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Ghosts - What are your experiences?



  • Registered Users Posts: 513 ✭✭✭leddpipe

    Acacia wrote: »
    they saw the poor auld dog fly through the air

    f******g lol :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 162 ✭✭badolepuddytat

    This thread makes great reading, not that I managed all of it :) A neighbour of my parents passed away years before I was born. A few days after the funeral my dad was walking with a friend of his and they met the man who had died on the road. They both were calm, he looked so normal and said hello to them as if he was still alive. The guy with my dad is a messer and I wouldn't belief a word he'd say but my father is very reserved/quiet and wouldn't make jokes about things like that. He went to the parish priest and asked him to say another mass for the man as he felt he mustn't have been at peace yet.

    I have heard things in other rooms several times, e.g. having a shower alone in the house and I heard an almighty crash in the kitchen. (Old, very isolated house and shower room was beside kitchen, noise definitely came from next room). I was sure one of the kitchen units had collapsed, smashing all of the crockery inside it so finished my shower and went to investigate, everything was as I'd left it, very strange.

    Staying in a house reputed to be haunted (I never believed the person who told me it was though, still wouldn't believe her stories as she exaggerates a lot), at exactly midnight a kerfuffle starts downstairs. I was reading and had in some way expected something so maybe brought it on? I very clearly said that I was not frightened and wished it no harm so could it please leave and the noise stopped! Was too freaked out to get up and check though!

    Also alone at a friends house (just seeing a pattern here!) upstairs and a music box downstairs started playing for about 15 seconds, much more loudly than it could normally play, it really echoed through the house and stopped as I was going downstairs to check what was happening. It could just have knocked on somehow but it was the loudness that made it even stranger.

    The only thing I ever saw that was peculiar was a ghost in my sisters old house who they didn't tell me about in case I got scared. I saw him out of the corner of my eye walking up the stairs and thought it was my niece who was supposed to be in bed then my brain clicked in and I realised he had brown trousers on and was most definitely a grown man, not a child. He had lived in the house before them and was very friendly, really active when their kids were babies, putting blankets on them or taking them off if rooms were too warm, too cold. Hospital tuck and everything, my brother-in-law asked him to stop as he was afraid of cot death due to the child being swaddled.

    Sorry for the long post, found everyone's stories really interesting.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 Leanan Sidhe

    I have had a few unexplained experiences, some would make you laugh and others would make you scratch your head and go wtf! lol

    One incident in particular that sticks in my mind happened about 2 years ago now. Myself and the hubby were sitting in the sitting room, chatting to a friend when all of a sudden I looked out the back window and saw a black thing like a shadow shaped like a hump bob up and then down. The strange thing was my husband saw it it at the same time as myself!. We both went out the back garden to investigate but there was nothing there.

    I have read up on various books and websites trying to figure out what it might have been, and can only come up with the fact that it might be the phenomoneon (spell?) known as "Shadow People". Or else it could have been just a load of negative energy as a lot of bad things and bad feelings were happening at that time.

    Suffice to say, we moved soon afterwards :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 315 ✭✭Lpfsox

    Hello folks, first post in this forum but have read this thread with great interest and it's reminded me of something weird that happened when I was about 11 or 12 and which I'd completely forgotten.

    As I said, I was about 11/12 and it was the routine during the summer holidays that you'd get out of the house after your breakfast and not reappear until dinner time. My sister, our neighbour and I used to like taking the dogs (2 border collies) walking along the canal which isn't too far away from where we lived.

