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Ghosts - What are your experiences?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Tragamin2k2

    had to go to page 2 to find this, ghosts must take january off :p

    one of the lads told me him and his cousin were minding a house one night where a family friends great aunt had died a few months before.they were up in the bedroom and they saw a light coming from the bottom of the stairs.there was nobody else in the house so they thought it was somebody breaking in with a flashlight or one of the lads messing with them.then they heard a womans voice calling one of their names (the woman that died was a mute btw) and the light moved up the stairs, moved towards the bedroom door and then disappeared.he described it like the light from a candle or lantern.


  • Registered Users Posts: 180 ✭✭Silent Runner

    I've been reading through this thread with greath interest but haven't seen anything similar to this so I thought I'd share this with ye

    I've never had any experiences myself but my parents had a strange incident about 30 years ago, I wasn't alive then. My mother gave birth to a baby who only lived for a few hours as there were severe medical complications. They got over the funeral and burial. My mother said this was the hardest thing she ever had to go through in her life, not to mention she never got to see the baby as the hospital didn't allow it. Back then they lived in a two story bungalow. About a week or so after this, late at night my parents were down stairs. My mother was in the sitting room when she was alerted by the sounds of a new born baby crying upstairs. She ran out to the hall, not sure what to think, but was met by my father who was in the kitchen. They ran upstairs to check on my brothers and sister (aged 4-10) but they were all sound asleep. She said it was the weirdest thing, as the cries were not coming from anywhere in particular, the sound was very strong around the landing and the rooms. It had stopped and they didn't know what to make of it. This didn't last very long at all, only a few minutes. She said it was unmistakable, very distinct new born baby cry. They stayed there for a few more years but had no such incidents ever since.

    Now to be honest if it wasn't for my father hearing this too, or if my mother was on her own I'd put it down to something else. After being through a stressful incident your minds could play tricks on you. There weren't many cats around their house, but she said there was no way a cat could make the noise, the children didn't have baby dolls so that didn't explain it either. She said it was just unmistakable

    Although my mother would openly talk about it, my father doesn't talk about it. If my mother didn't tell me about this I'd have never of found out about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,148 ✭✭✭MickFleetwood

    maccored wrote: »
    fair dues to ye ...

    it's certainly an interesting thread and topic.

    carry on, gents.

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭slave2thewage

    I've a couple, I'll just start off with the creepiest I have:

    When I was 14, I made MSN friends with this girl in England (this would've been 12, 13 years ago). Anyway, she told me about how one of her friends committed suicide. For some mad reason, I decided to basically make a home-made ouija board with the letters and stuff all on a page. Messed around and seemingly got nothing.

    The next evening, my mother asked me to come and check out the cordless phone. It was just odd noises, like rustling and heavily echoed, apparently. When I listened to it, I heard that, but after 5 seconds this faint, yet echo-y and distorted, voice appears and says "I'm in the bedroom" and then everything cut out. Needless to say, I burned that paper ASAP and did the whole blessing with salt. Never had that again.

    The others are more benign and involve dead family members (short versions: felt something touch my arm on the anniversary of my grandmother's death, saw my grandfather behind me in a mirror in Spain at the same moment he died in Donegal) except for one, which isn't really a big story. I used to live in an old-ish house in Galway and lived there on my own for six months before moving out because of the landlords selling up. Anyway, I'd hear odd bangs sometimes and there was a massively oppressive atmosphere in one of the upstairs bedrooms. Maybe it was just an effect of being on my own in a creepy old house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5 Mrs SuperPotato

    About 20 years ago a friend we grew up with committed suicide in his late 20's. We were devastated, but tbh not all that surprised as he was a deeply troubled (but lovely) fella.
    About a month after he died I had the most intense, lucid dream that was not at all dream-like. I still recall it perfectly to this day.
    In the dream, he sauntered into our kitchen, like he did in life a thousand times. I was there with my sister. He wore a silver cross on his neck that was really bright, but yet not painful to look at. He hugged my sister and I, said our names, and said "I'm alright now". I can still feel his arms around me and the peace and love in that hug.
    I know it could be passed off as my grieving mind playing tricks on me, but I know in my heart it was him and not a dream.

