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UOCredits.dat file.

  • 07-07-2000 1:01pm
    Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭

    It's a file in UO that has some intresting comments. Thought I'd paste the best ones here. smile.gif
    Here is some of the good stuff,

    ! defaultcolor #00FF00
    "I want to be a 25 year old girl with a sugar daddy."

    "I'm a frikkin' retard."
    -KBlack UOHoc 7/15/99

    "I'm not arguing either way, I'm just telling you how it is."
    -KBlack, on Archery

    "Someone broke my Winger tape..."
    -KBlack, lunch

    "Well, I have no clue how to deal with this..."
    -KBlack, Lead Programmer

    "I don't want to hear that from the lead programmer."
    -TBailey, Lead Designer

    "Kenny's like what evil would be if it came to have breakfast with you."

    "I hope you came up with lots of good excuses."

    "It's all Christmasy....with breasts."

    "See, it's like if you have a million monkeys, and they have a million
    typewriters...That's an invention."

    "I'm not copying, I'm a conformist."

    "It's like giving monkeys hand grenades..."

    "If I have nutrasweet I pee in my pants and forget my name."

    "Server load is a lot less of an issue when there's cash invovled."

    "Why'd that happen?...Doesn't matter."

    "It doesn't matter, it's just a server."
    -KBLack, totally out of context

    ! color #FFFF00
    PSage: "It's like Schroeddinger's cat."
    DRubenfield: "Dude, it's like strapping a piece of buttered toast
    to a cat's back." "Whoa, you could do that with just two
    pieces of toast!" "Whoa, you could do that with ONE piece of toast!"
    ! color #FFFF00
    TBailey(laughing): "I was wondering if you'd figure that out."
    DR: "Dude, I should be a physicist! I could be standing there
    with toast and butter and people would say 'what are you doing?'
    I'd say, 'Dude, I'm building a spaceship!'"

    "I am a headshot God!"

    "Guns don't kill zombies, people kill zombies."

    "They teach you italian in the bathroom."

    "Wow, everything has been running well lately."
    - Jason

    "Don't say that, you'll jinx it!"
    - Mark R.

    1 hour later: "You jinxed it."
    - Mark R.

    "Time has stopped. No, really, time stops every 49 days."
    - Rick

    "Why is it that the first thing the people in charge do to the
    credits is move their names to the top?"
    - Unknown

    "Who cast An Tym?"
    - Various people

    "It's fixed. Time won't stop for another 280 million years now."
    - Rick

    "Guess Russ will need to test for 280 million years to verify it."
    - Rick

    "Um, Santas are taking over the world."
    - frantic GM calling Jason over the holidays

    As we wonder why apparent creature population keeps falling:
    "Half of the creatures in the world are inside of stablemasters!"
    - Ragnar

    "Must be crowded in there."
    - Unknown

    "Why is the stablemaster shooting fireballs?"
    "There must be a dragon inside of him!"
    - Unknown

    "Rick's in there hacking at roofs."
    - Raph

    "That's BACKSLASH, Unix boy!"
    - Jim Greer, seeing Raph trying to type a DOS pathname.

    "I didn't touch your tree!"
    - Kristen

    "It would look like: WHACK, WHACK-WHACK,

    "Oh! What are you working on now -- reproduction?"
    - Raph

    "I'm gonna go make some ham for the wolves to eat."
    - Raph

    "I like the dirty rectangle."
    - Scott

    "No problem. For the server, we'll just
    slap on a couple more gigs."
    - Scott

    "So, does Scott come before Edmond or Rick?"
    - Kristen

    "Just don't water my snake."
    - Rick

    "You ain't gonna like this woman with his arms on her."
    - Micael

    "We're striving for your magic, and I'm going to
    come and rub your head everyday until we get it."
    - Andrew to Scott, who wasn't having trouble getting
    things to work.

    "You could try rubbing network cables."
    - Rick to Andrew, in response to above.

    "If it's easier to get it up without going through the paperdoll...."
    - Jeff

    "I made a penguin once."
    - Scott

    "Add some... splotches of cool texture stuff."
    - Scott

    "Now you're playing with bars again."
    - Scott

    "Eeeewwww, he bit the duck's butt off!"
    - Raph and Kristen

    "No! I bit the duck's head off -- far less gross!
    Well, less gross."
    - Andrew

    "Oh, there's the better corpse."
    - Raph

    "I'm sorry, Marsh, I didn't mean to hit you in the
    privies with Raph's shaft."
    - Andrew

    "I like destroying pictures."
    - Scott

    "I look at that and I don't see Lord British... I see a cool guy."
    - Scott

    "I am Greenhead of the Buck Naked tribe."
    - Marshall

    "We saw Todd's corpse with his legs wrapped around a lamppost...
    it looked all weird...."
    - Kristen

    "Hang on a second -- I need to look at this pair of breasts first."
    - Andrew

    "There's a fifty-fifty chance if there's enough
    meat you can assemble a baker out of it."
    - Raph

    "This looks like Doom."
    - Todd, upon viewing Duke Nukem for the first time.

