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49% of America Say Sorry



  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Personally, I'm more a fan of those who take the others to task for their poor decision:

    Unfortunately the pottymouth filter is messing up the URL... so here's the full contents of the site (it's just this open letter, but they have links embedded to haul up supporting facts and figures.):
    **** the South. **** 'em. We should have let them go when they wanted to leave. But no, we had to kill half a million people so they'd stay part of our special Union. Fighting for the right to keep slaves - yeah, those are states we want to keep.

    And now what do we get? We're the ****ing Arrogant Northeast Liberal Elite? How about this for arrogant: the South is the Real America? The Authentic America. Really?

    Cause we ****ing founded this country, assholes. Those Founding Fathers you keep going on and on about? All that bull**** about what you think they meant by the Second Amendment giving you the right to keep your assault weapons in the glove compartment because you didn't bother to read the first half of the ****ing sentence? Who do you think those wig-wearing lacy-shirt sporting revolutionaries were? They were ****ing blue-staters, dickhead. Boston? Philadelphia? New York? Hello? Think there might be a reason all the ****ing monuments are up here in our backyard?

    No, No. Get the **** out. We're not letting you visit the Liberty Bell and ****ing Plymouth Rock anymore until you get over your real American selves and start respecting those other nine amendments. Who do you think those ****ing stripes on the flag are for? Nine are for ****ing blue states. And it would be 10 if those Vermonters had gotten their ****ing Subarus together and broken off from New York a little earlier. Get it? We started this ****, so don't get all uppity about how real you are you Johnny-come-lately "Oooooh I've been a state for almost a hundred years" dickheads. **** off.

    Arrogant? You wanna talk about us Northeasterners being ****ing arrogant? What's more American than arrogance? Hmmm? Maybe horsies? I don't think so. Arrogance is the ****ing cornerstone of what it means to be American. And I wouldn't be so ****ing arrogant if I wasn't paying for your ****ing bridges, bitch.

    All those Federal taxes you love to hate? It all comes from us and goes to you, so shut up and enjoy your ****ing Tennessee Valley Authority electricity and your fancy highways that we paid for. And the next time Florida gets hit by a hurricane you can come crying to us if you want to, but you're the ones who built on a ****ing swamp. "Let the Spanish keep it, it’s a ****hole," we said, but you had to have your ****ing orange juice.

    The next dickwad who says, "It’s your money, not the government's money" is gonna get their ass kicked. Nine of the ten states that get the most federal ****ing dollars and pay the least... can you guess? Go on, guess. That’s right, mother****er, they're red states. And eight of the ten states that receive the least and pay the most? It’s too easy, asshole, they’re blue states. It’s not your money, assholes, it’s ****ing our money. What was that Real American Value you were spouting a minute ago? Self reliance? Try this for self reliance: buy your own ****ing stop signs, assholes.

    Let’s talk about those values for a ****ing minute. You and your Southern values can bite my ass because the blue states got the values over you ****ing Real Americans every day of the goddamn week. Which state do you think has the lowest divorce rate you marriage-hyping dickwads? Well? Can you guess? It’s ****ing Massachusetts, the ****ing center of the gay marriage universe. Yes, that’s right, the state you love to tie around the neck of anyone to the left of Strom Thurmond has the lowest divorce rate in the ****ing nation. Think that’s just some aberration? How about this: 9 of the 10 lowest divorce rates are ****ing blue states, asshole, and most are in the Northeast, where our values suck so bad. And where are the highest divorce rates? Care to ****ing guess? 10 of the top 10 are ****ing red-ass we're-so-****ing-moral states. And while Nevada is the worst, the Bible Belt is doing its ****ing part.

    But two guys making out is going to ****ing ruin marriage for you? Yeah? Seems like you're ruining it pretty well on your own, you little bastards. Oh, but that's ok because you go to church, right? I mean you do, right? Cause we ****ing get to hear about it every goddamn year at election time. Yes, we're fascinated by how you get up every Sunday morning and sing, and then you're ****ing towers of moral superiority. Yeah, that's a workable formula. Maybe us ****ing Northerners don't talk about religion as much as you because we're not so busy sinning, hmmm? Ever think of that, you self-righteous assholes? No, you're too busy erecting giant stone tablets of the Ten Commandments in buildings paid for by the ****ing Northeast Liberal Elite. And who has the highest murder rates in the nation? It ain't us up here in the North, assholes.

