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Which party do you support / will vote for?



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,775 ✭✭✭Nuttzz

    netwhizkid wrote:
    I intend to have a Broadband connection while out in either of those places, and shall be posting from either Havana or Pyongyang,

    LMAO, broadband in of dublin cant get BB and you expect it in North Korea..... try the recent rte report on the Dear Leaders attitude to the internet...
    netwhizkid wrote:
    if this current Gov are re-elected people just simply will have to Emigrate out as things will be so bad.

    exactly how? unemployment is at a record low for example, i remember when a college education was your ticket out of the country and unemployment was at 15%, are we going to get a return to those glorious days?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,255 ✭✭✭✭The_Minister

    Becasue every people on earth have the right to self-determination.

    Its a disgrace in the 21st century that anywhereb should not have self-determination.

    Its a crime against humanity for a people not to be in charge of their own destiny.

    Fine. Let the people of Northern Ireland vote on it. Oh wait....the majority want to stay with Britain. And about 30% of Catholics want to stay...... oh dear.....Good luck anyway:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,107 ✭✭✭John R

    Nuttzz wrote:
    LMAO, broadband in of dublin cant get BB and you expect it in North Korea..... try the recent rte report on the Dear Leaders attitude to the internet...

    exactly how? unemployment is at a record low for example, i remember when a college education was your ticket out of the country and unemployment was at 15%, are we going to get a return to those glorious days?

    I also remember that Fianna Fail were in power for the majority of that period as well. Or are we supposed to conveniently forget that legacy of theirs?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,255 ✭✭✭✭The_Minister

    I'm for the Progressive Democrats for several reasons:
    1. I have astma, and thanks to Mary Harney there is no more smog so I have lived past five.
    2. I want a job when I get older.
    3. They have the guts to make hard unpopular decisions (Michael McDowell)
    4. I support increased contraception, gay civil partnerships etc. (I'm not for gay adoption but no party is perfect)
    5.They have alternative common sense policies, although they sometimes let Fianna Fail hold them back (Cafe Bars)
    6. I like low taxes.

    Now for the other parties:
    FF: 2nd best but have too many conflicting interests.
    I'm very impressed with Mary Hannafin and Seamus Brennan
    FG: They lost any experienced players in 2002.
    Like some of their policies but have the same conflicting interests as FF.
    Dislike how they made a GP Health nominee - he will have to bargain with GP unions and was probably wined and dined by drug companies as a doctor
    SF: Too much blood, Too little regret
    Economic morons
    Maybe tamed in the future but useless for now
    Hypocrits. Want Republicans to be allowed walk away scot free but not unionists.
    Socialist: Virulant,...just no
    GP: Technological ignorants. Bark on about renewable with no clue of cost.
    Actually think tidal has any potential
    Nothing policy-wise to recommend them.
    Lab: Mean well but far too Politically Correct.
    Will have to negotiate with unions, yet recieve much of the parties donations from unions. Do we really want massive, inflation-causing, undeserved wage rises for civil servents?
    Think they are liberal but often fall behind PDs on issues. (I'm conservative with liberal sympathies.
    Frightened of offending people.
    Too often split between what they must do and what they want to do. There is a very idealistic group that damages their realistic plans and a realistic group that temper their idealistic plans.
    They too have much corruption. The reason that they oppose GP only medical cards for example.......

    The PDs were slandered from day one by -"intellectuals" in the Irish Times so they have a stigma attached to them, but they are a very worthwhile party.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 769 ✭✭✭Freelancer

    Becasue every people on earth have the right to self-determination.

    Its a disgrace in the 21st century that anywhereb should not have self-determination.

    Its a crime against humanity for a people not to be in charge of their own destiny.

