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Ghosts - What are your experiences?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,144 ✭✭✭gracehopper

    My Aunt was 36 years old when she died of a massive heart attack. It was an untimely death and she is still missed as much today nearly 12 years on. On the morning of her funeral i went into my mothers room for something and i was engulfed by the smell of incense. I was young enough but i recognised the smell instantly from my grandad's funeral. I called my mother & sister into the room and the 3 of us were overawed by this strange smell. I always think about that time as we have never been able to explain what caused the smell. Throughout her life my aunt was always a joker and i like to think she took that trait into her next life. If It was her presence that morning it was exactly the sort of benign stunt that she would have laughed at. Occasionally i think about that time and am comforted by it.

    I experienced another more sinister situation when i was about 12 or 13. Myself and my friends went to a waste ground and were messing around getting up to your usual pre puberty mischief. It was about teatime in the summer and it was one of the them nights were the sun was going to shine until about 9 or 10 in the evening. One of my friends bought an ouija board from a fella at a car boot sale. He of course thought he knew everything about it so i preceded to watch but not join in and adopted the stance of a slightly scared skeptic. So the 2 lads initiated the session and i thought it was a bit of a joke with them moving what looked like a paper weight around the board. From watching the conversation and reaction of the others i established that there was someone called Michael that they were communicating with. The conversation consisted of about 4 or 5 questions. The process was slow but an answer always came. Being the at the curious age of course the next question was "Show us a sign that you are here". There was no answer. The guys didnt move the weight but instead looked into the sky. It had started to rain really heavily and the wind whipped into the enclosed field and whipped dust all around us. My friends that took part were now clearly distressed. We took this drastic change in weather from a mild summer night to wind and rain as the sign we requested. it was a scary experience I have never felt anything like it nor do i want to ever again. I'm always curious about paranormal activity but i would never mess with an ouija board again. We burnt the board and never set foot in the waist ground again. I'm still friends with the guys and when this comes up in conversation it is never in jest. every one of us was frightened that day. I pass the waste ground on the way home from my girlfriends most nights and Its black iron gate nearly always rattles in the wind as a reminder of that day.

    Sorry for the long post!
    It's an interesting thread


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 60 ✭✭Samhildanach

    Zillah wrote:
    I was about to ask you if you have any Asian cultural background, but then I noticed your location was "China". Its a very eastern idea that certain things or places can be "auspicious" or not, as the case may be. I think its an interesting cross cultural thing that western cultures have a habit of noting some areas as "cursed" or "haunted" and eastern cultures go for "lucky" or "auspicious". What do you mean when you say it was "unlucky"? When did these thing occur?

    Hey Zillah - firstly I'm Irish but I've been living in China for the last 3.5 years. I never really considered this before as this happened a few years before I came to China. You're right about that though - the 'lucky' or 'auspicious' connoctation, although the Chinese believe strongly in Feng Shui and they consult a specialist before they build anything here - for good positions/directions (N-S-E-W) for doors/windows etc. I suppose westerns call this leylines - or natural energy fields. They are superstitious people.

    To answer your question about my mum - she just couldn't stay in the house because of all the wierdness, she felt that because 2 people died in the same room and on the same spot that maybe she might be next.

    I'm not a superstitious person and am very cynical about most things, but then when some things have no logical explanation and happen to you ... you start to wonder.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,487 ✭✭✭boneless

    So far I have no rational explanation for what happened to me in Edinburgh; that's not to say there isn't one!! I do think that telekinesis is one possible avenue which could be explored though. There is no doubt that the human brain is more powerful than the actual amount used.

    Possibly one of the people in the group who believed in a spiritual presence transferred their belief in a 'physical' manifestation of their 'psychic' abilities? And me being percieved as a 'scoffer' (although I did not openly belittle any beliefs that night, nor would I, unless they were being used in a bad way) became the focus of this.

    I'd like to explore the area more.

    Thanks for the welcome and responses... :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Yeah, I've heard people suggest previously that ghosts are imprints left on a place by some sort of energy emission from the brain in times of emotional distress.