    We usually headed up the old tow-path towards Clondalkin, but it got very overgrown just past Ballyfermot so we didn't generally go much further than that, but this particular day we decided that we were exploring (big Famous Five fans I suppose) and kept on going. We were chatting away and the dogs were running ahead of us and every so often they'd run back with a stick or something they'd found when all of a sudden the two of them came running back towards us whimpering and crying and stood in front of us as if they were minding us. We didn't see anyone or hear anything for a minute and then a big black dog - bigger than either of our dogs, but a similar shape (ie quite furry, big square head, not a breed like a doberman/rottweiller or anything) came out of the field/ditch (not sure which, didn't stop to investigate that part) just in front of us. It had some sort of animal skull in it's mouth and didn't move towards us, but just stood there. We all agreed there was something very scary about him (and none of us are frightened of dogs in the slightest) - although it didn't growl or display any threatening behaviour it felt very eerie. We also all agreed that it had red eyes, but that bit may have been slight hysteria; if it was though I've convinced myself that I really did see them and it wasn't a trick of the light.

    Well we all got a fright and ran back towards home as fast as we could but somewhere along the way we started being a bit more rational and figured it was just a dog who'd found a bone and was protecting it in case our dogs decided to take it away. Our own dogs kept very close to us while we were running until we'd got a good bit away and then went back to their usual behaviour of running slightly in front and returning every so often.

    We didn't think any more of it for a while until several weeks later when we were out again (no dogs this time) heading in the opposite direction but still on the canal tow-path we saw the same black dog, and he had the skull with him again. This time he turned and walked away from us, so we followed (morbid curiosity I suppose) until he got to the cemetery at Goldenbridge and slipped through the gates. That cemetery has been locked up for as long as I can remember but when we looked through the railings after that dog we couldn't see any sign of him at all - and although there are trees and bushes there, there weren't any near enough to the gates for the dog to have slipped behind without us seeing.

    Both incidents took place during bright summer days and none of us ever saw that dog again, even though we roamed that area every summer for years. I don't know if this qualifies as a ghost story, but we were all very very creeped out by it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,952 ✭✭✭✭Stoner

    thats a great post Lpfsox thanks for sharing. I have a border collie too, he's scared of nothing though, it's his Cabra upbringing

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,930 ✭✭✭Martron

    alright guys. well i thought my post was going to be different until i read everyone elses.

    anyway here goes.

    i never thought much about my family home until one xmas dinner myself and my family got talking. and for some bizarre reason ghosts came up..... anyway i started talking about my experiences in the house. (family house, bought new, nobody ever died there)

    my experiences started wheni was very youg . i can barely remember the first one but i remreber a dark figure standing over me. and when i tried to move the figure would dissapear throught he wall. i could have been no older than 5 . anyway i did not see this figure again until about 10 years later when i moved into the attic room. then things really kicked off. i would find myself being woken up with my duvet being pulled off me. or without somebody calling my name. (non descript voice man/woman) i frequently saw somebody standing at the end of my bed. and the radio would always be on when i came back into the room.

    now the rest of the house. i could always se something moving in my peripheral vision. and the scariest thing to date was that i could see into the hall with the reflection of the tv. there was always someone in the hall when i glanced at the tv.

    now things got really good when the new arrival into out family arrived. a yorkshire terrior. she would bark into corners. run off chasing something. start to cry . weird stuff (this stopped immediatley when we moved house. we still own the other house and the dog is relluctant to enter it)

    now to save my own sanity i convinced myself that these were all figments of my imagination until that discussion we had at xmas dinner. my sister the previous occupant of the attic room started to cry becasue she had worse experinces there that she was too afraid to bring up again. but she agreed that all the same stuff happend her. But worse

    and also we had a big mirror in our bathroom. my dad would be quite particular about tidness and did not like anyone wiping the mirror ith their hand. but one morning after "activity " there was something was written on the mirrorin the condensation. none of us would dare to do it. we were never allowed see what was written though.

    so sorry for writting nearly identical stories to everyone else but just sharing my experiences.

    i was also in an old cotton mill in georgia america and there was lots of legends surrounding the untimely deaths of workers there. the mill was long deserted at this stage and myself and my uncle were inspecting a tank blah blah blah. long story short it was about midnight and all that lit up the walkway to the tank was lights from the jeep at the main door. anyway we were on our way back from the tank and we were laughing and joking and trying to freak each other out when we both heard a whisper saying get out!!!! needless to say that we were not long vacating the premises.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 pauly87

    Ok, now i'll admit that over my life I've sometimes considered myself a bit on the odd side, like a few seconds before something happens I'll know its going to, and on more occasions than I can count I've had de ja vu, so I guess I'm what people here call sensitive.