    "Yes, but this one has nekkid chicks."
    - Marshall

    "Don't love it -- you could get it sticky."
    - Raph

    "Just think -- a marble bear is better than a marble mongbat."
    - Todd

    "In addition to this, they are spending money to be dead."
    - Kristen, on why ghosts shouldn't have to be bored.

    "She licked it all over and stuck it on there."
    - David

    "Oh, could I have a pet waitress?"
    - Scott

    "Let them eat tables."
    - Mark R.

    "I don't like units on girls."
    - Starr

    "I, too, used to be someone women respected."
    - Kevin

    "I'm wearing trolls."
    - Scott

    "There's a chicken running rampant through Nujel'm right now."
    - Todd

    "You've got a little ding-ding that goes off."
    - Kevin

    "I was heartbroken for three days after
    I accidentally mowed over my Chewbacca."
    - Scott

    "I'm just gonna have you rebuild the world after this meeting."
    - Starr

    "Marsh hurt his hand in a CLAPPING accident??"
    - the rest of the team,
    when Marsh showed up with a bandage on his hand

    "So we make man-eating apple trees and the apples will show up?"
    - Joye

    "I guess I was hoping there wouldn't BE any bugs."
    - Ragnar

    "This game is like, perfect for multiplayer stuff."
    - Gary Scott Smith

    After Ragnar ate some dried mealworms with spice:
    "No thanks, I'm at a sociological stage of development
    where I don't NEED to eat bugs anymore."
    - Dan

    After Mark admitted to eating two as well:
    "It' a good thing they're not alive."
    - Kevin

    "Yeah, they'd breed in your stomach."
    - Brian

    "I'll only be having one piece of this delicious looking
    cake that someone very kindly left in my office, (along
    with a great deal of glitter which I will not eat).
    Have some cake, it's better than mealworms!"
    - Brian on his birthday.

    "Can we change the perspective?"
    - marketing guy, mere weeks from beta

    "'Twas the day before beta,
    And all through the code
    Not a damn thing was working...
    Not even god mode."
    - several programmers, improvising at lunch

    "What kind of meat do human corpses produce?" --
    "No seriously, this is a serious gameplay issue!"
    - Starr to Gary

    "The rest of my scheduled tasks are meaningless."
    - Gary Scott Smith

    "Quality takes time."
    - Mr. Mike.

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
    - Richard Garriott

    "Well, you pulled it out and handed it to her!"
    - Chucky Z. to Ragnar

    "And she initialed it!"
    - Ragnar in response

    "My actual title is Reverend Mother."
    - Mark F.

    "You should spell that 'mutha.'"
    - Micael

    "I must take this opportunity to state that I have
    recently noticed some people in this production
    group, who shall remain nameless, using the word
    "insure" to mean "ensure". The couth Originite
    correctly identifies the word "insure" as a verb
    meaning "to give insurance to" and the word "ensure"
    as a verb meaning "to make sure". The next time
    you use the phrase "I will insure that this work gets
    done on time" in my presence, I shall consider this a
    legal and binding insurance contract and will demand
    payment when the work is not, in fact, completed on time."
    - Jeff Wofford, being pedantic.

    "Jennifer went home--she was laying eggs around the building all morning."
    - Raph, after Jen did Easter activities all day

    "We should get sponsored by Dr. Pepper."
    - Rick

    "I will not have my baby three weeks early."
    - appeared on the whiteboard after Joye did,
    severely messing up the schedules

    "50,000 cigarettes were smoked in the making of Ultima Online."
    - our best guess

    "You shouldn't give a marketing guy the controls."
    - Alex Carloss, VP of Marketing, discussing demos

    "It was society's ills that made me place these tiles
    wrong! It's not my fault!"
    - Kevin

    "If we don't think there are enough dragons in the mix
    we just tweak the dragon generator dial on our server
    side and more dragons appear in the game."
    - Starr Long - Gamespot Interview

    "How come I haven't seen the Dragon Generator Dial yet?"
    - Chuck Crist

    "You haven't made the art for it yet? Oh no! The whole system is gonna break down!!"
    - Raph

    "The resource system works a little too well. There was this huge
    mob of female bards clumped around me. And I ran, and they all
    followed me! Naked chicks, mind you! So I had to kill them all."
    - Scott

    "It's such a happy song to butcher people by."
    - Chuck Crist

    "There's horses raining from the sky! What do we do about it?"
    - Mike McShaffry

    "You know, that code makes absolutely no sense to me."
    - Todd, watching over Rick's shoulder

    "Right now, it's not making much sense to me either.
    And I just got done writing it fifteen minutes ago."
    - Rick (after several all-nighters at work)

    "I think there's a bug. I was fighting a dragon,
    when suddenly he turned around, flew away, turned
    into an air elemental, and exploded."
    - Rick

    "Oooo, I want to put on a dress!"
    - Scott Phillips

    "I need nothing in particular."
    - an NPC when asked what they would like

    "If you bring me some nothing in particular, that'd be nice."
    - the same NPC, asked a little bit later

    "Dammit, I don't think I've got a quote yet. I've got to say something funny soon."
    - Jason

