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Ghosts - What are your experiences?



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,276 ✭✭✭Archeron

    tk123 wrote:
    Where abouts is the school?

    the school is Belcamp college on the Malahide road, just between Darndale and Balgriffin. I believe its closing this year for good.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 151 ✭✭Taters

    I only have one, and tis a rather short one too.
    But anyway, I'll share it.

    I was in Co. Kerry, twas about 3 am on a summer morning.
    My cousin Bláthnaid and I where looking out at a field.
    It was not pitch dark twas kind of like evening. Well we saw this figure.
    Twas a woman, she had long hair (I think it was blonde) and had a long, white dress on. She was walking slowly in the field. So we got the binoculars and looked at the field with them. There was no one there.

    There you have it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,566 ✭✭✭Gillo

    magnumlady wrote:
    I was very calm, and really at peace. I can still see the image now, it was so clear, because of this I wouldn't be afraid of dying. I saw relatives that had died before I was even born and it was just like they had come to get me but it was really clear in my mind that if I left my room then there was no going back.

    Scarey yes, but very reassuring to know that you have a "welcoming committee" to greet you when your time comes.

    About seven to nine years ago I woke up in the middle of the night, it's not too uncommon for me to do that as I am a light sleeper. This night however I woke up facing out of the bed which was unusual for me, and standing about 18 inches away from the bed, was a young girl, she was ages about 4 or 5 and despite the room been very dark ( I have no idea what time it was but it was the middle of the night) she could very clearly be seen. As I said she look about 4 to 6 years old, and was dressed in a fancy dress, although she did look dishevelled. Normally I would of thought that I would of been very scared, I'm uncomfortable enough in a dark room, but I just lay there for a minute and looked at her she looked back at me, there was nothing said, communicated and no awarkedness or discomfort.

    Now that inself is strange enough, but it definetly happened. The thing is my mother became pregnant when I was 2 or 3 years old, unfortunaley she miscarried. Just before my 5 birthday I broke my leg and had to have a total of 3 operations to repair it, I had just started school 2 weeks earlier (my brithday is 24 of septermber and cash gifts are ok!!) as you can imagine it was a stresful time for a young child. Anyhow I had an experience during one of the operations, basically I was in the operating theater on my own still lying on the bed, only when I looked over to my left ther was a young girl (she was about 3, which would of been the age of my brother or sister had they lived), she two was dressed in a fancy dress, this time she looked clean though.
    For some reason I associated even from an early age the the girl in the operating theatre was the "sister" I had lost. Then years later a young girl who looked quite similiar appears in my bedroom.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭WalkswithDeath

    on the 18th of this month i was in bus eirus waiting for my bus to go home. i want down stairs to use the ladies toilet. i always get the feeling that someone is watching me in that place any way i was washing my hands when someone one said hello there i said hi back and looked around to see who was talking to me there was no one there i turned back around to turn of the taps and in the mirror was a young girl about 20 with a straw hat and a shall standing behind me she smiled and then she was gone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,041 ✭✭✭✭tk123

    Thats like one my nana told me! My uncle is a taxi driver and the cab office is open all night. One night the night time guy is sitting there playing with the computer or something and he looks up to see a woman sitting in one of the chairs. He said she was dressed in early 1900s clothes - like a bonnet and shawl - he thought it was somebody in fancy dress. Anyhoos he asks can I help you/do you need a taxi and she stood up and walked through the wall. Apparently a few other employees saw ghosts in the same kind of clothes walking thru the walls... My uncle told everyone at the time not to tell my nana until they moved into their new office so she wouldn't get spooked and stop coming by to make them tea! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,847 ✭✭✭py2006

    Wow, I loved reading down through all those stories! I hope there is more to come!

    Since my early teens I have had total facination with anything related to ghosts, ufo's and the paranormal etc. I always found cynics and skeptics to be a totally arogant and frustratingly race of people.

    I lost interest in the topic in my mid 20's but kind of regained some of the interest when I started watching mediums such as John Edward on TV.

