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Boards more crap than before?

  • 01-02-2006 11:08am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 3,643 ✭✭✭

    Is it just me or has the recent influx of ladeez into boards (presumably to hunt highly paid, socially inept IT workers into extinction/marriage) resulted in it becoming an increasingly humourless autocracy?

    Now I know all you mods are going to steam in and say "its a thankless task keeping the mean streets of boards free from scum like you, you're not funny, I'm only here to seriously discuss Ashtanga Yoga and not be laughed at etc etc etc" (there you go, I've saved you the effort so don't bother).

    Maybe my ideas of what constitute humour and/or banter differ from the majority and/or the norm, but it seems of late that I've been getting more beatdowns than before - normally because someone with 4 posts to their name runs crying to teacher about how I've spoiled something.

    Anyway, the hinterweb - a man's world or a cissy PC playground? I'm starting to feel like one of those Japanese soldiers hiding up a mountain in The Philippines refusing to believe the War is over. Maybe its time to come down from the mountain and hang up my login and head over to ivenus to discuss trouser length and BMW convertibles.
    Post edited by Shield on



  • Registered Users Posts: 28,865 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    I don't know if I'd say it's become more humorless, though there has been a sharp rise in over-the-top pc-ness in recent months alright :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    There has definatly been an increase of a certain type of females,personally I'd say becoming googlible and certain forum like Fashion and appearance. was the home for net nerds and gamers of many type who reguardless of gender had a certain type of humour, but that has changed.

    It certainly has become more serious, hate to say it but the 'Yore Ma!' of boards has long gone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 990 ✭✭✭mickymg2003

    Some days its like watching paint dry and nothings happening but other days its fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,659 ✭✭✭Shabadu

    You know- these lollercon infidels, as I like to call them, normally congregate on certain fora. Just avoid the forum, and avoid the brunt of them. Liberal use of the ignore feature is also beneficial.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,643 ✭✭✭magpie

    these lollercon infidels, as I like to call them, normally congregate on certain fora. Just avoid the forum, and avoid the brunt of them

    Being banned from the fora in question also seems to be working a treat.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    I wasn't kidding [post=50804065]here[/post].

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 150 ✭✭@rchives

    You've proved his point really, haven't you?

    Besides, isn't the Cuckoos Nest the right place for this sort of drivel, so it hardly counts as using another forum as a substitute for one he's been banned from. Its not like trying to discuss Drum'N'Bass on the Christianity Forum is it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    If he had of just posted drivel from the get-go I wouldn't have had a problem.

    This forum does not exist to enable people to usurp bans. Trying to do so is no different than re-registering.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,659 ✭✭✭Shabadu

    Jesus- I just re-read his post. I saw lads, not 'ladeez'. So this is the wimmin folks fault, eh? You know, there are lot of stupid people out there, male and female. Don't discriminate against the male thickos. Tar them all with the same brush.

    Also, there are a lot of sound new people too IMO. Everyone was new once. I'm just referring to the 'lol omg u goin out 2nite?! lets hook up r sumtin??!' crowd. There seems to be an equal amount of both genders involved in these exchanges.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    I thought magpie was female anyway.

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  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    I'm 35. Call me old if you will but I was rather looking forward to another 40 odd years of being in this corporeal form.

    However, I'm getting undeniably middle aged, as are a large number of Boards users. You may not know it but there was a baby boom in the irish population in the 70's which has followed me throughout my life making my year the largest Leaving Cert ever, the house prices exploding as I think about buying one, car consumption peaking as I reach mid 20s etc.

    My mates now tend to have dinner parties rather then decks-n-pill partys. We talk about kids, cars, politics (a lot), house prices, the government, George Bush, Scientologists and Marriage among other things. These arent poe faced seminars, we laugh and make jokes at Mr Bushes expense mostly but they are definitely NOT "A Weekend at Bernies".

    My point is that "Yore Ma!" is funny for a while, its funny between mates and thats where it came from. Its like when you are sitting with just your mates you can make fart jokes but when someone brings a friend you've all never met before everyone kinda sits up straighter an minds their manners a little more.

    My point is that Boards is no longer the place it started as. It too has changed and matured and taken a look at itself and realised that it can't really afford to be the goofy weird kid of the Irish internet any longer. Its time to grow up and sit with the adults.

    Boards offers too much in the coming war between Governmental control (like asking Google for all its records etc) and public freedom to disseminate information to a large number of people.

    Sorry if thats all serious and lacking smileys but thats kinda the point.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 150 ✭✭@rchives

    This forum does not exist to enable people to usurp bans. Trying to do so is no different than re-registering.

