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Magic Mushrooms have just been made Illegal in Ireland



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,207 ✭✭✭meditraitor

    how is that a stupid comment? is it possible you just dont have an answer for it that doesnt sound completely rediculous?

    Unlike yours?
    during college christmas day last year in waterford a feller got mowed down by an articulated lorry cause he was drinking and he thought he could hold on to the back of the cab and get down the road, he subsequently fell and killed himself, one of my best mates saw it all, it was horrible. you dont see drink getting banned? this sort of stuff happens every day...

    Go after the law legalising Alcohol so!
    i pay taxes to the government, approx €100 comes out of my wage packet every fortnight i never see that money, i dont have a car, i dont go to the doctor, havent been in ages, when i do i have to pay, because i have to be dirt fúckin poor to get free health care, i have taken my weight in mushrooms, never thought about flying off a building. ive often looked at the stretch of water and said jesus that looks smooth enough to walk on, but i know i cant, you know why? because im not stupid, since i was born i haven't been able to walk on water, no mushroom is going to make me think that.
    You were born in a hospital, you went to school, you walk on the path, cross at traffic lights, dont need to bring a torch out at night because of street lighting, pick mushrooms in fields(farmers subsidised by taxes)
    100 fucking yoyo's every 2 weeks-so what,
    how on earth can you stand there and say the seat that im sitting in is uncomfortable if you have not sat in it yourself?
    How can you say the guy who jumped out the window wasnt effected by Mushrooms, you didnt sit in his chair
    you can never ever.... ever.... ever.... ever.... understand a hallucinagenic drug unless you actually try one
    Everyone has different trips, if you bothered to take the positives from your trips this would be clear
    my taxes go to pay for street cleaners, judges, cops, social workers, doctors yet i havent been in trouble with the law, i dont litter, ive never been to a social worker, and when i go to the doctor i have to pay.

    Imagine a country without street cleaners, judges, cops,social workers and docters!!!!
    ive never called the firebrigade, never called an ambulance, never used a public toilet, all of which i would have to pay for anyway.

    And if your extremely lucky(blessed by god or whatever) you will never have to!
    i dont have any kids, they dont need schooling, so basically i pay the government €100 a fortnight and when i do need them they shaft me some more i pay tax on every single thing that i buy, for what? for them to shaft me some more, i have no doubt you like getting shafted, but i dont.

    no study has been put in to wether or not mushrooms or any other hallucinogen is safe or not, they have just been brushed under the carpet, i mean obviously its not safe for everyone nor is any other drug, having an alcoholic mother makes me want to ban alcohol, but it is up to adult people if they want to drink or not... not me

    And if you ever have kids all your smoking and drug taking will probably drive them to drink!
    A lot of people have Alcohol problems in their families, not an excuse to get wrecked and do damage to yourself(drug abuse will get you if you partake too much, especially the ones who think they can handle it), and moan about things that are not going right in your life, off your arse and sort it.

    you think people are not educated enough to make their own decisions who the **** do you think you are? god?

    murderers, rapists, peadophiles, conmen they all know what they are doing is wrong, so should we legalise these just because a few people in society think it is acceptable?

    m doing something to myself that doesnt harm anyone else, i pay taxes to the government and they don't allow me the freedom to do what i want... the kings of old, thought they had a god given right to command people used to do sh1t like that, communism was much the same, fascism too, and they were known as evil regimes. and now it seems that democracy isnt too dissimilar

    Yes you are harming others, the people who love you will suffer when you suffer!

    And on that note, this goes out to everyone who is moaning about Mushrooms being made illegal>
    We live in one of the most Liberal and tolerant societies on the planet, poverty is nearly eradicated and we have a great standard of living, education is there for eveyone who wants it,
    If you's had half a brain you wouldnt be moaning about ****ing mushrooms being made illegal, take a look around you, the world is full of horrors for the vast majority of its inhabitants.
    Get of your arses and try and help them, not moan about some fungus!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭dathi1

    Just as a matter of interest....The Phoenix park produces at least 2 types of Mushroom which are in some cases 10 times or more potent than the truffles that were sold by vendors in Dublin. Considering that these Fungi are growing naturally does this mean the Park authorities will have to shut the park as they will be providing free shrooms?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Catsmokinpot