    Anyway, one summer I was touring Canada's beautiful east coast with a travel company, one of the hostels we were put up in is the famous Ottawa jail house hostel. Known for being haunted, several people were hung on the site, some were mass murderers and others were innocent people. Anyway google it if you want more info.

    So I got to bed pretty late after a night of drinking, now I wasn't drunk just had a few as I was doing alot of travelling the next day. So it was about 4 in the morning it was very dark and as I was sharing a room wth 8 other backpackers I wasn't goin turning on the light, so the only light in the room was from the street outside. So I got into my bed and was waiting for myself to fall asleep, then I realised that the chair at the end of the bed across from me had the silhouette of a man in it with his chin held high in the air, now Im quite a logical person aswell so i said to myself that its just the light and the way the backpacker bags were left on the chair, I taught if its a ghost it cant do much to me, I did get goosebumps and a chill down my spine but that seems to happen to me a good bit if i get the feeling of someone in the room, and there were lots of others.

    So anyway i drifted off to sleep, not taking much notice, infact I think I may have had a quite laugh about if it was a ghost i should moon it. net morning went up to the 8th floor, aka death row. Now that place scared the b-jesus out of me, very cold chill swept thu me. I left and came up again with a few friends, at the end of death row is the gallows, or the long drop short stop. It was then I realised that the figure with the chin raised high would have been positioned like that at the moment of his death. So after my initial holy crap stage I quitely wandered back to the room I slept in and had a look at those bags from the night before.

    backpacker bags, That was my initial taught, it was just one of those, so I had a look 2 see was the couple across from me using one, and of course no. they werent. they siad they had only left towels on the chair the night before and they were still lying on it.

    Anyway thats my story, sorry its so long

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 saff cosworth

    just a pic taken a couple of months back in newbridge, by my brothers kids friend at an old derelict house,
    if you look closely you'll see a women in the backround smiling...there was noone in the house at the time....


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th


    Just enlarged it a tad using a plugin called Genuine Fractals, obviously it cant give details that arent there but sure its a bit easier to see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,930 ✭✭✭Martron

    that photos a good one

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9 saff cosworth

    6th.... will try to get details for you later...

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    Thats a good photo, shes so out of place, look at her clothes, if it was a fake, some one went to alot of effort, and those kids really do look like they're enjoying a normal, random day, not posing etc....that woman is good!!! i like it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 319 ✭✭daveywavey08

    Fake pic. Some people here are delusional

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Can you show me the proof that it was faked? Also please note that nowhere did I say it was a ghost or not.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 9,689 Mod ✭✭✭✭stevenmu

    DaveyWavey banned

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 saff cosworth

    ok people.. i dont think this is fake...
    was up at the house tonight at 21.45 to take pics(i dont think anything happened)...this is the location of the house in newbridge co.kildare...
    and some more pics....
    regards paddy










    if i put up too much , please let me know

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 saff cosworth

    forgot to say the original was taken in early march..seems kids play there alot

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,720 ✭✭✭Hal1

    Woah, I know that place. Hair stood on end when I saw the pic. Myself and a few mates used to go cycling up around the grand canal and then onto Celbridge about 15 years ago. We where only nippers back then. But the house was something we frequently passed and even entered on a few occasions, I remember feeling uneasy about the place and wanting to leave after a few minutes. Don't know any history about the place though. Man that was freaky seen it again in your pics. It's adjacent to some farmers land, just off the main road, with a drive up to it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    saff cosworth what should we be seeing in the photos? I've looked 3 times and can't see anything out of the ordinary! :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 165 ✭✭johnsix

