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Ghosts - What are your experiences?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    This is probably just a story of overactive teenage girls’ imagination rather than a ghost story… but hey I’ll tell it anyway!
    When I was about 18 I was home for a weekend and was asleep in my room in my parents house. As we had visitors that weekend my sister was also sleeping in my room. At some point in the night I started to wake feeling that there was something choking me, something round my neck. As I properly woke thought … ah it’s just the blankets, but then I heard a slithering noise and looked up and saw a man about 3 ft tall, move (slither/ float rather than walk) from the left hand side of my bed, down to the end, looked up at me from under his wide brimmed hat with a wicked grin and proceeded to move up between the 2 beds. At that point I freaked and called to my sister. All I did was call her name, I didn’t say what I had seen and she looked up and started screaming the house down! My dad came running in to see what was wrong… of course the light was on then and there was nothing to be seen. My sister was hysterical though and went on to describe what she had seen and it was identical to the man I saw, wearing the same clothes and in the same place in the room ( I still hadn’t said out loud what I saw). The only difference was that she said “I know who it was” and said it was a friend of my dads (a man who we never liked as children and always called “the devil” because of his sharp facial features) except she said he was “all small” and had my dad look under the bed etc! (she was 19… blush!). Now the “thing” I saw actually did bear a resemblance to my dads friend with those sharp, wicked looking features. Anyway we all eventually went back to sleep content (sort of) that we were imagining things. My dad was mortified because there were visitors in the house and he nearly accused one of them, a young man, of coming in to our room. No- one had come in to our room as the door was really stiff and hard to open and it was stuck in it’s usual closed position when my dad got up the stairs all of 5 seconds after we started screaming. There was a knack to opening and closing it and a stranger would have had trouble with it.

    Now there are a few things to be taken into consideration here. Firstly there was usually a street light just outside our bedroom window. It was off that night so it was darker than we were used to. Secondly one of the men who was staying in the house had just gone to bed as all of this kicked off. The light on the upstairs landing was off so he was probably sliding his hands along the wall to feel where he was going… that could have been the slithering sound I heard. But would that sound have been enough for us both to conjure up the exact same image? Thirdly I am blind as a bat without glasses/ lenses so I know couldn’t possibly have really seen anything and certainly not the features of someone at the end of the bed! I am also renowned among family and friends for seeing/ imagining things in the middle of the night e.g. huge bugs in the bed, a horrible wee man who used to sit at the other side of the room and even a weird alien looking woman one night. I would accept that the “devil man” was a similar figment of my very overactive night-time imagination but for the fact that we both saw the same thing in the same place.

    Is it possible that somehow the sliding slithering sound somehow led both of us to conjure up a similar image of a man we were always a wee bit scared of and disliked as children? Or was there really something there? We still find it a bit freaky to be honest!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 292 ✭✭Pink Bunny

    That is incredibly terrifying! You poor thing, it's a wonder you were ever able to go back to sleep in that room. The fact that your sister saw the same thing as you really makes you wonder just what it was that you saw. Can you remember anything else about his looks?

    Your father's friend-is he still alive?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 109 ✭✭GreenDoor

    Pipp wrote:
    This happens to me too. My grandfather always said that I had a "shine" to me and its only now that I understand what he meant. I see these lights all the time, but even more when something bad happens.
    I saw lights like that twice in my life. I felt light headed and at ease on both occasions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    littlebug wrote:
    This is probably just a story of overactive teenage girls’ imagination rather than a ghost story… but hey I’ll tell it anyway!
    etc etc.

    Ok from reading this here are a few possible (though some are farfetched) explainations:

    1) Someone (a living person) was in the room and their physical appearance was misinterperated in the darkness, and the fact that both witnesses would have been confused due to sleep/tiredness.

    This can be ruled out as on inspection noone was in the room at the time.

    2) The possible noise of the hand running along the wall (which may sound like hissing) caused the both the OP and her sister to create an "imaginary" event whos details once discribed aloud by the sister where taken up as as the OP on thoughts. By that i mean in her confused state the events may be jumbled in the OPs mind and she believes she thought of the same explaination before her sister said it.