    The frustrating thing for me is that to my knowledge I don't believe I have had anything significantly paranormal happen to me. I am so jealous of people who have as I would dearly love to. I don't scare easily and I believe I wouldn't be the type to run away screaming.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,999 ✭✭✭solas

    uh..I ran, not screaming but that was only because nothing would come out of my mouth (and it wasn't even that scary)

    I've had a few strange experiences, some were relatively nice and comforting others were just freaky.
    of the freakier ones, I was engulfed in some sort of sparkling light while sitting by my puter one night. Thought it was my eyes and did a lot of blinking, then thought maybe it was lightning so I went to turn off the puter but it was starting to freak me out at that stage as it was becomming more apparant, so I got up and ran to the hallway to get away from any electrical equipment, crouched in a corner and took a deep breath thinking I was safe.
    I really thought my house was under fire from a lot of lightning. Then looking up to see if the coast was clear and it came rushing at me from the front door, like a blast light energy. Think of how it might look to watch a bolt of lightning comming directly at you.
    So I run back to my room and sit down thinking I was hallucinating or something and it's all around me. It was like sitting in a soft electrical haze, all sparkly and flashing. as I calmed myself down, it eventually faded away.
    [edit:should add, I was chatting with someone online when this started and he was talking about sending his "spirit" to "hug" me, when I began to tell him what was happening he laughed and said it leave when it was ready..go figure]

    Some time before hand (maybe 8mths previous) I had been driving back from galway with some friends when there was a swooping light in the sky, we all saw it and couldn't figure out what it was, as we watched it the car lights start fading in and out, the engine started coughing and spluttering and the radio droned to a halt, along with the rest of the car. We were in the middle of nowhere in pitch darkness and the car wouldn't start, freaked us all out a bit :)

    We did get the car going eventually and I have no alien abuction knowledge to report thankfully, it ws just a freaky episode and I'm only glad there were four other witnesses.

    I started having sleep paralysis after that and the whole electrical/energy connection thing became a daily occurance. I'm thinking maybe we got hit by some freak electromagentic storm, which caused the later interferances lol

    Was all years ago though...think I've calmed down now somewhat :D

    have a few other experiences too, will share when I'm not so tired.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,276 ✭✭✭Archeron

    When my mum was in her early twenties, her and her sister were walking through Dublins O Connell Street. At roughly the point where the floozie in the jacuzzi statue used to be, there was a bench. On it sat what they described as an attractive young woman with jet black hair. They say they were concerned because of the fact that she was combing it with a big black comb. They caught her attention, at which point she changed into a venomous looking hag, and she hurled her comb at the two of them. She missed, but less than a week later, their brother was killed by a bus in the very same street. I always found this strange, cos if it was a banshee, its the first time I've heard of one appearing in such a public place. I have heard tales of these things before, but with the exception of the above story, always in spooky settings such as forests, fields etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,847 ✭✭✭py2006

    solas wrote:

    Some time before hand (maybe 8mths previous) I had been driving back from galway with some friends when there was a swooping light in the sky, we all saw it and couldn't figure out what it was, as we watched it the car lights start fading in and out, the engine started coughing and spluttering and the radio droned to a halt, along with the rest of the car. We were in the middle of nowhere in pitch darkness and the car wouldn't start, freaked us all out a bit :)

    We did get the car going eventually and I have no alien abuction knowledge to report thankfully, it ws just a freaky episode and I'm only glad there were four other witnesses.

    Classic case of alien abduction alright. It would be interesting if you noticed that all of a sudden a few hours had passed and you had no recollection of what happened during that time.