    I don't follow your logic here, he/she/it was banned from AH, tried to post something in Feedback (which judging by Dev's response was the right place to put it), it was then moved to the recycle bin whereupon you issued your warning.

    He/she/it then posted the poll in the cuckoos nest as a more appropriate place for it. Is there something in the AH charter or Cuckoos Nest charter that states exactly what you can or cannot post in these forums?

    You seem to have taken Magpie's jokey comment about posting in Feedback as he/she was banned from AH seriously and made some unfathomable leap into equating this with re-registering. Either way a site wide ban for this is unbelievably over the top, and I'm amazed and worried that it hasn't been overturned by a higher power.
    Magpie is just one of those people unable to cope with boards going mainstream.

    So are all of these people to be liquidated in case they upset progress?
    I'm 35

    Me too.
    My point is that Boards is no longer the place it started as. It too has changed and matured and taken a look at itself and realised that it can't really afford to be the goofy weird kid of the Irish internet any longer. Its time to grow up and sit with the adults.

    I agree, which is why I can't understand why the creator of something as funny as this should be booted out to make room for a bunch of 20-somethings who want to swap photos of each other and flirt. My understanding is that Magpie was compaining about the kind of people who make fart jokes being defended by the Mods when they were subjected to a bit of sarcasm or the like.

    Surely if boards is to become more serious you're weeding out the wrong people?

    I would like to see Magpie reinstated, or at least moved to prison - his/her prison diary would be better than reading most of the bilge on this site at present.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,993 ✭✭✭✭Kintarō Hattori

    In terms of humour, yes then I think it has definetly lost something. I don't believe that has anything to do with the influx of ladies here, I think it's more to do with the way society is going. We are all becoming more 'self-important', which I don't think is necessarily the best thing.

    Boards of the past was a much more liberal place where no-one took things too seriously, after all it is the internet. Lately it does seem that everyone is taking things way too much to heart or too seriously, taking offence at small things. In relation to that, boards of course has seen a massive rise in the amount of fools signing up merely to cause hassle.

    It has become more serious and less fun, but then it has grown considerably in size and it is well moderted in the sense that there is quite a few of them and they do keep a close eye on everything that goes on (maybe too close sometimes!!!).

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus never has and never will remain the same as it is at any point in time. As more and more people join, the diversity of humours, opinions and sensitivities is forever diluting. Where once you could easily find like-minded people who'd laugh at a CS video posted on AH where some guy gets fragged in the face every time he respawns, now you'll be the minority. Most other people won't find it funny and will let you know about it.

    The key here is how you deal with it. Boards's entertainment value is a function of your own sense of humour, not an overall measure of entertainment value. As with any community, as people continue to flow in, the landscape will continue to change, the answers you get to your questions will change, and the attitudes will shift. As with any community for whom this happens, there are always those who this change will not suit, and others who simply don't like things to change, and will head off to some other forum.

    We've lost plenty of good people who contributed in the past, and will lose plenty of others in the future. Most people either just log off, or post a simple goodbye. Others complain about the changing face of boards and attempt to rebel against a self-controlled, self-governing meritocracy (which boards has pretty much now become), which is like telling everyone in the community that they suck, and you're right. So ultimately you're going to be told to piss off and be kicked out.

    As DeV quite rightly points out, people born between 1975 and 1985 would easily be in the majority now, and more are even flowing in. In the last five years, this group has gone from kids playing games and college students drinking beer, to managers playing games, buying cars, homes, having babies and preparing to run the country. If you're disappointed that your peers aren't talking the same way that they did 3 or four years ago, you're going to continue to be disappointed, both on boards and in real life.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    @rchives wrote:
    I don't follow your logic here, he/she/it was banned from AH, tried to post something in Feedback (which judging by Dev's response was the right place to put it), it was then moved to the recycle bin whereupon you issued your warning.
    I issued my warning before it was moved.
    @rchives wrote:
    He/she/it then posted the poll in the cuckoos nest as a more appropriate place for it. Is there something in the AH charter or Cuckoos Nest charter that states exactly what you can or cannot post in these forums?
    She said she was posting an AH like post in Feedback to avoid the ban. I told her not too do that again. She did it again. I acted as I said I would.
    @rchives wrote:
    You seem to have taken Magpie's jokey comment about posting in Feedback as he/she was banned from AH seriously
    It could be that magpie was joking. Unfortunately I can never tell with magpie, due to her complete inability to be funny (except for The Roisin Bungle Blog, though that was one good joke done to the point where it was no longer funny too).
    @rchives wrote:
    and made some unfathomable leap into equating this with re-registering.
    My difference with her actions are exactly the same as the reason we don't allow for re-registering to get around bans.
    @rchives wrote:
    Either way a site wide ban for this is unbelievably over the top, and I'm amazed and worried that it hasn't been overturned by a higher power.
    Site wide bans are the normal action when someone is trying to abuse boards as a whole to get around a moderator action in an individual forum.