    This then leads to some people "or psychics" being atuned to this type of energy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Boneless, I've been to GreyFriars kirkyard myself and am a regular to edinburgh. I have never been injured at this site but have seen the results for Sir George Mackenzies handy work. Though in saying that i do not believ the poltergeist is him but an entity taht is using the vast amounts of energy in the vacinity.

    With regards to Imprints and there difference to entities/spirits/ghosts I suggest anyone with a genuine interest read "how to hunt ghosts" b joshua p. warren. am nearly finished it and its the most informative book on paranormal i hav ever read, and writtien so that anyone from believer to skeptic can get alot out of it.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,487 ✭✭✭boneless

    psi wrote:
    Yeah, I've heard people suggest previously that ghosts are imprints left on a place by some sort of energy emission from the brain in times of emotional distress.

    This then leads to some people "or psychics" being atuned to this type of energy.

    Well, Greyfriars is one place where human emotional distress happened!! It was in effect a concentration camp in the 17th century. The Scots Covenantors were imprisoned there after their uprising. The mentioned Black MacKenzie was also the judge who condemned most of the inmates of this prison to death.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,487 ✭✭✭boneless

    dublin6th wrote:
    Boneless, I've been to GreyFriars kirkyard myself and am a regular to edinburgh. I have never been injured at this site but have seen the results for Sir George Mackenzies handy work. Though in saying that i do not believ the poltergeist is him but an entity taht is using the vast amounts of energy in the vacinity.

    With regards to Imprints and there difference to entities/spirits/ghosts I suggest anyone with a genuine interest read "how to hunt ghosts" b joshua p. warren. am nearly finished it and its the most informative book on paranormal i hav ever read, and writtien so that anyone from believer to skeptic can get alot out of it.


    Thanks for the info!! I look forward to reading that when I get a chance... have to sit me finals for the BA first though!!! :) Then I can actually read for pleasure!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    dublin6th wrote:
    With regards to Imprints and there difference to entities/spirits/ghosts I suggest anyone with a genuine interest read "how to hunt ghosts" b joshua p. warren. am nearly finished it and its the most informative book on paranormal i hav ever read, and writtien so that anyone from believer to skeptic can get alot out of it.


    Any chance of the jist (I may buy the book, but just forthe sake of discussion here) - does he mention EM energy of some sort? The brain apparently generates some immense energy levels at time of stress - would be interesting if someone characterised it fully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    psi wrote:
    Any chance of the jist (I may buy the book, but just forthe sake of discussion here) - does he mention EM energy of some sort? The brain apparently generates some immense energy levels at time of stress - would be interesting if someone characterised it fully.

    He covers it in such detail it will blow your mind! he is the founder of L.E.M.U.R. a research group in america that are second to none i will post his breakdown of key points for each type of activity on a new topic


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 stonecat6

    I have not seen anything, but I have heard & felt things that I could not explain. Like someone breathing really close to my ears when there is nobody near me; furniture being moved & I cannot see anything moving; the sensation that someone is in the room & I felt it pass near me - But I have never seen anything.

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  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 10,439 Mod ✭✭✭✭xzanti

    The first house we lived in, that I grew up in till I was about 12 was haunted… Apparently a young boy electrocuted himself in the kitchen before my parents moved in .. Strange things would happen every now and again...My parents were meticulous when it came to switching off electrical appliances and locking internal doors etc in case of fire or burglary etc… One summer when we would come home from days out the whole house would be lit up like a Christmas tree, every light in the house would be on and all the doors still locked.. Also guests in the house would often come back from trips to the loo and ask who had been knocking on the door while they were in there.. When everyone else present in the house at the time was accounted for.. Things would go missing into thin air never to be seen again.. Right from under our noses.. Lots of strange things..

    We moved out of that house when I was about 12 and things were normal enough for years, then one day I was alone in the house, sitting in the living room watching tele and a small picture of my deceased granny flipped over on its face.. I didn’t really think much of it cause it was quite a flimsy little frame so I put it down to vibration from the tele… So over I went and propped it up, went back to the sofa and when I looked the frame was turned sideways.. I didn’t think much of it again, assumed I had just not fixed it right, so went and turned it facing the right way.. When I got back to my seat again it was facing the wall.. It had turned 180 degrees… My blood went ice cold.. I screamed like a moron and ran out into the garden and sat there till my sister came home.. Shook me to my bones..

