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Ghosts - What are your experiences?



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    You should go along to

  • Registered Users Posts: 751 ✭✭✭Colonel_McCoy

    Great is something strange that happened to me........

    I was out one evening and yes alcohol was consumed and got a taxi home around 2am. Taxi pulled up outside my house.......(the front door of my house has a frosted glass door, the door is directly in front of the stairs and when I left the light was on.) I paid the driver, I looked over at the door and I could see the outline of somebody some down the stairs and go into the living room. I went inside expecting to see one of my friends watching tv but there was nobody around, checked every room and the house was empty. Friends came home not long after and they said probably what you are thinking that it was down to alcohol.

    I know it wasnt because the driver saw it too!


  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    shqipshume wrote: »
    I know a girl who apparently has them and she makes mistake of telling people and they treat her awful.:(

    Yes I can understand that, I went through a bit of that in my school days, in primary school i thought every one experienced these things, and then bit by bit realised that i was the only one in the class, and they laughed at me which hurt when i was only 7 years old, but in secondary school i didn't tell any one every thing. I'd be selective in what i'd say. Now of course, being older and wiser, and not caring as much about others...I choose to tell the good friends, those who listen, and don't judge regardless of what they think. And of course these people know me, and know I'm not the type of person to go making up stuff. I still don't go round talking about it all the time. I'ts nice to be able to talk to some one when you have a premonition or dream, or pick up on some thing, and then they can see what you meant when it happens. And of course there are things you pick up on, and even couldn't tell close people as it may not be very nice, and best kept under lock and key!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 696 ✭✭✭XxXciaraxXx

    Love reading this thread! So glad to see it's still going!

    My experiences arent as good as any on this thread but still wanted to post because if I try tell people, they just laugh!

    When I was about 4, apparentley there was a spirit that followed me everywhere, her name was Queenie! It freaked my dad out when I used to point somewhere and say what the spirit was doing! This went on for three years and even followed me when we moved house! It didnt bother my mam that much because she loves anything got to do with paranormal activities! My nan was the one who did something about it! Apparently I was blessed by a priest and it all ended from there! When I was told about this when I was older, I put it down to me having an imaginary friend but according to all of my family, it was much mor than that!

    I remember, when I was younger looking out my bedroom window at night and seeing angels flying by playing harps. I dont know if I was dreaming or what was going on but it felt so real! I remember not being able to move but feeling a complete sense of calmness around me! I still remember the feeling to this day and it was the nicest feeling I have ever experienced!

    Things that happened to me when I was younger dont happen anymore but I do always see shadows and hear sounds when no one is around! I do get scared but I feel theres someone around protecting me aswell. I always want to ask for a sign when I do see shadows and sounds but I am too scared if something happens and I will run!

    Like other posters have said they have been told they have psychic abilities, my mam has been told the same! She will have dreams and tell you about them the next day and you can guarantee that within the 3 days, what happened in her dreams will come true!
    I think it's cool because if you are standing or sitting in front of her having a chat and she starts looking over your shoulder, she's looking at a spirit behind you! She would even start laughing if they are doing something funny! I think it's hillarious because with people that dont know of her abilites kinda get freaked out by it!
    She always keeps her holy medals with her aswell because she doesn't want bad spirits contacting her!

    Like I said above, my stories aren't as good as other posters but I just wanted to share some of them because when I try talk to my friends about it they just laugh it off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Am gonna have to read t hrough this from the start again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    I do always see shadows and hear sounds when no one is around! I do get scared but I feel theres someone around protecting me aswell. !

    Did you ever ask your mum if she could see some one protecting you? You probably do, I am the very same, can feel stuff, but feel some one protecting me aswell. I'm not sure about angels and stuff, but I was told once that a huge golden angel was following me every where, and told me about little signs that I'd pick up on, which I have felt, but not sure its a random angel, I do believe a relative is with me all the time though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 987 ✭✭✭diverdriver

    Interesting thread, I'm a total skeptic when it comes to most things paranormal...........However, ghosts I find interesting and I think there must be an explanation. Thinking about it. I believe they must be a form of replay like a video or a recording on a loop. That can only be seen when the circumstances are right. After all we take it for granted that we can see images on TV or film and listen to songs sung by people long dead. It's just that we use an electronic device to do so. What if there's a natural form of video. I've heard one 'ghost hunter' postulate that certain kinds of materials are more apt to produce an image. I would agree.