    When an AH mod tells me her ban there is lifted the site-wide ban will end.
    @rchives wrote:
    I agree, which is why I can't understand why the creator of something as funny as this should be booted out to make room for a bunch of 20-somethings who want to swap photos of each other and flirt.
    That's mis-stating the case on many grounds.
    @rchives wrote:
    My understanding is that Magpie was compaining about the kind of people who make fart jokes being defended by the Mods when they were subjected to a bit of sarcasm or the like.
    My understanding was that magpie was complaining about the kind of people who make fart jokes being told to STFU. In any case that's not the reason for the ban.
    @rchives wrote:
    I would like to see Magpie reinstated, or at least moved to prison - his/her prison diary would be better than reading most of the bilge on this site at present.
    Oh yes, after magpie was previously sitebanned at her own request she managed to get banned from prison. I'm not sure if I can lift that ban without letting her post in all threads. I've lifted it, so lets see. If it does let her post in all threads there I'll ban her from prison again until ecksor can sort it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    Fine ignore me. Serious posts removed and dumped in Feedback.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    seamus wrote:
    a CS video posted on AH where some guy gets fragged in the face every time he respawns,


    Sorry to dilute the serious tone somewhat

    The unfortunate thing for you older members is that although boards has changed from its intial roots, as it grows and adapts to the recent boom of users the vast majority won't know anything different.

    I like boards the way it is, and I've only been here a year. I'm sure as every year goes by since it first existed it gets further and further away from what it once what but thats inevitable.

    But as I said, I'm only here a year, and I find it great, don't have any problem with the current general run of things.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Something you (all) and many others havent gotten. I'll do my best to explain but it might be tricky.

    I have a very very clear idea of where I want Boards to go. I'm on a mission. Cloud is too, we're on slight different missions but we're fellow travellers.
    God only know what mission Regi Ecks and Vex are on. But they seem happy to go the same direction as Cloud and I.

    So we're going somewhere, lets call that place B.
    We started at A when we were a small group of mates.

    But I never EVER wanted to create a small site for a small group of mates. So I while we started at A we're on the road to B.

    B is where everyone in Ireland has a Boards account. Its used to authenticate banking transactions and the government announces and discusses policy here. There are 50,000 *mods* and no other Irish website as they are all out of business. We've a while to go yet.

    So we're going from A to B and, this is the cool part, you can come too! Its like a big hippy Mystery Machine van! Everyone pile in we're going to B if thats any use to you!!

    Now, some people get all pissed off when they realise the van is leaving for B. "But I like A" they grumble. Some get out of the van, some decide "ok lets see what B is like" and some come part of the way with us. Some kick and scream until everyone agrees they need to chill or get out of the van. Some throw themselves bodily FROM the van by choice but others try to grab the steering wheel and force us to take the van to where THEY want to go.

    Boards as has gone from an underground, somewhat anarchic definitely definant subculture into something more mainstream. I guess this is the music worlds equivalent of "selling out" or "that difficult second album".

    Now, I've never heard of Magpie before. My very first ever post to read by this person is the first one. Go back and read it again and tell me that that sounds like someone we want here? It sounds like a typical nasty person with issues with females, authority and a self image of "the last lone hero, fighting the law... and smoking a cigarette". Sorry if I'm wrong but like, it IS a limited communications form.


  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 42,362 Mod ✭✭✭✭Beruthiel

    DeVore wrote:
    B is where everyone in Ireland has a Boards account. Its used to authenticate banking transactions and the government announces and discusses policy here. There are 50,000 *mods* and no other Irish website as they are all out of business..

    I see you like to think small :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,958 ✭✭✭✭RuggieBear

    Christ, i'm not sure i like the sound of B at all...are you Bill Gates in disguise?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    When boards takes over the world I bags Australia.


  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 42,362 Mod ✭✭✭✭Beruthiel

    amp wrote:
    When boards takes over the world I bags Australia

    that's just greedy amp
    I'd be happy with a small tropical island somewhere

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    Now, I've never heard of Magpie before. My very first ever post to read by this person is the first one. Go back and read it again and tell me that that sounds like someone we want here? It sounds like a typical nasty person with issues with females, authority and a self image of "the last lone hero, fighting the law... and smoking a cigarette". Sorry if I'm wrong but like, it IS a limited communications form. etc...