    Then not long before I moved out and got my own place… There was one day I had come back to my room from the shower and closed the door behind me.. My key was on the outside of the door and when I tried to get out it was locked.. I almost died.. My dad was the only other person in the house.. I had to ring him and get him up to let me out.. His face was white as snow, he was totally freaked out.. And it’s a fairly sturdy lock, there was no way that key would turn without some force… I happened again about 2 months later, this time my mother had to let me out.. Needless to say I stopped leaving my key in my door… My mother reckons someone didn’t want me to move out..

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Hi xzanti,

    I find cases like this very interesting because I personally dont believ that these happenings are thye works of a ghostor poltergeist (which would be more suitable to your experiences).

    I believe that these cases are subconsciciously produced by your own psychic abilities, weather you are aware of it or not. When things like this, physically effects on the enviroment of one person, happen over a few locations I believe thats a spirit is rarely involved.

    These are just my opinions and take nothing away from the ghostly activities themselves. Your experiences are just as impressive and paranormal no matter what the cause. There are a few things you can do to lessen or even stop these things happening, if you want me to point you towards text which may help you just let me know.


  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 10,439 Mod ✭✭✭✭xzanti

    These are just my opinions and take nothing away from the ghostly activities themselves. Your experiences are just as impressive and paranormal no matter what the cause. There are a few things you can do to lessen or even stop these things happening, if you want me to point you towards text which may help you just let me know.


    Well nothing seems to have happened since I moved into my own place (touch wood) Which is good because my bf would run a mile from the place.. He hates even going to my parents house because my friend let it slip one day about the door locking episode (which I had refrained from telling him) :rolleyes: Hes not good with stuff like that bless him :p

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I have to say that when I first posted this thread, I had no idea that it would be as successful. And its pretty awesome.

    Anyways, theres a few other experiences I had previously, which I had totally forgot about. Both involve my dog and both take place in my old house (where I would hear the footsteps in the hall)

    It was night-time. I was sitting at the computer, typing away. My dog was curled up at my feet sound asleep. He wakes up. Stands up straight. Stares at the door and growls. He is a carefree dog, so its very out of character for him to growl like that. There was nothing at the door, nothing behind the door bar the hall. It was empty. Yet still he growled. I called for him, asking what was wrong. He stared at me for a moment, before returning his glare to the door once more and continued growling. He was definately looking at something.

    A few weeks later I was in my bed. Sam (the dog) was curled up at my feet. Its the middle of the night. I am awoken by something moving. Its Sam. He's backing into me. Afraid. He's whining. His ears are down. I don't know what he's looking at. I look around the dark room but see nothing. The room is empty except for us two.

    Both experiences freaked me out, but not as much as it probably freaked out Sam

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,230 ✭✭✭scojones

    I'm sure I've posted this on some thread on this forum before but here goes....

    It was 2001/2002 when I started college. I moved to Tralee. I was sharing the back of an old farmhouse with three other people, one of whom I had grown up with, so we were both starting college together. Anyway, the house was haunted. It started off with little things over the first few weeks and months but as time progressed it got worse and worse and eventually became unbearable and we had to get the place blessed.

    Weird things would happen, like we'd all leave for home on the Friday and have everything except for the fridge plugged out / turned off, and we'd come back on Sunday and all the lights would be on. Doors that were originally closed on the Friday would be open on the Sunday. Stuff like that. At first I thought, **** maybe the landlady is renting this place out at weekends, so myself and my friend stayed down one weekend - we had told the landlady we were going home just incase she was letting people stay there at the weekends. Not much happend that weekend to be honest. Just the usual, I'd leave the toilet seat up, he'd go into the bathroom about 10 mins later and it'd be down. This stuff happend all of the time.

