pete

    The referendum demonstrated that people on my side of the argument are 5 times the numbers on the other side of the argument. This makes me feel vindicated. Clearly the Yes sides arguments convinced the people who matter, i.e. those who vote on the relevant issue. Those on the "No" side seem to me, with the greatest of respect, to be hardline pro-immigration persons. They are entitled to their views, however alarmed I would be if their policies on this issue were implemented.

    In your own words:
    The exit-polls were very clear. 36% voted Yes because they felt "Immigrants are abusing the country". 27% gave the reason "Too many immigrants". Our views are clear.


    We will defend our identity while seeking cordiality in our relations with other nations.

    See, the funny thing was I thought the referendum was about citizenship rights for children born here, but apparently "your side" was fighting to keep the black man out. It's good to keep these things in mind. I particularly love the way you go on to blame Nigerians for negativity associated with your business in that very same post. How telling. (oh and the "I do not believe in tarring everyone with the same brush" line = COMEDY GOLD)
    I gave Pete a clear answer.

    Ah, this would appear to be a lie.
    Some on this forum evidently feel they understand the situation on foreign-births better than the Masters of the Rotunda, and the Department of Justice.

    And some seem to think they're mind readers.
    My opponents on this argument, seem to prefer the criminal-case parallel of demanding proof beyond reasonable doubt. I cannot provide 100% proof that I am right, but the balance of probability is on my side. I cannot deny gut instinct is also a factor. I will not apologise to anyone for that.

    So you can't back it up, and you won't withdraw it - going for the third option, then?
    So which bit of that backs up your statement that "It's obvious that the removal of the carrot of citizenship-through-pregnancy has caused a fall in the numbers."


    Either back it up, withdraw it, or admit that it's just based on your own prejudices.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭arcadegame2004

    See, the funny thing was I thought the referendum was about citizenship rights for children born here, but apparently "your side" was fighting to keep the black man out. It's good to keep these things in mind. I particularly love the way you go on to blame Nigerians for negativity associated with your business in that very same post. How telling. (oh and the "I do not believe in tarring everyone with the same brush" line = COMEDY GOLD)

    Nigeria is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and whether you like it or not, it is one of the major sources of international criminality in the whole world. Every day when I read my mail I get another stupid SPAM email (or a couple of hundred :mad: ) from people saying they are Nigerians and want me to invest in their plans to get loads of money. Yeah right I will! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Read here from more on this:

    The 419 scam has been so successful in the past 20 years that according to Reuters news agency it is a significant foreign exchange earner in Nigeria.

    But BBC world affairs correspondent Mark Doyle says the government is keen to stamp out the fraud as it is giving Nigeria a bad name.

    The country's anti-fraud squad has arrested more than 200 people, including a federal lawmaker, since May for alleged involvement in computer fraud.

    The alleged perpetrators of the biggest ever 419 swindle, a $180m fraud that brought down a Brazilian bank, are among those facing prosecution.

    It's precisely these types of people I am determined to kick out/keep out from Ireland. Already Nigerian illegal immigrants are taking up the reins of criminal enterprises in this country. If 1,000 Nigerian migrants come here, it only takes 1 of them to start criminal activity. We need to protect our society from the Mafia-style antics of certain people. Same goes with the Chinese triads, and the Russian mafia.

    The Citizenship referendum was about citizenship, but immigration by illegals was the reason it had to be held. We cannot allow criminals to get a foothold in Ireland, under the pretext that they are fleeing war, famine and persecution. To allow this would be the ultimate perversion of the asylum system. Racism is not a factor in my support for the amendment. No matter what anyone says to me, I will always put the interests of Irish people first, and I will not apologise for that.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 32,285 Mod ✭✭✭✭The_Conductor

    Is this for real?
    We've now veered in a new direction- 419 fraud, and have named a single nation as unwelcome in Ireland.
    Nigeria is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and whether you like it or not, it is one of the major sources of international criminality in the whole world. :rolleyes:

    A bit of an outlandish statement at best. It may be the major source of a particular type of international criminality- but you cannot ascribe the vast bulk of international criminality to Nigeria, or indeed its citizens, by any means. Why am I not surprised to see totally outlandish statements such as the above eminating from you somehow?
    It's precisely these types of people I am determined to kick out/keep out from Ireland. If 1,000 Nigerian migrants come here, it only takes 1 of them to start criminal activity.

