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School sucks after a summer of ctyi...

  • 09-11-2004 10:36pm
    Registered Users Posts: 716 ✭✭✭

    I just had a cruddy day at school, and hate transition year. i used to like school, well i didn't dislike it, as much as humanly possible. but after ctyi, it all just seems so... well bad. god my vocabulary has gone to hell since i left. i was just kinda wondering did anyone else find this after coming back after a glorious summer of ctyi?



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,851 ✭✭✭PurpleFistMixer

    After you leave ctyi, EVERYTHING SUCKS.

  • Registered Users Posts: 716 ✭✭✭lemon_sherbert

    know what you mean. you even miss the weird dead pidgeon food, and the exploding showers, aw the good old days

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 470 ✭✭jono087

    I just had a cruddy day at school, and hate transition year. i used to like school, well i didn't dislike it, as much as humanly possible. but after ctyi, it all just seems so... well bad. god my vocabulary has gone to hell since i left. i was just kinda wondering did anyone else find this after coming back after a glorious summer of ctyi?

    Ya, ctyi is a high point, and school innevitably fails to live-up to the fun of (practically) one-to-one tutoring with no pressure.... and you should really enjoy transition year. Do everything you can with that year 'cos I assure you it's all downhill from there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,440 ✭✭✭✭Piste

    After the brilliant, fun, creative, talented, fun, fabulous people at ctyi, you really realise how everyone else sucks (bar a couple of exceptions)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,767 ✭✭✭Hugh Hefner

    Oh GOD!!!! I hate school so much! I mean, I hated it long before CTYI but now whenever I have a really bad class (Irish for example) all I can think about are the seemingly inocuous (sp?) CTYI jokes e.g. "Bombard him with porn!!!" (my response last year when my Med. teacher asked what we would do if we found are child to have a gene for homosexuality).

    Ahh, I love it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    Heh. I'm only staying in school because I like some of the people and I might as well have something to do when everything else comes crashing down around my ears. You really can't compare the two. They're completely different. They have nothing in common other than the fact that I learn little or nothing in both. Seriously though, thinking of the two in the same terms is a quick route to mental instability. I try to distance the two as much as possible and look how well I turned out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 197 ✭✭Bazookatone

    After the US Elections thread, it's nice to see people agreeing on something. Yes, school does suck compared to CTYI. But if you think about it, (at least if I do), I think you'll find that most of school wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for the messer students. I took a serious look at my school and realised that, if all those students who don't work, constantly misbehave, smoke in toilets ( I am a passionate anti smoker) etc, if they were all expelled in one big "don't let the door hit your ass" go, school would become about a thousand times better.

    People think CTYI is a camp for people who are brainy, when it's really for people who enjoy learning,the two don't necessarily go together. You can have people who are clever and have no interest in learning, and regular people who love to learn. This is the reason I advocate streaming classes (that's separating the good students from the bad) because putting students who want to learn in with those who have no interest in being there only harms them, it doesn't make the messers more likely to work.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 975 ✭✭✭Plunky

    They have nothing in common other than the fact that I learn little or nothing in both.

    Can you honestly say you learnt little or nothing in CTYI?!

    Good call Jack, I'm 100% behind ya on the streaming issue

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    Here here. Thanks to streaming I'm on my own in 4 exam classes, and am one of 3 students in 2

    Hurrah for streaming, and only having 17 students in my 5th year!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 83 ✭✭Spraypaint

    I find it hard to believe how much I hate school now having spent 3 weeks in CTYI. Even in TY I'm bored sh*tless all the time and I find myself thinking: "Why Bother"? I'm surrounded by people I can't stand. My modules are either pointless or down-right idiotic and I'm counting the days until CTYI next year. It seems to me that CTYI is inherently superior to run-of-the-mill Irish schools for a number of reasons including:
    You're surrounded by people all of whose intelligence is on a relative par with your own.
    There is leway for 2-way communication between instructors,TAs and students.
    The instructors always know what they're talking about.
    There aren't any muppets deliberately holding classes back.
    Class often degenerates into all-out argumentative war on interesting topics like Islamic Law or Abortion.
    No jocks who get away with murder because the school wants to keep them on the roll for sporting ability.
    You can eat in class(Pierce's Munchies W00t!)
    And finally in CTYI you can drive Aoibheann nuts in class without any fear of reprocussions.