    It's often assumed that ghost are dead spirits who haven't moved on or are trying to contact us. But if you look at most ghost stories, they involve images of people alive and often going about their business. Quite often too, they repeat exactly the same movement. Read through most of the stories here and you will see a consistent pattern.

    My own ghost story is typical. I was asleep in my sister's Victorian house in London, in what would have been the servants quarters. I was woken up by what I concluded was someone passing the window on the street outside. Even though it was a quiet cul de sac. I wondered for a moment and then fell asleep. Much later I mentioned it to another sister. She knew all about it. Someone had walked in the door and passed through and she informed me that all the family had experienced it as had several friends. We didn't tell the sister who owned the house until she had moved back to Dublin so as not to worry her. But she knew all about it and told us of a woman on the stairs too. She was totally matter of fact about it.

    Other stories, I've been told follow the same pattern. A woman walking down a corridor, turning and walking through a wall. The same thing every time.

    It has to be some sort of replay, only seen when conditions permit. We often see or hear these things at night because it's quieter and the images are quite faint and invisible in strong sunlight for example. But I'm guessing.

    On the other hand, I do think that a lot of other phenoma are simply dreams which feel real. Dreams are often quite powerful. I've often been confused by them. The human mind has a great capacity to see what it wants to see and of course there is mental illness where people see and hear all sorts of non existent things. You only have to consider hypnosis where a person genuinely believes they are seeing or doing something that simply isn't happening.

    One common experience is waking up and finding you cannot move and even feeling that someone or something is sitting on you. I note at least one story on this thread included that. But there's a simple explanation: Sleep paralysis.

    It's happened to me too, very scary but normal.

    But back to ghosts. I think a real ghost is where you see someone as if they were real, going about their business and not interacting with you. An image of a past event. Perhaps a 'time slip' perhaps a recording. Maybe there is a connection to the emotions of the person at the time. Remember the brain operates on electrical impulses. This can be detected by simple enough equipment we have in hospitals. Perhaps there is another natural method to detect and record them. I seriously believe that if someone took a serious look at ghosts. They could be explained scientifically and it even might be possible to play back ghosts at will. Imagine the tourist possibilities. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,300 ✭✭✭✭razorblunt

    Ok so I said I'd finally contribute to the thread. I'm open to the idea of ghosts but never had an experience until I spent a night in a friends house
    about a year ago. Was sleeping on the floor of a friends front room, and I was getting an unsettling feeling for some reason. Then I saw a grey figure sitting
    at the table looking at me, first I laughed it off thinking it reminded me of a guy in work, was the head off him.

    I presumed I was half asleep until I sat up to have a proper look and "it" was still there, realised it looked very similar to my grandmother. I didnt feel threatened
    or anything, tried to sleep in that room but it was far too cold (probably due to heating being turned off)

    As well that night, no matter what position i tried to sleep in I felt a breathing noise from behind me every time.

    Anyway thats my experience, but a few other stories have come up from various family members so something must run in the family ha!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    Driverdriver, really interesting post...ive often wondered about that, its a good explanation or alternative. Its been said to me before, and I'm really open to that kind of thing. The logical head on me says there must be some explanation like that, and will be confirmed in the future, maybe when we're all gone!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,556 ✭✭✭Micky 32

    I'm sceptical of sightings that are experienced from being " half asleep". Anytime i wake up during the night and then if i feel awake enough and i look at the light coming in my curtains i can actually make shapes out on the curtains that in reality i know aren't there, even after being awake after a good few minutes. I think this may be a similiar case :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,300 ✭✭✭✭razorblunt

    Micky 32 wrote: »
    I'm sceptical of sightings that are experienced from being " half asleep". Anytime i wake up during the night and then if i feel awake enough and i look at the light coming in my curtains i can actually make shapes out on the curtains that in reality i know aren't there, even after being awake after a good few minutes. I think this may be a similiar case :)

    My point was I was actually wide awake and it was still there, I see the point you're making though I have golfclubs in the corner of my room and many nights I thought it was someone lol!