    Go after the law legalising Alcohol so!
    having an alcoholic mother makes me want to ban alcohol, but it is up to adults if they want to drink or not... not me
    why? so i can mammy other people? no thanks im not in to having complete control over other poeple
    You were born in a hospital, you went to school, you walk on the path, cross at traffic lights, dont need to bring a torch out at night because of street lighting, pick mushrooms in fields(farmers subsidised by taxes)
    100 fucking yoyo's every 2 weeks-so what,
    i wasnt born in a hospital in ireland.... school.... hmm if you could call it that..... i was born in england where the nhs is free wether your from england or not..... the pavements i walk on were payed for long before i got here. hmmm arent traffic lights covered in road tax? its not my fault that other people have cars.... i pick mine on a private golf course.... the others come from abroad
    How can you say the guy who jumped out the window wasnt effected by Mushrooms, you didnt sit in his chair
    how can you say he was? he was drinking after all...... but that doesnt come in to it does it:rolleyes: .....
    Everyone has different trips, if you bothered to take the positives from your trips this would be clear
    again i didnt say they were for everyone....
    Imagine a country without street cleaners, judges, cops,social workers and docters!!!!
    imagine.... im just saying, that i have not needed these things i have been working for nearly 8 years and payed so much to the government... and never needed these things? do i get any money back? no..... and one thing i ask the government for and they say **** you
    And if your extremely lucky(blessed by god or whatever) you will never have to!
    if i do i have to pay for it... then what do my taxes pay for if they dont pay for my safety??
    And if you ever have kids all your smoking and drug taking will probably drive them to drink!
    A lot of people have Alcohol problems in their families, not an excuse to get wrecked and do damage to yourself(drug abuse will get you if you partake too much, especially the ones who think they can handle it), and moan about things that are not going right in your life, off your arse and sort it.
    oh yes because im addicted arent i? :rolleyes: and if i have kids i will keep smoking and drug taking? answer = no. i grew up with that, it wouldnt put my kids through that..... and moaning about things that affect other people is what im doing, the ban doesnt really affect me much i dont do them that often anymore, was waiting till the summer to take them in a park once or twice with mates..... but i cant now can i?
    murderers, rapists, peadophiles, conmen they all know what they are doing is wrong, so should we legalise these just because a few people in society think it is acceptable?
    oh yes i said that is perfectly fine didnt i?:rolleyes: grow the fúck up will ya and stop making stupid statements
    Yes you are harming others, the people who love you will suffer when you suffer!
    how do you know i am suffering? again your not sitting in my shoes or my seat so how can you say they are uncomfortable...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 91 ✭✭feckidyparp

    I have read the first 6 pages of this argument and I have a question that I don't think has been raised. Could the man who jumped from his balcony have committed suicide. There are so many cases of suicide in Ireland each year that it may be the real reason he lept to his death and not a result of taking the mushrooms at all. Many suicidal people have chosen to drink or take drugs before an attempted suicide and this may be the case here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭PTL

    god i love made up facts like .... Amsterdam is the crime capitol of the world ... HOW? have you ever been there? Ever been mugged there, every been in a fight over there... Now lets look at Dublin :) I’ve been to Amsterdam 4-5 times and the only people I’ve ever heard of being mugged is people who are stoned out of there head :) Can I see the study that shows Amsterdam is the crime capitol of the world ... people say New York is but then again there’s much worse places.

    And Angry banana can you tell me what drugs you have done? cigarettes? hash? grass? mushrooms? chemicals of any sort? alcohol? So what drugs have you done from the above and what ones do you still use? I just don’t think anyone who hasn’t done something can preach about it ... just like Mary Harney preaching to people about health and then going missing during the conference on obesity in Ireland haha .... its like the best type of people to get alcoholics or heroin users off there drugs is past alcoholics or heroin users ... Not some guy who read 20 case studies in UCD about how bad alcohol or heroin is.

    I could be wrong and you could have tried drugs and not liked them but it would give you more grounds for your arguments but it seems like your preaching about something you haven’t had any first hand knowledge about, I’m not saying you havn’t read one sided articles and not saying you don’t have knowledge about drugs ... just I think you have the same knowledge as the politicians have which lets face it they haven’t a clue

    And can anyone post me a unbiased report or study done on magic mushrooms that shows any long term effects or deaths by the actual mushroom and not stupidity ... you might find one or two but greatly outweighed by the 100 other ones showing an in-depth study that revealed that there harmless ... Then every month at least a study comes out showing how bad alcohol is and how many deaths it causes ... and no I’m not wanting alcohol banned I’m just saying if you think politicians should tell you what you can and cant do ... how come they tell us we can do something like smoking and drinking that kills at least 10+ (don’t know exact figures so I’m going VERY low) people every day in Ireland and has thousands of negative studies done on it but not let us do a harmless drug?

