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Fine Gael- reclaiming the flag (article)



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 769 ✭✭✭Freelancer

    FTA69 wrote:
    We've had our share of divisions etc, but at the end of the day we remained constituted as Sinn Féin, while others came and went.

    Like I said it's dubious link. Claiming you've got a bit of paper which means you can be the only ones who claim this mantle is to use your words a bit tenuous at best.

    Incidently these is the second or third time, I've asked you which parties would be acceptable to you to celebrate the heritage of the orginal SF? I suspect that you won't let anyone which would led credence to my claim that;

    (dons baby voice)

    SF don't like playing with the other boys, now do they?
    A very tenuous one at best, and their stance is all the more hypocritical when one considers the fact they and other parties seek to deny the continuity of Republicanism.

    What on earth does the last sentence even mean?

    So you start by screaming how dare they, and rant about blueshirts, now your complaint has been reduced to a mumbled "it's a bit rich now isn't it"
    You were the one who alledged that Sinn Féin in 1969 was not a left-wing party, that is an accusation for you to substantiate, not me. The bulk of the so-called left (one could argue true socialism involves recognising national liberation struggles) but that does not mean the party that remained was right-wing if you follow me.

    No I was just laughing at the language of a SF member suggesting that SF only brushed with miltarism post civil war. Again private army, which kills indiscrimately, targets civilians, tortures, and murders, for thirty years isn't "brushing with militarism."

    It's recognised that the liberal wing split in the 60s you can claim SF has had liberal policy for the past thirty years, I suspect however you're unlikely to find any "liberals" who support people who consider crippling children as an acceptable punishment. *

    *punishment shootings for teenagers doing things like joyriding.
    Actually it was others who simply neglected to embrace these traditions, for instance it was the state's own decision to stop commemorating the Rising and it was left up to us to continue the tradition, likewise we also sought to keep in mind what the purpose of the Anthem and Tricolour was, namely the symbols of a 32 County Republic.

    Oh come on now, in or out. You start by saying you had to start commemorating when others stopped, now when others start, you scream bloody murder.

    The state made this decision to stop it became a rallying cry for those thugs. It was a political senstive move to make. Your party then took this and ran with it.

    And while we're on the bloody subject, that anthem and that tricolour happen to be my flag and my anthem, and the flag of generations of Irish men and woman who voted in favour of the treaty, in favour of the creation of this republic and in favour of the good friday agreement, none of which are ringing endorsements of a 32 County Republic.

    The suggestion that your ilk has more of right to claim "our" flag and "our" anthem is the exact kind of hijacking which has forced the rest of us to suppress our support of both these things, lest we appear as fellow travellers to your band of merry thugs.
    We don't know if they would have supported the Tan War which saw the exact same thing, but regardless that is what their actions led to.

    Thats hardly a ringing endorsement now is it?
    And how is the word of a discontented tout and a journalist worth anything? Suzanne Breen from the Village stated they were not involved in extortion at all, which hack do we believe?

    Well seeing as you've seem to be poisoned by propaganda to call a brave murdered man a "tout" for having the courage of his convictions, and standing up to the IRA. One has to wonder would you salute the men who murdered him in cold blood? Or that they felt the need to kill him to silence him? It does tend to lean weight to his claims.