    Oooohhhh! The penny drops. Its really only the Nigerians that you want kicked out, the others are all fine by you (with the noted exception of the Chinese triads and the Russian mafioso). If just 1 in 1000 people were involved in criminal activity that would be .1% of the population. You know what- thats actually a fairly remarkable statistic. According to Countrywatch, the actual level of criminality in Ireland, inclusive of white-collar crime, is a little under 4%. If the Nigerians are that honest that only one in a thousand is involved in crime, let them stay, I say.
    The Citizenship referendum was about citizenship, but immigration by illegals was the reason it had to be held. We cannot allow criminals to get a foothold in Ireland, under the pretext that they are fleeing war, famine and persecution.

    Eh, no, actually- it wasn't. The primary reason for holding the referendum was due to the incompatability of our constitutional position with our international obligations to our EU neighbours (and I make particular reference to the problems encountered in the UK where would-be asylum seekers were being directed to Northern Ireland to give birth to children, in order to claim Irish citizenship- without ever leaving the UK administrative area.) The argument that you are quoting above, if it can even be termed an argument, is nought but racist bigotry.


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,213 ✭✭✭✭therecklessone

    The referendum demonstrated that people on my side of the argument are 5 times the numbers on the other side of the argument. This makes me feel vindicated.

    It makes me feel you've got your sums wrong. Again! For the record, 80:20 = 4:1.
    Those on the "No" side seem to me, with the greatest of respect, to be hardline pro-immigration persons. They are entitled to their views, however alarmed I would be if their policies on this issue were implemented.

    And you seem, with the greatest respect, to be hardline anti-immigration. I would be alarmed if you got to implement the policies you've advocated to date.

    Some on this forum evidently feel they understand the situation on foreign-births better than the Masters of the Rotunda, and the Department of Justice. I believe their claims, and I regard the statistics I quoted on this thread as sufficient evidence to pass the "balance of probability" test.

    And you're response to the quote from the same Department of Justice document you cited earlier?
    The reduction in asylum numbers attributable solely to the developments on the Irish born child issue is therefore impossible to determine.

    Believe that?
    If 1,000 Nigerian migrants come here, it only takes 1 of them to start criminal activity. We need to protect our society from the Mafia-style antics of certain people. Same goes with the Chinese triads, and the Russian mafia.

    By that same reasoning, every non-national ethnic minority would be driven from these shores on the basis of a criminal act commited by one of their number?

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,196 ✭✭✭✭A Dub in Glasgo

    therecklessone - you got me there, I was searching the last 5 pages for 'enouchpowell2004' :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    If 1,000 Nigerian migrants come here, it only takes 1 of them to start criminal activity. We need to protect our society from the Mafia-style antics of certain people. Same goes with the Chinese triads, and the Russian mafia.

    So we stop the 999 geniune people because of the 1 criminal. There is not culture or country in the world that doesn't have criminal elimements, including the EU. EU criminals pass freely across our borders. Should we not just close our border in case a criminal comes in :rolleyes:
    The Citizenship referendum was about citizenship, but immigration by illegals was the reason it had to be held. We cannot allow criminals to get a foothold in Ireland, under the pretext that they are fleeing war, famine and persecution. To allow this would be the ultimate perversion of the asylum system. Racism is not a factor in my support for the amendment. No matter what anyone says to me, I will always put the interests of Irish people first, and I will not apologise for that.

    What the hell are you talking about. You are now linking "citizenship tourism" with allowing criminals to get a foothold in Ireland. It has already been established many many times that the people who come over here preganent to give birth didn't stay!! They were doing it so their children would have EU work status. That was the whole justification for the referendum in the first place! Are you now saying that these unborn children will grow up to be criminals and we cannot allow them in??? Your arguments are getting more and more confusing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Nigeria is one of the most corrupt countries in the world
    Prove it.
    Show me an emperical indexed rating of corruption by country so we can see Nigeria near the top.

    Incidently, I'd probably rate the US and Ireland up there in corruption.
    I'm sure others would have their own opinions.