    Well this gravy train is ****ing over. Take your liberal-bashing, federal-tax-leaching, confederate-flag-waving, holier-than-thou, hypocritical bull**** and shove it up your ass.

    And no, you can't have your ****ing convention in New York next time. **** off.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 claidheamh

    Good God. No wonder they lost. Who asked them for an apology. Jesus, liberals sure do hate themselves. What a hysterical over reaction. Pathetic

    Most folks don't "ask for apologies," even when warranted. It is unbecoming behaviour.

    (I wrote this earlier, but think it applies here as well):
    In my opinion, an apology is neither hysterical nor pathetic, but rather implies that there is a very large group of people within the confines of the US of A, who care for the basic humanity of others outside their borders.

    Furthermore (imo), it delivers a message that they did their best to dissolve a regime set on global subjugation, nonetheless failing. They/we/I, failed. We failed ourselves, and you, the international community. We know and understand the frustration felt by the world, with regard to allowing the tyrant a return to the presidency. We lament with you over the atrocities being committed on foreign soil. I think it says, "Those of us who failed you know the value of life is balanced and equal. However, in the end we are a great many people, but alas too few, to stay our misguided sovereignty, the United States of America. For this, we are utterly ashamed"

    We who apologise hold ourselves ultimately accountable; As, even though we didn't vote for him, he is the president of the nation under which we live, and we are part of the fatally flawed society which saw fit to continue his leadership. We are profoundly regretful that foreign nations will continue to be victims from the adverse effect of his international folly.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 18,115 ✭✭✭✭ShiverinEskimo

    claidheamh - i'm sorry for generalising Americans. Perhaps with some more people like yourself there is hope for ye yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Another thing people are overlooking is that bush actually enjoys a large amount of support in the "blue states". He enjoys far more support in the blue states than kerry enjoys in the red ones,

    Sorry but your wrong.

    Here is a map.

    here is one based on points/population.

    Go check it for yourself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 131 ✭✭nutkase

    You've been on michael moores website havent you?
    Let me spell this out for you
    B-U-S-H W-O-N T-H-E E-L-E-C-T-I-O-N F-A-I-R A-N-D S-Q-U-A-R-E.
    Its Over.Fini.
    Michael moore is a nutcase.
    That is all

    That's right, it was tough enough trying to get them off thier apathetic arses to actually vote. Life goes on everybody is always right especailly when it comes to politics. very angry with mavericks grammar.

    Hot air is great for balloons.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Sand wrote:
    Best of luck in 2008 with that attempt to persuade voters to embrace a party/faction that considers them practically subhuman.

    I seems in keeping with the whole "you're either with us or against us" attitude. It matches the "anyone who says anything bad about what we're doing is either unpatriotic (if they're american) or anti-American (if they're not)" attiitude nicely, so its kinda funny that they'd be alienating anyone.

    It seems to be more of a know....."you can be insulted by the Republicans, or you can be insulted by us, depending on which one of us you don't vote for"... Puts them back on level footing...

    The real genius of the Republicans is managing to sell the election after the fact so as to make it look like it was only the Democrats who were abusive to potential oters...


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,297 ✭✭✭ionapaul

    Sparks...thanks for posting that rant. One of the best I've ever seen :)

    So if it's down to which party's insults are most effective, we have to hand that one to the Republicans.

    Repubs: 'If you don't vote for us you are endangering the nation, have no moral and family values, could be gay and definitely hate may well be French' :)
    Dems: 'If you don't vote for us you hate the poor, want the rich to get richer and are a dumb red-neck idiot, probably waving your sub-machinegun around while reading this'

    Although the Republicans ran an extremely disingenuous campaign, are there any serious claims that the result wasn't a fair reflection of America's choice? I notice posters again and again labelling Bush (whom I greatly dislike as US President) as an evil tyrant and dictator - I think this is WAAAAY over the top, unfair and (as Sand alluded to) is merely setting up another Republican victory in 2008 by alienating those lukewarm Bush voters, independants and even traditional Democratic voters who don't see things that way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    ionapaul wrote:
    are there any serious claims that the result wasn't a fair reflection of America's choice?