    Another boy I knew at school took his own life in his early 20's, and even though we hadn't seen each other in years, I still sometimes feel his presence. It's really comforting.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,351 ✭✭✭NegativeCreep

    Are people supposed to believe what's in that blog? or is it a joke?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,754 ✭✭✭oceanman

    Are people supposed to believe what's in that blog? or is it a joke?
    why would you think its a joke?

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,762 ✭✭✭✭dubstarr

    I have stuff happening to me for years.I used to wake as a child and there was a green outside our houseand id see people crossing it.But in Victorian clothes and clothes from other era.

    Also had shapes sitting on my bed when there was no one there.You could feel teh bed go down as if someone was sitting on it.
    I seen an old woman in my cousins house.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,351 ✭✭✭NegativeCreep

    oceanman wrote: »
    why would you think its a joke?

    My comment was in reply to a post that I think has been deleted, sorry :L

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,494 ✭✭✭Columbia

    Just had a weird moment last night while I was going to sleep, I'm pretty sure it's explainable (see the end), but it's the first unusual thing that's happened since I was a child, so I figured I'd post it here.

    The background is that I'm currently volunteering in a developing nation, and I have been living with this host family for 18 months now. I don't really want to bring this up with them, but the house seems to have been built in 1977, and I know at least 1, but possibly 3, of the former inhabitants has/have died.

    Twice in the space of a few minutes last night I heard a sound like a sharp intake of breath. I was listening to the radio at the time, and the noise seemed to be coming from that general direction, so I assumed it was some interference or something.

    After about ten minutes I heard the same noise again, but this time it was followed by a large bang on the window (my room is on the 2nd floor), and within a second or two 5 or 6 dogs in the village began howling. That sounds ridiculous like it's out of a bad horror movie, but my village is set on a series of hills, and just about every family owns a dog, they start howling at least 10 times a day. I wouldn't have found it remotely unusual if not for the noises that had come before it.

    The whole thing took about 10 seconds, from the breath, to when the dogs stopped howling.

    There are logical explanations for all three. The noise could indeed have been radio interference (or some other noise on the program), the bang on the window could have been a bird or even large, flying insect, and the howling, as I mentioned, happens pretty often anyway. All three happening so quickly together was unusual and more than a little creepy though.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,047 ✭✭✭Kettleson

    I was driving to work about 2 years ago, it was dusk but not fully dark.

    There were people walking on the pavement on the right hand side of the road with a dog. Their dog was off its lead but walking on the pavement.

    Another dog appeared from the lay by on the left hand side of the road, right in front of my car, as it ran to the other side of the road, I thought to join the others. It was too late to brake and I thought I'm gonna hit this poor thing.

    Just as it should have been disappearing under my right front wheel, it turned its head around to look up at me in the drivers seat. It had a horrible snarl on its face, as if about to bite. I waited for the thud, but it never happened. Nothing.

    I watched in the side mirror to see if there was anything on the road, and again in the rear view and again watched for a reaction from the walkers. But there was nothing. They were walking on oblivious to anything having happened.

    I've since seen some threads here about dog apparitions (particularly those associated with Ouija board sessions).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    Columbia wrote: »
    Just had a weird moment last night while I was going to sleep, I'm pretty sure it's explainable (see the end), but it's the first unusual thing that's happened since I was a child, so I figured I'd post it here.

    The background is that I'm currently volunteering in a developing nation, and I have been living with this host family for 18 months now. I don't really want to bring this up with them, but the house seems to have been built in 1977, and I know at least 1, but possibly 3, of the former inhabitants has/have died. [...]

    Columbia, I know you don't want to broach the subject with the family you're staying with, but did you try asking them if they heard what you heard that night? You wouldn't have to mention anything about deceased inhabitants of the house, etc.

    I'm not suggesting you imagined it at all, but it'd be worthwhile to find out, for your own interest and possible reassurance, that someone else heard what you heard then. You never know - they might choose to elaborate on finding the whole incident rather strange, or even be able to provide an as-yet-unknown rational explanation for it.