    Yeah they are, the majority of NI want to remain as part of the UK.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,775 ✭✭✭Nuttzz

    John R wrote:
    I also remember that Fianna Fail were in power for the majority of that period as well. Or are we supposed to conveniently forget that legacy of theirs?

    keep looking at history that is the way to progress :rolleyes:

    this governments record is not perfect but i'd much rather queue on the M50 than queue at the social welfare office....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 218 ✭✭Cronus333

    Freelancer wrote:
    Yeah they are, the majority of NI want to remain as part of the UK.
    And you would only get a slim majority in favour down South. I think that the combined total would add to rejection myself. I certainly wouldn't want reunification for example.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,988 ✭✭✭constitutionus

    I'm for the Progressive Democrats for several reasons:
    1. I have astma, and thanks to Mary Harney there is no more smog so I have lived past five.
    2. I want a job when I get older.
    3. They have the guts to make hard unpopular decisions (Michael McDowell)
    4. I support increased contraception, gay civil partnerships etc. (I'm not for gay adoption but no party is perfect)
    5.They have alternative common sense policies, although they sometimes let Fianna Fail hold them back (Cafe Bars)
    6. I like low taxes.

    1.hope you dont have a relapse,or its 8 days on a trolly for you
    2. and i look forward to you providing me a service for 7.65 an hour
    3. been in a cafe bar latley
    4.and WHERE are the kids who support your pension ment to come from otherwords there all talk and will back down from the vested interests
    6. i like low PRICES , not stealth taxes

    its amazing how naive people are :D

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    If I remember right, yuo said Sinn Fein...
    1.hope you dont have a relapse,or its 8 days on a trolly for you

    Under Sinn Fein everyone will be perfectly healthy and treated the very second they become ill.
    2. and i look forward to you providing me a service for 7.65 an hour

    Under Sinn Fein it will be a million euros a week and houses will be made from the finest chocolate.
    3. been in a cafe bar latley

    Under Sinn Fein there will be no need for cafe bars. The rivers are full of milk and honey coffee and alcohol.
    4.and WHERE are the kids who support your pension ment to come from

    Under Sinn Fein, everyone will have a minimum of 15 children. otherwords there all talk and will back down from the vested interests

    Unlike Sinn Fein, who actually carry out stuff like Garda killing, bank robberies, murder etc. etc. because talk is cheap.
    6. i like low PRICES , not stealth taxes

    Under Sinn Fein, there will be neither taxes nor prices.
    its amazing how naive people are :D

    I completely agree...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,988 ✭✭✭constitutionus

    If I remember right, yuo said Sinn Fein...

    Under Sinn Fein everyone will be perfectly healthy and treated the very second they become ill.

    Under Sinn Fein it will be a million euros a week and houses will be made from the finest chocolate.

    Under Sinn Fein there will be no need for cafe bars. The rivers are full of milk and honey coffee and alcohol.

    Under Sinn Fein, everyone will have a minimum of 15 children.

    Unlike Sinn Fein, who actually carry out stuff like Garda killing, bank robberies, murder etc. etc. because talk is cheap.

    Under Sinn Fein, there will be neither taxes nor prices.

    I completely agree...

    and exactly WHERE did i say i wanted em running the country:confused: if you READ my post youll see i want em in as a credible OPPOSITION.

    Youve STILL not said im wrong though. if your not in a vested interest your gonna be on the minimum wage, and if the services directorate gets in in its present form you wont be safe there either.
    think im wrong, there are SOLICITORS working in this country as waitress's because they make more money here doing that work.
    IMAGINE what'll happen if theyre allowed to practice law here at that rate:) hope your not studing law:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 261 ✭✭Diorraing

    Fianna Fáil - The only party I would trust the country/economy with.
    Fine Gael - I'm very sceptical about their links with reform movement:
    They'd probably destroy Irish culture as well as rejoining the
    commonwealth.Apart from thatthey don't really have any
    interesting policies: except banning hoodies.
    Labour - Not a credible left-wing option. Rabbitte is an ineffectual
    leader. I don't see how they'd push their policies in a
    government lead by the upper middle-class Fine Gaelers
    Sinn Féin - We'd have no economy by the time these guys are finished
    with us! I don't see how they'll get us a United Ireland any
    faster than FF. At least they can't be called West Brits
    PDs - Michael McDowell, minister for justice believes people are guilty
    until proven innocent. Need I say any more
    The Rest - No point!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,558 ✭✭✭netwhizkid

    I'm for the Progressive Democrats for several reasons:
    1. I have asthma, and thanks to Mary Harney there is no more smog so I have lived past five.
    2. I want a job when I get older.
    3. They have the guts to make hard unpopular decisions (Michael McDowell)
    4. I support increased contraception, gay civil partnerships etc. (I'm not for gay adoption but no party is perfect)
    5.They have alternative common sense policies, although they sometimes let Fianna Fail hold them back (Cafe Bars)
    6. I like low taxes.