  • Registered Users Posts: 423 ✭✭Amberjack

    Wow, fascinating thread, I have been reading it over the last 2 days and some things have really made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 954 ✭✭✭marti101

    Was staying with my cousin in London and was sleeping in the attic room.Could never sleep proper always knew some one was looking at me from the corner.Anyway mentioned it to my cousin and she said when she first moved in it was awful,stuff being thrown at her and being woken in the middle of the night.She had enough one night and told then to f off lol and it never happened after that.I never seen what was there but i could describe her,an old women wearing an victorian dress and a bun on her head.The kids said there was a man in the house protecting them from an evil women that was trying to get in.But what happened one night my aunt and cousin went to a medium and they got picked.Said there was an old women there in a bun and victorian dress and she didnt like them being in her house,but the medium moved her on and shes had no more problems in the houe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    Micky 32 wrote: »
    I'm sceptical of sightings that are experienced from being " half asleep". Anytime i wake up during the night and then if i feel awake enough and i look at the light coming in my curtains i can actually make shapes out on the curtains that in reality i know aren't there, even after being awake after a good few minutes. I think this may be a similiar case :)

    Yes, ive seen shapes and odd things when half asleep and some times wake myself up fully to see if im just really half asleep or actually seeing some thing. But if you see some thing, or hear some thing, or have a vision or message or what ever you want to call it, it is different. It's a different feeling. At one point in my life i had to take medication for a few weeks, and it didn't agree with me/ I experienced voices in my head, dizzy spells, spoke outloud thinking some one was beside me even though no one in the room, and all of this was very different to whats been going on in my life since i was a child. I knew it was the medication. But when i see a dead relative, or have a dream, giving me a message, etc etc, its very different. VERY different. I hope i'm making sense here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭dade

    I have one from years ago; I was maybe 18 at the time so 10-15 years ago.

    My uncle had cancer and he came to live with us before he died. I gave up my bed room and bed for him and moved into the next room with my brother. He lived with us for months. one night when I was going to work (part time in a burger joint) I stopped at the hall door and walked back in and gave my mom a list of phone number of where I’d be before I got to work and the number of work (back before the days of cell phones). I'd never done that before. This was between 4 and 6 PM

    I got to work about 10 PM and the store manager called me into his office to tell me my mom had phoned to say mu uncle had died and told me to go home. Storage that I would give my mom those numbers as I’d never done before.

    Anyway months later my aunt was in the house and an argument broke out about a watch. My uncles watch. See when he lived with us he gave it to my father, when mine broke my father in turn gave it to me. My aunt had argued that my uncle had promised it to her grandson (his godson) now as a stubborn git I was refused to and it over. they argued and argued and I took the watch and put it on the kitchen table and held a hammer over it and said "tell ya what why don't we all have a piece, your brother is dead and all you care about is a damn watch you people sicken me" and walked out, yeah I know insensitive. i never did see here again for years and if i remember right there was a rift between her and my mom soon after that. Anyways for months I would always feel there was this shape in my peripheral vision, normally at times of stress and always I felt that it was my uncle. I use to draw strength from him at this time to get me through it. Then he stopped visiting as it were.

    Fast forward to about 4 years ago, that same aunt is out with my mom, but she has had an epiphany. She’s found God again. She went to see a medium and was told my uncle could not rest till that watch was given to a young boy. The description the medium gave her was a blond footballer. Now there's only one of those in the extended family. My aunt’s grandson, now the sceptic in me feels my aunt may have made this up coz though the boy was alive when my uncle was he was only 1 or 2 and sure as hell wasn't playing football. Then on the flip side maybe my uncle had attached himself to that boy I don't know. Now the watch. I hadn't seen it in years. I had been given a new one by a then GF and put it away in a box with a load of junk, yet when it was mentioned I just climbed up into the attic took out a box at the back of a shelf and took out the watch, still ticking and handed it over to her.

    I don't know if she lied about him not being at rest, to me she believe d it an if it gives her peace and closure then great, better still if it helps him move on. Maybe my threat to break the watch kept him from moving on, maybe that’s why I kept feeling his presence, maybe he was trying to tell me to hand that watch over I don’t know. If that is the case then I am truly sorry and if I had known I would have done it sooner. RIP John Reid.