    Back up your statement or admits its just your personal opinion.

    and whether you like it or not, it is one of the major sources of international criminality in the whole world. Every day when I read my mail I get another stupid SPAM email (or a couple of hundred :mad: ) from people saying they are Nigerians and want me to invest in their plans to get loads of money. Yeah right I will! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
    Every day I get scam emails from the US wanting me to enroll in colleges and other such crap. Should we stop americans coming in, and if so is it all of them or only the non-whites?

    It's precisely these types of people I am determined to kick out/keep out from Ireland. Already Nigerian illegal immigrants are taking up the reins of criminal enterprises in this country. If 1,000 Nigerian migrants come here, it only takes 1 of them to start criminal activity. We need to protect our society from the Mafia-style antics of certain people. Same goes with the Chinese triads, and the Russian mafia.

    Irish people are criminals too, so are europeans, in fact seeing as you are mentioning mafia, there are believed to be several italian crime syndicates in Ireland. Why don't you want to stop the italians coming in?

    Can you prove that
    Nigerian illegal immigrants are taking up the reins of criminal enterprises in this country
    Show me police reports, statictics, anything to show this isn't your own personal opinion and bias. Can you?

    We cannot allow criminals to get a foothold in Ireland, under the pretext that they are fleeing war, famine and persecution. To allow this would be the ultimate perversion of the asylum system. Racism is not a factor in my support for the amendment. No matter what anyone says to me, I will always put the interests of Irish people first, and I will not apologise for that.
    Its not in the interests of the Irish society to become a closed ignorant racist society. You seem happy to push this agenda though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭arcadegame2004

    Prove it.
    Show me an emperical indexed rating of corruption by country so we can see Nigeria near the top.

    I am delighted to do so.

    Nigeria comes out as No.2 in the corruption league.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    I am delighted to do so.

    Nigeria comes out as No.2 in the corruption league.

    So by this argument, are you also opposed to greeks and italians entering the country as:
    Corruption is a malady not only effecting developing countries, but also the developed world," says Tunku Abdul Aziz, vice-chairman of Transparency International, in response to the high levels of perceived corruption in several EU member countries, including Italy and Greece

    Yes or no? and Why?

    Also I see you have ignored the other proofs I requested.

    Incidently, look at this, there is high corruption in the white mans world too:
    Earlier this year, the Bribe Payers Index was released by the organization revealing high levels of bribery by firms from China, Russia, Taiwan and South Korea. Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan and the United States were also ranked highly in the report.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 135 ✭✭Carpo

    Maybe I'm going *mad* Ted but what does a survey that "reflect(s) perceived levels of corruption among politicians and public officials" have to do with immigration exactly?

    Thier governments are crooks so they must be too?

    Hey, maybe they are coming here to get away from all that corruption eh? ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Carpo wrote:
    Maybe I'm going *mad* Ted but what does a survey that "reflect(s) perceived levels of corruption among politicians and public officials" have to do with immigration exactly?

    Thier governments are crooks so they must be too?

    Hey, maybe they are coming here to get away from all that corruption eh? ;)

    Actually, thats a good point, can Arcade show how this relates to the average punters and I still see now answer on the italians/greeks?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭Nybras


    Really want to know why?

  • Moderators, Motoring & Transport Moderators Posts: 14,080 Mod ✭✭✭✭monument

    Rise in racial assaults blamed on referendum
    Tuesday, 7th September, 2004

    There has been an increase in the number of racially-motivated incidents reported by ethnic minorities since the citizenship referendum last May, according to new figures compiled by an advisory body to the Government.

    The National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism (NCCRI) study shows cases of assault, abuse or discrimination are running well above average in recent months.

    However, the Garda's racial and intercultural unit, which also records racially-motivated crime, says it has not recorded a similar increase.

    The NCCRI has recorded, on average, some 47 incidents every six months since it began collecting figures three years ago. It has already recorded 50 such incidents in the last four months, many of which occurred during the referendum campaign.

    The group's director, Mr Philip Watt, said the figures represented an increase in both the number and seriousness of incidents in recent months.