    I don't know if I'd go that far. Hobbes has posted quite a number of links to this and that which show that there may be something a bit dodgy in places....but nothing really holds up.

    Of course, the tinfoil-hat brigade have the benefit of there being an unauditable system (the electronic-voting machines) in so many places. With no audit-trail, allegations of shenanigans can never be disproven.

    But in does look like Bush was America's choice. Even if there was messing, and he wasn't....he had close to half the voter's support...and as sample-sizes go, thats about as large as you can get, so itwould be fair to extrapolate and say that he has in and around half the country's support.
    I notice posters again and again labelling Bush (whom I greatly dislike as US President) as an evil tyrant and dictator - I think this is WAAAAY over the top,
    I'd agree.
    and (as Sand alluded to) is merely setting up another Republican victory in 2008 by alienating those lukewarm Bush voters, independants and even traditional Democratic voters who don't see things that way.
    I'd reserve judgement on that until I see what vitriol the Republicans land on the Democrats' choice of candidate whenever he/she/it is chosen.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,862 ✭✭✭mycroft

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,163 ✭✭✭✭GreeBo

    Kerry has publicly said that even though he still wants all votes to be counted, its over and he is not going to win.
    Its time to get over it people.

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  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 18,115 ✭✭✭✭ShiverinEskimo

    Some things, i guess are just hard to accept.

    I'm sorry, your family have died. NOOO!

    I'm sorry george bush has won NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    edit/ can you believe i got bad rep for this...what is the world coming to. i didn't mean it literally!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    GreeBo wrote:
    Kerry has publicly said that even though he still wants all votes to be counted, its over and he is not going to win.

    Yes, but what Kerry says matters not a jot.
    Its time to get over it people.
    Whether or not Kerry thinks there is a chance, he made the right move for exactly this reason. Many people have enough of a problem getting over it that he (presumably) didn't want to add fuel to the fire.

    If the votes come out in Bush's favour (most likely), Kerry gets to say that he's accepted this since the day after the election, and has thus helped minimise the "getting over it" phase, which in turn should minimise the disruption of the election.

    If, on the other hand, something funny is found the votes somehow come out in Kerry's favour (highly unlikely)....well....all his "its over" comments count for nought, and he becomes President.

    Unfortunatley, that means that it isn't all over, because until enough final, official vote counts are in (whcih they aren't), no declaration of victory/defeat is legally binding.


  • Registered Users Posts: 27,163 ✭✭✭✭GreeBo

    bonkey wrote:
    Unfortunatley, that means that it isn't all over, because until enough final, official vote counts are in (whcih they aren't), no declaration of victory/defeat is legally binding.
    By the same token, no amount of flag waving(burning?) or internet sites are going to change anything, the votes will either be counted properly or they wont...
    IMO a site like the one posted above just goes to show that people are weirdos before they are Rep's or Dem's.
    Its laughable to me that some of the faces on that site (and people here) can talk about how it was the south and all the rednecks that voted bush in...did you look at some of those faces?

    Dont tell my heart, my achy breaky heart........

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,208 ✭✭✭✭aidan_walsh

    Meanwhile, on the other face of the coin: We're NOT Sorry!

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 18,115 ✭✭✭✭ShiverinEskimo

    Just looking at the were not sorry site. Oh my god some of those photos of gun wielding idiots. Bin laden and the rest should just sit back and let the americans (through george bush) just tear itself apart. All that country seems to stand for now is violence. Big army, i mean the war record of a presidential candidate is as valued as their foreign or economic policy. The land of the free it may be, but for how much longer, a short lived history could become a short lived future.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 18,115 ✭✭✭✭ShiverinEskimo

    that site is like heroin..its addictive yet so so bad for you..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭sovtek

    bonkey wrote:
    Yes, but what Kerry says matters not a jot.

    Whether or not Kerry thinks there is a chance, he made the right move for exactly this reason. Many people have enough of a problem getting over it that he (presumably) didn't want to add fuel to the fire.

    But before the election he promised to "make every vote count...count every vote" or something like that. This is another point on which he didn't represent alot of Democrats.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Geez TC, it's only four posts back...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    Sparks wrote:
    Geez TC, it's only four posts back...
    Upps :o

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