    What a load of cock! Magpie can be annoying I've banned him at least once but I dread the day when he is considered to be the wrong sort of person to be allowed on in the first instance...
    I'm 35. Call me old if you will but I was rather looking forward to another 40 odd years of being in this corporeal form.

    35 going on 75 by the sounds of it. At 40 I trust I can still find in me the spirt of a 20 year old, the day I think as old as I am its over! :eek: (a smilie for the youngsters)

    Boards ie the place to unwind and chat, argue, impart useful/useless information for the partial amusement of oneself and others.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    I think magpie is a great poster. Arguments are always an interesting and well structured read. :)

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,097 Mod ✭✭✭✭Tar.Aldarion

    mike65 wrote:
    What a load of cock! Magpie can be annoying I've banned him at least once but I dread the day when he is considered to be the wrong sort of person to be allowed on in the first instance...
    Heh, magpie was ok, bit of a closeminded dude, but at least he hated everybody and everything equally. Don't see why the ban should be permanent. Some good reads, sure he got occasianally banned but nothing too bad.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 150 ✭✭@rchives

    I hate to be the one to point out the irony / hypocrisy of this, but as far as I can make out this is what happened:

    Magpie initially put this post into Feedback, it was moved to the recycle bin by Beruthiel. Taliesin then threatened to ban him/her for "cross posting" or some other such makey-uppy offence.

    Magpie then posted this in the Cuckoos Nest whereupon he was promptly and summarily sitebanned by Taliesin for the abovementioned offence.

    Serious conversation then ensued and the thread was moved to feedback, where Magpie put it originally and where it is now being discussed.

    Magpie however is still banned. Why?

    See here

    and I quote
    are you looking to get banned from feedback too?

    this is not the forum for this

    I presume whatever offender moved this back to Feedback is going to be banned immediately?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,145 ✭✭✭DonkeyStyle \o/

    I find magpies posts like a breath of fresh air and would like to subscribe to his newsletter.
    Free magpie tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,628 ✭✭✭Asok

    DeVore wrote:
    Something you (all) and many others havent gotten. I'll do my best to explain but it might be tricky.

    I have a very very clear idea of where I want Boards to go. I'm on a mission. Cloud is too, we're on slight different missions but we're fellow travellers.
    God only know what mission Regi Ecks and Vex are on. But they seem happy to go the same direction as Cloud and I.

    So we're going somewhere, lets call that place B.
    We started at A when we were a small group of mates.

    But I never EVER wanted to create a small site for a small group of mates. So I while we started at A we're on the road to B.

    B is where everyone in Ireland has a Boards account. Its used to authenticate banking transactions and the government announces and discusses policy here. There are 50,000 *mods* and no other Irish website as they are all out of business. We've a while to go yet.

    So we're going from A to B and, this is the cool part, you can come too! Its like a big hippy Mystery Machine van! Everyone pile in we're going to B if thats any use to you!!

    Now, some people get all pissed off when they realise the van is leaving for B. "But I like A" they grumble. Some get out of the van, some decide "ok lets see what B is like" and some come part of the way with us. Some kick and scream until everyone agrees they need to chill or get out of the van. Some throw themselves bodily FROM the van by choice but others try to grab the steering wheel and force us to take the van to where THEY want to go.

    Boards as has gone from an underground, somewhat anarchic definitely definant subculture into something more mainstream. I guess this is the music worlds equivalent of "selling out" or "that difficult second album".

    Now, I've never heard of Magpie before. My very first ever post to read by this person is the first one. Go back and read it again and tell me that that sounds like someone we want here? It sounds like a typical nasty person with issues with females, authority and a self image of "the last lone hero, fighting the law... and smoking a cigarette". Sorry if I'm wrong but like, it IS a limited communications form.


    Summary : We need to buy a van

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    @rchives wrote:
    Taliesin then threatened to ban him/her for "cross posting" or some other such makey-uppy offence.
    It could take you less time to click the link and read why I threatened to ban her than it did to type your summary.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    @rchives wrote:
    I presume whatever offender moved this back to Feedback is going to be banned immediately?

    I moved it from TCN to Feedback. If it's moved back I will edit all posts to conform with TCN standards. Unless of course TCN is now the designated place for Admins and Smods to post their opinions on's future. If so I missed the memo on that one.

    As far as the actual contents of this thread I couldn't care less. It's nothing to do with TCN and should never have been posted there in the first place. However I have no opinion on magpie, his/her banning or the future of I'm just moderating.
