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My Circumcision Story



  • Registered Users Posts: 696 ✭✭✭TheFitz13

    Got circumcised today... Don't know how I feel about it

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Waestrel

    I would be interested in how people are finding the new configuration a year or more on. How real is the loss of sensitivity? Any horror stories about a dead sex life due to a circumcision?

  • Registered Users Posts: 696 ✭✭✭TheFitz13

    Waestrel wrote: »
    Would be interested in how people are finding the new configuration a year or more on? How real is the loss of sensitivity? Any horror stories about a dead sex life due to a circumcision?

    Please I'm all ears.. It's all new to me

  • Registered Users Posts: 696 ✭✭✭TheFitz13

    How long does it usually take for it to be comfortable to masturbate again? It's day 2 and I'm freaking

  • Registered Users Posts: 363 ✭✭Phantasos

    Waestrel wrote: »
    I would be interested in how people are finding the new configuration a year or more on. How real is the loss of sensitivity? Any horror stories about a dead sex life due to a circumcision?

    I'm only about six months at the minute, but after the initial few weeks of healing and getting used to the new look, it's... fine. Like, you just get used to the new normal.

    I don't really feel like I've lost sensitivity at all, though it feels a little weird to the touch from before. Believe me, I had ALL the worries that you guys have now pre-circ, and I was always highly suspicious of everyone's replies on here.

    But it's true, things are fine.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 696 ✭✭✭TheFitz13

    Thought I'd post my findings after about a week!

    So straight after the operation, they put some numbing powder on it so it felt completely normal and everything was fine. The next day I had a job interview so I had to physically walk which was not bad but still, it got sore. The day after that I could bearly walk without feeling pain. This resulted in me staying in for a few days. Everyday I had a shower and made sure it was washed, but there is some yellow (not big) on the side of the glans that I'm still at this point not sure about. I haven't been able to masturbate and I was very frustrated in the first few days but I've learnt to deal with it better. I'm the past two days, I've been feeling better. It is started to SLOWLY look better and also to de-sensitise (which I am very happy about). The most painful thing was the awkward erections, but now it doesn't feel that bad anymore. I can see and feel the progress one week in and I'm sure there will be a lot more over the coming months weeks.

    My advice to anyone would be to have a shower at least daily, and if you are uncomfortable I found tighter clothes better as it kept it in place and didn't keep hitting off my clothes causing pain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 191 ✭✭Sheeeeit

    Had mine done around 10 years ago now. Yeah you lose some sensitivity in that when I first had it done I couldn't put on a pair of boxers and after a few weeks towels used to be a killer, after a few months nothing like that bothered me any more. In terms of sex, nothing has changed imo and the whole '****e sex life post circumcision' thing is nothing but a myth. If your foreskin is tight, get it done, I wouldn't think twice about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 696 ✭✭✭TheFitz13

    I'm 13 days in, and I don't even know what is going on tbh? I feel like the stitches are coming out, is that normal? Also, there is yellow discharge on my glans? And it started bleeding last night (only a little)

    I'm just wondering if this is all normal cause it's stressing me tf out

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 197 ✭✭Pappacharlie

    Just sent you a private message.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi all...

    Well, I've been suffering from tight foreskin for a while now, and it's been getting worse, so I went to my GP about it, and saw a Consultant today.

    Obviously, since seeing my GP, I've been looking up a lot about circumcision online, and reading this thread, which is really helpful. The Consultant has recommended I be circumcised, and I'm happy with that decision, I just think it'll be better for me in the long run. As it happens, I was looking to get a vasectomy done as well, so I'm going to get them both done on the same day. At least it means I won't have to have two separate procedures and two separate recovery periods (though the recovery from a circumcision seems a lot longer than from a vasectomy).

    Anyhow, my health insurance covers the circumcision, but not the vasectomy, as I expected. So now I'm just waiting for a call with the date for the procedure, I was told it should only be a couple of weeks.