    3) Similar to "2)" the possible noise of the hand running along the wall caused the OP to imagine or create an event which she then both mentally and possibably phsyically projected onto her sister.

    4) This living person, believed to be similar to the entity, projected their image (possibily in a controlled manner) into the room.

    5) An entity, taking a form similar to one they believed would cause extreme distress, entered the area and was witnessed by both parties.

    6) Shared halucination.

    I've other ideas which would mix bits and pieces of those but i think i've been creative enough.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    6th wrote:

    1) Someone was in the room.

    Definitely not.

    2) The possible noise of the hand running along the wall (which may sound like hissing) caused the both the OP and her sister to create an "imaginary" event whos details once discribed aloud by the sister where taken up as as the OP on thoughts.

    That is possible given that I know I do tend to see things in the dark, that aren't really there, in my half sleep state. There did seem to be an order to this though i.e it was when he reached the bottom of the bed when I shouted and that's where my sis saw him. It is entirely possible that my strange wee mind got a tad confused though it didn't feel like it at the time.
    3) Similar to "2)" the possible noise of the hand running along the wall caused the OP to imagine or create an event which she then both mentally and possibably phsyically projected onto her sister.

    Also possible though I wouldn't have thought my strange wee mind had that capability!
    4) This living person, believed to be similar to the entity, projected their image (possibily in a controlled manner) into the room.

    Nah!! he was just a slobbery drunken git... can't imagine him being able to do that. Although... now that I think of it the visitors in the house were either related to him or were good friends from his home town. hmmmm....there's food for thought. He projected himself to our house so as not to miss the fun? Nahhhh!!!!
    5) An entity, taking a form similar to one they believed would cause extreme distress, entered the area and was witnessed by both parties.

    ummm...maybe? :eek:
    6) Shared halucination.

    No alcohol or drugs involved... no history of hallucination/ psychotic episodes.

    To be honesty I'd say number 2 is the most likely though there's still (for want of a better word) about it.

    Pink Bunny
    It's a wonder you were ever able to go back to sleep in that room

    It's still my bedroom up home and I love it! It is a very old house but nothing ever happened there before or after that episode.. though I do always sleep with a lamp on!
    Is he still alive

    Yes and now that I'm all grown up I can see that he's not so scary and he is just a fairly normal, though frequently drunk and slobbery, git!


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 169 ✭✭Lexie

    Hi all, Great thread. I really should visit this forum more often.

    Anyways, just one or two stories:

    My gran died about 2 years ago suddenly. We were always a really close family and we were all gutted that we never got to say goodbye. For days after her funeral I could smell insense. One night a couple of weeks later I had a dream about her. All the family were in her sitting room and it was dark outside. She was sitting on her chair beside the fire. Suddenly each of the lightbulbs started to blow. My gran got up off her chair and walked to her bedroom where she lay on her bed and died (its where she really died). There was pandomonium (sp?) as we tried to search for candles and torches.

    Anyway I think her message in this dream was, even if we did get to say goodbye, would it make it easier to let go? Her time had come and she was going. I think the lightbulbs blowing represented a countdown or some time to say goodbye. No matter if we found candles or torches, she was going. Kinda hard to understand, I know.

    Also, when I was a child I used to stand in my cot and giggle & babble at something high up the wall in the corner of the room. It used to frighten the s**t out of my mother.

    Its a weird feeling because I feel like Im very susceptible (sp?) to paranormal behaviour. Sometimes when Im relaxing at home, I can feel myself been drawn to something, somewhere or someone. Because I dont fully understand or Im not open enough, I just get up & forget about it. Its a strange feeling I cant describe. I visited a couple of different psychics/mediums with my friends over the years. Each time I went they would make a comment about my eyes & possible psychic abilites. Weird eh!

    I'll post more expereinces as they come to me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 292 ✭✭Pink Bunny

    Lexie wrote:
    Also, when I was a child I used to stand in my cot and giggle & babble at something high up the wall in the corner of the room. It used to frighten the s**t out of my mother.