    Anyone else see the Grey peeking out from behind the weeds in the door?:p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,720 ✭✭✭Hal1

    Image006.jpg yea I see it :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    ok people.. i dont think this is fake...
    was up at the house tonight at 21.45 to take pics(i dont think anything happened)...this is the location of the house in newbridge co.kildare...
    and some more pics....
    regards paddy

    Cheers for the extra info Paddy, much appreciated.
    Dave! wrote: »
    saff cosworth what should we be seeing in the photos? I've looked 3 times and can't see anything out of the ordinary! :o

    Saff didnt claim there was anything in the pictures he just posted. I asked for more info on the spot and he was decent enough to go take pics etc. Try actually reading the posts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Thanks for the tip 6th! You're a star!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 70 ✭✭happypartygirl

    ok here is my experience... scared the sh1te out of me..

    so was bbsitting a couple of yrs ago down in carlow for my then bf's brother who had 4 young girls. we drove down from dublin 2 stay in their house for the night to let him and his wife go out and have a good time.

    the bf & the brother were off chatting and i got talking to the wife. she gave me her mobile number and said to call her if i needed anything at all. i was 18 at the time and said jokingly, ok thanks...

    she said that after they had bought the house like 1 or 2 yrs previously they had just moved in and she had gone outside with her digital camera to take some pics of the new house. as the weeks and months passed by she started to have very odd experiences in particular upstairs.. felt like their was someone in the room with her when she was on her own etc..

    anyway she later put the photos up on the computer and when they were enlarged it was crystal clear to all that there was a woman standing in the window of most of the pictures particularly in one of the upstairs bedrooms.

    needless to say unfortunately that was where i had to sleep for the night with the bf. so we put the kids together or whatever and got into bed. we were about to have ... when i felt something pull my hair .. i was like what the hell.. and was shaken up but went to sleep.

    i was woken in the middle of the night by a bright red glow to the room. i tried to roll over to wake up my bf sleeping next to me but was pinned to the bed and couldnt scream either (like sleep paralysis) anyway.. thats the last i could remember and then fell asleep..

    would love to hear anybodys feedback on what happened.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 256 ✭✭Cow Moolester

    This scared the ****e out of me! I was on webcam with my cousin a few days ago and my computer screen faces the rest of my living room. Its in a corner in the living room so basically my cousin could see whats going on in the living room behind me.

    Anyway, we were talking for a while and then the next thing she goes "Colin look behind you". I thought it was going to be my brother gonna scare me but he was up having a shower so I turned around but nothing. Then she says look behind you again a few minutes later but just before I look behind me I look at my video feed on my computer and can see a sizeable bronze ornament just sliding across my table. There was nobody else in the room and I was sh*t scared! Any ideas as to what this could be?

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    ok here is my experience... scared the sh1te out of me..

    so was bbsitting a couple of yrs ago down in carlow for my then bf's brother who had 4 young girls. we drove down from dublin 2 stay in their house for the night to let him and his wife go out and have a good time.

    the bf & the brother were off chatting and i got talking to the wife. she gave me her mobile number and said to call her if i needed anything at all. i was 18 at the time and said jokingly, ok thanks...

    she said that after they had bought the house like 1 or 2 yrs previously they had just moved in and she had gone outside with her digital camera to take some pics of the new house. as the weeks and months passed by she started to have very odd experiences in particular upstairs.. felt like their was someone in the room with her when she was on her own etc..

    anyway she later put the photos up on the computer and when they were enlarged it was crystal clear to all that there was a woman standing in the window of most of the pictures particularly in one of the upstairs bedrooms.

    needless to say unfortunately that was where i had to sleep for the night with the bf. so we put the kids together or whatever and got into bed. we were about to have ... when i felt something pull my hair .. i was like what the hell.. and was shaken up but went to sleep.

    i was woken in the middle of the night by a bright red glow to the room. i tried to roll over to wake up my bf sleeping next to me but was pinned to the bed and couldnt scream either (like sleep paralysis) anyway.. thats the last i could remember and then fell asleep..

    would love to hear anybodys feedback on what happened.

