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Junior Cert Discos



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,709 ✭✭✭StupidLikeAFox

    Raphael wrote:
    Thats the attitude of most of this country. Unless most of them change it...we're basically fúcked
    Well if ya really want to make a difference, i dont think forde is the place to start, or boards for that matter. So can ya just let it go?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 511 ✭✭✭LiamD

    Aoibheann u cant just dismiss comments as bull**** just coz they're against u.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    ColHol - Let what go? I just commented, and used Forde as an example. Your the one that decided to pursue the matter

    LiamD - No, I think the fact that none of them have even touche on her reason is why she's dismissing them. That and the fact they ARE all bull****

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 470 ✭✭jono087

    Raphael wrote:

    I'm merely stating that in order to drag our nation out of the **** hole its in, we need to want to. which some people, such as forde, seem unwilling to do

    What's wrong with that, hmm?

    Ok, before you go on giving out about our nation basically being full of the dregs of society and all that crap... give a thought to this: Take an average mid 20's man/woman who works 5 days a week in a factory after staying in school to complete his/her leaving and is earning between €500 and €1000 per week. (just an example) Now we'l take an average net income (after tax and prsi) of (for arguments sake) €600. Ok, so this man/woman has €600 to spend for a 7 day interval, maybe a bit less when you factor in holidays for 2 weeks, but the average would be more or less the same. So lets now take out about €200 per week which should cover food and bare necessities for a comfortable lifestyle, and about €300 for a mortgage/rent. (I know this is completely unrealistic,I'm just making an example) so that leaves our test subject with €100 disposeable income for his weeks work. Now he might spend €25 on newspapers/magasines/petrol/sweets for the kids, whatever. So Saturday comes and he/she's got €75 to spend or save. Now he could spend this on some frivilous good that has a 30-40% chance of being imported, or he could go to the pub and have a night out. Most people at first glance would choose the former but, apart from the obvious negative social value of a night out, there are many plus'. Firstly it keeps money circulating in the local econemy, keeping many local entrepreneurs affluent. Now the pub owner has much more spending power than an average citizen, and so he can "choose" to buy Irish products for his business rather than a foreign alternative, whereas an ordinary citizen might not have this luxury. Also by supporting a local pub he is keeping many young people in part-time work, thus enabling a quantity of marginal 3rd level students to attend uni or a college/it... I know this is too long for most people to read and too short to give a full summation of the positive/negative aspects of our "drink culture". But as a parting note I'd like to reiterate the point that: while on a social level over-drinking is a bad thing, on certain economical levels it is what's keeping part of the country running...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael


    Thank you, You've really brightened my day, that is a well thought out, well presented argument. Not to mention the perfect grammer and spelling. If only all people could present their points like this

    On-topic, I have no objection to drinking socially, what I do however think is a bad idea, is drinking to be drunk, or in general surrenduring your facilities to substances. Under-age drinking is something I am against, because young people have neither the mental development to know better, or the physical constitution to take large amounts of drinking. Both of these can indeed be developed through experience, but can naturally develop through the teenage years, thus an average person will be more capable of drinking at 18.

    The pub culture is a large part of Irish economy and social life. But over-drinking is not an essential part of it

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,709 ✭✭✭StupidLikeAFox

    Raphael wrote:
    ColHol - Let what go? I just commented, and used Forde as an example. Your the one that decided to pursue the matter

    Let ur too obvious hatred for forde go? Like we get the picture, no need to abuse him in every thread, i dont think he has ever made one derogatory remark about you?
    And yeah i commented too, but also pointed out that theres no need to keep pickin on forde, now let it go before another thread is locked

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    I don't hate him, just the manner in which he posts. And consider it dropped, this thread is yielding healthy discussion, and I dont want it lccked any more than you do

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 281 ✭✭Stephen Forde

    yay raphael loves me!!!! yay my life is compleet now!!!