    Also, if you know anyone outside the family there, you could try doing the same with them. Worth a shot. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 171 ✭✭captain wow

    My dad told me a story once about an experience he had once as a child. One evening he and my grandfather were walking from their house to visit our relatives who lived about 15-20 miles away in a neighboring parish. It was a fine spring evening just turning towards dusk when they rounded a bend and laid eyes on a stranger coming the other way. He was dressed in a black suit and hat and stared straight ahead, looking at neither my father or grandfather and not acknowledging their hello's in any way. This struck my father as very odd as in those days ignoring somebody walking 7 feet away across a narrow country lane was unheard of. As he walked by my father swore he couldn't hear the footsteps of the strange man, he sailed by silently and before they knew it they were around the next bend. They didn't fancy hanging around to investigate, what with the darkness closing in and a chair by the fire waiting for them in my cousins house, still 5 miles away they quickened their pace. Neither of them spoke the rest of the way. They told their hosts about their encounter, as a stranger in a rural community was big news and my fathers uncle said his description reminded him of a man who'd died in the parish years before. He was in a biter dispute over the inheritance of a farm with a neighbor. I don't remember the exact details of this part of the story but land disputes between neighbors/family members weren't uncommon. Anyway the other parties in the dispute got another local man fairly ****faced drunk one night and paid him to do away with the man. he walked up to the stranger's house and banged on the door until he woke up and came outside, thereupon the drunk unloaded two barrels of a shotgun into him and killed him on the spot. He was duly paid and shipped off to america to avoid any prosecution.
    They stayed in my cousins house that night and returned home the following morning. On the way back they stopped at the spot where the stranger passed them. Across the field from where they stood they could see the farm where their cousin said the murder took place.
    My father traveled that road all his life but he never saw the strange man again in all his years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭HarrisonLennon

    I've had a few, but one of my favorites and one that has always stumped me:

    When i was 19, i moved in with my now ex boyfriend into an apartment in Midleton, Co Cork. He moved from Scotland to Cork and we were pretty desperate to move into a place soon, because he got a job in the country, so we settled for this lovely place in Midleton. Settled in for our first night of sleep....

    I awoke feeling icy cold, and i remember seeing something forming about 3 feet from the bed. When i finally made it out, the thing eventually formed a human, and looked eerily like a young version of my grandmother. She told me to get up so i did. She told me she'd keep me warm and disappeared. Eventually, i realized i was still standing and went back into bed. Amazingly warm too.

    Next morning, my boyfriend asked me where a blanket came from. We didn't own it and it wasn't there when we went to sleep that night. I still have the blanket and it gives me great comfort. I don't have a history of sleepwalking, even now i don't sleepwalk. But as i said, the blanket gives me great comfort when i'm feeling down :)

    You've got to be sh@ttin me

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭ticklebelly7

    My Mam's family come from the borders of Wicklow/Carlow. This happened in the 1930s.

    My aunt Teresa was coming down the road towards her home. This is a winding country lane which crosses the Douglas River - more of a stream really - on a humpy backed bridge.

    Some time previous to this a local farmer had gone missing for weeks. He was eventually found, away out in his own fields where he'd lain while the local wildlife and the elements did their job. There was no suspicion of foul play; he'd just died in the fields. He had no family so his house was left as it was when he died.

    As my aunt, a young girl at the time, came down the hill towards his house, she could see a blue light in the upper window. Many people had reported seeing this light and it frightened the life out of her to see it herself. She started to hurry down the road, anxious to get past the house. As she watched, the blue light floated out of the window and she described it as bouncing along the fields. She ran like hell, making for the humpy backed bridge across the river - she had it in her head that she'd be safe if she could cross the water. As she came up to the bridge, the blue light - which had kept pace with her - flew under the bridge and away up and out over the fields where it hovered over where the man's body had been found.

    It's a place of bogs and rivers so Will'o'the'Wisp is a well-known phenomenon. But Will doesn't act like this. My Granny took it so seriously that she had masses said for the man in the hope it would give him some rest.

    The house is still there, happily occupied by live people now. I haven't heard any talk of blue lights in the place lately. Maybe the poor oul fella just wanted a bit of company.