    Did you have an itchy arse soon after?? hehe

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,999 ✭✭✭solas

    py2006 wrote:
    Did you have an itchy arse soon after?? hehe
    now that you mention it... :)

    Naturally, my initial thoughts were along those lines, no doubt the others were thinking the same but no one said a word, it was all too eerie. I did rib them when we got the motor running again (one of the tyres had gone flat too so that had to be changed) to check the clock to make sure we hadn't lost an hour. I was the only one thought it was funny though.

    ah well..
    Funnily I would class many of my "spiritual experiences" as having mutli dimensional emphasis. The sleep paralysis in particularI refer to as the mother ship experience :)

    Its all been some time since it occured and feels like a distant part of my memory now. Was fun at the time though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,487 ✭✭✭franksm

    My grandmother, my dad & siblings used to live in an old 3-storey Victorian terrace in Ardoyne, Belfast. They are full of stories of "something" that caused noises upstairs in the house, and which gave them all the impression of watching them from the top of the stairs. Plus each would (individuall) have a glimpse of something at the top of the stairs, just outside of vision at the corner of the eye, when coming home from school etc. They never had the feeling it was maelevolent so while it scared them, they weren't terrrified.

    In the 70's. the Ardoyne was (still is) a flashpoint for sectarian violence. My grandmother & daughter (my aunt) recounted a tale to me as a wee'un of when there was a riot going on outside. The two of them decided to move out of the front room and into the kitchen - but when my grandmother tried to open the door from livingroom to hallway, it was jammed solid. This scared them as they thought someone would come into the house, or a petrol bomb would come in the window etc. Right then, after 30 seconds of tugging at the door there's an almighty crash in the hallway, and a bang - this sends aunt & grandmother into more hysterics, but they calm down as there's no more noise and they say "let's just move to the kitchen now" - and when they try the door, it opens as easily as anything. In the hallway, there's a full brick which was thrown through the glass panel above the front door. If my grandmother had gone into the hallway, the brick would have brained her. She reckoned that whatever was in the house had protected her. An my aunt always backed that story up.

    Scroll forward to the late 80's and my grandmother is very frail. A normal sunny day, and she's sitting in the front room with my uncle. There's a car outside with a flat tyre, the owner and a girl are trying hard to change the wheel but there's something up (eg. the spare itself is punctured).

    My grandmother just tells my uncle, with no pre-amble. "Go and help that young man or see if he wants to use the phone, he's just a poor wee soldier and he'll be murdered if he stays outside there much longer".

    And it turns out she was right - the lad was a soldier not from the area, with his girlfriend and they are bricking it that they broke down in Ardoyne of all places. I think the girlfriend said as much when she waited inside with my grandmother. With the spare pumped up with a foot-pump, the two are on their way. Make of that what you will, they all reckon the information/will came from the same thing that protected them from opening the door at the wrong moment.

    Jeez... had forgotten these stories, I remember being petrified of that house when I was small after hearing these things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Ok partially to keep this thread alive (and what a great one it is) and partially coz i dont think it merrits a thread of its own I'm posting a small expereince i had during last week in Central Park.

    As i was walking through a small tunnel with my beautiful wife (who's most likely reading this ... so hi sexy ;)) I saw the spirit of a man in his late 20's sitting on a small stone ledge 3rd in on the right in the photo) looking at the ground, once i walked through I turned and took a picture, i couldnt see him there anymore but took the pic anyway as i felt him still around. Anyway here's the pic plus on that i adjusted the contrast on to show that the shaft of light originates inside the tunnel, was a bright warm day and no flash was used.



    I'm posting this as an experience as the OT sets out and not as a photograph who's credability needs to be clawwed at.


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,847 ✭✭✭py2006

    Wow, great pic! It definitely looks like something is trying to materialise or something like that! I am no expert!

    I will be in New York in a few weeks so I must look out for that tunnel!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,986 ✭✭✭Red Hand

    My experiences are highly positive. Being haunted is great. Makes life more interesting

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    My experiences are highly positive. Being haunted is great. Makes life more interesting

    I would tend to agree with you, having experienced things since i was very young I can say that have only had a few bad ones.

    You gonna share any of your experiences on here?


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,986 ✭✭✭Red Hand was out of the blue. My life was a little flat at the time. Suddenly, I was contacted by a really, energetic creature.

    It was the 20-1-06 when it happened I think. I was minding my own business when all of a sudden, I came into contact with something...other than I had experienced before.

