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My take on everything, questions please!

  • 15-11-2005 9:03am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 5

    Where did we come from? A very simple question but one that is extremely controversal and difficult to answer. There are two widely accepted theories - we were magicked up by some intageable being, or that every animal and plant came about by chance over billions of years of evolution. However, most are not aware of the third option - that we were genetically engineered by other intelligent beings.

    The theory of creation is one that is looked down upon in the intellectual community. The whole concept of creating matter from nothing is physically impossible, and if it were, who created god? Lets imagine that god has always existed, assuming infinity in time. If god created the universe at a given moment in time, what was happening in the infinant amount of time that came before that moment?

    The theory of evolution is perhaps even more far-fetched that that of creation. microevolution is fact, when a species can adapt better to it's surroundings, it has a higher chance of reproducing and passing on it's traits to it's offspring. However, macroevolution is the evolution between species. This theory doesn't hold up at all, there has been no missing link between any two species on the planet Earth ever, therefore, there is absolutely no evidence of one species evolving into another one, although technically it is possible through mutations but the chances are slim to none.

    The third option, that many people are unaware of, is the idea that we were genetically engineered and "created" in labs by advanced beings. This theory holds the most ground because we are actually starting to acheive this in our laboratories today. If it could happen today, why not thousands of years ago?

    This third option has become popular enough that a religion was based around it. In 1979, a French journalist by the name of Claude Voyaj was said to have been taken aboard an alien spacecraft and infromed by an extraterrestrial that every religion was started by them, and that they were the ones who engineered all life on earth.

    According to Raelianism, The extraterrestrials were at the technological stage that we are right now, when their scientists began to experiment with genetic engineering. They began creating new species of plants and animals, but their government considered it to be immoral and the scientists were forced to take their work elsewhere. They searched and searched for a planet capable of sustaining life until they finally found earth.

    These scientists created pletheras of species of plants and animals until their technology was advanced enough to create an intelligent species of animals, who would be in their likeness.(or in their image)

    The hebrew word elohim, which is used many times in the bible, means "those you came from the stars", but was wrongly translated as "god". This has been a known fact for many years before the Raelian movement started. In fact, some very old bibles still use this translation.

    Many passages from the bible suddenly begin to make much more sense when you use elohim in this context, and when you understand the bible through metaphors instead of literally. The bible is written poetically and therefore uses many metaphors. For example, when eve is tempted to eat the fruit from the tree by satan. You must understand that satan is nothing more than an angel, a messenger of elohim. Whenever someone is contacted by an angel in the bible, it describes a bright white light - exactly what abductees claim to see. When the snake tempts eve to eat of the tree because it will make you as elohim, it means that if they were to eat of the tree of knowledge, they would become educated like their creators. And when Adam and Eve are described as being naked, it is talking about there intellictual nudity rather than there physical nudity.

    As the human race progressed, the elohim decided that their creation had become destructive and inhumane, so it was decided that the earth was to be flooded and and humanity destroyed with it. The scientists did not want to see their creations be completely destroyed, so 2 of each species were taken aboard a spacecraft until the flood waters sank.

    Raelianism is a very interresting religion, very technologically oriented. They believe that paradise can be accomplished on earth through science. The Raelians also believe eternal life can be achieved by storing information in a person's brain on a computer, and copying that information into a clone's brain when that person dies.

    Where are we going? What is in store for the future of humanity and planet Earth? When will the Apocalolipse happen and if it does will it be consistent with the biblical description? As one looks further into this question, there are several pieces of evidence throughout ancient history that can provide an answer.

    The Mayans are perhaps most popular for there incredibly precise calender, which happens to end in the year 2012. According to mythology, a major cataclysm occurs approximately every 11,800 years. The Atlanteans were able to predict it the last time it happened, and supposedly sent out unsinkable ships to Egypt and Mexico, meaning that the Egyptians and Mayans were decendents of Atlanteans.