    I have a new watch now, my father gave it to me on his death bed, and I wore it for the first time on my wedding day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 shell007

    love this thread! Its great to pass a days work!
    Ive been ready this thinking its really interesting, but i personally have never seen anything, until i just remember... Years ago, when i was 4 maybe we lived in an old house, well it wasnt really old, but i know my parents bought it of some1 else before them. I had my own big room. One night i was sleeping, and woke up to feeling some1 tickling me. It was weird but it defo was a tickle, i opened my eyes and saw a dark figure, he was tall, and all i remember was his hands, they were long with long nails. I shut my eyes straight away and was absolutely terrified. I couldnt move, speak anything. I swear i was awake the whole night. When i told my parents i remember them being worried. Nobody else was in the house other then me and my parents. Nothing else was ever said about it, and nothing else has ever been said.
    I have thought about it, and came to realise there was books (remember the big cardboard books we had wen we were younger) on the bottom of my bed. The theory is that maybe they tickled me... But i dont know! I prob was dreaming also tho! Ill never know, but i still remember it...

  • Registered Users Posts: 366 ✭✭jon burrows

    Sounds like sleep paralysis to me Shell, strange things can happen and be heard during this event..

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 ILoveParamore

    Didn't happen to me,thankfully, but my friends family told me;

    My friends aunt was buying new wardrobes a few years back and left the money for them on the table and told her daughter (megan who was 6 then) not to touch it. So anyways a while later the aunt comes back, moneys gone. Asked megan where it is and megan said Danny Bowie took it (danny bowie was her imaginary friend) megan found the money and gave it back. Then one night the aunt went to check on Megan after she had put her to bed, went into her room and megan was outside on the windowcill, the aunt got her in anyways. Megan said danny bowie told her to do it. The aunt always felt a cold feeling in her bathroom and when she moved house her neighbour told her a lad called daniel bowden killed himself in the bathroom!

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 10,598 Mod ✭✭✭✭artanevilla

    shell007 wrote: »
    love this thread! Its great to pass a days work!
    Ive been ready this thinking its really interesting, but i personally have never seen anything, until i just remember... Years ago, when i was 4 maybe we lived in an old house, well it wasnt really old, but i know my parents bought it of some1 else before them. I had my own big room. One night i was sleeping, and woke up to feeling some1 tickling me. It was weird but it defo was a tickle, i opened my eyes and saw a dark figure, he was tall, and all i remember was his hands, they were long with long nails. I shut my eyes straight away and was absolutely terrified. I couldnt move, speak anything. I swear i was awake the whole night. When i told my parents i remember them being worried. Nobody else was in the house other then me and my parents. Nothing else was ever said about it, and nothing else has ever been said.
    I have thought about it, and came to realise there was books (remember the big cardboard books we had wen we were younger) on the bottom of my bed. The theory is that maybe they tickled me... But i dont know! I prob was dreaming also tho! Ill never know, but i still remember it...

    Sounds like sleep paralysis.

  • Registered Users Posts: 827 ✭✭✭VinnyTGM

    Didn't happen to me,thankfully, but my friends family told me;

    My friends aunt was buying new wardrobes a few years back and left the money for them on the table and told her daughter (megan who was 6 then) not to touch it. So anyways a while later the aunt comes back, moneys gone. Asked megan where it is and megan said Danny Bowie took it (danny bowie was her imaginary friend) megan found the money and gave it back. Then one night the aunt went to check on Megan after she had put her to bed, went into her room and megan was outside on the windowcill, the aunt got her in anyways. Megan said danny bowie told her to do it. The aunt always felt a cold feeling in her bathroom and when she moved house her neighbour told her a lad called daniel bowden killed himself in the bathroom!

    That would freak me out. It's strange the way parent's never think of ghost's/spirits when a child has an 'imaginary friend'.

    I've had no experience's as such. But about 7 years ago my family lived in an old house in Blessington in the middle of no-where.
    Anyway I always had a really strong gut feeling that someone/something was always looking in at me when it was dark outside (you could see nothing outside), maybe this was just my fear of the dark when I was young.