    YEa discos are sooo good. All that dancing and girls......drink does make ur night better.....but i agree getting too drunk is bad. I know from experience :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 610 ✭✭✭article6

    unagi wrote:
    On the whole alcohol thing: I resent people thinking they are better than people who drink. Its just as bad as people who drink thinking they are better than those who chose to abstain.

    One of these groups is putting a toxin into their bodies, and in this debate is mostly comprised of law-breakers. The other is not. Can you blame us for feeling a little superior?
    Oh and by the by I'm 16 and am perfectly well able to moderate my own drinking, I've never been in a position where I'm not in control of what I say or do and if you can't drink without you putting yourself in a position where you are, then maybe you're just too immature to deal with alcohol.

    If we were to enforce this definition, a lot drinkers in Ireland, underage and overage, would be forced to stay dry. That is the gravity of the situation.
    Its not magically going to change when you hit 18

    Nobody here said it's going to "magically change" on adulthood. The will of the people, as expressed through their public representatives, is that the sale of alcohol be limited to those over the age of 17. At that age and below, you ought to abstain, if you has any respect for your country. But as usual in a drugs debate, we need to separate the law-breaking aspect and the legalisation aspect as two different threads.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 631 ✭✭✭Joycey

    Witty! why do you need anything though. hash can **** you up a certain dealer soaks it in "gear" as the cool kids say

    What "gear" are you talkin about? Acid is the only thing that you can dip hash in and all that does is lose the dealer money and get you more wrecked which is what you set out to do in the first place right?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 631 ✭✭✭Joycey

    YEa discos are sooo good. All that dancing and girls......drink does make ur night better.....but i agree getting too drunk is bad. I know from experience :o

    haha and what an experience it was.

    I dont think that you should be frowning on people who choose to spend their weekends out of their minds. So long as they dont harm anyone else while doing it (and most dont) then whats the problem? I bet that most of the people here who are bashing anyone who goes out on a weekend to weekend basis and gets completely ****ed have never tried it or anything even close to it. Dont diss it before youve tried it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    Wrong. Acid causes severe flashbacks, for no reason, for an indefinite period after you take it.

    So poor Aaron Boyle could buy cannibis off Charlie Delaney the dealer. Now, Charlie decides, for the bit of craic, to soak it in acid, and not tell poor Aaron. So Aaron does the drugs, gets wrecked, haves his time, then a week later crosses the road, and thinks he can fly. Enter Edwin Furlong, who has to scrape Aaron off the front off his articulated lorry

    Thats why dipping hash in acid is a BAD idea

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 631 ✭✭✭Joycey

    um.... no. Acid causes flashbacks only if you have a massive dose. If you take one blotter (the usual dose) then it does nothing more then **** up your vision a bit and make you see cool patterns and colours. What your talkin about would usually happen at a much higher dose, like 3 or 4 blotters at least. Some people get away with taking up to 12 and having a brilliant time with no problems. Some people take 3 and have a bad trip and kill themselves or have flashbacks for the rest of their lives not just a few weeks. Its the risk you take when you do acid. But dipping hash into acid is goin to do almost nothing to you. And unless you know a well connected dealer the chances of them gettin acid to dip stuff into is pretty low so... Youre probably safe enough kids.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    Joycey - it's not the acid thats the problem, it's the unexpected acid. If you're doing it, your prepared, if not, the flashbacks could catch you completly by surprise, and as mentioned in the example, splat.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 631 ✭✭✭Joycey

    Yeah ok. I agree spikin in any way is bad.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    Wait hang on....we can't agree...