    I used to do that also, so does my baby. In fact I would hazard a guess that most babies do.

    I wonder if that's a common thing for all babies? I have a couple ideas on that myself but wonder what you others think.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 9,689 Mod ✭✭✭✭stevenmu

    Pink Bunny wrote:
    I used to do that also, so does my baby. In fact I would hazard a guess that most babies do.

    I wonder if that's a common thing for all babies? I have a couple ideas on that myself but wonder what you others think.
    I've heard a lot of people say that babies and young children are very much more open to seeing spirits than older people, they haven't yet been thought what is 'real' and what isn't. The theory is that everyone is born with the ability to see spirit, but as we get older we're told "no, there isn't anyone there' or "so and so doesn't actually exist" and so we lose that ability.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 292 ✭✭Pink Bunny

    I tend to agree with you Stevenmu.

    I also believe that all spirits were created at the beginning and that we follow a cycle of rebirth and so since a baby is so recently come back to the earth from wherever it is that spirits hang out between lives, that it's easier for them to still see into ummm.... I'm not really sure exactly what to call it...the spirit world maybe?

    But they say babies don't really get the concept of being autonomous until they are older and become aware of themselves and their bodies and I guess as we become more grounded to the earth we lose sight of and get sidetracked away from those things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Glad to be able to dig up this thread (its one of the best on here), anyway I just had an experience.

    I went down to the mail room in the building I work in (huge building). The mail room is a big room with a desk at one end and 4 rows of lockers, making 2 small corridors. I was on one side when i heard a bag like someone slamming a locker door closed. I was the only one in the room (you have to scan in) so I got a fright. I finished up and looked down the other row when I went to leave and as i thought no one there. All the doors were closed (and locked i presume) but i walked down to have a gander. I heard a noise behind me and turned around but again nothing. So I stood still and tried to relax ... next thing I got a warm sweet breath on my face. I got out of that room, don't know why I'm just not used to stuff in work.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,758 ✭✭✭✭nacho libre

    i have had no concrete/definite experience. the closest i've come is the following unexplained experience; i was sitting at my computer when i was pushed forward from behind.
    so i did the logical thing and discounted all the plausible explanations?
    it was not due to the wind. I'm 15 stone and there was no window open and the weather conditions were calm. There was no other person in the room- unless they were capable of disappearing in nano seconds. most importantly it was not my imagination and i'm not suggestible or am i ;)
    I thought that ghosts are not reacting to the present, that when they appear they are reacting to an event in their own lifetime. Is this correct?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    I thought that ghosts are not reacting to the present, that when they appear they are reacting to an event in their own lifetime. Is this correct?

    Well its one view of one type of spirit, though tthere are believed to be many types of energies/spirits/ghosts/entities and more than a few ideas on how and why the act the way they do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,758 ✭✭✭✭nacho libre

    okay. thank you for your explanation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    No problem, theres been some very good threads with discussions of what ghosts are (or may be) but unfortunately with the search function gone they are hard to find.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,347 ✭✭✭daiixi

    I've got quite a few stories which I can share.

    I used to work in Kings Cross in Sydney in a store which used to be a brothel. I would be at work cleaning, restocking and rearranging products and would feel a girl watching me. Sometimes I would see someone running across the store and at other times I would hear video boxes being moved around the corner from the cashier desk where I'd be sitting and reading/waiting for customers. This would only happen when there was noone in the store and when I would check, the cases would all be messed up.

    The second experience in the store was the noise of someone walking down the entrance hall and down the stairs into the shop. A man would then walk across the front of the shop until he got to a big support pole which he would walk behind and then disappear. We had buzzers on the doors and it would never go off when he walked down the corridor so the noise was definitely not a customer.

    We also had a store room where we kept extra stock, cleaning products and the video recorders which taped the cctv images. Sometimes I would go into the store room and the video recorders would be switched off even though there was no reason for them to be and others had witnessed me turning them on. Also in the storeroom was the fuse box for the store. At various times the lights in the store would switch off and when I'd go into the store room to flick back on the fuse switches and the cover of the box would be open. This would happen more than once in an evening as well when I knew very well that I'd shut the box.

