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Winters/Glasan Property Management Galway

  • 03-03-2006 10:08pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,509 ✭✭✭

    im living in Glasan student accomodation ran by the kerry group in Galway.
    This is my 3rd year to live here(yes if its that bad why do i stay here, cos of the location)
    But its been a nightmare since day 1 for so many reasons.
    But i dont want to get into them all. Just 1 really..
    We pay for the refuge collection however if we do not use the refuge collection, Glasan charge us 5 euro each time. (note the Refuge collection is not operated by Glasan)
    Got a letter from them there saying that they fined us 20 quid for not leaving the bin out 4 times. If we do not pay it in the office it will be taken out of our deposit. F*****g B******s.
    Im sick of them at this sort of stuff, and digging into peoples deposits...
    Who can i go to about these con artists.
    Recently the collection day has been moved from Tuesday to Fridays. And i think there was a reason for that, cos students are out on a thursday night and dont want to get up at 9am on a friday morning to put out their bins.
    Any help will be appreciated, im sick of what they are getting away with.
    Id say there are taking in a few hundred each way from this ploy.

    is there any solicitors out there who would like to help a student bring this crowd to justice (for free)


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭Sponge Bob

    small claims court, every time

    cost €8 to you and more to them

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,509 ✭✭✭Tiesto

    yeah but what can i bring them to it for?
    There is a lot of things i would like to get sorted. They really do get away with far too much but i wud be happy enough if i managed the removal of the fine on not leaving out your bins...

    Whats the legislation behind this? We pay for the refuge collection at the start of the year out of the deposit we pay to Glasan
    So could you say the agreement is between the refuge collection company and I?
    Note:it does not state in the contract anything about fining for not leaving bins out...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,206 ✭✭✭✭JohnCleary

    Do what my mates did....

    In student accom. here in Sligo, they were trying to skank people out of their deposit for various reasons. As it turned out they were giving false ESB bills... So a crowd I know ended up thrashing the place (The whole student village.. they couldnt be detected). I know, very morally wrong, but they (property management) tried to screw poor student out of it, so the students screwed the property management :)

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