    It just so happens that both the Egyptians and the Mayans were master astrologists, which is an understatement. It's safe to say that their astrology was even more advanced than ours is today, and both left evidence of the coming cataclysm for future generations. The sheer precision of the Pyramids of Gaza is evidence enough of their advanced mathematics. The pyramids are in the same position relative to orion's belt in 2012 as they were during the last cataclysm, a structural marker of the apocalypse.

    Tibetan monks are well known for their remote-viewing ability, enabling them to see into the future or at far off locations. Several of these monks suspect a catastrophe in the near future from which extraterrestrials will save us. This made me start racking my brain over what this could mean. It was then that I decided to read the book of revelations from a Raelian perspective.

    Evangelical Christians believe in the bible literally. They believe that the end times will play out exactly as it is written, and do not read into the metaphors hidden in the text. Some would say that if you don't take the bible litterally, then you are twisting it's words, but I think it is quite the opposite. The bible is written very poetically, and therefore uses many literal devices including metaphors. The best way to interpret the bible is by reading it as if you were reading a poem and uncover the meaning for yourself.

    If you only replace the word "god" with the original plural "elohim", the meaning of revelations shifts considerably. Evangelicals believe that the true believers will ascend into heaven during an event called the rapture. They will see none of the cataclysmic events to come and will have no sufferring. If you look at this in the Raelian perspective, you will see that it's meaning becomes much more logical. During the rapture, the true believers(in aliens) will ascend to heaven. In the bible, the word heaven has three meanings - it can mean the sky, outerspace, or paradise. All three make sense in this context. If the elohim(extraerrestrials) save us as the Tibetan monks predict, they would take us onboard their spacecraft and we would ascend into heaven.(the sky, outerspace, or paradise) In this case, all three make sense. We would be taken aboard a spacecraft and ascend into the sky, eventually into outerspace and be taken to their home planet. If their technology was more advanced than ours during the dawning of mankind, imagine how advanced they are presently. In short, it would be a technological paradise.

    After the rapture happens, the bible describes a series of cataclysmic events taking place. I believe that it describes the cataclysm of 2012 as predicted by the Atlanteans, Mayans, and the Egyptians. The bible clearly states that no one will know when the rapture will happen, but if the cataclysm happens on the winter solstice of 2012 as predicted, then it must happen between now and then.

    In the bible it talks about the sea turning to blood and the food becoming contaminated. The sea turning to blood is obviously a metaphor. As a result of the earthquakes, our nuclear reactors would undoubtedly melt down and create radiation, which would cause the contamination. Some passages in the bible must be taken metaphorically, especially events that seem to be supernatural.

    Evangelicals also believe that the antichrist will be satan incarnate and will rise to power to force the remaining population to take the mark of the beast.(666) He will eventually destroy his own people. I believe that satan and god are one in the same, however unorthadox that sounds. I believe that they are two different groups of extraterrestrials. One group is in favor of the human race, and seeks it's well-being. The other group is in opposition of this group and sees the human race as nothing more than a laboratory creation and a falied experiment. The latter would be considered the antichrist. These extraterrestrials would see us as nothing more than beasts and would eventally destroy us in the end as a failed experiment.

    As for eternal life, that can be achieved through the unimaginable medical technology that the extraterrestrials must have.(after all, they made us)

    I offer this explanation as an alternative theory from creation and evolution. If I turn out to be right, it will disprove thousands of years of theories and religions. If nothing happens by the year 2013, I suppose I'm an Idiot, but so are all those other people waiting for the apocalypse.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Taoist

    I forgot to mention the virgin birth, the only way a virgin birth could happen is through artificial insemination, and well you see where it's going...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,793 ✭✭✭✭Hagar

    Who made the extra-terrestials?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    This is a Philosophy board not a conspiracy theory board. I think you will find your ideas more at home there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,488 ✭✭✭Goodshape

    Hagar wrote:
    Who made the extra-terrestials?
    No, no.. it's just aliens, aliens, aliens... all the way up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,793 ✭✭✭✭Hagar

    No. It's a serious question.