    And I always had a weird eery feeling when I was in the house by myself, that something else was there, I could never relax.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 43 ILoveParamore

    VinnyTGM wrote: »
    That would freak me out. It's strange the way parent's never think of ghost's/spirits when a child has an 'imaginary friend'.

    I've had no experience's as such. But about 7 years ago my family lived in an old house in Blessington in the middle of no-where.
    Anyway I always had a really strong gut feeling that someone/something was always looking in at me when it was dark outside (you could see nothing outside), maybe this was just my fear of the dark when I was young.

    And I always had a weird eery feeling when I was in the house by myself, that something else was there, I could never relax.

    Yeah that story gives me the chills every time, and my friend stayed in that house so many times! Weird.
    You know when you know someone is watching you and you turn arounnd and there they are staring you out of it, well it was probably the same with what you were feeling,you just couldn't see it haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    6th wrote: »
    You should go along to

    yeh some of that interests me, but aint local to me. Seems to be all Dublin based, and I'm a bogger - country girl, what every they call it, down south!! :)

    That's the problem aswell, any time I look into seeing some one, it's more often than not Dublin. I'm willing to go to Dublin, but wouldn't be able to do it regularly to be part of a group.

    There is a psychic / medium in Dublin who wants to meet me. She's worked on high profile garda cases in Ireland, but i've only spoken to her on the phone. I was kinda afraid to meet her in the past, but I'm ready for it all now....

    So my update - this week, the moving shadows / white misty thing has moved past me in the kitchen this week, as if some one walking past me, thats never happened before, it's always been the hall, at a distance from me, whereas this time in the kitchen, was just right beside me. I've felt the movement in the living room aswell. One day it happened 3 or 4 times.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 OnderGrund

    Hi all!
    Love the thread and so fascinated to see a few of my experiences are similar to some already posted! I've had quite a few encounters over the years, mind if I share a few?

    1: The house I grew up in was new, my room was mine first but I still shared it with a very nosy entity. From the age of 6 on events happened every few months. It favoured getting right in my face - once in the light, but mostly at night. Doors opened and shut, objects fell from solid placement on shelves, my cat was hassled and made to leave the room a few times. Once, while rinsing my hair in the shower (calm down :P) a solid hand brushed my fingers through the water!

    2: Xmas eve was always eventful! Distinct knocking sounds on the wall right above my bed, once a catastrophic crash and tearing that woke the whole house. Dad came running in to see I was ok, and despite checks upstairs and down, nothing was found out of place. Not even a cup was overturned!

    3: On the regular family holiday I sat up reading around 12.30 and was startled to hear a woman say my name firmly, loudly and right by my ear.
    I was alone and had headphones on at the time (no, my name was not in the lyrics).
    Startled, I got up, checked that my parents were sleeping, got back into bed to read without music. The voice said my name again from another angle. This time I shut the windows, locked the doors and hid under the blankets with the lights on till sunrise!

    3: At university I shared a flat with a friend. In the second year a presence began to occasionally show itself by the front door. Myself and my roommate saw it often. One night a friend of ours, whom we hadn't told, was over for dinner noticed what he thought was a spotlight and as soon as we told him, it vanished.

    4: My partner and I have lived in a converted warehouse (circa 1890) for two years. I can't sleep properly because I'm frequently woken by entities in the bedroom (it / they stand by my side of the bed). When I'm alone I know I'm not, there's always doorknobs turning, knocks, voices. Can't wait till we move, I've had it with being watched...he has too, can't stand me jumping every time he comes around a corner!

    5: In a hotel room in the states I was woken by a man in a blue plaid standing in the far corner, slumped at the shoulders, just watching us sleep. I screamed. Partner woke up. The apparition persisted for about a minute, although partner didn't see.

    Whew, that's all out of my system!

  • Registered Users Posts: 827 ✭✭✭VinnyTGM

    OnderGrund wrote: »
    Hi all!
    Love the thread and so fascinated to see a few of my experiences are similar to some already posted! I've had quite a few encounters over the years, mind if I share a few?