    I'd been working in the store for about six weeks when one of the other employees asked me if I'd seen the guy who disappeared behind the pole. I'd never told anyone what I'd seen. There was another person we worked with who had seen them too. Apparantly a girl had died of an overdose while working in the brothel and a man was killed by the bouncers of the brothel in the room that we used as a storeroom.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 994 ✭✭✭kshiel

    Had an experience last night that hasn't happened in a while. First of all I was suffering from insomina last night and just couldn't get to sleep, so after going down stairs for a while and after coming back up to bed I settled in hopfully for a nights sleep. After getting into bed I was turning to my side which would make me face the door when it opened slightly and standing in the door way was a man, now he was gone as quick as he appeared but It was so clear for those few seconds, so I said to myself (as I have a pretty good idea of who this person is) Its ok come in, but nothing happened, so after a few min of just looking I thought he must be gone and lay down to go to sleep and it was then I felt this very light touch on my head, O course my eyes shot open and I could see this man sort of fading out. It gave me a lovely warm feeling inside, as I think he was just visiting, (if indeed it was who I think it was, he use to live here). Short and sweet but quite a pleasant experience.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 463 ✭✭greenkittie

    My major experiance...
    This happened 10 years ago when i was 10 and will always be something i remember. It was during the afternoon, i was totally relaxed, not feeling weird or freaked out in anyway so it wouldnt be my mind playing tricks on me. The house where it occured was recently built at the time, part of a housing estate that had been built over the site of one old house that had used to stand there. I was just sitting in the study of my old house messing about in the way kids do. Then a figure appeard before me beside the door. I say it would have been about 5 and a half feet in height, the general shape of a person with arms, legs, head and torso was distinguisable but detailed features were not. It was dark grey/black and was almost like looking at thick smoke, it didnt look completely solid but still pretty thick with slightly blurred edges. it didnt move or do anything but i sat and watched it for a prolonged period of time. im not sure how long but it was definatly long enough for me to get a proper look at it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 423 ✭✭triskell

    great thread!
    i have been seeing odd things most of my life, march 1994 i was working as a taxi driver in the midlands i used to work nights 1 thursday night/friday morning i was comming home it was 3:50, i came over the brow of ahill and in outskirts of my headlights i could see cattle on the road comming towards me at a fast pace, so i slowed down and pulled in to let them pass, but as it got nearer i realised it was 2 horses witha carraige behind it, then i saw the 2 men with long coats driving the carraige , the horses had black feathers on their heads the carraige had clear sides and i could see a coffin inside there were a lot of people walking behind ti in old fashioned clothes. it got to acar lengths away and just faded away i drove home the rest of the way about a mile and can rember being quite calm and trying to reason it out what i had just seen. when i got home i was completely freaked out i slept with the light on for weeks.
    i told my wife who told the neigbours, their attitude was i was dreaming/ drunk or it was new age hippies. i know what i saw and i wasnt drunk

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    excellent dfaf, would love to know where that was (name of the road), there are a few stories like this around Ireland but I've never heard an account where the figures/coach/horses were so clear.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 423 ✭✭triskell