    If the OP is suggesting that all our attempts at creating a deity is misplaced because we were created by aliens not god, it does beg the question who created the aliens.
    The OP hasn't found the "cause" of life, our life maybe, but not the cause of the life he is claiming made us.

    So where is the conspiracy theory there?
    Does everthing have to be spelt out in big letters?
    Will a simple question not suffice?
    Who made the extra-terrestials?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Hagar wrote:
    So where is the conspiracy theory there?
    Does everthing have to be spelt out in big letters?

    The OP has no evidence for any of his claims. A Philosophy board is not the place to discuss whether or not the human race was genetically engineered by aliens. They discuss those kinds of things in the conspiracy theory forum.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,730 ✭✭✭✭simu

    Since this Raelianism you're talking about seems to be a religion, I think this thread would be more suited to the Spirituality board. Moved (from philosophy)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,005 ✭✭✭MeatProduct

    While I would look on Darwinism and creationism in much the same light I think it is important to try to get some understanding into the nature of evolution (not Darwinist evolution) rather than putting it on the long finger, as is done in creationism through a creator, by suggestion that alien life created life on Earth. That's not to say that that didn't happen but I am of the firm belief that all life shares a "blueprint" that is borne out by phi, the golden ratio 1.618.... I won't get into this here since it might be a bit off topic.

    How did the Mayans and the Egyptians have such accurate astrological observations? Well I think we are very much limited in our imaginations as we think they must have technology to do so. We view it from our perspective. As a civilisation we really have no clue at all :) Einstein discovered that all mater is fundamentally energy, this opens doors in a big way. Everything in the universe is energy. Thought is energy, consciousness is energy, the implications of this are total. Ancient civilisations used this.

    I'll leave on that note :)


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dades

    I'm quite open to the possibility that the seeds of life on earth were planted by an alien species. It as valid an explanation as any I've heard. But when, as with many "religions", we start to give the alien/god of a theory defined characteristics in the absence of any real evidence I step away. Your evidence consists of speculation and old book written by men (believed by a billion people to mean something else). Not to mention, ahem, Atlantis?

    Taoist, what you have is a facinating piece of imaginiative thinking. However no more than several Arthur C Clarke novels. If you haven't already, read Childhood's End, or the Rama series for more speculative fiction concerning alien influences on life.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,475 ✭✭✭Son Goku

    Einstein discovered that all mater is fundamentally energy, this opens doors in a big way. Everything in the universe is energy. Thought is energy, consciousness is energy, the implications of this are total. Ancient civilisations used this.


    *Has heart attack and dies*

    Mass is fundamentally energy, not matter.
    And it in no way implies everything is energy.

    Mass and energy are two properties of substances which can be transmuted into one another.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,005 ✭✭✭MeatProduct

    Son Goku wrote:
    *Has heart attack and dies*

    Mass is fundamentally energy, not matter.
    And it in no way implies everything is energy.

    Mass and energy are two properties of substances which can be transmuted into one another.

    Hello Son Goku,

    Matter is made up of particles, atoms which are nothing but energy. This is not the place to discuss this, perhaps you could start a thread elsewhere or we could discuss it via pm.

    All the best,

    PS: I have quite happily proved to myself that everything is energy :)

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dades

    I have quite happily proved to myself that everything is energy :)
    In the same way that Taoist has proved to himself that we're an alien experiment due for assessment in 2012..? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,005 ✭✭✭MeatProduct

    In the same way that Taoist has proved to himself that we're an alien experiment due for assessment in 2012..? ;)

    No, through experience.


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,488 ✭✭✭Goodshape

    This whole thing reminds me of Timothy Leary's 'Starseed Transmissions', which where apparently communicated to him in the 1970s by an external, alien, power (and in similar fashion to Alistair Crowley around a century beforehand - although he gave the credit to angels, not aliens, on account of what was the more socially accepted 'norm' at the time).

    IIRC, the basic gist of the transmissions was that we - all the life on this planet - are collectively just one part of a life cycle. We are the larva stage, like a caterpillar munching on a leaf. To the caterpillar that leaf, for a time, is all it knows - it's entire world - but eventually and inevitably it will sprout wings and fly away to discover a whole new existence.