    I too have asthma :o and thanks to the Fine Gael/Labour Coalition Government of the early nineties, I too was able to make it past 5yrs of age. My family were able to get cheaper Inhalers etc. for me Political pressure had to applied to get me jumped up the queue to see a specialist, otherwise I'd surely be feeding the snails. Fianna Fail argued I was not ill enough.


    I am now 18 and have still been unsuccessful at getting a job, the majority of places I have tried have told me that they are full or that they no longer accept Irish workers because the Eastern European and Asian work ethic is far better. I can't remember none of the outsiders here growing up with John Bruton as Taoiseach.


    Yes they have made the decisions going against what the people want. If this isn't pigheadness what is? Oh yeah Michael McDowell is about as in tune with modern Ireland as a nazi storm trooper. I also reckon he is related to the Paisley Family or else a undercover agent for the DUP, have you ever heard his attitude to the re-unification of Ireland, Even after the IRA disarm he is still ranting on.


    I too support Contraception, but would go to any lengths to stop Gay Marriage or Civil Partnerships, Gay adoption? Daddy & Daddy or Mummy & Mummy? Even the brightest of Children would be confused, and would no doubt grow up with a feeling of loss and sadness in their lives. It is unnatural to have same-sex parents and don't even mention the Religious and Moral ground.


    I like common sense; this is something the Progressive Democrats lack completely. On their website they have a page saying how the CIE group should be broken up and free competition allowed. How in the name of god could that work, Privatisation and Competition is always going to work against the consumer. CIE is doing a great job and should be preserved exactly as they are. However this would not worry the PDs as Brown envelopes no doubt would be involved.


    I like low taxes too! However I love getting value for money and this I for certain don’t with those taxes! Perhaps you should take a trip down to your local A&E sometime or drive on a non-national road. Then you will see what our tax euros are achieving……. About as much as I’d achieve trying to do them myself on a budget of €100, the motto is I’d prefer slightly higher taxes for decent public services. Major Profitable Private Enterprises could be Nationalised for far less than they are worth with some crafty legislation, then use their profits to drive the public service forward. Why should all that lovely money go to lining some foreign investors pockets??

    That is common sense, that is government and that is why you or anyone else should not vote for the Progressive Democrats or Fianna Fail. In soccer there is a phrase “ABU Anyone but United” I’d say “ABTCG Anyone but this current government” A vote for this government is a vote for Failure, Corruption and Privatisation.

    Nuff said IMO.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,078 ✭✭✭✭LordSutch

    I will be voting, and this is my opinion of how the parties stand:-

    FF = Bertie is doing a good job & we are highly regarded Worldwide, the North is warming to him also.
    PD's = proping up FF nicely, Mc Dowell is very Strong, not sure about Harney though.
    FG = Still building ideas "re-grouping" Enda kenny nice man, leadership material not sure?
    LB = Pat Rabbite is growing on me, he seems to be getting stronger with good working class policies.
    GR = Green's, good in places, not much going on really, might make up part of a New coalition?
    Sf = I can only pray that they never get into power/ I dislike them with a passion for obvious reasons.

    Realistically it looks like FF + PD will do it again because of the Very Strong economy, and unless something awful happens (Bertie caught with rent Boy) then its the third term for the current coalition and we will continue to flourish.

    FG + LB Interseting, if it got off the ground.
    FG + PD Might be a serious alternative to the current set up.
    SF + anybody else (forget it)! nobody will go near them "thank God".