    1: The house I grew up in was new, my room was mine first but I still shared it with a very nosy entity. From the age of 6 on events happened every few months. It favoured getting right in my face - once in the light, but mostly at night. Doors opened and shut, objects fell from solid placement on shelves, my cat was hassled and made to leave the room a few times. Once, while rinsing my hair in the shower (calm down :P) a solid hand brushed my fingers through the water!

    2: Xmas eve was always eventful! Distinct knocking sounds on the wall right above my bed, once a catastrophic crash and tearing that woke the whole house. Dad came running in to see I was ok, and despite checks upstairs and down, nothing was found out of place. Not even a cup was overturned!

    3: On the regular family holiday I sat up reading around 12.30 and was startled to hear a woman say my name firmly, loudly and right by my ear.
    I was alone and had headphones on at the time (no, my name was not in the lyrics).
    Startled, I got up, checked that my parents were sleeping, got back into bed to read without music. The voice said my name again from another angle. This time I shut the windows, locked the doors and hid under the blankets with the lights on till sunrise!

    3: At university I shared a flat with a friend. In the second year a presence began to occasionally show itself by the front door. Myself and my roommate saw it often. One night a friend of ours, whom we hadn't told, was over for dinner noticed what he thought was a spotlight and as soon as we told him, it vanished.

    4: My partner and I have lived in a converted warehouse (circa 1890) for two years. I can't sleep properly because I'm frequently woken by entities in the bedroom (it / they stand by my side of the bed). When I'm alone I know I'm not, there's always doorknobs turning, knocks, voices. Can't wait till we move, I've had it with being watched...he has too, can't stand me jumping every time he comes around a corner!

    5: In a hotel room in the states I was woken by a man in a blue plaid standing in the far corner, slumped at the shoulders, just watching us sleep. I screamed. Partner woke up. The apparition persisted for about a minute, although partner didn't see.

    Whew, that's all out of my system!

    Are you sure thare isn't a spirit following you or something?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 OnderGrund

    VinnyTGM wrote: »
    Are you sure thare isn't a spirit following you or something?

    I've moved around quite a bit in my life, seems a lot of work for a ghost! I always figured I just drew these things out of the woodwork,found out recently it runs in fam as mum, aunts, gran and great gran have had experiences too.

    One more:
    6: Was on a school trip to the UK about 15 years ago and our group toured an old royal residence. When we got to the bedroom I was nearly knocked over by a jolt, the smell and presence of a very big person. It only lasted a second but it was so tangible I could have sworn I stumbled through something!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    OnderGrund wrote: »
    I've moved around quite a bit in my life, seems a lot of work for a ghost! I always figured I just drew these things out of the woodwork,found out recently it runs in fam as mum, aunts, gran and great gran have had experiences too.

    Could be either some thing following you or you are just drawing out some thing. If stuff that serious was happening to me, I don't know what I'd do. Did you ever see any one about all of this? try to understand a possible gift you have? If not you should, and end up controling it, rather than you being bothered all the time!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 OnderGrund

    Ghost Girl wrote: »
    If stuff that serious was happening to me, I don't know what I'd do. Did you ever see any one about all of this? try to understand a possible gift you have? If not you should, and end up controling it, rather than you being bothered all the time!!!

    Is it silly to say I never thought of it as serious? When I've been to mediums (very rarely, the family reads so it seems like a waste to spend money going to strangers) they've told me I have a certain energy and nothing to worry about. ::shrug::

    Nothing was ever thrown at me, neither myself or anyone who was with me was ever hurt. Each experience seemed grounded in the place – so I see them as unrelated to one another (except for my bedroom beastie, who seemed more childish than mean). Really, the only one who was ever put out about it was the cat.
    Gran said the best way to handle it was to talk, so I used to chat to the entities when I was alone, I always took being sensitive as part of life.

    Himself is a sceptic and athiest, and I've become a bit of a sceptic myself. But it only serves to scare me more as I automatically tell myself when things happen now it has to be something based in the physical... which can only mean intruders. Frankly, I'd take a ghost over that any day!
    I suppose I'll just have to put scepticism aside and have a serious talk with whatever it is that's keeping me from my beauty sleep!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,598 ✭✭✭aligator_am

    Hi Guys, very interesting thread :)

    I've had some strange experiences in my life, this post may be a bit long so apollogies in advance.

