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First Post?

  • 02-04-1999 12:26am
    Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭

    Hehe smile.gif

    the lengths you have to go to to get first post on a board...

    Seriously though.

    I know you may be thinking 'Not another board sad.gif' but I think this one is fitting. I hope to see this used as a Recommendation/discussion/criticism space for books of ALL kinds.

    My personal book preference is Sci-fi and Fantasy but I also read others and I will not be prejudiced against any type of reading material, as long as the post about it is reasonable and constructive. Without it being a rule, more of a guideline really, I would like to ask that if you post to the board in reply to a statement, you don't just write 'Crap' etc. but instead write 'Crap because [put in reason here]' Anyone can shout abuse, not everyone can back it up.

    And most important of all, this board is for EVERY kind of book (even PLayboy if you really want to discuss the writing in it - discussion of the pictures is held every Saturday night 3:00am on the Adrastea board :p ) ranging from The Beano to Gibson to Gemmell to King, Koontz,Herbert to Teach yourself VB 5.0 , C++ for beginners and so on beyond things like The theological beliefs and cultural differences between the Walla Walla Pygmy tribes..

    betcha someone posted while I was writing this...'twould be just my luck...

