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What do you remember-session 2..



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 511 ✭✭✭LiamD

    Haha Katie u got tickled for ages

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭Shiney

    I remember...
    Leaving my keys in mt room the frist tiome i left it and introduscing myself to my roommate by saying "hi. im niamh You're room mate. do you have a key. i locked myself out" :o

    eating pasta at 2 in the morning

    Making my roommate Naomi hot chocolate every night at half one

    My roommate bribeing me with sugar cubes to shut me up :D (didn't work but i ate the sugar cubes anyway)

    and my roommate laughing while i tried to fix it

    loosing half my stuff

    Aisling across the corridor from me dressing up as Jack Sparrow

    Watching 'Into the West' and 'School of Rock'

    chucking coins at peoples window to freak them out in the middle of the night (apologies if you nearly had a heart heart attack if you heard a bang in the middle of the night).

    eating Galaxy ice-cream cones for breakfast every day

    making fun of Stephen Cian Cassidy with all of my class (cept him of course)
    especially Eamonn

    loosing my project on the computer 3 F*CKING TIMES :mad:

    shouting peoples names out my window and laughing at them when they don't know who's calling them

    glueing my fingers together while making my science show

    laughing my head off whn Cian Cassidy forgot his poster (the thing he spent 2 weeks on-and didn't do anything else) for his science show
    -"oh no. i've furgotten me poster"

    eating chocolate ice-cream. :D:p:D:p:D:p

    stealing LOADS of carrotcake for my RA aislinn

    listening to Kate and Elaine who were next door to me, singing to Irwin every night :p

    Kate and Elaine bending out they're window and throwing a marshmallow in to our RA Aislinn's room :eek:

    My roommate Naomi and I blaring Bohemian Rhapsody everynight :D

    bursting into tears at the last disco when american pie was being played

    Aislinn's Ra group's corridor party(which included Holly,Aisling,Katie and Fiona from Elaines group)

    The shower

    Dermo and Niall Kelly stealing my food (yes Niall a hand ful og skittles,pringles, a chunk of Yorkie bar are counted as food! you would've taken my chocolate chip cookies if you hadn't been so gullible and believed i had no more)

    Being the only person i knew who likes the bacon and cheese bagles

    Nearly puking on the 'cod' :eek:

    eating everybodys chips :D


    not getting licked on random licking day

    my spanish friend Ana doing X-Rated dancing with Niall O Tuathail

    James falling asleep in class several times

    Eamonn in my class who had the best Gollum impersonation EVER

    the american Stu and 'OH SNAP'

    A girl on my table quiz team screaming 'SPOT PRIZE' in the middle of a round and the room erupting HIARIOUS

    My Spanish friend ana poking EVERYONE including Micky Jo Harte on the cheek

    singing in the quad on the last night and having to comfort my two roommates who were crying hysterically

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,709 ✭✭✭StupidLikeAFox

    Shiney wrote:
    laughing my head off whn Cian Cassidy forgot his poster (the thing he spent 2 weeks on-and didn't do anything else) for his science show
    -"oh no. i've furgotten me poster"

    My Spanish friend ana poking EVERYONE including Micky Jo Harte on the cheek

    1. - is this the poster?

    2. Ppl have been beaten up for calling ana spanish.......

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭Shiney

    ColHol wrote:
    1. - is this the poster?

    2. Ppl have been beaten up for calling ana spanish.......

    1. no it had 'SUPER SLIME SHOW' on it and that was all

    2. are we talking about the same Ana. my friend ana was from Barcelona and her surname was Solaguren-Beasc

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,709 ✭✭✭StupidLikeAFox

    yeah, she hated bein called spanish, she catalan apparently, ccoz theres a difference or something?

    Anyone else find that out the hard way?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭Shiney

    ColHol wrote:
    yeah, she hated bein called spanish, she catalan apparently, ccoz theres a difference or something?

    Anyone else find that out the hard way?