    and feckidyparp ... if he hadn't of taken mushrooms it would have been recorded as a suicide and wouldnt make the papers no matter how smashed he was on drink, it would have been a open n shut case of suicide not that he thought he could fly but since he had a half dose of mushrooms in him ... he obviously thought he could fly haha again its people without first hand experiance preaching about something that they only know of through whats been shoved down there throat

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 91 ✭✭feckidyparp

    PTL wrote:
    and feckidyparp ... if he hadn't of taken mushrooms it would have been recorded as a suicide and wouldnt make the papers no matter how smashed he was on drink, it would have been a open n shut case of suicide not that he thought he could fly but since he had a half dose of mushrooms in him ... he obviously thought he could fly haha again its people without first hand experiance preaching about something that they only know of through whats been shoved down there throat

    That was sort of the point I was bringing up with the question.
    1. he jumped off a balcony (possibly suicide)
    2. he was drinking (still possibly suicide)
    3. he took some mushies. (he must have thought he could fly and it was definitely the mushies. ban them!!!)

    Is it only a presumption that he thought he could fly and jumped or did someone hear him say "i think tonights a nice night for a little fly around the block." if he said nowt then i dont think suicide can be ruled out, drugs or no drugs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Catsmokinpot

    And on that note, this goes out to everyone who is moaning about Mushrooms being made illegal>
    We live in one of the most Liberal and tolerant societies on the planet, poverty is nearly eradicated and we have a great standard of living, education is there for eveyone who wants it,
    If you's had half a brain you wouldnt be moaning about ****ing mushrooms being made illegal, take a look around you, the world is full of horrors for the vast majority of its inhabitants.
    Get of your arses and try and help them, not moan about some fungus!
    i think if more people tried mushrooms they might start to think about other people..... theyre not just for fun its a really introspective experience. makes you look at yourself, makes you look at others in a different way gives you a mind opening experience, made me a better person, more generous, more open, more caring, more people orientated if thats a bad thing then i send me straight to hell

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 331 ✭✭Morrigan

    I have read the first 6 pages of this argument and I have a question that I don't think has been raised. Could the man who jumped from his balcony have committed suicide. There are so many cases of suicide in Ireland each year that it may be the real reason he lept to his death and not a result of taking the mushrooms at all. Many suicidal people have chosen to drink or take drugs before an attempted suicide and this may be the case here.

    I believe there is a strong chance he committed suicide... but obviously I don't know enough about the context and the circumstances leading up to his death...And I doubt anyone else here does, so perhaps it's best not to speculate...
    The only thing I can say from personal experience is that my experiences with Magic Mushrooms were overwhelmingly positive and I can't imagine having a bad trip on them...but my mind set and the setting were good..and every brain is different...
    But I don't think whether he commited suicide or thought he could fly or had a bad trip is really relevant. The most pertinent point in this argument is the fact that the irresponsible knee-jerk reaction of the Government to serve it's own electioneering is going to hurt more people than it will help... No proper investigation, testing, public debate...They just put on the blinkers and cry "Drugs are baaad! So don't drugs."
    *sigh* :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭egon spengler

    Akrasia wrote:
    In the last half hour, Nature has been criminalised on the emerald Isle, the Nanny state has decreed that they are too dangerous for us idiot citizens, perhaps we should all go out and play hurling or go mountaineering or go for a nice healthy walk even though those wholesome activities have killed and injured more people than magic mushrooms ever have.

    hey did you use to use mikado? I have mixed opinions on the magic mushrooms issue though. Its easy to confuse the question of civil liberties with drug use. Given that there have been a number of cases where people think they can "fly" when on mushrooms in addition to other adverse side effects I think there is some justification for banning them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 91 ✭✭feckidyparp

    Morrigan wrote:
    I believe there is a strong chance he committed suicide... but obviously I don't know enough about the context and the circumstances leading up to his death...And I doubt anyone else here does, so perhaps it's best not to speculate...

    Yeah good point. I shouldn't have really brought it up. the point really is about the government and not about how that man died.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,963 ✭✭✭SpAcEd OuT

    just thought i'd post this report.

    Press release July, 13th 2005

    UN sees no reason to ban mushrooms.