    About a month went by and we kinda thought nothing of it. Until really weird **** started happening. Our power was out, and the shower only works when there is power, I walked past the bathroom and on came the shower - something that was impossible. I figured it could just have been an electrical fault and thought nothing of it. So we were all downstairs watching tv, we had it on low enough, I used the downstairs bathroom, came out and everyone looked at me in shock. They thought I was upstairs because they said before they heard the downstairs toilet flush, someone flushed the upstairs toilet and came out of the bathroom. They could hear someone walking about upstairs. I shrugged it off and we watched the rest of the movie. My mate went upstairs, used the upstairs toilet and got into bed, this we could hear because the house was really noisy. Then the toilet flushed in the upstairs bathroom, i could hear the door being unlocked and someone going into his room and getting into his bed. WTF I thought and I went upstairs to see what was going on. He was fast asleep...

    Then the worst started, we'd all be downstairs and the toilet would flush in the downstairs bathroom, the door would be unlocked / locked from the inside at random times. The presses in the kitchen would bang from time to time.

    I was asleep in my room with my gf-at-the-time. She woke up me screaming, I didn't know what the **** was going on. She said she saw some light in the room, so I stayed awake for a bit. About 20 minutes later the wall lit up, a perfectly round circle of light. What the **** I thought, so I went over to it, and put my hand over it, there was no light on my hand, or shadow of my hand on the light, it was as if the light was coming from INSIDE the wall, the otherside of the wall where the light was, was the shower that came on when I walked past before.

    Really weird **** like this used to happen all of the time, we'd be woken up at 4/5am with the tv blaring on full volume, yet we'd have went to bed and have unplugged it. We could constantly hear people walking around upstairs, yet there was nobody there.

    We got a priest around to bless the place a few weeks later, and it all stopped. There was absolutely no more weirdness after he blessed the place. It totally freaked us out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,041 ✭✭✭✭tk123

    How did you stay in the place sjones?!?!The 'feeling' of a presence etc is one thing you can make yourself dismiss it but stuff physically happening like that - i reckon i'd run screaming from the house!!.. :D

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Stuff like that happened all the time in my student accomodation too. Not as extreme. I believe I mentioned before about the breathing sensation in my ear, but not feeling any actual breath. Or about the girl going into the kitchen at midnight and seeing every press open.

    I believe another experience the girls had before I moved in was when one of them would be alone in the house. They would be in their rooms. And all of a sudden there would be a banging on one door. Then each door in the house. Freaky.

    There was also a room at the top of the stairs. A small bedroom. Anytime anybody entered this room, they all report getting the same sensation, that there was just something incredibly wrong.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 192 ✭✭jimmidy_cricket

    I've had a few mental experiences. One I guess can be explained as being an alchol induced halousanation (I tell myself this) but I'll let you decide...

    When I was 18 I moved out of home. My first time living away from home soon became drink binge after drink binge and my health suffered. After my third vist to the doctor in as many months I was given yet another course of anti-biotics. Nearing the end of my course of anti-biotics my friends had planned a trip to see me for a major piss-up. Now having been on two couses of the tabs already, I was determined to see this course out and I was to take my last tab on the Friday morning anyway so figured I'd be ok to drink.

    I'll try make this quick so; Friday night saw me get very very drunk and eventually pass out, then wake up and I talked to realatives in the room that had passed away. Now to be honest I don't know how much of the night I actually remember and how much of it I recall only from what my friends told when your not sure if you've seen a movie or you just think you have because of all that you've heard about it...anyhoo, I was vary emotional and wanted to go 'home' with the people that were in the room and got very distressed and curled into a ball under a table. One of my friends took my pulse, it was strong and fast and I was burning up.

    Ok so that's the episode that can be put down to drink fuelled delirium. The following Monday (after a heavy nights drinking Saturday and Sunday) I went to bed at 10am (I know some of you may think there was more to it than just drink but I assure you these were drink and only drink filled binges.) At about 6'oclock that evening I awoke to darkness, it was winter after all and it got dark at about 4. Well in my half awake/half asleep state I got up and tried the light switch..nothing. I looked to my alarm clock to see the time and nothing, "Ok so the electricity is gone, no big deal I thought", I opened my door and called out to my house mate, she answered me from upstaris and informed me the electricity was indeed gone and that one of our friends was on the phone come up to talk to her.

