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Retrieving records using a query from oracle into a 2 D array using vb

  • 14-12-2005 11:01am
    Registered Users Posts: 293 ✭✭


    I've been thrown into the deepend a bit. I'm trying to a) pull records from oracle using a query and throw the reults into a 2 D array. Then b) plan to move the records from the 2d array into a SQL Server table which will be cleared before the insert.

    I've been trying to write a function to achieve part a) but i'm having no success.

    I am getting a Type mismatch error on line:

    astrCostCodeDescriptions = objRS.GetRows

    What is the best way to get the results into an array??

    Any tips would be hugely welcomed. Thanks in advance. I've put a copy of the fuction below.

    Public Function getCostCodeDescriptions(ByRef astrCostCodeDescriptions() As String) As Boolean
    Dim objConn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim objRS As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim intI As Integer

    ' Set the error handling
    On Error GoTo errHandler

    ' Create data access objects
    Set objConn = New ADODB.Connection
    Set objRS = New ADODB.Recordset

    ' Open the connection
    objConn.Open gstrOracleDSN

    'Build the SQL query
    strSQL = ""
    strSQL = strSQL & "select invoiceid, comment, createdbyuserid from tbinvoicecomments"

    ' Fix table names if is a development machine
    If blnIsPMC = True Then strSQL = correctSQLString(strSQL)

    With objRS
    Set .ActiveConnection = objConn
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    .CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
    .LockType = adLockReadOnly
    .Source = strSQL
    '***** Open the recordset
    '***** Disconnect the recordset
    .ActiveConnection = Nothing
    End With

    astrCostCodeDescriptions = objRS.GetRows

    ' Close the connection

    ' Reached here without error
    getCostCodeDescriptions = True

    Exit Function
    getCostCodeDescriptions = False
    prepErrorMsg "getCostCodeDescriptions", Err.Description
    Resume procExit
    End Function


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,468 ✭✭✭Evil Phil

    What error message are you getting back? Using your approach why don't you pass in a recordset instead of an array - it would be easier to work with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Stupid question.....

    Is the aim here to mobe data from ORacle to MSSQL, or something more detailed? The reason I'm asking is because if its just data-moving you want to do, there seems little reason to use VB at all.

    If its something mroe detailed, and there's a reason for using VB for this....fair enuff. In this case, GetRows is the correct method to be using.

    I don't understand what you're asking though...GetRows returns your results into an array. There is nothing more to be done, surely?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,943 ✭✭✭Mutant_Fruit

    EDIT: Ignore this post. VB .GetRows() works differently to what i thought. Therefore making this post stupid.
    bonkey wrote:
    GetRows returns your results into an array. There is nothing more to be done, surely?
    No, theres a lot to be done to make that happen :p. I don't know VB, so this is psuedo code but it should illustrate the point nicely.

    DIM my_array as NEW array[10,10]; // This is my array in which to save the data

    Now, you want to do: my_array = objRS.GetRows();

    This will never work. You are trying to save some kind of collection of rows into a variable which is a 2D array. Collection of rows != 2D array! Therefore type mismatch.

    What you need to do is create a variable which is suitable for storing a collection of datarows (do you have DataSet in VB?) and save the info into that first.

    i.e. DIM my_DataSet as NEW DataSet;
    my_DataSet = objRS.GetRows();

    Then you loop through each row of the dataset, and copy each position in the current row over to its corresponding place in the 2d array.

    for(ALL THE ROWS)
    currentrow = my_DataSet.NextRow();
    currentrow[0] = my_array[0,1];
    currentrow[1] = my_array[0,2];


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23 kenaman

    KNS wrote:
    Public Function getCostCodeDescriptions(ByRef astrCostCodeDescriptions() As String) As Boolean
    should be

    Public Function getCostCodeDescriptions(ByRef astrCostCodeDescriptions As Variant) As Boolean

    Ensure you pass astrCostCodeDescriptions as a Variant when you call the function. This should take care of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 293 ✭✭KNS

    kenaman wrote:
    should be

    Public Function getCostCodeDescriptions(ByRef astrCostCodeDescriptions As Variant) As Boolean

    Ensure you pass astrCostCodeDescriptions as a Variant when you call the function. This should take care of it.

    Thanks for the replys. Kenaman you were spot on.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    No, theres a lot to be done to make that happen :p.
    Nope. There isn't.
    I don't know VB, so this is psuedo code but it should illustrate the point nicely.
    I do know VB, and I have used this technique.

    So you'll forgive me if I take my production-environment-based experience over your pseudo-code ;)
    DIM my_array as NEW array[10,10]; // This is my array in which to save the data

    Now, you want to do: my_array = objRS.GetRows();

    This will never work.
    This is correct. This will never work, because you're using GetRows incorrectly.
    You are trying to save some kind of collection of rows into a variable which is a 2D array. Collection of rows != 2D array! Therefore type mismatch.

    From a quick google on "ADO recordset to array"

    First paragraph...

    The GetRows method is used to copy records from a Recordset object into a variant that is a two-dimensional array. The variant array is automatically dimensioned (sized) to fit the requested number of columns and rows. To allow backwards compatibility with earlier versions of ADO, the columns are placed in the first dimension of the array and the rows are placed in the second dimension.

    See :)

    You use a dynamic array, albeit one originally defined as a variant. Then it works just fine. This is why changing the function parameter type solved the problem.
    What you need to do is create a variable which is suitable for storing a collection of datarows (do you have DataSet in VB?) and save the info into that first.
    No, you don't. Well, you can, but there's no need to when you can use getRows and assign directly to a variant.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,781 ✭✭✭amen

    yeah change ByRef astrCostCodeDescriptions() As String to
    ByRef astrCostCodeDescriptions as variant
    but can you not import the data directly from Oracle into SQL Server and then have SP to do your processing or you could use the DTS wizard and use it to create a VB class that would do the maniuplation for you or just save the DTZ on sql server and call from VB

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    DTS is what I was thinking....which is why I asked in my first post whether the objevtive was to move the data or something else...

    If its just a data-move, DTS should also be faster. By lots. But YMMV, as always :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,781 ✭✭✭amen

    what is YYMV ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,943 ✭✭✭Mutant_Fruit

    amen wrote:
    what is YMMV ?
    "Your milage my vary"

    @Bonkey. Good thing i prefaced my post with "I don't know VB". I never knew you could do that. I suppose it makes sense when you think about it. Ignore my previous post :p

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