    On July 18 of this month Psilocybe mushrooms become illegal in the UK. The new law banning Psilocybe mushroom has been formulated to clarify the existing law. The existing law is a direct result of the UK signing the United Nations convention of psychotropic substances of 1971. The U.N. International Narcotics Control Board exists especially for clarification of and promoting compliance to the UN conventions on narcotics. The INCB has a tough policy on drugs and has recently condemned the downgrading of cannabis to class C in the UK and slapped the US for being soft on party drugs. Still the International Narcotics Control Board sees no need to ban Psilocybe mushrooms. There is no loophole in the law; magic mushrooms are legal with reason.

    In a Dutch court case of Dutch mushroom distributor De Sjamaan, earlier this year Dr. Lousberg, the vice-president of the INCB explained:

    Low risks

    In 2000, Coordination point Assessment and Monitoring new drugs(CAM) did a study on the risks of Psilocybe mushrooms. The CAM is part of the EU Early Warning Mechanism. It came to the conclusion that there is no need to ban Magic Mushrooms. The risks towards public health, criminality, public order, addiction and many other concerns are too low. The sales of magic mushrooms prevent people from going into the woods picking mushrooms and misidentification of magic mushrooms with toxic wild mushrooms. Dr. Lousberg was one of the experts working on the study.

    Since then there has been no new data to conclude otherwise. In fact new research and data only confirmed the outcome of the study.

    Mushrooms are 100% legal

    The delegates of the United Nations did not find it necessary to put psilocin containing mushrooms on the list of controlled substances. Only substances placed on the list of controlled substances are controlled. For this reason, not only cocaine, but also coca leaves are listed. Psilocybin and Psilocin are listed, but not the mushrooms themselves. This has been done on purpose. Many naturally occurring plants contain controlled substances. If that would be a reason to ban mushrooms or plants, a large part of nature should be prohibited. Another reason not to ban naturally occurring plants, is that the UN delegates concluded that banning naturally occurring plants is legally not feasible.

    The concentration of psilocybin and psilocin in magic mushrooms is of course much lower than the pure substances. As the concentration goes down, so does the risk. The concentration of psilocybin and psilocin is too low, to pose enough risk to justify a ban. Since magic mushrooms are not controlled, neither are preparations of magic mushrooms. Only if one would separate the controlled substances from the mushrooms, an illegal preparation would be produced.

    After consulting the United Nations on Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the International Narcotics Control Board has made it clear in various letters that Magic mushrooms do not fall under international control.

    International Narcotics Control Board meeting on Psilocybe mushrooms:

    In the light of the testimonial of Dr. Lousberg in the court case and after recurrent questions on the legal status of Psilocybe mushrooms, the International Narcotics Control Board established an ad hoc working group to look into this matter. To re-evaluate the view of the INCB on Psilocybe mushrooms and suggest to the board; wording to use in future communications on this issue. The sessions took place from may 17 – 28, 2004. The working group discussed the matter in dept and concluded that the wording presently used by the secretariat of the INCB should remain as it is:

    “At present, no plants (natural materials) are controlled under the 1971 convention of psychotropic substances. Consequently, preparations (e.g. decoctions) made of these plants, including Ayahuasca (and Psilocybe mushrooms*), could be considered as not being under international control and therefore not subject to any of the articles of the 1971 convention.”

    *Note of vice-president Lousberg

    EU Free Trade treaty

    The testimonial of the vice president of the INCB is essential in regards to the EU Free Trade treaty: This treaty, signed by the UK, forbids the UK to ban goods, which are legally produced in other EU countries. Most magic mushrooms are produced in the Netherlands. But the EU free trade treaty does not preclude prohibition justified on grounds of public health. The testimonial of Dr. Lousberg makes it impossible to claim with any credibility, that the mushroom ban is justified on grounds of protection of public health.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 246 ✭✭psilocybe

    Did Ireland sign the Free Trade Treaty? That would make the mushroom ban illegal.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 331 ✭✭Morrigan

    On July 18 of this month....
    ... -.-

    Anyway... where did you cut and paste this article from, SpAcEd OuT? It's very interesting..