    I remeber it so clearly, as I walked out into the hallway(my bedroom was downstairs) and as my eyes adjusted to the light, there was a figure, it was a dark figure but I could sense a beauty from it. It seemed familar around the same age as me, long dark hair and when I took a step forward she took a step up the stairs, stopped and I felt her look back, as if waiting for me to follow.

    I wasn't frightened, I was uneasy as to why it was going on but anyhow I followed her to the top of the stairs and when I reached out to touch her she stepped back, away from me (Backed awy) into the wall.

    I turned to go into the room that my house mate was in (where I could hear her on the phone) and at the end of the bed I saw two figures that I can only describe as worshiping. It was so weird, still I wasn't scared, I sort of had the feeling my mind was playing tricks on me, go with it and see what happens.

    Apart from the two figures kneeling at the end of the bed, there were other figures in the room, one of which was my housemate on the phone, but because the electricity was gone and it was dark I couldn't deferenciate who was who until she spoke. I calmly told her I was freaking out a little and that I thought I was tripping (although I have no experience of drug induced tripping) but I imagined this must be what its like.

    I took the phone from her so she could go look for a torch and I remained calm until one of the figures reached out and touched and held my arm. With that I screamed and told the friend on the phone we'd have to ring back when we figured out what was going on. It wasn't a figure that had reaced out and touched me, it was my house mate, whom I thought was at the door but now that figure had walked out to the hall, but that fright of my freind touching me was enough to put the s4its up me and the presence turned different.

    This is so difficult to explain in writing, but when I first entred the room where my friend was there was a sort of messing feel to it, it felt like there was a bit of craic going on, yes it felt strange, bizarre and so surreal and then when I let the raor out of me it changed, it was as if they realised I wsa watching, I could see and they were angry and wanted to frigthen me.

    My house mate took me by the arm and led me down the stairs toward the kitchen to find a torch and some candles. As we walked down the corrider I could sense all these beings leaning out from the walls, over us, I kept my eyes shut because I was too frightened of what I might see.

    I kept assuring myself everything would be ok once we had light, and I kept my eyes closed and my house mate by my side until we found candles and the torch, and once there was light it was fine.

    Nothing like that has ever happened to me since, although I have had many angel encounters. I don't know what to make of it, I often put it down to the amount of drink taken that weekend and the end of the corse of anti-biotics. Sorry it was so long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,720 ✭✭✭Hal1

    jesus. that was freaky I didnt have any paranormal expriences that happened to myself except for what i explained earlier in the thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    the taking of drugs and alcohol to alter ones state of conciousness have been a common occurance for hundreds (if not more) years. Shamans did it because they felt it brought them to a higher level where they could contact spirits. Of course there is no way to prove it was not all in the mind but it has a strong founation in many cultures .... still lay off the booze girl!


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 192 ✭✭jimmidy_cricket

    Ah yeah I don't binge like that anymore, what can I say I was 18 and feckless! So many people had said to me not to drink with anti-biotics, guess they were right. Mind you the mad stuff that happened on Monday was 3 days after taking my last augmenten (I remebered the type of anti-biotic) and we would've finished up drinking around 3 or 4am Sunday so the presence/spirits/halucinations came in over 12 hours later.

    Was thinking loads about this last night and looking back on some of the crazy things that have happened me;

    When I was about 15 I fancied a lad that I hung out with. I really fancied him but he had a girlfriend and his brother fancied me so nothing was to come of it.

    One afternoon I was reading a magazine (it was a real tween magazine, Sugar, or Just 17 or something) and there was an article about Out of body experiences. At the end of the girls "real life story" was a "guide to having an OBE" I thought it was daft but as I wasn't doing anything else I'd give it a go. I removed all my jewlerry as instructed (because material things can weigh the etheral body down??) I then followed the breathing instructions breathe in for a count of 7, hold for 5, breathe out for a count of 7, hold for 5.