  • Registered Users Posts: 880 ✭✭✭celica00

    I love this thread and was reading the whole lot for weeks :)

    I have loads of experiences with ghosts even though i never see them. I do sense them and see them with my "3rd eye" if that makes sense.
    I would like to tell you about one of the creepiest things my friend and myself have experienced. We are interested and very spiritual but no ghost hunters or something like that.
    We were both very fascinated by the Magdalene asylum in cork city, we found our way in and had a look around.
    we are both very sensitive persons and i had my dog with me (small one so i could carry him because it wasnt always "dog-safe".) animals sense energys way better than we do so i thought it would help.
    we had a walk around the building, which was fine. but the closer we got, the uneasier we felt. we knew we were not welcome but we still managed to go into the building. it was a long corridor besides stairs and it was clearly a weird atmosphere there. we were not welcome at all and something wanted to have us out. it felt very negative.
    I had my dog on my arm and was looking into some corner, when he suddenly react and tried to get of my arm. he is very calm and well behaved normally but he didnt like that corner. i also felt uneasy too.
    after we checked our pictures at home, we realized that when i was looking into this corner (my friend did a pic of me while i was doing it), we saw a some kind of angry face looking down on me. it was the wooden stairs and u could clearly see a black face in it. we have more pictures of the stairs but no face on it.
    that was when my dog reacted on my arm. i still get the creeps when i think about it...
    anyway, besides feeling uneasy all the time we also had this situation when my friend and myself were besides each other. we didnt talk much, just a few words. we were looking around and i went left and my friend right. after a few meters i heard some foot steps above me and my first reaction was that someone walks around. it felt as someone is wandering around to check if everything is ok.
    it took me a few seconds until i realized where i am and that there is nobody except us.
    i also had immediately the picture of an old man in my head, he was a friendly fella tho.

    i didnt mention anything until my friend asked if i heard foot steps to. i think we both went pale then ha
    afterwards when we were out of this place, we both had a long talk about it.
    my friend started with " i think there was a man-energy there, when i heard the foot steps i thought it was a guy".
    i couldnt believe it when she said that, that was exactly the same i thought and sensed. she described him the same as i "saw" him, that was interesting.
    all in all it was very creepy and we both decided to never go back there. we knew this place has a very dark history but we had no idea how many lost souls or how much negative energy is left there.
    very sad and weird place :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 617 ✭✭✭franklyon

    celica00 wrote: »
    after we checked our pictures at home, we realized that when i was looking into this corner (my friend did a pic of me while i was doing it), we saw a some kind of angry face looking down on me. it was the wooden stairs and u could clearly see a black face in it.

    you can't say this and not post the photo :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5 Jn2013

    I believe in spirits , bad energy , guardian angels and ghost and so on.. but to be quite honest I've never 'let myself' see anything or be open to the idea.. It all really freaks me out. Coming from a family with people who are very much so believers its hard not to.. Anyways my mam reads tarot cards and angel cards and have also seen things.. same as my aunty who lives in England.
    She came over the visit with my two cousins halloween time last year and again my eldest cousin ( female ) is like her mum too, and has seen/ heard stuff. We spent some time in my sisters apartment with my nephew when they we're over and I was always here babysitting while she worked and always hated the fact I would be there on my own so always had company I felt strangley uneasy . I noticed when my aunty was here she was never sitting on the sofa or looked comfortable she always sat on the large windowsill. This was a second floor apartment. I thought maybe she was awkward or had a bad back.. so after they left I was chatting away to my mam and some reason this topic came up about spirits and stuff.. and when she visited the year before my sister lived in a different house and her daughter had seen a little girl standing outside my nephews bedroom and my aunty felt energy while she was there. But this time my mam mentioned that she felt very uncomfortable in the new apartment and she felt like the room was getting smaller and smaller sometimes and had a huge negative vibe while there. So my mam went on to explain that's why she sat on the windowsill because she felt more comfortable, and thought it was an easy escape root in case anything happened.. like what though!!??
    Anyways ( sorry it is so long ) my sister got given her council house after 4 years of waiting and the end of november so 4 weeks after my aunt left and we started packing up things.. even when we were doing that i really hated being there. So i went into my nephews wardrobe and got a few bits and bobs.. and came across a photo that I NEVER seen before and my sister never had it in any other apartment/house and needless to say this scared the crap out of me. Its a horrible photo even looking at it freaks me out. Apperently m mam had briefly seen it on top of the wardrobe when she first move n but anyways ye.. is it all linked I don't no!!photo.php?fbid=10151159146870969&set=a.10150487998880969.364959.710615968&type=3&theater

  • Registered Users Posts: 856 ✭✭✭Karona

    I cant see the photo can you post it again please.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭face1990

    Here it is! Very creepy!