  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭PTL

    Theres 5-6 big studies that have been done on an unbias ground done by groups who are quiet hard on drugs but see no reason for making mushrooms illegal

    I think what ireland has done is actually illegal considering the recent study done by the UN but i do not know enough about this subject of the legality cause im only going on what ive heard on the radio etc which is utter crap most of the time. Could someone clarify if the UN say a substance isnt illegal and ireland makes it illegal would this be breaking any rules?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 246 ✭✭psilocybe

    I have been told that this one reason why the ban may have to be reversed but they have a similar situation in the UK and it hasn't led to any change. Have you been on the Entheogen Defence Funds site? They may actually be willing to advise us on what to do next or help in some other way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭PTL

    Yea i emailed them the day it came in and they didnt have time to read the legislation but said basically to wait till someone gets prosecuted and then try to fight it then ... but maybe they have more info now. Give them another shot.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 246 ✭✭psilocybe

    I wonder when we'll see the first prosecution, it could be October when people are out picking. I will write an email to them later tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭PTL

    i hope the only prosecution is that of a bust on drug dealers that are supplying hard drugs ... i hope the ordinary joe soap that either is caught picking or caught with fruits of there picking days arnt prosecuted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 246 ✭✭psilocybe

    Hopefully but I know people who had mushrooms taken from them up in Glencullen when it was legal, I'm sure the Gardai up there are so bored they'll be glad to prosecute pickers.Have you heard anything about a protest? There was talk of one on another forum but I haven't heard anything for a few days now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,963 ✭✭✭SpAcEd OuT

    a protest should defiently be arranged, the sooner the better.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭PTL

    Yea but a protest would just show everyone who is a mushroom taker .. there would only be 50-100 people max willing to go public and the guards would be taking pictures

    I smoke cannabis regularly enough and i take mushrooms but I also run a successful business (which takes away from the argument that people that smoke don't contribute to society) and reputation is a big thing to other people... if my picture was on the front of a newspaper about being in a mushroom protest they wouldn’t be impressed, 90% of them are 30-50 age bracket.

    I love the idea of a protest but it would be impossible to get the word to the people and it would have so much legal opposition, then again if it did go ahead it would get so much press and maybe a few papers would print proper information rather then propaganda and it probably would get international coverage.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 246 ✭✭psilocybe

    I don't think they could could stop a protest, legal oposition or not we have a democratic right. I am sure all the shops that were selling mushrooms would be willing to have flyers and posters in their shops, word would spread quickly.

    I would definetely be worried about Garda harrassment if such an event went ahead. I could definetely see people being searched etc. and it would be a good idea to try to warn people not to have any drugs with them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭PTL

    90% of people that used to go into head shops will probably not go in anymore cause you cant buy them anymore. but yea the ones that would be up for protesting im sure would go in to keep updated on the situation and yea make sure you put on the posters that dont carry anything even hash ... but it would be great if guards started searching ... just makes the media coverage even better :) police harrasement if we can get the guards to turn all mayday on the protest then we win :p haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,381 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Not going to respond to you for that stupid comment. Cop on..
    ohh great answer. In other threads all you come up with it that is is "unmanageable" to ban alcohol and tobacco.
    What do the free liberals say to do with drugs then? Legalise them! Look at what alcohol is doing! You're defeating your own bloody point! The regulation of alcohol is hurting us every Friday night and you argue that cannabis should be legalised on that point alone! Come off it! If there's every been an argument made about prohibition of cannabis it's the problem with alcohol, not vice versa.
    Now you are pointing out the very hypocrisy that I was complaining about and saying was "stupid" :rolleyes:
    Why was prohibition in the US repealed? it caused more harm and money that good. Just like cannabis prohibition. Cannabis is already illegal shouldnt you be trying to get all the other "evil" drugs out there illegal.

    Is there anything else you would like to see made illegal, be it substance or activity?

    I don't agree with that. There're millions of reasons. Let me take the one I've been using, healthcare:
    Situation A: Cannabis is legal. Many people use it regularly. The cancer ward of James's is bursting, costing €100 a year to run.
    Situation B: Cannabis is illegal. Fewer people use it regularly, if not only because of the disincentive of a criminal record. The cancer ward of James's is not quite bursting, costing €90 a year to run
    Net effect: The marginal kid with cystic fibrosis receives a lesser standard of care in A. Indirect effect.
    I think you left a few little bits out of "A", what about the huge savings in the cost for policing the cannabis trade, how much does it cost to house cannabis smokers/traders in prison while the revolving doors are kicking out other criminals. How much is lost in the fact it is not taxed. Lots of people give the taxing of cigarettes as an acutal reason not to ban them, shouting about the millions its trade earns in revenue each year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,381 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Can we leave all the "fat mess" stuff. Its low, childish, pathetic and pointless. Many women gain weight as they age and it is unlikely that her busy schedule allows her to excercise)
    Pointless? the fact is we have a morbidly obese woman preaching to us about health, she cant look after herself but is expected to have the say in what is right for the rest of us. I would not like to see a finance minister who is in severe debt and cannot manage their own finances, or a racist/prejudiced justice minister.