    The breathing technique seemed very technical and I was suppose to repeat for a number of counts (may have been 20) I remember thinking its not very relaxing if your trying to remember what count your on.

    Well, one of the instructions was DO NOT FALL ASLEEP, and of couse I did just that.

    I dreamt I was in the guy that I fancied house. I had visited the house once, by the back field so never saw the front of the house and was only in the kitchen.

    In the dream I was in the hall, hovering near the ceiling. I looked down the hall way and could tell that the brothers(the lad i fancied and his brother that fancied me) room was on my left, the next room and the room at the end of the hall I was confused as to which was the parents bedroom and which was the little sisters. And on my right were two rooms, they both seemed to be bathrooms which confused me because no-one has two bathrooms in their house, not side by side anyway. (I remember thinking all this in the dream)

    Finally I moved into the lads room. One of them was near the ceiling like me. I could tell that in the wardrobe there was a pair of shoes with cigarettes in them? In the corner, near the door (below me) there was a computer or something electrical and something was wrong with it.

    The dream ended. I woke to a bright light and remember thinking that this was heaven but actually I had been asleep for a few hours and the sun was now shining in on top of me.

    I recited my dream to a friend of mine, he went white as i told him. He asked if I was messing with him, that it wasn't funny and then he explained what I had seen. Yes the boys room was on the left (from where I was) and next their parents room, then their little sisters room at the end of the hall. The next two rooms that had caused the confusion were actually the batroom with the toilet seperate, next door to the bathroom! I couldn't believe it.

    I asked about their room and I got the layout down to a T, even where they hid their cigatettes. In the dream I didn't realize they had bunkbeds but when my friend said this then it made sense why one of them was at the same level as me. Also they had a computer but the tv they used as a monitor didn't work.

    I got slagged for weeks over this, was called a witch and all sorts, but a few years later I got with the guy that I fancied, just thought ye might like to know that ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    This is quite a fascinating subject... my mum actually did something like that as well, and described the house of a person she liked at the time to them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 192 ✭✭jimmidy_cricket

    Mad. I didn't think it had anything to do with fact that I fancied him, but I thought there may have been some power of 3 conection because I fancied him, his brother fancied me, some freaky love triangle karma thing going on.

    Before I visited my current boyf's house I described it to him. We were in Oz at the time and he was coming home. I got the layout of his room all wrong...till he got home, rang me and told me his room had been re decorated, matched my description (almost) to a T. Freaked him out loads, but we're still together so obviously not enough to scare him away!

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,730 ✭✭✭✭entropi

    Archeron wrote:
    My gran spoke of something like this as she was dying in hospital. She seemed delerious, and started speaking to her husband who had died about 50 years previous. She said she could see bright light in front of her, and minutes later she had passed on. Someone told me that this is known as dying from the feet up which is quite rare, but aside from books, I've never known anyone else to experience this. Were you calm or terrified?
    Actually, this happened to my nan before she passed on a few years back, was talking to me in her bed, but kept turning towards the ceiling and talking to her husband who had died in '78 and whom i never met... lots of other figures from her life were there with her also i remember, it re-inforced my own belief of some form of afterlife indeed.

    On another note, only a couple of days ago i could get the feeling that someone was in my sitting room with me, instinctivly i turned toward me kitchen door to notice the plastic thing you hang socks on swinging a bit, even though all doors and windows were shut, and only me in the room at the time. The very next day my dad has 2 seizures [ he's epileptic ] out in the open... glad he wasn't hurt by it. But i'm not sure of another thing which happened on the day my dad got out of hospital, whereby i seen two seperate things which could only be described as a flash of light but looked like a giant snowflake to me, once i caught it in a mirror in my sitting room, the second time it appeared right next to my mother.

    I believe that the objects i have seen could be a family member making their presence known, seeing as my dad was ill, but i dunno what to make of them really unless any others know of this occuring elsewhere.