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,452 ✭✭✭Time Magazine

    Diorraing wrote:
    Fine Gael - I'm very sceptical about their links with reform movement.
    The links don't exist. There's some Reform gimps who joined the party, particularly in Dublin, but they're very weak and frowned upon. That's it, really.
    They'd probably destroy Irish culture as well as rejoining the commonwealth.
    Ah here. Destory Irish culture? How?! And with regard the commonwealth; we essentially left it, why would we join it again? The only person I've ever seriously talk about re-joining the commonwealth is de Valera's ministerial grandson. We're the pro-EU party. That's our union.
    Apart from thatthey don't really have any interesting policies: except banning hoodies.
    Hehe, that you might have us one :D.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm picking the turd sandwich. I don't approve of giant douche's views on immigration.

  • Registered Users Posts: 261 ✭✭Diorraing

    The links don't exist. There's some Reform gimps who joined the party, particularly in Dublin, but they're very weak and frowned upon. That's it, really.
    I presume John Bruton, who is affiliated with the reform movement is one of these "gimps". I don't trust them - this idea of making Irish optional but nothing else sounds like it came out of the reform headquaters because I know for a fact that there are many Fine Gael supporters who are very unhappy about it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 78 ✭✭Kilsally

    Becasue every people on earth have the right to self-determination.

    Its a disgrace in the 21st century that anywhereb should not have self-determination.

    Its a crime against humanity for a people not to be in charge of their own destiny.

    I think therefore if there were a referendum on Irish unity "up North" tomorrow you would be sorely disappointed. A mere look at the makeup of the NI Assembly should affirm the fact that self-determination is quite evident.

    A question. Do Sinn Fein voters consider themselves communists? The leader of Sinn Fein - The Workers Party is a communist, various splinter groups such as IRSP, RSF promulgate Marxist ideology as does ordinary sinn Fein who are members of the communist block in th EU parliament and not the socialist block.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,154 ✭✭✭Flex

    Becasue every people on earth have the right to self-determination.

    Its a disgrace in the 21st century that anywhereb should not have self-determination.

    Its a crime against humanity for a people not to be in charge of their own destiny.

    Youre a nationalist, so youre needs are secondary

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,988 ✭✭✭constitutionus

    Kilsally wrote:
    I think therefore if there were a referendum on Irish unity "up North" tomorrow you would be sorely disappointed. A mere look at the makeup of the NI Assembly should affirm the fact that self-determination is quite evident.

    A question. Do Sinn Fein voters consider themselves communists? The leader of Sinn Fein - The Workers Party is a communist, various splinter groups such as IRSP, RSF promulgate Marxist ideology as does ordinary sinn Fein who are members of the communist block in th EU parliament and not the socialist block.

    and berties a socialist :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 261 ✭✭Diorraing

    Kilsally wrote:
    I think therefore if there were a referendum on Irish unity "up North" tomorrow you would be sorely disappointed. A mere look at the makeup of the NI Assembly should affirm the fact that self-determination is quite evident.
    If you accept a gerrymandered border - This in itself was a human rights violation as it made sure that only unionists would be in power in that provence for the forseeable future. Why didn't they take the whole of Ulster - would have been economically more viable.
    Anyway, I don't want to drift off topic. FF-Labour are my bet for the next gov. PDs won't have enough seats and FF will lose some. FG-Labour won't have enough seats and Labour won't go into government with the PDs if they have an ounce of left wing blood in them. Pat Rabbitte may be vociferous in his opposition to FF but after the next election he'll change or his party will change him.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 78 ✭✭Kilsally

    Its wasnt gerrmandered, it was set by the boundry commission of the time in agreement with all parties, although some parties thought it would be temporary. A 9 county Ulster would have been feasible at the time as there would still have been a Unionist majority but the border counties were all prominently Nationalist, infact i think Tyrone was also.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 78 ✭✭Kilsally

    Goodshape wrote:
    I think the majority consensus is that the place is called Derry. As it is in the OP's 'Location' field. Why make a point of including 'London' in your own reply?

    are you talking the city or the county?
    There was never a County Derry. The remains of Derry or Doire were rebuilt by the London companies and it was renamed Londonderry but everyone icluding Unionists usuaully just call it Derry. The city hower was in County Coleraine not County Derry. County Londonderry was later formed by merging County Coleraine with parts of neighbouring counties.