    "At a time of heightened debate on issues like immigration or asylum-seekers, its seems that it's more likely that these things will happen. We saw something similar happen in the 2002 general election," Mr Watt said.

    The incidents were reported to the organisation by victims, ethnic representative groups and organisations working with Travellers, refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants.

    Some of the more recent incidents included a racist attack on a South African asylum-seeker in Limerick, an assault on a Pakistani woman in Dublin, and racially-abusive post sent to a Nigerian local election candidate.

    However, Insp Mary Gormley, of the Garda's racial and intercultural unit, said while its figures were usually "broadly similar" to statistics compiled by the NCCRI, it had not recorded any noticeable increase since May.

    She accepted that there may be under-reporting of incidents among ethnic groups, but said the Garda's ethnic liaison officers had developed a good relationship with minority groups.

    "Overall figures are low, which is a tribute to the many groups working in this area. We would ask anyone in these communities to contact us if they have any concerns regarding racially-motivated incidents."

    Racially-motivated incidents recorded by the Garda typically involve assault, public order offences and criminal damage.

    The NCCRI records a wider category of incident, including non-criminal matters such as discrimination in the workplace or circulation of offensive material.

    Gardaí typically record around 30 racially-motivated incidents every six months.

    While figures for May and June of this year have not been published, Insp Gormley said they were not out of step with previous months.

    Mr Watt said there was evidence to suggest there was a substantial under-reporting of incidents to gardaí, especially with cases of verbal abuse.

    "It is still a relatively small minority of people who engage in serious incidents, while lower level incidents, like verbal abuse, are often not reported because it happens quite regularly," he said.

    "In terms of what's happening in the rest of Europe, where anti-Semitism is a problem, we're not in that league. Notwithstanding that, what often appears to be a minor incident can have a devastating impact on the person."

    He said the NCCRI's increase in recorded incidents underlined the need for the Government to publish its promised anti-racism strategy. It is due to be published later this year.

    *cough* Err... draw what conclusions you will from this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Nybras wrote:

    Really want to know why?

    indulge me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭Nybras

    With tourism, comes criminality. They try and test our boarders. If it’s safe enough, they’ll come in droves. Black, red, brown, yellow and white. Christian, Jew and Muslim will come in their droves. They seem to think it’s fine to get / seek asylum in this country. Receive social welfare payments. The women get pregnant on purpose so their unborn child can get automatic citizenship. Wonder why our taxes keep going up, and not just to help the f**king layabout junkies of Ireland either. I have no time for these illegal immigrants seeking refuge. Nor do I support the Irish who are illegally in countries such as USA, Australia, New Zealand or any other non-European country.
    Take a walk up O’Connell street, it’s riddled with them.
    It’s time everyone cleaned up his or her own backyard.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Nybras wrote:
    With tourism, comes criminality. They try and test our boarders. If it’s safe enough, they’ll come in droves. Black, red, brown, yellow and white. Christian, Jew and Muslim will come in their droves. They seem to think it’s fine to get / seek asylum in this country. Receive social welfare payments. The women get pregnant on purpose so their unborn child can get automatic citizenship. Wonder why our taxes keep going up, and not just to help the f**king layabout junkies of Ireland either. I have no time for these illegal immigrants seeking refuge. Nor do I support the Irish who are illegally in countries such as USA, Australia, New Zealand or any other non-European country.
    Take a walk up O’Connell street, it’s riddled with them.
    It’s time everyone cleaned up his or her own backyard.


    So ya reckon close down the boarders and become a hermit country eh?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭Nybras

    syke wrote:
    So ya reckon close down the boarders and become a hermit country eh?

    No, not necessarily. Just tight laws and guidelines for any of them thinking of coming to this country. They seem to think it’s easy pickings. Then we have to deal with the human trafficking. Dead women for sex trade found in trailers parked for more than a week.
    A different time but a familiar scene of opening a trailer and looking at bodies.
    Looks like a nazi train carriage with a bunch of dead Jews, don’t you think.
    How much does it cost tax payers (The State) to bury them, or send the live ones back.
    It’s going to get worse.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Nybras wrote:
    No, not necessarily. Just tight laws and guidelines for any of them thinking of coming to this country. They seem to think it’s easy pickings. Then we have to deal with the human trafficking. Dead women for sex trade found in trailers parked for more than a week.
    A different time but a familiar scene of opening a trailer and looking at bodies.
    Looks like a nazi train carriage with a bunch of dead Jews, don’t you think.
    How much does it cost tax payers (The State) to bury them, or send the live ones back.
    It’s going to get worse.

