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The Adventures of Princess Breasts in the Kingdom of Confusion Part II

  • 08-12-2000 11:42am
    Registered Users Posts: 12,309 ✭✭✭✭

    Following on from this mighty tale (which worked nicely!)... I thought... hey! ... why wait for the continuation? - Let's bash into it right now, eh? ...

    So! Who'd like to kick off part two?

    (If nothing else, this surely must win the prize for best/most original new post subject wink.gif )

    [This message has been edited by Bard (edited 08-12-2000).]


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,219 ✭✭✭plastic membrane

    The kingdom that was once a glorious tapestry to a king who ruled with wisdom and kindness (and not to mention with a fat a rse) was in ruins, torn apart by a princess so rooted in diabolical evil that she had turned into a Pokemon, minions of the Dark Lord made flesh. The population had devided itself into two factions, those who followed the new rebel leader, The Princesses former butler Keanu Dunphy, and those who followed free sex, platypi and pokemon. It was obvious that the Princess would get the most votes there.

    But there was something the princess had not reckoned on. As the kingdom decended into anarchy, as five years of sex, sex and astonishingly large breasts ruled the land with an iron fist (ahem) , in a strangely dark, but not quite dark enough (a bit greenish actually)forest, a white steed, galloping through the thickets in hugely artistic slow motion, carried a Pontiff towards a cave where the salvation for millions lay. THE LEG was Pope Lemmy's goal, for he had survived platipus poisoning thanks to the many years of intrevenious drug use that came with fronting a band like Moterhead, drug use which had rendered his blood impervious to all known poisons and sexually transmitted diseases, and, strangely enough, he had never again experienced that chaffing you get when you wear really tight leather pants.

    But why was the leg so important, what mystical powers did it contain within, that lent it such mythical status ? What indeed.....

    Im going to the bear fights tomorrow, want to come with ??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 890 ✭✭✭Wyverne

    (Thanx a mill Bard hehe this actually makes my day m8) :-)

    Keanu Dunphy hid behind the cart of oysters being brought to the attention of the Princess for her many men that she would indulge herself with before devouring in a feat of incredible.... gluttony..

    he had managed so far to elude the princess guards whom were all female, except for that one occasion when they did catch him - and yet didnt kill him due to their erm.. needs now that the princess had stolen all their men, hehe he felt like a god , no he WAS god, haha "i am your god" he smiled before realsiing he had shouted that to a street full of women guards.. and these were not the tantalisingly beautiful young 18 yr old women whom he had let...whom had caught him last time, these were the Vintage Vixen Patrol, all horny women over the age of 60 whos orders were to catch him and kill him..

    he turned and ran down a side street, he could not survive like this on his own, he needed help, and at times like these..... well!! who ya gonna call?

    meanwhile at the palace:


    "Pardon Princess" inquired her new butleress Samantha Fox, it should be noted though that ever since her changeover to the evil Princess Pokemon Charzarde she couldnt even allow men to wait on her without shagging them to death, hence the introduction of all female waiting staff, though even this on occasion had not stopped the Princess - but we'll leave that story for another time,

    the princess was lounging on her new lair, ooogling al the new male slaves bought in from Outtatown the next Kingdom to the north

    "these new batch of men shall satiate my appetite for too short a time, we need more..." she reasoned

    Butleress S(.)A(.)M: but my princess there are no more men u have taken them all

    "well then we must go further a-field, we must now conquer Outtatown" she grinned, her plot to gradually take over the world could not be stopped, there was not a soul on this earth that could stop her now.

    **flash - ahhhhhhhhhhhh, he'll save everyone-of-us, he'll do-the-impossible**

    Keanu looked back towards the kingdom, he was surprised he had managed to escape with such ease !!, now he must go to a place called Nambia, to find the only person that could help him - Ash...

    the princess sat down again, that bloody theme tune was starting to get to her....

    "will you stop watching the credits of that stupid film" she screamed knowing that if her stupid butleress watched the flash gordon end credits one more time, she would squirt petrol up her and then light a match.

    Samantha, turned around knocking herself against the wall **floooopsss** "oooops ooh dear me, they burst and i was told that these ones were industrial strenght.. she was not in a good mood, the princess was making her do all these bad and horrible things, she would get her own back soon :-)


    "pikachu, where are u"

    "oh no ash we have lost him" moaned misty,

    brock smiled knowing how she would be moaning later on aswell while ash was asleep, he had signed up for the Program *Pokemon Nights* starting up next spring, hehe oh yeah..

    "pika - chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

    "there u are pikachu i was soo worried"

    "where were you" asked ash

    "pikachu" no i didnt ask u ur bloody name ya little brat i said where were u, we had a bloody rehearsal 10 minutes ago and u didnt show up, were you off doing your own jukenob again, too much of a celeb for us anymore is it, ya little sh1t


    as they walked away keanu realised that these were not the kind of people that he had grown up watching, they could not help him, he turned dejected and hurt towards home, sure in the knowledge that all was now lost

    *Flash - ahhhhhhhhhhhh, "he'll save everyone-o-us*

    the princess got up off her bed and walked towards her door, a faint rasping sound was etching at the back of her mind, she opened the door to reveal a horrible alien being the like of which had never been seen before withnin these isles, and then she smiled, welcome fellow foe, what may i do you for...

    "tsssshhh we seek an alliance" hissed the creature, we need you humans as hosts..

    "well come on in then deary, and im sure we can work something out.. the creature walked in past Princess breasts, who had now fully evolved into Queen Breasts, it was a large creature, though not as large as the queen herself, and not half as deadly... they then sat down to discuss a few things,


    elsewhere in the kingdom

    "Egon, you're not going to believe this but the quasmic elasticity of this region exceeds perpitualting undualtion of the nethosphereosphere"

    "what he say" asked venkman

    "there are ghosts in them thar hills" replied winston

    and with that the Ghostbusters made their way towards the palace with firce intentions on their minds..........

    keanu turned the corner of the dark -slightly greening forest and heard voices,

    "egon where r we going" asked ray

    "i dont know ray, the palace should be this way, though"

    keanu then followed the strange men towards home.......

    the two queens had had a very fruitful discussion, they now ruled together and mankind had for sure lost all hope...

    meanwhile Sam Fox sat down and watched saturday afternoon TV. it was a re-run of I Love Lucy,

    so... the stage was set,

    the quen had allied herself with the aliens, ghosts were in town, and the badies haad the upper hand,

    but!!!!!! the ghostbusters are on the way, the queen keeps hearing re-runs of flash gordon, could this mean something, and we all know that whereever the aliens are, that some1 else is not far away

    whats in store for this little kingdom?