    I'll probably think of more stuff later and continue this rant later.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 58 ✭✭Rainbow Girl

    Everyone come to the Institute!!! If you've got to put up with school, the institute's the next best thing. i mean, there's still no comparison, but it's the closest you'll find to the real thing. Most of the people are pretty nice, most of the teachers are bareable, nd just imagine the fun we'd have if we got like 50 CTYIzens into the same year... *Dreams on*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,767 ✭✭✭Hugh Hefner

    I've read the Institute's "Mission Statement" (for lack of a better phrase) and it seems they're quite strict and Big Brother like. I don't know how I'd feel about going there. Maybe it gives the wrong idea. If so, I suggest you suggest they change it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 68 ✭✭GlitterB

    yep the institute is so strict..and they are big brother like..well the principal is anyway...scary havin a man with a perm know where you are every minute of the day....the teachers give this impresion they are your 'friends' and then the minute you do anything wrong they lose it...i am so not bitter at all about havin to stay behind 2 extra hours tomoro on our half day..........i swear.The people there are real nice though...... :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,767 ✭✭✭Hugh Hefner

    My maths teacher Oliver Murphy teaches there. Although I think he only teaches weekend classes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 975 ✭✭✭Plunky

    I had Ollie last year for applied math weekend grinds in the 'tute til i dropped the subject (woe is not me!) He is such a deadly teacher. Talk about a guy who not only knows his stuff but also knows what a good joke is!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Funkeyhatzrock!

    School Sucks
    I mean there are no if buts or maybes. School simply sucks. It is definite that since school is complulsory, therefore you've got all types pf people, your not going to like everyone and people will most definetly get on your nerves. Stremmed or not! If you've to sit for 7hrs five days a week and be told continuosly what to do (very often by people/teachers who are dumder than you), not being allowed to do anything original/of your own free will, in the same place, with the same uniform EVERYWEAR, with the same people day-in-day-out!!! Your going to get fed up and pissed off and bitter. It SUCKS!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18 firebird

    This really oughta be in the FAQ or something.
    Yes, school sucks after CTYI.
    Actually, school sucks before CTYI too.
    College doesn't suck as much...
    And a job where you get massages, and cinema previews, and barbeques with free drink really doesn't suck much at all...
    Except when your boss asks if "got root?" is a drug reference.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,745 ✭✭✭doonothing

    i kinda think school would be more unbearable without the messers. they're so entertaining! i cant imagine the cccccccoooooonnnnsssstttttaaaaannnnnttttt booooooooredom of a perfectly well behaved class. its only a bit of fun and you cant expect everyone to be good. or anyone, for that matter. pointless stupid rebellion makes school more interesting. and when things are that bad that you have to misbehave to stay awake in school, then its the shytey systems fault more than the students'. which i know sounds the typical "rebellion is cool man!!" thing to say, but seriously, school places such importance on memorising etc. you spend all your time learning stuff you'll forget right after the exam. why they cant try to involve students, take a more ctyi approach (a lot to ask, i know) but still. my brains feel more musheded everyday after school...

    i dream of a school with optional sounds ridiculous, but think about it, if the teacher wants ANY work done at all, they'd have to give interesting, involving assignments etc...o' course, wouldnt work at all, but still...*dreams*...

    the school system needs to be gobbled up, chewed into a tiny pulp and spat back out, so t can grow properly into a good system which works less by "YOU MUST DO THIS WORK" to "we'll make you WANT to do this work"...