    Now when you say "them" & "they" you mean everyone not born in Ireland or just the Non-EU types?

    What about the rich "ones" (of whomever it is you're referring to) who invest and set up legitimate businesses and pay tax, are they allowed in? How can we spot them in advance?

    What about the ones keeping the health system afloat, are they allowed get pregnant here?

    I mean, I see what you're trying to say, but I'm not entirely sure you've spotted the nuances of the situation.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭pete

    Nybras wrote:
    With tourism, comes criminality. They try and test our boarders. If it’s safe enough, they’ll come in droves. Black, red, brown, yellow and white. Christian, Jew and Muslim will come in their droves. They seem to think it’s fine to get / seek asylum in this country. Receive social welfare payments. The women get pregnant on purpose so their unborn child can get automatic citizenship. Wonder why our taxes keep going up, and not just to help the f**king layabout junkies of Ireland either. I have no time for these illegal immigrants seeking refuge. Nor do I support the Irish who are illegally in countries such as USA, Australia, New Zealand or any other non-European country.
    Take a walk up O’Connell street, it’s riddled with them.

    you think you're going to get away with posting racist bull**** because you used the words "white" and "christian" in there? I don't think so.

    It’s time everyone cleaned up his or her own backyard.

    oh alright - why don't you make a start and **** off back to stormfront, then?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Nybras wrote:
    No, not necessarily. Just tight laws and guidelines for any of them thinking of coming to this country. They seem to think it’s easy pickings. Then we have to deal with the human trafficking. Dead women for sex trade found in trailers parked for more than a week.
    A different time but a familiar scene of opening a trailer and looking at bodies.
    Looks like a nazi train carriage with a bunch of dead Jews, don’t you think.
    How much does it cost tax payers (The State) to bury them, or send the live ones back.
    It’s going to get worse.

    What in gods name are you talking about?

    You are blaming asylum seekers for sex trade (in Ireland? out side Ireland??). They you are saying we are getting truck loads of DOA asylum seekers arriving at our ports (are these the sameones responsible for the sex trade) and then you are complaining that you have to pay for their funerals while comparing it to the holocaust (surely WE are the nazis in your example)

    Do you have anything to back up anything of what you are saying, because it sounds like silly scaremongering to me. If i try hard enough I can but a linke between asylum seekers and global warming

    Silly nonsense

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Nybras wrote:
    How much does it cost tax payers (The State) to bury them, or send the live ones back.

    Its your example you tell us? I bet you don't have one frigging idea how much non-national burials cost the tax payer! Come to think of it how are YOU costing me, cause I would like to not pay for you.
    Nybras wrote:
    It’s going to get worse.

    Again, you are basing this on what?? :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭Nybras

    syke wrote:
    Now when you say "them" & "they" you mean everyone not born in Ireland or just the Non-EU types?

    What about the rich "ones" (of whomever it is you're referring to) who invest and set up legitimate businesses and pay tax, are they allowed in? How can we spot them in advance?

    What about the ones keeping the health system afloat, are they allowed get pregnant here?

    I mean, I see what you're trying to say, but I'm not entirely sure you've spotted the nuances of the situation.....

    I’m not a racist first of all as you picked me up wrong there.
    Asylum seekers are no use to this country, unless they have a work permit. The kind of work they do get is fast food joints, selling the big issue and if they can’t get a job their living off the social welfare.
    I have no problem with Europeans working in this country, what ever their colour.
    Investment from USA or other European countries is fine, but the idea as you said of maybe non- European investing in this country, does not give right of way for there people to come work here either.
    The ones keeping the health system afloat, they’ll come here for a while to study before going back to their own country to doctor their own.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭Nybras

    pete wrote:
    you think you're going to get away with posting racist bull**** because you used the words "white" and "christian" in there? I don't think so.

    oh alright - why don't you make a start and **** off back to stormfront, then?