    My mam died back in the mid '90s, I would have been about 15 at the time, and something that I always found strange was that a couple of weeks after the funeral I was alone in the house, heard a noise out on the street (this was in the middle of the day) and looked out the window, the next thing I knew I felt a pain in my back, and realised I was lying on the bathroom floor! the bathroom is an extension on the house and I was upstairs looking out the front window, so I somehow managed to make my way downstairs, through the house and fell on the bathroom floor. I've no idea how much time passed. I'm unsure if this was a paranormal event or if it maybe was due to stress?

    A few years back I was going through a tough time and moved back into the family home, I woke in the middle of the night and could see a bald old man standing in the room staring at me, what was even more unsettling was that there appeared to be a "stream" of blackness going from me to him, the best way I could describe it is that it looked like when the ghostbusters fired their guns, if that makes any sense? I remember saying out loud "I can see you" and the figure just vanished, gives me chills even thinking about it. It almost looked as if the stream was siphoning something from me?

    I know my dad, who's general opinion on the paranormal is "ah that's a loada cobblers" told us a couple of years ago at Christmas time after a few drinks about a very odd experience he had in the same house, he said that many moons ago he and my mam had an argument and that he went to sleep in the spare room, he woke in the middle of the night and there was a figure standing at the end of the bed wearing a wide brimmed hat, my dad immediately thought it was someone robbing the house and went to jump out of the bed to challenge them. He couldn't get out of the bed! he said it was as if a great force was holding him down, now bear in mind that my dad was a docker for years, and was built like a tank, so it would have taken a lot of strenght to hold him down. He said the books on the shelves flew all over the place and then the figure simply vanished, again, as I said, my dad would normally rubbish any such talk, and wouldn't invent a story like that, it was only after a few drinks and probably that all the kids are grown up now that he felt comfortable in telling us.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 538 ✭✭✭markopantelic

    i dont believe in any god, im an atheist but 100% some form of 'ghost' life does exist. me and my sister playing with toys in our our room when a voice from the room beside calls out to us saying our names in a stereotypically ghostly manner. we jumped up, and i looked into the was pitch dark:eek: my parents were downstairs, there is no way in hell it was them, not a chance i'll never forget that night, my sister never forgets that night(she has a terrible memory normally) its eched in our childhood. its a bit strange ive heard nothing since then or seen anything(well except one day me and my sister were in a tent which my dad had set up in the room the voice came from on their(parents) bad, anyway our dad goes off and leaves us there, a while later while we look out the visor( u know the white sort of netty doors on tent?) and we see what i can only describe as the most redicolous looking shape walking by the bed..i was positive this was my dad, like you know putting bedsheets over him...the thing is tho, nothing was over the other sid or walked back in front of the tent :(

    **** this probably doesnt even sound scary to any of u but im in tears writing this. odd

    any skeptics have a possible explanation for the calling of me and my sisters name and the fact we both heard it? i guess ill always have to consider it was the parents somehow calling from downstairs but then why was it positively coming from the room beside us?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭jick the rapper

    Good example of sleep paralysis in my opinion:

    A friend of mine told me of a disturbing experience in his house.
    A couple of years ago his grandmother, who had been living in his house, passed away. It was his father’s mother. A couple of days later, the dad had started to clear out his mother’s room to make space. His wife (my friends mam), tried to convince the dad to get rid of a large, old style chest of drawers that had belonged to his mam. They argued about it as the dad wanted to hold on to them, (sentimentality etc). The mother relented after a while, and the drawers where moved into the parents room.

    So after such a fuss to keep the drawers in the first place, the whole family was shocked to find the father in the back garden the next morning taking a hatchet to the drawers.

    When asked why he was doing this he reacted angrily and told everyone “never to mind”, and “don’t ask again”. It was only years later the auld lad told my friend that he had woken in the middle of the night facing the chest of drawers. Sitting hunkered on top of the drawers was his mothers, glowering at him with a twisted and horrible face.

    There where other stories from the house like shadows at the top of the stairs and passing by doors etc.