    Ive been in regular contact since then and a connection has been established. Bye;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,847 ✭✭✭py2006 was out of the blue. My life was a little flat at the time. Suddenly, I was contacted by a really, energetic creature.

    It was the 20-1-06 when it happened I think. I was minding my own business when all of a sudden, I came into contact with something...other than I had experienced before.

    Ive been in regular contact since then and a connection has been established. Bye;)

    Hmmm, sounds like bull to me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    I'm somewhat doubting the above myself, but I'm not dismissing it. Sounds just a little OTT, which is why I have my doubts...

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It's really annoying, 'cause I havent had any experiences with ghosts in quite a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    Nor have I to be honest... any really wierd experiences that I've had not within the past couple of years are usually something completely different...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,986 ✭✭✭Red Hand

    Well this isnt Bull and it did happen. A spirit has being contacting me

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,847 ✭✭✭py2006

    Well this isnt Bull and it did happen. A spirit has being contacting me

    Your very vague!!! Details???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭Banphrionsa

    Well this isnt Bull and it did happen. A spirit has being contacting me

    A spirit of ancient Irish legend, I'll bet! "Jeremiah and Grainne?" No, that's not right. Jeremiah is not an Irish name, but wait a minute! What's Jeremiah in Irish? I think it starts with a "D." Anyway, if you are related to this D character in spirit, then it may be the spirit of Grainne that haunts you now, especially in the night when you attempt to sleep. Did she place her head upon your chest and go to sleep? That would be a sure sign it was Grainne. And did you find bread crumbs in your bed?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭Banphrionsa was out of the blue. My life was a little flat at the time. Suddenly, I was contacted by a really, energetic creature.

    It was the 20-1-06 when it happened I think. I was minding my own business when all of a sudden, I came into contact with something...other than I had experienced before.

    Ahhh, if it was a female ghost, she would be really impressed that you remembered the first date of contact. Were there any bread crumbs?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,791 ✭✭✭prospect

    Oki Doki,

    Well I am not really a believer in ghosts, or paranormal or fate or that kind of stuff. I prefer the rational, scientific explanation, when possible.
    However, I would not discount any of this as rubbish, etc.

    To tell the truth, I have been fascinated by this thread, and have my own story to contribute. But right now I have a job to finish, but will post later.

    Well done to the OP for a truely legendary thread. The only long thread I have ever read from start to finish without stopping.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,791 ✭✭✭prospect

    Right, I am back, and fed :)

    I am sure you are all dying to read my story, but be warned, it is very tame compared to others here. Firstly, this actually happened to my maternal grandfather, and was re-told to me by my mother, who is a very down to earth, no nonsense type of person.

    When my mother was a child, she was in a school play in the school or town hall. My grandfather was a butcher, and due to work he was late for the play. This meant when he got there he had to stand at the back of the hall, in the aisle near the door.
    During the play, he felt a breeze as if the door behind him opened. Then he felt something rub against his leg. When he looked down, he saw part of a pale blue, (almost white), dress brush past him. There was nothing else, just like part of a ladies dress move past him and fade away in the aisle.
    This happened in or around Chapelizoid (sp). I don't know if there is any history of anyone dying in the hall, I never heard more than that.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Thanks prospect. Mustve made a big impression if its been told thru the family like that. Whats your take on it, do you have any rational ideas? Oh, and nobody has to have died in the hall. The alleged spirit in question may just like drama.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,791 ✭✭✭prospect

    Hello KatieK,

    Em, the only thing that I can think of is a combintation of someone leaving/entering causing a shaft of low light in an otherwise dim room, and a breeze, and this combined with a plume of cigarette smoke? (no smoking ban back then)...

    Other than that possibility, I dunno?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 599 ✭✭✭New_Departure06

    I dunno if I only imagined this or not. But I recall something weird happening a few months ago. I woke up, and then see what I think is like that thing in "The Mothman Prophecies" or shaped like it, except sortof composed of dust, which suddenly dispersed. Wonder ever since was I imagining it. Also that voice on the radio now is quite scary.