    "The County of Coleraine, also known as County Coleraine, was a county of Ireland. It was the only one of the original 32 counties of Ireland to be abolished before the twentieth century.

    It was created between the Rivers Bann and Foyle in 1585 by John Perrot during the reign of Elizabeth I of England, with the intention of administering it from Coleraine, but in fact its courthouse and jail were built at Desertmartin. Beyond this, English control of the territory was nominal, so in 1607 almost the entire county was confiscated from its Irish owners, and in 1609, it was given to the Corporation of London and its livery companies, who were commanded to undertake its plantation.

    The area to be planted included the entirety of County Coleraine, a barony of northern County Tyrone, the environs of Coleraine in County Antrim and a small area of County Donegal around Lough Foyle. In 1613, this larger area was incorporated into the new County Londonderry, with its county town in new walled city of Londonderry on the west bank of the Foyle, opposite the destroyed town of Derry."

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,255 ✭✭✭✭The_Minister

    I just want to answer three responses to my post.

    1. Health service Trolleys: Its not that bad. Most of the time you fine, unless you hit a rush. Also, I know many doctors that work in hospitals and they say that if you took the drunks who merely need to dry out ie. not in danger or needing treatment, then A&E would be busy but could cope.
    I'm sorry so many people took Opposition oportunism and populist dillusion as fact. Its like the situation in Chernobyl - once they have heard one thing often enough, they cannot change their mind.

    2. Privitisation. I can't believe I have to answer this. It has been proven time and again that state monopolies are the most inefficient, wasteful companies you can have. They inevitabley become this way no matter who is in power. These companies can rarely be successfully reformed.
    The reason they want to break up CIE is that while the 46A etc are great, many of the commuter buses are being badly run and they(CIE management) refuse to address the problem

    3.I distinctly said i'm not for gay adoption but i don't care if they leave stuff to each other, or can see each other in hospital.

    One other small thing. No Pds have been found taking brown envelopes so could the labour voters drop that rubbish. Labour is a far more compremised party.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,878 ✭✭✭✭Zebra3

    The greatest steps to a single unified nation have been made by... Fine Gael. We founded this state with the expressed intention of using the Treaty as a means to freedom.

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Where do make this stuff up?

    Please point out to me how FG has done this? What year did the party actually come into existence? 1933. The state was established in 1919 by SF.

    The biggest impact FG has had on our freedom is handing power won from London to Brussles.

    All the mainstream parties like to condemn SF claiming they are undemocratic and have blood on their hands.

    And what do the mainstream parties do? Refuse to acknowledge the democratic right of the people of Ireland to reject the Nice Treaty and collaborate in America's murdering, pillaging acts in the Middle East.

    Spot the difference. :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,452 ✭✭✭Time Magazine

    Zebra3 wrote:
    Please point out to me how FG has done this?
    Let us suppose that, tomorrow, Fianna Fáil merge with the Irish Countrywomen's Association to form Fianna Fáil Nua. Does that mean they can no longer claim de Valera? If Gerry Adams dies tomorrow and Mary-Lou takes over, and re-names the party Sibh Féin, was Gerry Adams not a major figure in the party's history.

    "Original" Sinn Féin split after the treaty. One side was pro-Treaty, one side was anti-Treaty. The pro-Treaty side won the war, founded the State. This side, Cumann na nGaedheal subsumed two elements into their party and renamed themselves Fine Gael, and still hold their "progressive centre" views.
    What year did the party actually come into existence? 1933. The state was established in 1919 by SF.
    Sinn Féin man 1: The state was founded by the blood on 1916
    Sinn Féin man 2: The state was founded in 1919
    Sinn Féin man 3: There are actually several states knocking around
    Sinn Féin man 4: But we sit in the one Fine Gael founded.