    Btw jn2013, you linked directly to the facebook gallery page for that image, which means people can see your fb profile (and real name).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5 Jn2013

    Oh really? Oops wasn;t sure how to do it any other way . I shall be putting my page on private so. Thanks!
    But yeah its a horrible picture

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,047 ✭✭✭Kettleson


    Is the photo a photo of a room in your sisters apartment, or is it an unknown location?

    It looks rather like an old record/album cover or promo photo. Spooky shot for sure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5 Jn2013

    Its an unknown location just found in the apartment.. or left behind by the previous tenants.. that's what we are not sure about! I wonder if i post it on google will it come up..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭shuffles03

    So I'm not sure if this is paranormal or in my mind but last Friday night, I was asleep in our apt and I woke up completely terrified. I was on my own and was having a weird dream. I woke up suddenly and saw that the hall light was off - I had left it on. Suddenly, it turned back on. I tried to jump out of bed but couldn't move. I checked my phone and saw it was exactly 3am - obviously, this scared me even more - don't know why.

    Anyways, I couldn't sleep for a while but the more I thought about it as I lay there, the more I was convinced that I had dreamt it all. I had obviously dreamt that I was lying in my bed looking out at the hall with the light off and then half woke up (think this explains why I couldn't move) and saw that the light was on again which gave it the appearance that it was switched on and off.

    Anyways, I was happy with my deduction but then this morning, my girlfriend said she experienced the same thing last night.

    Could it just be playing on her mind because I told her what had happened to me? Also, when I probed her more about it, she began to convince herself that she had probably dreamt it as well.

    I was hungover when it happened to me. Dreams are always weird when you're hungover - restless sleep I suppose and last night was the first night she wasn't hungover - she had been out on Sat night. The reason I'm saying this is because in my mind, Sunday night for her would've been a right off in terms of a good nights sleep due to being hungover so maybe subconsciously it was playing on her mind last night?

    Anyways, I was on my own for a few hours last night and I kept thinking something was watching me. I'm convinced I'm being completely paranoid now and it's probably allin my head.

    Also, we only moved in a few weeks ago. It's a new apt so there wouldn't be a long history of tenants.

    I forgot to mention - when I initially woke up last Friday night, I thought I had heard and felt an earthquake. I was actually so convinced that I ended up going online on my phone and scanning all the major news sites. Once again, possibly a dream but does anyone have any views on this?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,047 ✭✭✭Kettleson

    Jn2013 wrote: »
    Its an unknown location just found in the apartment.. or left behind by the previous tenants.. that's what we are not sure about! I wonder if i post it on google will it come up..

    Some of the folk on boards music Section might know if it has any musical association. Post it up there. It seems such a bizarre photo that it looks staged to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    that image minus the woman is online in a few places so its obviously a staged pic (Bath time)


    Google 'bath time by alexiuss'
    face1990 wrote: »
    Here it is! Very creepy!


    Btw jn2013, you linked directly to the facebook gallery page for that image, which means people can see your fb profile (and real name).

  • Registered Users Posts: 5 Jn2013

    Whoa..if it is staged that's seriously unnerving and quite disturbing that's mad!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    The 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union had devastated funding for the Pioneer camps and most of them had been forgotten and are now consumed by nature in decay.
    This is a shot from one of these camps, lost deep in forest of Siberia.

    Im assuming someone photoshopped the original considering the base image is identical (though you'll notice additional things like a fish on the wall and a large rubber duck, both of which tie in with the subject 'bathtime'.)

    To be honest, I dont find it in any way creepy - its just an image.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,351 ✭✭✭NegativeCreep

    Jn2013 wrote: »
    Whoa..if it is staged that's seriously unnerving and quite disturbing that's mad!

    Surely, if it's staged, that makes it less unnerving?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5 Jn2013

    Not really to be honest I still find it weird and a very odd way to add to the photo.. oh well thanks for tour help everyone. It could all be just a coincidence!
