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Thief of Time

  • 08-05-2001 11:21am
    Subscribers Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭

    Thief of Time is Terry Pratchetts latest Discworld offering.
    A slightly, ah, eccentric shall we say clockmaker in Anka-Morpock is asked to create the most accurate clock ever. When finished it will mean the end of the world. A race against time (forgive the phrase!) begins...

    Death, Susan Sto Helit, Lu Tze (from Small Gods), the other 3 Horsemen and Nanny Ogg are the usual suspects to appear.

    It reads more like his earlier books than the last few he's written. I haven't decided if this is a good or bad thing yet. I felt it started up badly but once the pace picked up a bit it improved greatly.

    It's not a book I'd recomend to those who haven't read any of the Discworld stuff before, but it is better than most as it at least trys to explain why Death is rather friendly towards humankind.

    It's really only for fans of the discworld stuff.