    I just want to say thanks to everyone for their posts on this thread, it really answered a lot of my questions. I'm not too anxious, though it will be weird having a part of me I've known for so long change so much. I guess I'm looking forward to a couple of months after the procedure, but not looking forward to a couple of days after it, if that makes sense? I thought I'd post up my experiences here, as hopefully they will help someone else as much as all your experiences have helped me. And hopefully the recovery will be quick and not too painful...

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi again...

    Just a quick updated. I got a call this morning and the appointment is set for Monday 5th September. I'm glad I'm not waiting too long, now that I know it's happening I'd like to get it done! So only a couple of weeks to go...

  • Registered Users Posts: 490 ✭✭mire


    Have read loads on this thread, it's a brilliant resource and was a real help.

    I'm on Day 3 after full circ. Op went well, much better than I expected. My problem now is just pain; taking basic over counter painkillers but not very effective and in real discomfort. Perhaps I just need to be patient but I wonder if I should really be on stronger meds.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi All circumcised 6 months now never felt so good, feel "Normal" now
    Best of luck to anybody waiting will not regret it ..I know only too well

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi all,

    So I got both the circumcision and vasectomy done yesterday and I'm at home taking it easy today.

    I went to the hospital for 11:30 (fasting since 6am) and soon had a bed/gown etc. Was handed a suppository to give to myself, so that was a fun start! :) The surgeon had a long list, so I was waiting until about 2, just lying there and reading a book. Was a little hungry and rather thirsty (I normally drink about 2 litres of water a day, so I was missing it) but I was grand really, if a little nervous.

    They came and got me at 2, wheeled into the theatre where I'd a quick chat with the anaesthetist. I must admit, I got a bit scared when I could see the big set of spotlights over me, I think maybe in the past for other procedures I was knocked out in a ante-room to the theatres? Anyhow, they put a needle/port in my hand, but then told me that they were going to give me oxygen/anaesthetic to breath, so I don't know if they actually used the needle or not. My breathing was rather shallow at first (probably my body fighting to stay awake) but I was told to take deep breaths, which I did, and that was the last thing I remember before I woke up.

    I woke a little after 3 back in the ward, feeling more groggy than anything else. I knew I wanted to get my phone to text my Wife as I knew she was worried, but I had to ask the nurse to get it, and I wanted to be less groggy first. I was surprised that when I finally asked her, it was after 4, so I must have dozed some more!

    I wasn't in pain, more a dull ache, and I was aware that was from the vasectomy rather than the circumcision (they gave me local anaesthetic for the circumcision after the gas, so I wasn't feeling anything there yet!). I got some toast, which was lovely! :) Managed to get up to pee later on, which was awkward, mainly because the bandage was tight enough to restrict the flow a little (it was wrapped around with just the top of the head showing to allow me to pee). It stung a bit but that was that.

    Left the hospital at around 6 and was quite queasy in the car, but once I was home I was starving and takeaway was duly ordered! All yesterday evening I was more aware of a dull ache, and rather tired too, more so than sore. I went to bed with some tissue wrapped around the bandage to stop any leaking of anything!

    I slept pretty well last night, woke a couple of times but not due to any big pain or anything. This morning I was more aware of the circumcision and the ache from the vasectomy was a lot more in the background. But it still wasn't too bad, though peeing was still rather awkward and stingy with the bandage on. The Surgeon had told me to remove the bandage after having a shower (so it would be wet) so I had some painkillers (just paracetamol) and anti-inflammatories a while before the shower, more pre-emptive than anything else!

    The shower went fine, and even taking off the bandage wasn't bad. I'm not sure how I feel about how it looks yet, it's a lot tidier looking than I thought it would be at this early stage because the stitches are just behind the head and there's enough skin left to kinda cover them a little. Since the bandage has come off I have had a good bit of swelling, especially on the left hand side, but from what I've read that's normal. It's definitely more sore now too! I gave it a little soak in warm water with some salt in it, as told by the Surgeon, and I have it wrapped up a little again, just to keep it dry and cushion it a bit!

