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I want to free music

  • 28-10-2004 4:09am
    Registered Users Posts: 340 ✭✭


    My name is Joe Soap. I am a young adult. I am caucasian and probably male, although in present times may equally be female. I am a citizen of 'western' society. I like music, particularly alternative genres.

    That would some up myself, and possibley most of the people who read this.

    Now I want to change that. I am unhappy fitting into that sterotype and the part I want to change involves music. It is the aspect of that stereotype that is the easiest in a way to change, and one I want to change the most.

    I am unhappy with the price I have to pay for music in music retail across the country. What makes it worse is that I know the retailer and the record company will get the vast majority of the money that I hand over the counter, with a fraction going to the person(s) who composed/wrote the music, the actual reason for my purchase.

    I am frustrated that the artist becomes, what could be said to be, too aware of the part money has to play, and priorities shift from the music to money.

    At this point I shall add that the artist may also be referref to as the musician.

    All blame should not fall on the musician however. Human beings are weak, and when a solid, intimidating system has been put in place, one would not seek to fight or dare change any such system. This system is too vast to quantify really. The likes of recording companies, publishing companies, music retailers, these guys takes the biggest share of the wealth really, these guys who have no claim to what is being sold, yet they get most of the money.

    The idea comes to mind, that what if we take out those other parties... no music retailer, the artist sells the music himself. No publishing companies, the artist sets up his own ( not a hard job i'm sure you'll agree, new bank account, some tax etc. paperwork, but every household has ) and record company... why not promote yourself, pick who you want to help on the recording, where you want to record.

    Afraid of exposure? share your music on the net, if its good it should spread faster than you can ever imagine. Hey presto, fanbase. If its bad then you might consider another career.

    Dear lord!!! what about the lost revenue in album sales??!?? you're probably earning more since you are getting all the money from whatever sales you have :) . you have a larger fanbase now so gigs will be that bit more jammed, why not sell tee-shirts, everyone loves a good music related tee-shirt. buy a 3 pack white tee shirts in pennys for 5/7 euro. write whatever comes to mind. there you go, an original tee shirt. Depending on how good your music and you are, you'll sell more or less.

    thats my ideal world (at a glance), and its what i'm going to aspire to. I shall dream of that, where two people are involved, the musician and the listener. As a listener, I don't care what rough trade, domino records or EMI are up to.

    Alien Lifeform : What do you get from them?
    Me : An idea of the grouping/style of music in general, so you can see if you are more likely to like the music

    Alien Lifeform : Is there something like that already?
    Me : yes, its called a genre

    Alien Lifeform : these....'genres'.... what makes them different to the record companies?
    Me : I don't have to pay money to genres

    Alien Lifeform : Intriguing...
    Me : Quite.....

    Again, just to expose my own view, although genres are useful to organise music into catagories, so our fragile little minds can comprehend the vast scale of it all, I believe there are only 2 types of music.. good and bad music. No point here, just something that stirs debate sometimes, and tis always interesting to hear peoples views.

    That is my dream for how to hear music. Simple as this, when I listen to music, I listen ...for the music ( no duh!!! ) , when I want to buy music, I want to pay....wait for it.... for the MUSIC!!!

    To change this. I have stopped paying for highpriced music. Just stopped. If I want to hear new artists, i will listen to the radio... I can have 15 in the house playing 15 different stations and its free!! I can go on the internet and check my gmail to which i get a new album sent to me every day from bands who felt the way I do about music. I play music in my own band, music that I like to play, listen to and write. I go to gigs, where I get a chance to meet other music lovers and the odd time the performer which is always cool ( may start asking for interviews, but we'll see ). But I want to do more!!!

    And some elements of the music industry blame the digital music 'revolution'??? nah, i'm not buying that.

    This may be in vain, and have no affect, but sure i'm gonna try it on and see what happens. Posting here may spark some brain nerve endings too in others, and thinking is never a bad thing...

    to be continued....