    The Shinners today are completely different to the Shinners of Arthur Griffith/Michael Collins/Eamonn de Valera. All of the above were moderately conservative. None were Marxists, as the party now claim to be.
    The biggest impact FG has had on our freedom is handing power won from London to Brussles.
    If you want to attribute the successes of the EU to Fine Gael go right ahead; it's about time we got some praise for it. No major wars in the region in sixty years, compared to 50 million people dying in thirty.
    All the mainstream parties like to condemn SF claiming they are undemocratic and have blood on their hands.
    Rightly so. You do. If you want me to name names, I will. If you want me to tell you stories you've never heard of I will. SF do have blood on their hands.
    And what do the mainstream parties do? Refuse to acknowledge the democratic right of the people of Ireland to reject the Nice Treaty
    If the people felt so strongly they'd have voted no again. But, wait, they didn't. Democratic majority voted for the Nice Treaty.
    and collaborate in America's murdering, pillaging acts in the Middle East.
    Murder and pillage! There's libel if ever I saw it :).

    Fine Gael do not support the war in Iraq.
    Zebra3 wrote:
    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
    Where do make this stuff up? [sic]
    Like supporting the war in Iraq? Where do you make this up? :).

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    think im wrong, there are SOLICITORS working in this country as waitress's because they make more money here doing that work.
    IMAGINE what'll happen if theyre allowed to practice law here at that rate:) hope your not studing law:D

    Bizarre. Because I know plenty of qualified Solicitors walking into highly paid jobs, I mean very highly paid jobs. So evidently there's a lot more money in waiting than I thought...
    netwhizkid wrote:
    I too have asthma :o and thanks to the Fine Gael/Labour Coalition Government of the early nineties, I too was able to make it past 5yrs of age.

    I would have read the post in full, but I keep breaking down after that line. That's got to be your best effort yet. The best efforts of FF just couldn't keep you down, netwhizkid, you're too much...

  • Registered Users Posts: 163 ✭✭elurhs

    I'll just get my gun so we can go refight the civil war:p

    From my own point of view, I can only vote in my own constituency (obviously) and the people standing there will influence how I vote. Maybe not right but not wrong either.

    I'm from Mayo, and FF is piss poor here at the moment. 1 TD who is completely anonymous, don't talk to me about Bev Flynn, and a newcomer. Cos they have no decent people running, I won't be voting for them.

    FG has Inda and Ring. Two strong candidates though I don't like Ring on a personal level.

    A vote for an independent in my view is a waste. Even protest candidates running on a hospital platform or whatever, when they get in they can't really do much more that twiddle their thumbs. So that rules out Dr. Jerry Cowley, solicitor and TD.

    I won't vote Sinn Fein cos of their policies, and I don't think there's much of a Labour party on Mayo, so I suppose I don't know who I'll vote for yet!!! God that was a bit of a rant.

    One last point, there are a lot of people giving out about the state of the country. Name three countries you would, taking everything into account, rather live in/be from. Every country has its bad points. As a whole, I think we're doing well. A little optimism never hurt!:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 986 ✭✭✭ateam

    Sinn Fein are socialists....its historically proven that socialism is unsuccessful. In the UK, the Labour Party has moved towards the centre ground, getting away from socialism and it has proved enormously worthwhile.

    Why would you vote for a defunct political philosophy...not to mention their links with the provos.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,452 ✭✭✭Time Magazine

    cormacs wrote:
    angry banana - can you post a link to where SF claim they are marxist?
    Sinn Féin rarely say anything publically about specific policies. I quote Robbie Smyth in Trinity College less than eighteen months ago "I don't think it's the place for opposition parties to state their exact economic policies".

    Unfortunately I can't link to the doorstep, nor the several debates I've had with Shinners in real life where they speak about their "Marxist-ideals" of inclusion.

    How and ever, I can link to some references:

    Wikipedia: "...oth organisations advocate a United Ireland and avowedly socialist values with a nationalist slant"
    Adams. G, 'Scenario for establishing a Socialist Republic' in 'An Phoblacht', 19 April 1980.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 986 ✭✭✭ateam

    The present government have ensured the huge economic growth we currently enjoy... I would of thought that was a good thing...:rolleyes:
