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Ghosts - What are your experiences?



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th


    Just giving those who are newish to the forum a bash at one of its greatest threads.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,300 ✭✭✭nice1franko

    Kind of a ghost story - maybe should be in the Christianity forum!

    About 20 years ago a little lad from our road died from Leukemia when he was 6. He was (obviously) very sick a lot of the time and the priest would often spend time with him and the family. Naturally, they were always positive with him and once when the subject of mortality was broached the priest said that of course he was going to be ok but even if he did die he'd be able to see Jesus and heaven was a great place etc.

    He took a bad turn and was taken to hospital. He was very weak and drifting in and out of sleep. The family and priest were by his bedside and he said to the priest "remember you told me that if I died I'd be able to see Jesus?". The priest said "yeah that's right" and he said "well you were wrong cos I can see him now". The poor little lad died about half an hour later.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    I saw "something" in the graveyard this morning:eek: :eek: Just as I was turning in our road, I glanced (don't know why) over toward the graveyard and just got a quick glimpse of something that looked like a big cloak that moved quite quickly.... it was a very quick glimpse. When I stopped at my house I stood on my back doorstep and looked down toward the graveyard and saw no-one there. Of course it could have been a person in a big coat who just moved down to the lower part of the graveyard where I couldn't see them :D but it's unusual to see anyone down that early in the morning especially in the rain. Or maybe just a big bird and my imagination made the rest up:o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 994 ✭✭✭kshiel

    The other night I put the two kiddies to bed and decided to go to bed early myself with a good book. Of course the kids decided to play up so after going into their room and doing the whole mammy giving out thing I went back to bed, when I got into bed I sort of closed my eyes for a second and sighed "time to relax" and opened my my eyes which fell on the door way (which was wide open) and I saw the head and shoulder of a man peeking around the corner, now this was solid not shadows or a glimps, he moved very slowly out back and was gone. I know no one was in the hall as I had just come from the kids room and the position he was in meant the lower half of the body would have been in front of the kids door which was open as well so they would have saw him, but they were still playing happily in the room.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,952 ✭✭✭✭Stoner

    I love this thread, it's the biz.

    I'm still yet to see something myself, just thought I'd share that useless bit of info, although there have been recent developments in my office. Last Saturday a director was walking past a photocopier and it switched on and did a copy (of nothing) I'd locked up at about 20:30 on the Friday and I had knocked it off at the main switch, found it strange all the same.

    And about 3 weeks ago, a woman and a man, in the building on their own heard banging and walking around in one of the offices, it ended up coming from one of the directors offices (Stevenmu/Kshiels/6th you all know the office) anyway the guy went over and heard grumbling coming from the office , so he legged it, he said the grumbling was like someone who had just had a disagreement with someone and had walked away from them and was abusing them under his breath.

    Kshiles it was the same office you were interested in.

    So there you go, that's the 8th different person to have heard things there now.

    Oh and one more thing, the guy who has had the most experiences, went into a shop in Swords on Saturday, and the shop keeper said to him "I know you" so there was a bit of a stand off , and he replied "I don't know you" then the shop keeper said to him, "ah well maybe it's your spirit i recognize so" he also said he thought he (the guy I work with) was Physic, this ties in with 6ths thoughts on him.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 343 ✭✭karynp

    When i was about 23/24, I lived in a rented house on north cirular road with 3 of my mates,ok, we were a LITTLE wild,disrespected the house with parties ect. Anyway,we had 2 bedrooms and a kitchen,so we turned the back room into a living room and dragged all the beds into the front,the back room was always cold and we hated it. We were all in the front room talkin one evening when all of a sudden the stereo started pumpin out music,well, we leapt like nobody, it was playing a tape,so it had to be manually started, we were so afraid but we soon got over it.Another night this happened again,so we got a little freaked.Another day, i went to open the front window,i couldnt, we went to check it out and it was nailed shut, we really freaked out this time as we had it open the night before,all blaming each other for doing it,all denying we did. I also had my very first OBE in this house too, it was always cold,even in the we finally moved on,got the message.

  • Registered Users Posts: 222 ✭✭orlyice

    ok just heard very strange noises in the living room in my apartment, remembered seeing this thread before and had to share my experiences.

    moved into this apartment couple weeks ago. my bf works in a pub and forgot his keys so i'm waiting for him to get home. last week wasnt feeling great so was awake around 1:30ish and heard some weird noises like footsteps and then a jacket being zipped up. thought it was just my imagination but heard same noises again at about the same time. nobody else in the apartment and the apartment beside and above us are both empty. know that the apartments are built where there was a really old quarry and there was loads of accidents there so can see the link.

    have had few other minor experiences but have never been the only one there. kinda freaked coz on my own. its not that i'm afraid of anything, but me and my mate came across loads bad stuff on the board before and dont like stuff happening while alone

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 722 ✭✭✭busted flush

    p2kone wrote:
    this is as true as god!

    in an estate in westmeath their was a girl renting a room out in the town and one night she was woken up by a girl with long hair looking through her wardrobe, the girl froze in the bed said nothing that night.

    the next morning she was talking to the landloard and was asking about a girl with long hair etc ... turns there was a girl a few months back renting that room who died in a swiming accident !!!

    she promptly moved out.

    same thing happened to me except the girl could not help myself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 265 ✭✭Shinners23

    Oh I love this thread guys ... brilliant. I've had a number of experiences and here is just one...

    When I was 14 I went into the Mater Hospital to get my tonsils out. When I woke up from the operation one of the nurses on duty told me that my mother was in sitting by my bed while I was asleep. I thought this was a bit strange as she hadn't mentioned that she'd be coming up to see me and it was weird that she left before I woke up. So I asked the nurse again about the woman and she reiterated that a blonde woman sat by my bedside when I came back from surgery and that as I began to come-to she got up and left.

    To this day I don't know who that woman was?!!! ----

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 scoobydoo2

    Archeron wrote:
    When my mum was in her early twenties, her and her sister were walking through Dublins O Connell Street. At roughly the point where the floozie in the jacuzzi statue used to be, there was a bench. On it sat what they described as an attractive young woman with jet black hair. They say they were concerned because of the fact that she was combing it with a big black comb. They caught her attention, at which point she changed into a venomous looking hag, and she hurled her comb at the two of them. She missed, but less than a week later, their brother was killed by a bus in the very same street. I always found this strange, cos if it was a banshee, its the first time I've heard of one appearing in such a public place. I have heard tales of these things before, but with the exception of the above story, always in spooky settings such as forests, fields etc.

    This is not true at all the Banshee will appear anywhere, and of course usually to a family member of someone who is about to die. My own father claims he heard the Banshee in the garden of the house he grew up in when his mother died, and several times after for other family members who passed on. Also my mother gets a sence of someone in the room with before a family member dies, i was witness to this only last year when my uncle passed on in Tipperary my home county and my mother was staying with me in Cork and came out of her room during the night saying someone had been in there with her. She then rang home to check if all was ok only to find my uncle had died. I have myself in the past got some very strange feelings and smells that just make you uneasy.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 DeeLeeDee

    Hey all, this thread is great! I have started another one at
    not knowing this one is here, but hey, we're all in it for the same reason,
    innit? I think the threads have been merged but i dunno what that means...
    Anyone with Athlone or Maynooth Stories?

    Some of the first major frights I got was in a flat that I lived in in Maynooth for 3 years while I was in college there. It was a flat above a hardware shop in Main Street, the original house was built in the mid 1800's: although recently sold, had been in the family until then. It was pretty badly converted, the back bedrooms were built on, at the end of a long hallway that I was usually terrified to walk down at night. My room itself was usually fine. It had a window that led onto a badly built attic that used to rumble in the wind, but I got accustomed to those sounds. One night while I was trying to go to sleep I had a very uneasy feeling, the house was quiet and there was no wind. I was lying there stock still, I couldn't shake the weird feeling that I had. This knocking started on the back of my wardrobe, which led onto the attic. Not a sort of 'something being moved in a wind banging' but a definate KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. I could almost hear the knuckles. This continued for ages.... I asked it to stop but it just got worse, like whatever it was was taking pleasure in it. Remember, there was no access to the attic and there was no wind...

    This ramshackle of a place was above a hardware shop (the cobblers children are never shod...) it was a Saturday afternoon and I had forgotten my key. I rang the bell a couple of times but there was no-one home so I had to run into the shop to get a spare key. I was on the phone at the time chatting away so I had no fear in my mind, i wasn't expecting anything weird to happen... To get into the flat you had to mount a flight of stairs, turn a corner and walk down two halls. I opened the door, and started climbing the stairs. As I got to the middle, I heard footsteps running at me from the hall around the corner. Needless to say I legged it. The atmosphere there was pretty eerie and hostile at times, my guess was that the former owner, definatley a middle aged man was not too keen on what had become of his former home and didn't like women. There was never any activity reported by men.

    I lived in a cottage in Maynooth for a time near the new shopping centre. They were originally built as home for workers of the former mill, which was being knocked at the time so were built in the early 20th century I guess, maybe earlier. On moving in to the place I just knew there was something there, but this time the feeling was more of a peaceful presence, definately nothing hostile. I could sence it was female strangely enough. You could feel the presence at the top of the stairs and in the halls especially.
    At weekend I was usually alone in the house as my housemates would return home for the weekend. I had just gone to bed and settled in for the night when I heard stirring downstairs, doors opening and closing, footsteps, things moving around... I thought oh, O---- is home, (he had the bedroom downstairs). Thought nothing of it and went to sleep. Next morning I was fixing myself some breakfast, and O---- arrives - from Dublin - where he had stayed for the night...

    One night a friend and I were lying in my bed and got a very heightened sence of the presence. We both saw this kind of mist materialise and float around the room. We were both pointing at it so there was no chance this was an optical illusion. We were both pretty freaked but there's safety in numbers and we both laughed it off under the covers and eventually went to sleep. A couple of years later he told me he had seen a woman in the corner of the room that night, but the woman, who was wearing a black dress, had no face I'm glad he didn't tell me then... He also told me this woman had visited him in his own bedroom next door once, he woke up to find her standing next to his bed... I'm kinda glad I'm not that sensitive.

    The most recent and the only sighting I have ever experienced was at Portlick Castle near Athlone in Co Westmeath. My brothers wedding was taking place there, it is a beautiful location, on the banks of Lough Ree. The castle is 900 years old and we were to stay there for the weekend.
    I was a bit nervous about this because the castle has a reputation for being haunted. Of course that wasn't going to stop me staying there. One of my sisters friends would not attend the wedding at all as she is a sensitive and was reluctant to meet the spirits of the castle. I have never met this woman and am very eager to... anyways - My boyfriend and I arrived on the Friday afternoon a few hours before the wedding was to take place and were shown to our room by the owner. On the way there we entered the Great Hall and I felt an immediate *whoomp* like something had just flown through me. Our room was up 6 flights of stairs at the very top of the castle. We got dressed and left the room to join the guests. It was 2pm. At the point of the stairs that met the Great Hall there is a gate where the back stairs continue to the kitchens. We were chatting away contentedly, there was no fear or trepadation. He went on ahead into the Great Hall, and I noticed a light on the bottom stairs, something seemed to be taking form... I could plainly see a blue light - the colour of a gas flame with shafts of light streaming up form it, plainly in the shape of a mans arm, hip and upper leg. It was walking up the stairs! As I gasped, it stopped, turned and decended the stairs, ast which point I had pansied off into the hall pale in the face. I told the owner this story later by the fire, and he told me he sees the same thing... among others.

    Happy Reading

    DeeLee :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 704 ✭✭✭PeadarofAodh

    I have a couple of stories and one of my own (Although I'm not convinced it was paranormal)

    My Dad once spent a night in a very run-down hotel in London about 10 years ago. It was a very old building, had been converted into a hotel a few years back and when he was staying there was being refurbished. Anyway, that night as he was trying to get to sleep he heard footsteps constantly walking backwards and forwards in the room above, he became really frustrated but was too tired to bother going out and complaining. The next morning he spoke to the manager and complained, only to receive a strange look and be told he was the only guest last night and the rooms above were in disuse.

    Another story is from a family friend who is a very elderly monk. In his younger years he did some work as an exorcist so naturally he has a lot of experience in this field and a few tales to tell, although he's very modest and talks down a lot of the stories. One of his was particularly striking though.
    He was staying at a very old castle in Walsingham, England (I think it was Walsingham anyway!) - a town with a very lasting tradition of retreats. One night he wakes up very strongly and feels as though he is being pressed down upon by some great force, unable to sit up and only just able to lift his head to look around. At the foot of his bed he sees a man in very ancient looking soldier's uniform, however only the waist up as the rest of him is obscured by the bottom of his bed - as if the man is on a platform which is lower than the floor. The man stands there looking down at him so the monk struggles and just about manages to get his arm up and make the sign of the cross. The man stands there for a moment longer, slowly shakes his head and then slowly disappears from view as if he was walking down a set of stairs.
    The next morning the monk goes to the manager of the hostel and tells him of his experience. Apparently there are numerous sightings similar to this and the manager shows him the blueprints of the castle before things were renovated and refurbished about 50 years ago. The astonishing thing was that he discovered there used to be a staircase that ran through the room he was staying in - presumably what the man was standing on!

    This post has run on a bit so I'll save my own experience for another day but I can tell you if I ever experienced anything like the latter's sighting I wouldn't have been able to act anywhere near as composed as he did!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 264 ✭✭Plissken1

    Where I work the taps in the bathroom turn on by themselves, Its a bit freaky. People used to complain, saying how lazy others were not bothering to turn the taps off after they use them. I came out of a cubicle one day and one of the taps was on. I thought it was strange as a knew it wasnt on when I went in, but again, I just thought it was some lazy sod !.

    A few days ago though, I went in and the bathroom was empty, there wasnt a sound, next thing I know the hot tap turned on full behind me, welll that certainly got my attention. To turn it off I had to turn it fully back to the right, it was on as far as it could go. I have no explanation, non whats so ever. The taps are not broken or leaking in any way, they arent even loose, so you have to put effort in to turn them on.

    Dunno if its Paranormal, but it is certainly very strange.

  • Registered Users Posts: 201 ✭✭Paj

    this is a great thread - kept me occupied for ages.

    Anyhow I've never had any "definite" expreience myself but my mother has and is totally convinced in the existence of spirits.

    When I was born there were some complications with my mam and she was in hospital for some time afterwards in a room on her own. One afternoon she woke to see a woman at the end of her bed - my mam recognised her as an elderly neighbour who used to live next to my mam's family where she grew up and was always very good to my mam and who had taken a shine to her as a kid. But the neighbour had died some 25 years earlier when my mam was 8. The woman just smiled at my mam and raised her hand slightly and then vanished from sight, seconds later the door of the room burst open and the nurse came running in - the alarm in the nurses station had rung. Turns out my mam was bleeding quite heavily as her stitches had split.

    Now my mam would be well aware that due to the fact she was bleeding she may have seen things, but there was no way she rung the alarm. She's convinced to this day that the neighbour was looking after her, and keeps an eye out for her still.

    I always thought it was a pretty cool story and a nice idea that theres a guardian angel around ya know.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 80,372 Mod ✭✭✭✭Sephiroth_dude

    kshiel wrote:
    The other night I put the two kiddies to bed and decided to go to bed early myself with a good book. Of course the kids decided to play up so after going into their room and doing the whole mammy giving out thing I went back to bed, when I got into bed I sort of closed my eyes for a second and sighed "time to relax" and opened my my eyes which fell on the door way (which was wide open) and I saw the head and shoulder of a man peeking around the corner, now this was solid not shadows or a glimps, he moved very slowly out back and was gone. I know no one was in the hall as I had just come from the kids room and the position he was in meant the lower half of the body would have been in front of the kids door which was open as well so they would have saw him, but they were still playing happily in the room.

    Man scary stuff :eek: I'd jump outta my skin if sumthing like that happened to me :o,do you know who the man was?have you seen him since?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,042 ✭✭✭✭tk123

    Hey everybody - its been good while since I posted in here - i think because i've been busy and studying etc the paranormal part of my brain can't get a look in! Anyhoos I don't know if this is paranormal or not but I thought i'd post it anyways. A friend I'd lost contact with died a few weeks back. She was in hospital a long time before I heard from her but when we got back in touch I was busy with exams and was sick for a while myself so and didn't get around to going to see her. I feel guily about this and really miss her now - even thou i hadn't seen her for years I can see now that she had a big impact on me. Anyhoos the other night I dreamt about her. She was well and were in her house chatting and hanging out like old times and arranged to meet up or something then I said wait I have to ask - I was at your funeral but your here? She told me that she was at funeral too but she was where nobody could see her. During the funeral there was some confusion to the left of were I was sitting and a group of people where standing when the rest of us were sitting and some other stuff she would have laughed at. I was laughing and asked her did she she this did she see that etc. she said she did smiling and we talked for a while about the funeral but then there were tears in her eyes as she was talking like she couldn't explain to me how she was at the funeral then but she was here now. I woke up then feeling sad but forgot about the dream until the next day in work. In the dream I took it like she faked her death or something to see who would be at the funeral it was only later that the thought came to me that I've asked her out loud (when theres nobody around)a couple of times to let me know she's ok - maybe this was her way of telling me?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Wow, this is still going.

    Awesome :)

    Right, I'm living in a new house and low and behold, i'm pretty sure it's haunted. (again)

    I might be just freaking myself out but here's the thing.. there's this light in my room. It's an ordinary one with a switch (there's also another one with a cord you have to pull). Quite frequently, when the light is on, it would flicker and then just die, before turning itself back on.

    Recently I had just gone into my room. The light had been left on and I'm so so sure I turned it off. I went and climbed into my bed, when the light flickered bright before going dark again. Just before it turned itself back on. Very weird.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 966 ✭✭✭GerryRyan

    Ok, just to clarify, this hasn't happened to me - but to many many people in my area over the years.
    It (this story) has been doing the rounds for a long time, but in every case it's happened the same way and on the same road.

    There's a longish stretch of road between Newbridge and Athgarvan (Kildare) - I've had many a drunken ramble along it myself - and over the years a lot of people have claimed to have had an encounter with an old woman in a shawl.

    They all describe her the same way (walking slowly, hunched over, carrying a bag).
    Apparently she just appeared nearly along side them, walking with them for a few minutes, then slowly faded just before they reached to graveyard there.

    Now, any truth to it? I'm not sure - but I'm not doubting 30+ people who claim it's happened to them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 Uncle Fester

    ThatGuy wrote:
    Ok, just to clarify, this hasn't happened to me - but to many many people in my area over the years.
    It (this story) has been doing the rounds for a long time, but in every case it's happened the same way and on the same road.

    There's a longish stretch of road between Newbridge and Athgarvan (Kildare) - I've had many a drunken ramble along it myself - and over the years a lot of people have claimed to have had an encounter with an old woman in a shawl.

    They all describe her the same way (walking slowly, hunched over, carrying a bag).
    Apparently she just appeared nearly along side them, walking with them for a few minutes, then slowly faded just before they reached to graveyard there.

    Now, any truth to it? I'm not sure - but I'm not doubting 30+ people who claim it's happened to them.

    Where exactly, the Newbridge side of the Graveyard or the Athgarvan side ? Just wondering as I am from Newbridge myself and have walked that road my self from Rosetown RFC a few years back .

  • Registered Users Posts: 593 ✭✭✭triona1

    My dad died not to long ago.
    He was very ill at home.And of course family members visited him in his bedroom.
    One night fast asleep.My dream began.
    I was walking up the stairs to go in to have a chat with him.
    When i was approaching the landing ,I could see my aunt was standing there in uncontrolable tears and saying i dont want to go in,Id prefer to remember him when he was alive.There was no one standing there with her.Only on the wall behind her was a calendar and the date and day was very clear on it.
    My dad started to get really sick very quickly and i could never forget the dream it was so vivid.soon he ended up back in hospital and not long after he died on the date and day that i had seen on the calendar.And who was standing outside his door crying only my aunt.I dreaded waiting for the day and date i had seen on the calendar and told nobody of the dream until it had passed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 419 ✭✭channaigh

    was living in a house a couple of years ago was haunted and don't think they wanted us there. i was pregnant at the time there would be really loud banging even called the guards out one night. the radio would come on full blast , toaster was thrown across the kitchen flower vase dropped on floor. it didn't really bother me i would just always say come in your welcome but the weirdest thing that happen was when i had my daughter i brought her home and she was sleeping in her carry cot thing and it slowly started rocking back and front very gently i just froze with that. and then there was nothing it was like they were gone.
    if anyone can explain this to me would be great:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,517 ✭✭✭✭dsmythy

    Dunno whether this was a child's overactive imagination or a proper experience although they felt real to me. The first i was 8 or 9 lying in bed when i could of sworn i saw something with a giant round head like an egg poke it's head around the bedroom door and grin at me. That lasted for about 10 seconds.

    The second one i was around 13 at the top of my stairs. I looked down and at the bottom of the stairs i saw a dark silhouette standing there in the shape of a body either with horns or wearing a helmet with horns on it. The shape was only there about 5 seconds.

    Both freaked me out and i still get old dreams propping up of me trying to get up them stairs but some light at the bottom dragging me down. No waking hours experiences since though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    Ok, I know this is going to be filled with sceptics, saying they don't exist, but I personally believe they do. Mainly because I have experienced them my whole life, and have seen them before.

    Years ago in my old house I would be in bed. It was a bungallow and all the rooms were close enough each other. I would always hear the footsteps in the hall, yet there would never be a door opening, or closing. Not only that but I can remember slightly hearing things whispering to me (and before someone says it, no, not telling me to burn down things).

    A while afterwards we move out of that house, and I go to America for a holiday by myself. I go to San Diego, to Old Town San Diego where I find this house-cum-museum called the Whaley House. Sounds interesting enough. So I walk in, pass into a room. It was a kitchen, with a table in the middle and chairs all around. In the corner of the room was another chair, and as I walked in there was the flash of a woman sitting there, before vanishing. There were other people in that room, and yet only I saw her
    So I go upstairs, slightly unnerved by what I saw and into a master bedroom that had been converted into a small theatre. I sit down, chatting to one of the people that work there, basically about Ireland, and my own personal experiences with ghosts. In walks this woman. Pale. Long white gown. Walking slowly. The room seems so.. tense. She walks over to me. Stands in front of me and stares. Then she vanishes. I'm the only one who saw her. Only afterwards did I realise that Whaley House is officially recognised as being a Haunted House.

    Shortly after that, I was back in Ireland, and living in rented accomodation with other students. Its close to midnight. I'm in that phase in between being awake and being asleep. I'm drifting off to sleep. Something blows in my ear. But I can't feel any wind. I could definately hear sound. Really close to my ear. But no sound. There was nobody else in the room. I am not sure if it was the same night, or a different night, but one of the girls in the house came down around midnight to see every press in the kitchen wide open. Nobody had come down. Everybody swore it was like that when they went to bed.

    Well thats some of my experiences, what are other peoples?

    Sorry for long-ish post

    Oh man welcome to my world, great reading the responses to this thread. There's only so many people in this world you can talk to about the stuff, the rest think its some kind of mental illness.

    All this stuff's been happening to me for as far back as I can remember. Mainly dreaming things that were coming true, little things to major things like family funerals etc. In the last 6 yrs or so, its changing. Still having the dreams but now getting feelings during the day about things, issues, family stuff work stuff, which happen. Also started seeing and hearing things in the last 2 to 3 years. Did you ever walk into a room, or meet someone and immediately get a picture of them, their life, their past, whats going on in their head now, etc. Thats been also happening to be for the past 10 years. Like a bolt of lightening, an amazing amount of information on some one you hardly know going through your head. Best part you find out you're right if you are lucky enough to get to know the peson. Or did you ever go some where on your own and suddenly feel uncomfortable, start picking up images in your head of what may happen...for example me walking the dog in an area near home, and getting extremely uncomfortable, sensing I will be attacked, sensing possibly some one was attacked in this area etc etc, so much so I turn and quit the walk to go home. Haven't gone there since on my own!! Or for example, driving some where you've never been before, chatting in the car and suddenly getting an image of some thing thats happened in that area......I could go on and on. Picking up a vibe in a house before you buy it, knowing some thing terribal happened in the house. (that sale fell through!!) Meeting some one and shaking their hand when introduced to feel what felt like an bolt of ice up my arm, giving me the shivers and a picture that the person is the opposite of what they seem, getting pictures of abuse, and neglect in that persons family etc....even though the same person seemed quite charming to every one in the room.

    Have lots delighted I joined this thing, and read all your comments.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 Antok7

    Great Thread, really interesting. I will keep an eye out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,106 ✭✭✭✭TestTransmission

    Just came across this thread now.
    A few years back when i was in college.I woke up around 5ish and felt a pressure on my chest(like someone was holding me down)
    I struggled with it for what felt like an eternity.I eventually sat uprite in the bed.At the end of the bed,there was a man in a brown suit in his late 50's.
    He then just disappeared,needless to say this scared the **** outta me.I ended up getting dressed and watching tv (with the lights on) until the sun came up. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 466 ✭✭moonboy

    one time i was trying to scan negatives on my girlfriend's scanner on her computer. it was a shot of a carpark. the entire roll were shots of the same car park. so i was trying to figure out how to use the scanner and i set it up to what i though was correct and hit SCAN. it took about 10 mins to scan and when it was done i couldnt remember what i named the file so i had to go looking for it. eventually i found it and looked at the preview and thought, " ah ballix it didnt work.'. so i opened the file to see what was wrong and i was greeted by a picture that was all black and red and it had some sort of shape in it. then my girlfriend goes, 'its a baby" and she started freaking out. it was then that my eyes focused and i saw it too. i had to try calm her down and say it was coincidence but sure as sh*t it was a baby in someone's arms. twas a really evil looking baby. we both froze and got standy-up hairs. it was real intensely freaky. havent felt that before. then i had to look at the negs and make sure there was no way that they were smudged in any or if she had this picture on her computer already. nope. couldnt find anything. weeeeiiiird. so we just closed the file and left the room. then a few days later i was on the computer again and i went to look at it again. but the file was gone. i asked my girlfriend had she deleted it and she hadnt..
    and 2months later she woke up and went for a shower to find a clear red hand print on her stomach. like it was red ink or something. i saw this handprint. weird.

  • Registered Users Posts: 466 ✭✭moonboy

    dmck2886 wrote: »
    About 2 months ago me and a and four of my mates went into malahide park at half 3 in the morning, pitch black it was, we went to the playground. Two of my mates were on the swings when I heard the sound of a small girl giggling, I just stood still in disbeleif, then all my mates went over to were the slide is, right beside the tunnel (were I heard the giggling), then a feeling came over me that someone is watching me, I was just about to say it to my mates what I heard when the giggling started again, this time one of my mates came over to me and asked me if i heard a girl laughing an I said 'yeah i think we should get out of here', we just turned round and started to walk out of the playground when I heard it AGAIN.

    We then had to walk through the forest for about 10 mins in the pitch black, we didnt feel safe until we were out of the park, freaky ****.
    yep...had a few experiences there myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,193 ✭✭✭Andrewf20

    dsmythy wrote: »
    Dunno whether this was a child's overactive imagination or a proper experience although they felt real to me. The first i was 8 or 9 lying in bed when i could of sworn i saw something with a giant round head like an egg poke it's head around the bedroom door and grin at me. That lasted for about 10 seconds.

    Wow, that reminds me of a very similar incident when I was a kid, perhaps when I was 7 years of age. I used to sleep in the large bedroom at the front of a regular 3 bed semi D, and I would be facing the bedroom door with a view out onto the landing from the bed. I used to have the bedroom door open and the landing light on, as I was scared of the dark then. The mother would then turn off the landing light once I was asleep. Anyway, I fell asleep, but woke up at some stage during the night to see a shadow for a large head coming up the wall beside the stairs. I remember getting out of bed and going to the landing, only to find nothing, except a Tie rocking slightly as it hung on the banisters. Nothing else ever happened in the house. TBH I reckon I was half asleep, not fully with it, and it could have been my Dad going to bed. Ill never really know.

    Argh! My post count has just hit 666. A weird coincidence as I rarely post in here!

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 35,943 Mod ✭✭✭✭dr.bollocko

    I am being haunted by a ghost right now! Seriously. I was chopping the head off of a chicken on this ouija board slicer I bought in hot topic, watching the Thriller video on endless repeat whilst holding my super secret Asian ghost healing crystals when he appeared as if by magic through the tv in a strange petticoat and slowly beckoned me to him as he crawled in my direction. The apartment slowly began filling with water, from the actual TV, and quickly I was cast in absolute darkness as the electrics in the apartment went because of the water. He was clearly mouthing something, and holding up six fingers, I thought he was saying six, six, six, six, six, so I really got freaked out then, what with the whole book of revelations connection and whatnot, but when I got closer, he was just saying 6th, 6th, 6th, 6th again and again whilst cringing and crying in the corner. I think he misses boards so much he has started stalking all of us.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,193 ✭✭✭Andrewf20

    This is a great thread! I've enjoyed reading everyone's experiences.
    I'm going to share a few of my own, if you don't mind.

    I live in Florida. Back in the 1960's and 70's there was a chain of state run mental insitutions for children called Sunland. There were Sunland hospitals in most major cities in the state. In the late 70's, two of the Sunland hospitals in Tallahassee and Orlando were completely shut down and abandoned based on accusations of patient mistreatment.....

    Just read your post, and Im gripped. Sounds like a fascinating place. Would have loved to have seen it in the flesh. In the net, its talking about a locked up 3rd floor. Scary stuff.