    I know she is Catalan but i call her spanish anyway. she didn't mind

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 619 ✭✭✭pinkpimp

    Technically, Cataunia is a region in Spain, but (some of) the Catalan people want to be liberated from the spanish government, and dont consider themselves spanish, but Catalun. there are political fights over it, the whole situation isn't entirely dissimilar to the situation with Northern Ireland.

    (I dont know how to spell the names of the region or peoples so I just typed it how it is pronounced in Spanish/Catalun)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    Yeah, Marc espel was catalonian as well. So I insisit on calling him Spanish. It's amusing!

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭Shiney

    When Marc met Ana just inside the door to Res i heard somebody say :"oh my god they're brother and sister."
    Which was really mean
    they go to the same scool in Barcelona apparantly

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 619 ✭✭✭pinkpimp

    Anyway, with relevance to the thread,
    I remember Yvonne, our teacher, and how incredibly cool she is. she made writing for life the best damn course ever, and i wrote my first real poem in her class. (well, it was in the park, but she was teaching us)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,383 ✭✭✭Aoibheann

    Spraypaint wrote:

    The legal studies ARGUMENTS especially Islamic Law
    Constantly pestering Aoibheann

    ah yes, Islamic law, a good time was had by all...(well it was fun)
    uni hoc...hell yeah
    constantly pestering me...yes, leave my damned nose alone. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,235 ✭✭✭lucernarian

    Who r u again spraypaint? Aoibheann do I know him? Everything was great as usual in CTYI this year except for the fact that I had untreated diabetes.

    Uni-hoc was brilliant, as were the various card games e.g. egyptian ratscrew

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    Um... Were these Islamic Law arguments a legal studies thing or just because I pointed you good people in the dircetion of I remember being expelled from the MUN for my behaviour. 'Twas hilarious at the time. Also remember passing out in my kitchen somewhere between three AM and waking time. Holly abuse was good. Manic depression at the discoes, and the abyssmal music there. Making up for lost time by sleeping on those couches in the street in the mornings. Being rudely awoken by Holly there. Juggling Aine was good, as was grabbing occasional people and throwing them up in the air. What else do I remember.... Caffeine abuse, and lots of it! :) As with all my sessions I guess I could sum it up in one sentence: Some of the greatest experiences of my life.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 619 ✭✭✭pinkpimp

    I remember everyone in my class. Especially Casey, with his crazy humour, and amazingly funny poems, Lzam, with his 'oh my', Aisling, with her greatness and openness and Aine, with her lovelyness and friendlyness.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 83 ✭✭Spraypaint

    Who r u again spraypaint? Aoibheann do I know him?

    What the hell am I doing posting at this time of day? I should be locked away in school. Ah Well.
    Well "To_be_confirmed", you may or may not know me but I'm Killian McCarthy
    (as, I assume Aoibheann has already copped). I did legal studies Session 2 '04
    I'm the guy from Limerick who shared a room with Dylan and Lake and spent most of my free time playing cards with archaeology B.
    As for you "To_be_confirmed", who might you be? Do i know you?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    god, i remember MUN. and how offtopic we'd always get. and how the us, and subsequently turkey alwasy got blamed for everything. and how i knew nothing about chechnya.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭Matthewthebig

    They're controlling us with fluride in the water

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,235 ✭✭✭lucernarian

    Hey Killian! 'Course I know you. I'm Matthew (Taaffe)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    Yeah, MUN continually got strange. And the axis of Ireland, Israel and Libya always bailing each other out. So good. The most unlikely alliance too. Dr. Stangelove was great but I kept falling asleep. It was one of my caffeine deprivation days. They were even weirder than the non-deprived days for some reason, probably withdrawal. Remember when Leonghus came and hid in our class and the TA yelled at him to leave when she copped it? And then the Shrek noises. She was not a happy bunny. I got the distinct impression that she disliked myself, Matt and Kevan. :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,383 ✭✭✭Aoibheann

    Spraypaint wrote:

    (as, I assume Aoibheann has already copped).

    yes, I did obviously cop on. Not exactly hard to guess who it was.