    6th wrote:
    excellent dfaf, would love to know where that was (name of the road), there are a few stories like this around Ireland but I've never heard an account where the figures/coach/horses were so clear.
    About 2 miles north of Glasson heading towards ballymahon.
    writing that down last night gave me the gawks last night.
    here another personal experience of mine, i was in lebanon in the early '90s we were maning checkpoints overlooking a little village, at the time it was lively with the israelis pounding the are every couple of days, so the locals would move their goats up out of the villages to the hills when it was quite to feed, it was mainy kids who used to look after the herds.
    we used to minesweep the roads between tthe checkpoints early every morning because mine were somtimes placed under the road to try and hit israelis vehicles or their friends.
    you could occasionly see the girls moving the herds around just at daybreak. we had a bad run of artillery barrages last 3 to 4 days stopping for the odd hour or two and then starting up again it finally stopped at
    23:00 and all was quite for the night the follow morning we heard a local girl had been killed by a mine on the road where she had crossed after her goats, we all knew the girl shiaa(bad spelling sounded like that) was 12 and she used to come up us and barter stuff.
    about 2 weeks later i was on the check point on the road at around 04:30 in the morning. lovely clear morning with just ahint of mist in the hollows when i heard whistling , i looked down accross the hill to see a figure herding the goats up the hill towards us. it got closer up til it was maybe 40 metres from observation post where the other lad was man the gpmg, the girl waved he waved , i walked accross the road to see did i know (bored stupid after 2 hours on the road) i got to maybe 3metres i spoke and then i realised that i was looking at the girl that had been blown to bits (and whose remains had been picked up by some of my mates 2 weeks earlier
    she just half smiled and waved at me and followed the goats over the hill I called to the other guy and he asked me who was it. he siad i could swear that it was shiaa. we told nobody.
    i heard afterwards her father telling stories about how good the goats were for going up to to the pastures themselves
    ps.sorry about length of post

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 994 ✭✭✭kshiel

    dfaf, that story gave me chills even before you saw the girl. Poor girl what an awful death.

    The death coach, I always thought that was just a myth, heard a lot of stories on it, my father use to tells us of one that use to go down an old road where we lived but I think that was just to stop us going down it as there was no lights what so ever on it, when we were young we used to dare each other to cycle down it at night.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,673 ✭✭✭Miss Fluff

    What a great thread. I have lots of stories and a few personal experiences but to detail them all would take the entire night. A relatively recent one is a couple of days before my beloved Grandad died a couple of years ago. He was particularly close to his sister Nora who had died decades previously in childbirth and days before he died he used to call for her repeatedly and saw her at the side of his bed. At the funeral his other sister told my mother and I that in those same few days preceeding his death, Nora's photograph, which had been on her sideboard for years, was literally flinging itself of the sideboard repeatedly, day in day out. Every time she would pick it up and place it back to where it was, the same thing would happen. Nice to know he would be looked after when he passed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 185 ✭✭upthere

    Well I have a good skeptics change opinion story.
    My brother went to school with a lad who was killed tragically. My brother was in religion class one day and his old school mate walked past the window, nobody saw it but him. My brother never likes to talk about anything supernatural but that changed his view on everything. I believed him because he knows I like this stuff but he hates me talking about supernatural, bores him to death so if he believed what he saw, I think that's positive :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,266 ✭✭✭Steyr

    Miss Fluff wrote:
    What a great thread. I have lots of stories and a few personal experiences but to detail them all would take the entire night.

    We have all Eternity.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 49 MsMolko

    The house next door to me is haunted as the previous owner, an old woman, burnt to death after a cigarette set the curtains on fire and the house went up. Next door's daughter had to switch rooms because she saw the woman many times and she wasn't friendly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Now thats the kind of place I'd like to visit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    unfortunately I have never experienced anything remotely like the encounters mentioned here, under the influence of drink or substances or anything, but I do notice alot of people re-posting so...maybe you've ever got it, or you don't. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    I dont think thats the case at all, some of the people on here who say they dont think they have "it" have come on trips with us and experienced things they can not explain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,758 ✭✭✭✭nacho libre

    6th wrote:
    Now thats the kind of place I'd like to visit.

    I'd be terrified to visit that place. I have never seen a ghost, just had that odd experience i detailed earlier in this thread.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 139 ✭✭secrecy_ie

    My mum was in Dingle recently, visiting my grandas grave with my sister, they walk out of the car to walk to the graveyard. My mum sees this man walking down the road, an elderly man, she said she had seen him there several times before. Anyway, they go to the grave and all that and on the way out, my mum says to my sis 'I want to talk to that man' my sis goes 'what man' - there was no-one there, anyway my mum would never be the kind to just talk to random strangers, she doesn't know why she said it, they went over to where he was walking and see a bouquet of flowers, so my mum puts them on my grandas grave, she is convinced now she saw an apparition, what do the rest of ye think?