    :) I’m actually Bi-racial or half-cast, what ever you want to call it.
    So, point that racist finger up your ass! :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭pete

    Nybras wrote:
    :) I’m actually Bi-racial or half-cast, what ever you want to call it.

    Really? Oh well then - that makes it ok. Please feel free to carry on with the the ignorance, the bigotry, the prejudice, then incitement to hatred and so forth.

    My mistake.
    So, point that racist finger up your ass! :cool:

    And your point was?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    Nybras wrote:
    So, point that racist finger up your ass! :cool:
    Cute. You're treading the thin line of abuse so be careful whether you take a step left or right on your next post (your local moderator who doesn't see a need for orders to stick anything up anywhere unwillingly is watching carefully).

    Even if that isn't a scaremongering load of babble as the above have tended towards.

    Also I'm afraid the "I'm half-black/blue/white/purplepolkadot" card isn't equivalent to a "I can't be racist, see" card. Not in realityland where I live (it's based in Ireland but there are foreigners who are citizens of realityland too)
    Asylum seekers are no use to this country, unless they have a work permit
    There isn't a single asylum-seeker in this country who has a work permit. There probably isn't a single asylum-seeker in the EU who has a work permit. Not while they're still asylum-seekers. I suspect you're getting your terms and/or understanding mixed up slightly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23 Alex27

    Talking about babies been born whose parents are non nationals, most of them been babies of people who had a permission to reside in Ireland.
    The ones who were abusing the system were some failed asylum seekers* and illegal immirgants from all over EU who knew that they might get residency in Ireland if their baby is born here. However after Supreme Court decision on the 23 of January 2003 and subsequent decision by minister for Justice to remove the process, whereby an immigrant parent could seek permission to remain in Ireland solely on the grounds that they were the parent of an Irish citizen child, the only people who could exploit the system were so called citizenship tourists. Yet no numbers have been published as to how many such cases happens from 1989 to 2004.

    *Especially the one who claimed asylum before the fingerprinting system have been introduced as part of Dublin convention in order to stop `asylum shopping`.

    There been a substancial drop from mid of 2003 till now in the numbers of asylum applications lodged. From nine hundred plus to three hundred plus. Right after Supreme Court and Minister decisions. And that is quiet interesting correlation.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23 Alex27

    Here is the source of statistics used

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭pete

    I'm genuinely curious to know how the leap is made from this:
    Nybras wrote:
    How quickly the Irish have forgotten their roots. They are looked down by the English, or were once known as “The Ni**ers Of Europe”. The Irish are everywhere, Germany, USA, Poland, South Africa and so on….
    The country has been invaded, over the past ten years, and rightly so. Where the hell do all the Irish students go every summer, OZ, USA, France, India, Turkey and so on.
    It’s not just colour of skin anymore, it’s where you’re from taking all our jobs attitude. These are jobs the Irish wouldn’t work at in there own country, for $hit pay. And now that foreigners are doing theses jobs, f**ken paddy and Mick are complaining about not been able to work at this particular job cause, chinky, spanic, packee, darky, Yankee, Croat or tan have that job.
    To be honest, we the Irish haven’t a f**ken leg to stand on.

    to this:
    Nybras wrote:
    With tourism, comes criminality. They try and test our boarders. If it’s safe enough, they’ll come in droves. Black, red, brown, yellow and white. Christian, Jew and Muslim will come in their droves. They seem to think it’s fine to get / seek asylum in this country. Receive social welfare payments. The women get pregnant on purpose so their unborn child can get automatic citizenship. Wonder why our taxes keep going up, and not just to help the f**king layabout junkies of Ireland either. I have no time for these illegal immigrants seeking refuge. Nor do I support the Irish who are illegally in countries such as USA, Australia, New Zealand or any other non-European country.
    Take a walk up O’Connell street, it’s riddled with them.
    It’s time everyone cleaned up his or her own backyard. :(

    in only 12 days?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭Nybras

    pete wrote:
    I'm genuinely curious to know how the leap is made from this:

    to this:

    in only 12 days?

    Never the less, I don’t want them here. And I’m sure there are a lot more people with stronger views then I. That thread is another point of view. Now you’re changing the subject.

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