    She obviously told you the story about the pictures before your nites sleep in the bed right?? Then maybe it was on your mind, and you were dreaming or mind playing tricks on you?? Sleep paralysis is a common thing!! That would be my only explanation, or you were haunted!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    Martron wrote: »
    my experiences started wheni was very youg . i can barely remember the first one but i remreber a dark figure standing over me. and when i tried to move the figure would dissapear throught he wall. i could have been no older than 5 . anyway i did not see this figure again until about 10 years later when i moved into the attic room. then things really kicked off. i would find myself being woken up with my duvet being pulled off me. or without somebody calling my name. (non descript voice man/woman) i frequently saw somebody standing at the end of my bed. and the radio would always be on when i came back into the room.

    now the rest of the house. i could always se something moving in my peripheral vision. and the scariest thing to date was that i could see into the hall with the reflection of the tv. there was always someone in the hall when i glanced at the tv.

    now things got really good when the new arrival into out family arrived. a yorkshire terrior. she would bark into corners. run off chasing something. start to cry . weird stuff (this stopped immediatley when we moved house. we still own the other house and the dog is relluctant to enter it)

    now to save my own sanity i convinced myself that these were all figments of my imagination until that discussion we had at xmas dinner. my sister the previous occupant of the attic room started to cry becasue she had worse experinces there that she was too afraid to bring up again. but she agreed that all the same stuff happend her. But worse

    and also we had a big mirror in our bathroom. my dad would be quite particular about tidness and did not like anyone wiping the mirror ith their hand. but one morning after "activity " there was something was written on the mirrorin the condensation. none of us would dare to do it. we were never allowed see what was written though..

    Are you still in that house????

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    Lads those photos by Staff Cosworth - is there a figure to the right of the door, standing sideways looking out, Paddy you might be able to tell us was there some thing behind there that now just looks like a figure??? seriously!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    strider001 wrote: »
    I believe you, i have been experiencing the paranormal and ghosts from as long as i can remember. I have my own small group of people who also have had different experiences through their lives. At present we are planning to visit more haunted locations to try to collect as many pics as possible. I am at the moment helping a family in the north who have a spirit in their house, they have beome so frightened that they have moved out. Myself and a few friends are heading to the house tonight to do a night time investigation, so hopefully we will be able to make contact with what ever is hanging around the house.

    Not being smart here, but do you have experience in handling these situations?? cause if you make contact with some thing you can't control, could be dodgy!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,930 ✭✭✭Martron

    Ghost Girl wrote: »
    Are you still in that house????

    its the family house i have moved out. dad still lives there. i only there for no more than couple of hours.

    but brother still lives there. he was never "sensitive".

    he never seemed to care about anything.

    this is anoother story maybe....

    but when we were kids my grandparents lived in an old house in roscommon in croghan. it was an old doctors house. it has had a lot of history its about 300 years old. history with civil war etc etc.

    anyway it was a 4 bedroom house . high ceilings the works. grand house.

    anyway we as kids( cousins and sister etc etc) never liked the single room at top of stairs.

    the story transpired after my grandad died that an old lady ghost lived in that room that looked after the house.

    as kids we could never sleep in that room. my brother how ever never seemed to mind.

    cousins had same problem. we always preferd the room at the back where maybe 6 of us could sleep. although the single room was comfier and warmer.

    strange but the night of my grandads wake my auntie saw an old woman at the top of the stairs looking down .

    this house was fantastic you had to see it.

    but there was something about the rooms while looking back on it now did not make sense. some rooms we would happily stay in it . but the single room and the dining room and the back parlour were rooms we did not like staying in on our own!!

    there was a story i remember hearing that people were held there during irelands hard times. it was an old barracks of some sorts. the fireplaces had initials engraved into them.

    lovely house but some rooms were uncomfortable