    She is bowing to the advice of the sun and joe duffy listners, rather than the UN or the WHO (who angry banana regards as "fecking gimps")

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,423 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    psilocybe wrote:
    I don't think they could could stop a protest, legal oposition or not we have a democratic right. I am sure all the shops that were selling mushrooms would be willing to have flyers and posters in their shops, word would spread quickly.

    I would definetely be worried about Garda harrassment if such an event went ahead. I could definetely see people being searched etc. and it would be a good idea to try to warn people not to have any drugs with them.
    Unfortunately a protest by itself won't have any effect on government policy in this regard. 100,000 people marched against the Iraq war and the use of shannon, they still allow it to be used. a few dozen or hundred 'hippes' protesting against the prohibition of mushrooms will have zero effect. There is another option thought. The European Court of Human Rights could be used in a freedom of religious expression case taken by pagans or druids who have for thousands of years used mushrooms and other natural herbs,plants and fungi in their ceremonies and rituals with no negative impact on society, the ban on mushrooms is an unfair restriction of their right to express their religion and spirituality similar to if Wine was banned and churches could no longer use it in their consencration ceremony.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 246 ✭✭psilocybe

    It would cost a lot of money to take this to the European Court of Human Rights. I know the Entheogen Defence Fund in the UK have been wanting to do this but say it could cost hundreds of thousands of Euro. It is my understanding that only a small minority of pagans use mushrooms, would it be possible to contact enough of them to raise this kind of money?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 331 ✭✭Morrigan

    Why is alcohol allowed and not mushrooms...?

    Many people have a problem with inebriation. Many people see it as morally wrong to use substances to alter consciousness. They see it as lazy, corrupt, self-indulgent, disgusting, and generally detrimental to the entire comunity/society.
    However, people have alway sought out and regularly used intoxicants - all down through history, every society has had its inebriants. It would seem from the evidence that humans can't live without some sort of mind altering substances. For whatever reason, people are drawn to intoxicants.
    In our society alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and arguably sugar are acceptable mood altering substances. Many drugs are acceptable, so long as they are prescribed by a government-sanctioned authority figure, e.g. Medical Doctors.
    There are reasons why a society might find some forms of inebriants more acceptable than others.
    When it comes to Entheogens (including Magic Mushrooms)their use of in Europe was all but eliminated with the rise of post Roman Christianity and especially during the great Witch hunts of Early Modernity. European "witches" used various entheogens, including deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna), mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) and henbane (Hyoscyamus niger).
    One theory is that as the Christian church became more hierarchical and institutionalised spiritual experiences that could be had without the aid of the church, indeed the eucharist, were made taboo. To take entheogens, a traditional path to a spiritual experience, became morally wrong.
    Our society is still influenced heavily by Christian morality.
    Alcohol is a part of the eucharist, therefore acceptable.
    So, until our the moral foundation for our laws are broadened, or Christianity changes tinkers with its dogma, alcohol will always be acceptable above any other inebriant, regardless of how healthy/unhealthy it is for the body and soul compared to other intoxicants.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,423 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    psilocybe wrote:
    It would cost a lot of money to take this to the European Court of Human Rights. I know the Entheogen Defence Fund in the UK have been wanting to do this but say it could cost hundreds of thousands of Euro. It is my understanding that only a small minority of pagans use mushrooms, would it be possible to contact enough of them to raise this kind of money?
    It could be raised through the headshops, donation boxes in head shops, donations from the headshops themselves, if 10,000 in ireland and the U.K. people donated the price of one mushroom trip, that's €300,000. The ban on mushrooms affects more than just practising Druids, others use mushrooms for spiritual purposes as well and if this case was successful, it could have implications for other drugs like Marajuana as well although the rastafarians who use Marajuana aren't a native religion and there is no tradition of Marajuana being legal on these Islands

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  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭PTL

    Shamanics is practised alot in ireland, its an indian journey through your thoughts to see your power animal and other things including you guardian angel of sorts. Im sure you could get in contact with alot of shamanics in ireland but i dont know how many in ireland use mushrooms to enhance there trips but i know the real shaman's do.
