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everybody rofl with me...............

  • 01-08-2001 1:16am
    Registered Users Posts: 6,661 ✭✭✭

    I was looking for a book on clairvoyance that gave a scientific view (if there is such a thing) and game across this gem on Amazon

    Reviewer: from Northern Ireland
    This is the first of David Icke's books that I have read and it won't be the last. Like many , my preconceived notion of Icke was that he could have been the next Des Lynam , but lost his marbles along the way and became something of a ridiculous cartoon type character. This breathtaking book sweeps this stereotype right away.Icke relies on "channelled" information from ET's for his "macro" philosophy - one where "good" and "bad" ET's have manipulated the human race via genetic alterations , "jamming" energy fields and manufactured religions over the millennia. This metaphysical approach then blends into his "micro" philosophy where he details majestically the emergence of the many secret societies and how they have manipulated events to bring about the New World Order - the capstone of the system of the "negative " ET's. Here Icke comes down to earth and covers much of the ground that people like Epperson ,Cooper and Marrs have done with their analysis of the usual suspects of conspiracy theory - the Illuminati , CFR , Bilderbergs et al. However unlike these people Icke believes that the New World Order can be defeated by what amounts to a collective form of positive thinking and love and by exposing the NWO conspiracy and by expelling fear , anger and guilt from our world. I would disagree with quite a lot of Icke's philosophy ; is he sure that "positive" ET's have our best interests at heart - could they be Biblical demons ? He also assumes humanity is naturally "good" and that we are all "divine" etc. - so we do not need salvation and are not "fallen".Quite what system of personal morality his views tend to is unclear , especially considering his contempt for the emotion of guilt and belief in reincarnation . Also many of his remarkable and intricately constructed conspiracy theories are presented factually and while convincing still remain theories. In conclusion this is a staggeringly intelligent book which asks searching questions of its reader. It is written in a fast paced and at times humourous style which ,when combined with the narrative content ,can often leave the reader breathless. Icke puts forward a persuasive argument and he is a vital author for the new millennium.

    Nutter! biggrin.giftongue.gifbiggrin.gif

    He's written the review himself biggrin.gif


  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf


    The nice men in the white coats will be here soon...