    Leave my nose alone!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    ah, MUN. it started many good things... the renaming of ali as judas.... the renaming of me as mother russia...

    yeah i don't think our TA liked anyone in our class tbh.except for that guy who knew everything. and was always correcting people

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    Who? You've lost me there. I didn't think there was anyone in our class who knew anything. I will forever be known as Israel to most people because of that class, those that were there anyway. I was good! Heh, how I managed to make a convincing justification for the assassinatio of Yasser Arafat I'll never know! She was way too into what she did for her own good though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    you know, the guy with the dark hair. i didn't know anyone's name (including members of my own RA group)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    Still drawing a blank. Give me a country to work with here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 hannahC

    Yeah I don't know who you're talking about either Ana. Did he have glasses? I do remember how mad our T.A. got when we were messaging each other on the computers. I also remember having to support massive slaughters of Kurdish people while still trying to say Saddam was bad. 'twas difficult. heehee I remember when we kicked out Israel for being wired, although Champion thought we were doing it b/c of what the country was doing. I also remember negotiations for Hypothetica and Kevan threatening to attack my country even though it was illegal.

    PS. Protect your fluids!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 192 ✭✭Pyschopath666

    Well i remember many things

    i remember how much a skipping rope hurts when its turned into a bullwhip.
    i remember my matress being stolen and not being to happy about it.
    i remember Katie not being normal one her return from a day out.
    i remember 15mins of Opeath and Deicide
    i remember the lullaby (Happy Birthday Mr. President)
    i remember finally finding people as crazy/hyper/easily excited as me
    i remember giving over 20 hickeys and 7 bite marks.
    i remember having a project on body modification
    i remember the crackers eating competion (one of the spot prizes)
    i remember the nice showers in the hub
    i remember dodgeball
    i remember the smell of smoke in my room and no body really caring about it
    i remember not knowing anyone or what to do on the first day.
    i remember the applause i got at the closing cerimony
    i remember dermo being the only RA who'd let us have the amp up full blast.
    i remember the arguments in class
    i remember bribing my way to Chief Justice with wedges
    i remember me and dave tossing every size of ppl from little ainé to john bowler
    i remember everyone who made it one of the best if not the best time of my life.
    i remember sporks.
    i remember my plastic sword and vinal pants causes holly pain.
    i remember that going halfs one a pair of plastic handcuffs can lead to anything.
    i remember niallo't telling me to go to sleep on the last night at 4am
    i remember the botanic gardens and squirrl hunting with holly
    i remember loosing my shoe at the american pie in the quad.
    i remember the last disco
    i remember my pyscho shirt.
    i remember colms pimp suit
    i remember derrie not being there that much
    i remember not being able to remember cats name so i always called her rainbow girl
    i remember the talent show.
    i remember everything being turned into a harmless threat.... i'll write your life
    i remember not paying attention during the moot trial and jus making up a judgement based upon who was in each group
    i remember that this is prob annoying you, but i'm nearly finished
    i remember Confederation Of Clever Kids
    i remember show and tell
    but most of all i remember that i'll being seeing alot of you again next year.

    p.s sorry for it being so long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    ah, MUN. it started many good things... the renaming of ali as judas.... the renaming of me as mother russia...

    yeah i don't think our TA liked anyone in our class tbh.except for that guy who knew everything. and was always correcting people
    Your IR class lacked Simpsons appreciation. Ergo, it sucked. I'm sure Niall would back me up here, but he's living in some shoebox on Leeson Street right now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭Matthewthebig

    we had other appreciation like TA annoying

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    Simpsons appreciation included TA annoying (She really didn't like me, or the fact that I constantly brought in tapes of the Simpsons)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭Matthewthebig

    Are TA was a stuck up bitch with absolutely nos ense of humor