    *ramble ramble*

    but stil, GAH! school. not good.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 71 ✭✭snuffles

    I think it's a bit unfair to say all people outside of CTYI suck. It's just that they can never live up to the people in CTYI. I mean, I like my friends, they're fun and I can have a laugh with them and they're all decent people. Before this summer, I considered them all really good friends.

    But after coming back from CTYI, I had at least ten friends who I considered great friends and amazing people and at least 20 more who I will NEVER forget and who I can be completely natural around. It made me realise how completely out-of-sync I am with my entire year, and how no one in my school actually knows me. Seriously, if they could have watched me in CTYI they wouldn't have recognized me. It's not that they suck, it's just that we're too different...

    God, that sounds prententious, but you know what I mean.

    I think school would be fine if it wasn't for the massive amounts of homework. Some part of brain just completely rejects the concept of 'Spend 6 hours, five days a week in school and then go home and do MORE work.'

    And you know, they really pile it on at the weekends just to make 100% sure that your entire life revolves around school work...

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,440 ✭✭✭✭Piste

    My year really annoy me, They are so immature and bitchy. The way I see it, and my friends agree with me, the year is split into 4 groups:

    Group 1) Really immature and annoying but can be nice

    Group 2) Really imature and annoying but go out drinking in a desperate bid to prove the aren't immature and have everyone think the are such mad scones

    Group 3) People who aren't pretentious like the others and are cool with being themselves and don't try to impress anyone

    Group 4) Me

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 511 ✭✭✭LiamD

    I think it's not good to be still dwelling on CTYI so long after it.We all have our memories and we all know how great it was, but there is life and fun to be had outside CTYI.

    What's all this I hate school business?I don't hate school.The learning is a bitch and no-one likes studying or hours of work, but where wud ya be without it?I think school can be a great laugh.You get to see your friends everyday, you strengthen your relationships with them in stuff like Religion and PE.School is really where you make your friends for most of your teenage years.I don't think it's very good to take a dim view and most of the rest of your year by comparing them to CTYI.

    CTYI is unique, it's 3 weeks that U can not compare to anything else.It is a great experience, but at the end of it u hav to let go.U will still keep in touch with who ya want to at reunions and that, but it is important to concentrate on your home life more.U will only be at CTYI for 3 weeks out of 52.For the other 49, you have to be happy at home.

    Re. the streaming, I think it helps because it means that a class can work at a pace they can handle and that the more able students can recieve more attention in smaller classes.Similarly, the less able students can also get more attention, but for what they need it for.I don't think it should just be viewed as a chance for smart people to get one up on not so smart people.

    In conclusion, Life goes on.Live it.As they say, "School days are the best days of your lives"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Jim_Are_Great

    What if they had an all-year CTYI-based school, boarding school, like? You'd learn so much more and get more out of it. There's no downside to it. Sure it'd be as expensive as hell, but surely I'm not the only one who thinks it would be well and truly worth it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,851 ✭✭✭PurpleFistMixer

    What if they had an all-year CTYI-based school, boarding school, like? You'd learn so much more and get more out of it. There's no downside to it. Sure it'd be as expensive as hell, but surely I'm not the only one who thinks it would be well and truly worth it.
    This was brought up at a reunion at one point.
    While this would probably by brain meltingly wonderful, of course it would never happen and it makes me sad to think abuot it.
    But it'd be SO DAMN COOL! We could like, get the whole course done in the last couple of weeks before exams and for the rest of the time, do cool interesting stuff!
    If it were a boarding school however, the kinkiness just wouldn't ever end.
    LiamD wrote:
    As they say, "School days are the best days of your lives"
    That better not be true... *dark look*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Jim_Are_Great

    If it were a boarding school however, the kinkiness just wouldn't ever end

    You say that like it's a bad thing...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭ll=llannah

    here's the thing, guys:

    1) the people in ctyi actually exist outside of said summer program activity
    2) a lot of other ctyiers are living very near you
    3) therefore, we can conclude from clauses 1 and 2 that, indeed, the people in ctyi do not stop existing outside of ctyi
    4) from clause 3 we can therefore say that, taking into regard the fact that it is generally said that the people make ctyi what it is, there is no need to fret because other little happy weird children like you (yes YOU!) are just a text message / phone call / email / block / bus ride / dart ride / real bus ride / train ride away
    5) from clause 4, i hereby have come to the conclusion: stop reminiscing, live in the NOW, go out, have fun, enjoy school as much as you can even if it's too slow for you because you're so smart
    6) what i'm really saying in clause four is put back on your f*cking rose tinted glasses and take some more prozac, cause life can be good, people
    7) granted, it's easier to hang out with people when you're forced to because you live with them for three weeks, but come on people, this is the real world.
    7) the question you are all asking yourselves: WHY is grandma hannah so freaking perky?
    8) oh, and don't tell me you miss the food. cause it's just a damned LIE.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,708 ✭✭✭StupidLikeAFox

    Yeah seriously its all well and good to have experienced ctyi or watever but ya really cant dwell on it. Its pretty unfair to say that messers and dossers and the like shouldnt be in school. Its life **** happens and if your gonna let them get to ya it isnt really their problem. It takes all sorts after all

    (all sorts of people, not the sweets)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,851 ✭✭✭PurpleFistMixer

    ll=llannah wrote:
    8) oh, and don't tell me you miss the food. cause it's just a damned LIE.
    The soda bread was god damned wonderful.
    I smuggled some out but it... well, it's not soda bread any more.

    And those freaky hot dog things, those were good... And one day, even the lasagna with bread crumbs was good.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,767 ✭✭✭Hugh Hefner

    snuffles wrote:
    Seriously, if they could have watched me in CTYI they wouldn't have recognized me...

    Hit nails on their heads much? :D
    You just described my same situation.

    Re.: CTYI food.
    I liked the food. :) Seriously. I mean (apart from the orange juice) it didn't taste/look/feel bad. And besides, we all had takeaway or R.A. made pizza like 3 or 4 times within 3 weeks.

    Re.: Boarding school.
    Yup good idea. But you'd have to maintain the compulsory test passing and not just make it into a "free spirited school" that costs a lot. It could be like that school in Malcolm In The Middle that you don't find but it finds you and spends untold millions making sure you've never heard of it. :cool:

    Re.: **** happens.
    Save your cat poster philosophy for another forum. This is probably the most annoying phrase I hear on a regular basis. **** doesn't just happen. It happens for a reason, and so does change. And life doesn't suck. Life is truely great :D , you just have to see it. Life outside CTYI is great. School isn't. And I think somepeople are mixing up hatred for school with hatred for education. Quite the contrary. It's one's love for education that make us hate school, the place where we are supposed to be taught for our future but is being ruined by a bad testing system (which teachers have to go by) and certain <profane plural noun>.

    P.S. I realise I sound angry in that last part but I'm not. (My reason for not using exclaimation marks)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 975 ✭✭✭Plunky

    LiamD wrote:
    You get to see your friends everyday, you strengthen your relationships with them in stuff like Religion and PE.School is really where you make your friends for most of your teenage years.
    That's all well and good, but hands up anyone who, like me, had or has few to none friends in school?..

    LiamD wrote:
    In conclusion, Life goes on.Live it.As they say, "School days are the best days of your lives"
    Sorry but you're wrong - having only been in college for 2 months, and only one in TCD, college days are the best of your life. And it's also where you make (and meet up again with) your true life long friends. And so many of them are CTYIers, so forgive me one and all, for living the dream...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭Shiney

    One of the worst things about going back to school after CTYI, when i mention CTYI they go on for ages, slagging me off for going to 'summer school'
    They're so narrow minded