    Similarly the Starseed Transmissions suggested that life on earth will eventually evolve to the point where we will transcend into outerspace where we will, simply in order to adapt to our new surrounding's (but isn't this always the driving force behind evolution?), experience great an unimaginable changes and eventually join our 'cosmic ancestors' at Sirius (the Dog Star... quite an important star in many ancient cultures and religions for 'some reason').

    Don't get me wrong, I don't believe this idea -- but then, I make a point of not strongly believing in anything except that until we have actual answers, one idea is just as plausible as any other. To it's credit this one is at least fun and interesting and gives plenty of food for thought.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Taoist

    Hagar wrote:
    Who made the extra-terrestials?

    I see the whole thing as an ongoing process of life creating itself. I also believe in infinity in time and space, inside every atom is another universe and so on. Some people even say that the star of david stands for this concept.

    In Taoism, time is a circle and life regenerates itself infinately. The tao is the universe and it's underlying pattern, which is infinant.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Taoist

    I'm quite open to the possibility that the seeds of life on earth were planted by an alien species. It as valid an explanation as any I've heard. But when, as with many "religions", we start to give the alien/god of a theory defined characteristics in the absence of any real evidence I step away. Your evidence consists of speculation and old book written by men (believed by a billion people to mean something else). Not to mention, ahem, Atlantis?

    Taoist, what you have is a facinating piece of imaginiative thinking. However no more than several Arthur C Clarke novels. If you haven't already, read Childhood's End, or the Rama series for more speculative fiction concerning alien influences on life.


    What I've done is basically put together my own theory using 3 other theories. I used concepts from Raelianism, Christianity, and the evidence of a cataclysm from the Mayans and Egyptians.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,203 ✭✭✭Excelsior

    You completely and utterly mis-represent the Bible (and the majority of evangelical Christians).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,005 ✭✭✭MeatProduct

    Excelsior wrote:
    You completely and utterly mis-represent the Bible (and the majority of evangelical Christians).

    It could be said that most Christians mis-represent the bible ;)

    Taoist, how did you inform yourself about the Mayan predictions?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,203 ✭✭✭Excelsior

    I'm glad you helped me out with that one there MeatProduct.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 121 ✭✭the real ramon

    I see the Maya mentioned here with regard to cataclysm and perhaps aliens, or I might have misread.

    There has been articles and books which have said that the Maya calendar ends on either 2012 or 2014, and that this will mean the end of the world. It's become a pub fact, in fact one of my friends mentioned it to me in the pub.

    This annoys me as I have a love since childhood for the Maya, and have even got the glyph of the day of my birth in the 260-day sacred calender tattooed on my upper left arm.

    There is not *any* connection between either of the three Maya calenders (The long count, 365-day solar calendar, and 260-day sacred calendar) and a cataclysmic event around 2012 and 2014. The calendars continue to revolve, and the long count enters a next step. but its only a step taken every 260 years or so.

    If anyone wants to find out about the Maya and their calendars, history, present and culture I suggest that you read Ronald Wright's 'Time Among the Maya', a travelogue of great warmth and historical accuracy, and stay away from the nonsense connecting the Maya with Egypt or aliens or Atlantis, or all the other stuff which speaks to our wilder parts of our imagination.

    Reality is much more prosaic, but ultimately much more rewarding.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 981 ✭✭✭

    Taoist wrote:
    Where did we come from?

    Where are we going strikes me as more important, wouldn't you say?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,658 ✭✭✭Patricide

    Strangely enough i had this exact same theory(well almost there are a very few tiny differences, nothing of importance like) and i wrote it down years ago and hid it in a book cover so i could show someone when i was older and therefore taken more seiously. The problem is i cant remember what book i put it in, must remember to have a look for it cause it has a pretty good argument in it that fills in a few blanks in your theory.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,488 ✭✭✭Goodshape

    Where are we going strikes me as more important, wouldn't you say?!
    Probably back to where we came from :p