    That is one thing which has happened to me, i've seen various spirits in old buildings close to where i live, most are now demolished as i used to play in them as a child but the spirits didn't bother me as i was watching them, unafraid.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 192 ✭✭jimmidy_cricket

    But i'm not sure of another thing which happened on the day my dad got out of hospital, whereby i seen two seperate things which could only be described as a flash of light but looked like a giant snowflake to me, once i caught it in a mirror in my sitting room, the second time it appeared right next to my mother.

    I believe that the objects i have seen could be a family member making their presence known, seeing as my dad was ill, but i dunno what to make of them really unless any others know of this occuring elsewhere.

    I think your right! I often see flashes of light or sometimes light in the corner of my eye...kinda out of reach from my sight, like if I look to see it then its gone and I think these are my guardian angels making themselves known and making me aware of what Im doing at the time and to be careful. I love it when it happens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,290 ✭✭✭Ardent

    No ghost story here but something I've never been able to explain.

    I worked in Sligo IT for a while, they had just built a new engineering building and I went over there to do some admin work on the student PCs upstairs. After finishing my work, I was heading back in the direction of the double doors at the top of the stairs when they just swung open fully as I approached them.

    No-one around. We're talking about bog standard double doors here, not electronic or anything. There was no draft or breeze and they would have been too heavy anyway to be opened by moving air. I surprised at first and then a bit freaked and went through the doors as quickly as I could, looking back at them the whole time as I descended the stairs.


    Maybe the doors didn't like me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Ardent wrote:
    ...... swung open fully as I approached them......Maybe the doors didn't like me.

    That may not be a "ghost story" but it may be as valid a paranormal experience as any?

    As for it not liking you, it opened the doors not slammed them in your face. So spirits are just well mannered. If entities are the disembodied spirits of people who have lived (which i believe) then surely there is as varied a selection of personalities, some would be funny, some assholes and some very curtious? .... just watch out for the randy ones!


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    I got the layout of his room all wrong...till he got home, rang me and told me his room had been re decorated, matched my description (almost) to a T. Freaked him out loads, but we're still together so obviously not enough to scare him away!

    I've found that with these sort of things, you're almost completely right, as in not 100%. I've yet to work out why this is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,276 ✭✭✭Archeron

    Many many moons ago (about 12 years ago) I was studying for the leaving Cert in my school. I come from a large family, so study at home wasnt possible, and the school owners were kind enough to let us study there. On this day, there was me and a friend of mine studying.
    Just to give the mental image of the layout of the room, imagine a huge 2nd floor hallway. Along one side, say east to west is a really long corridor with wooden floor. The remainder of the room, (ie that which is not the corridor) has been cheaply converted into three classrooms. I say cheaply as the walls moved quite easily. So you end up with three class rooms with cheap walls and a very very long corridor running alongside them.
    On this day, we heard a creaking from the corridor, and when looked up realized that the wall of the class room we were in (the centre class room of the three) was being pushed inwards towards us. You could actually see the wall bending in the middle, and the creaking was the pressure of where the cheap wall was pressing against the ceiling. We sat there for a few moments, and realized that whatever was pushing the wall was moving gradually up the wall towards the door. The door was an olden type with one of those perfectly round door handles. When the pushing against the wall reached the door itself, something grasped the round handle and shook it with an incredible strength. No joking, this was an unbelieveable speed for a round door handle to move at. I am a strong person, and I couldnt even achieve half of this speed. While it was still moving, we jumped up to the door, expected to fling it open and find some of our mates there laughing. I grasped the handle, barely able to keep my hand on it with the fast paced movements, and I ripped the door open, and there was nothing outside at all, only the long dark corridor. to say there was a menacing feeling in the air is no exaggeration, it felt like something, (whatever the heck it was) was seriously out to do some harm to somebody,and we immediately packed our bags and left. Last time that we did actually study in the school after dark. I know this probably sounds like a bit of a cliché story, but every word is true. The school in question has a lot of rumours about it as to various different things that have been spotted both inside the school, and inside the lush forested grounds. I'm sure most of the stories were BS, but i certainly dont think they all were!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,041 ✭✭✭✭tk123

    Where abouts is the school?