    *insults you in some way*


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭davethetrucker

    acid only causes flash backs if take it in pill/tab or liquid form. if smoked it cant cause flash backs only get you wasted of tits. and there is only one dealer in the whole of daublin who dips all his stuff. you'd wana be a retard not notice that your dope is diped.

    diped hash or mixed weed is WAY more expensive and looks completley different.

    if you take lsd/acid/xml/mda or what ever the drug stays in your spinal fluid for at least 25 years but traces are left in your body fat untill you burn the fat off. that means when your at a fat ass 45 year old and you try loose weight you end up on the floor of the gym freackin out. dont take acid tabs!!

    my friend know a guy and i swear to god this true and not a joke who's been on a bed trip for the last 7 years. he got bad tabs and now he thinks he's elvis!!!!!! i swear to god. he even has the ryine stone jacket.

    but if you sold normal hash as diped hash you would lose a large amount of money

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    *listens for police sirens*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 631 ✭✭✭Joycey

    acid only causes flash backs if take it in pill/tab or liquid form. if smoked it cant cause flash backs only get you wasted of tits. and there is only one dealer in the whole of daublin who dips all his stuff. you'd wana be a retard not notice that your dope is diped.

    Um... I dunno about that dave. Whatever way you take it its still the same substance goin into your body. If smoking is less strong then taking tabs or liquid (i really doubt you could get a vial in ireland anyway) then maybe it wouldnt cause flashbacks but its more the phsycological effect that youre trip has on you then the physical one that causes flashbacks.

    Here is a link of a guy who has flashbacks from taking acid many many years ago. He has problems not because he takes excersize or anything like that but because he sees something which triggers the same feeling he had when he was trippin.
    diped hash or mixed weed is WAY more expensive and looks completley different.

    Whats it look like? Ive never been able to get or even seen dipped hash.
    but if you sold normal hash as diped hash you would lose a large amount of money

    Which is why i get annoyed when people say that hash is dangerous because it could be dipped.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 631 ✭✭✭Joycey

    Cool description of a trip :) a bit off topic for jc discos but...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭nosmo

    Joycey wrote:
    Which is why i get annoyed when people say that hash is dangerous because it could be dipped.
    God, that ****ing kills me. It's so annoying. Like people saying that people cut acid or e with rat poison. I can't link to it, but I'm pretty sure there was comprehensive testing on it, and they didn't find ANY. Also, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU KILL OFF YOUR USER BASE??
    And also, the one instance I've EVER heard of rat poison being was used was actually a blood thinner that is sometimes used on humans medically, but mostly on rats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭nosmo

    Raphael wrote:
    Wrong. Acid causes severe flashbacks, for no reason, for an indefinite period after you take it.

    So poor Aaron Boyle could buy cannibis off Charlie Delaney the dealer. Now, Charlie decides, for the bit of craic, to soak it in acid, and not tell poor Aaron. So Aaron does the drugs, gets wrecked, haves his time, then a week later crosses the road, and thinks he can fly. Enter Edwin Furlong, who has to scrape Aaron off the front off his articulated lorry

    Thats why dipping hash in acid is a BAD idea
    A week later? You've gotta tell me where you're buying your acid.
    And do you have any idea how expensive that stuff would be? If you're looking to "turn on" your users, you'd want to tell them what they're having. Admittedly, the original acid-dealing philosophies can't work in Ireland's drug market, but the inverse works as well, you ain't getting **** extra for free.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    the only case i ever know ofhash being cut with anything was a friend of a friend of mine was smoking with a friend and he thought it would be SO funny to put a bit of gear in her joint without telling her. SO hilarious, like.

    then again, she's a big bull****ter

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 631 ✭✭✭Joycey

    nosmo wrote:
    God, that ****ing kills me. It's so annoying. Like people saying that people cut acid or e with rat poison. I can't link to it, but I'm pretty sure there was comprehensive testing on it, and they didn't find ANY. Also, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU KILL OFF YOUR USER BASE??
    And also, the one instance I've EVER heard of rat poison being was used was actually a blood thinner that is sometimes used on humans medically, but mostly on rats.

    Yep that is one of the most annoying things ever. The whole "1 tab can kill you" thing has gone a bit far. I cant find a link at the moment because I dont have time but anyone interested in anything drug related should look around at under the experiences and general info pages. Its very informative and interesting. Chances are your not gonna find a better place to find out all this stuff without actually trying it.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭halenger

    Keep your drug habits/suggestions/ideas elsewhere.

    You're just adding to an already large list of reasons why this forum should be shut down. Cop on.

This discussion has been closed.