    So that's where I am, about 24 hours later. Up until taking the bandage off I was thinking it wasn't half as bad as I though it'd be, but now it's more sore and uncomfortable. Hopefully the swelling won't last long and I'll heal quickly. I'm dreading my first erection, but at the moment it's also literally the last thing on my mind! :)

    Sorry for the *really* long post, I just thought other people out there might like to read my experience, as I found it very helpful reading others on here! I'll post a bit more over the next few days to give an update on how I'm doing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi again...

    So it's a couple of days later and I'm doing well enough. It's definitely more uncomfortable than sore, especially with the head rubbing against things, but from what I've read I'll get used to that. I was expecting a lot more pain, so I keep waiting for it to kick in, but I guess I'm just lucky and it's not that sore.

    The swelling has gone down a bit, but it is still swollen and very bruised, so it's a bit disconcerting looking down and seeing my bits like that! I'm using some cut up bits of cotton t-shirt to keep it all covered in my tight boxers, just to soak up any blood etc., though there's very little of that now. As I'm still at home I'm also leaving my boxers/tracksuits off for a while each day too, to let some air at it.

    The last couple of nights I've had a couple of erections (or at least the beginnings of them) which has woken me, but once again not from pain, more just an awareness that they're happening and feeling a tightening against the stitches. So no waking up screaming yet!

    I'm hoping the swelling and bruising goes down soon and the stitches 'crust' over etc., in other words all the things that are meant to happen for it all to heal. But after 3 days, while it is uncomfortable, I'm pleasantly surprised at the level of pain, I expected far worse!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 646 ✭✭✭kaji

    A year and a half post circumcision here- no loss of sensitivity. Everything actually feels better and more intense orgasms. I wish I was circumcised earlier. I'd highly recommend it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi all...

    Looking for some advice/re-assurance.

    I'm now at Day 5. The swelling has gone down a good bit, as has the bruising, but there's still a good bit there as well.

    However, some of the skin on my shaft, near the top, is sore, with what looks like little tears or abrasions on it. And the very tip of my glans, at the urethra, has two yellow 'lumps' that I think is just sore/damaged skin (some of the skin on my glans has peeled as well). The stitches themselves seem to be covered in some yellow/creamy stuff, but it has never hardened/crusted. And one of my vasectomy scars/stitches is oozing a little, while the other isn't.

    I guess I'm wondering how normal all this is? And I'm also wondering what other after care should I be doing? I'm showering of course, but do I still need to keep any shower gel away from the wound, as I did for the first shower, or can I clean it 'properly' now? I'm doing small salt baths for the wound as well, using a paper coffee cup. I'm also still using small pieces of cotton, which I wrap around the shaft and head, so stop it all moving much and to keep it covered, but should I be leaving it uncovered instead? Yesterday I started using Vaseline on the glans/stitches as they were sticking to the pieces of cotton and were painful to remove. But I wonder if using Vaseline reduces the chances of the wound crusting and the glans becoming less sensitive.

    Any tips on what I should do/not do just to reduce the healing time? Is it just a matter of time really, and I'm doing everything I should? I've got a cold and an upset stomach too, so that's not helping!


  • Registered Users Posts: 490 ✭✭mire

    My Turn wrote: »
    Hi all...

    Looking for some advice/re-assurance.

    I'm now at Day 5. The swelling has gone down a good bit, as has the bruising, but there's still a good bit there as well.

    However, some of the skin on my shaft, near the top, is sore, with what looks like little tears or abrasions on it. And the very tip of my glans, at the urethra, has two yellow 'lumps' that I think is just sore/damaged skin (some of the skin on my glans has peeled as well). The stitches themselves seem to be covered in some yellow/creamy stuff, but it has never hardened/crusted. And one of my vasectomy scars/stitches is oozing a little, while the other isn't.

    I guess I'm wondering how normal all this is? And I'm also wondering what other after care should I be doing? I'm showering of course, but do I still need to keep any shower gel away from the wound, as I did for the first shower, or can I clean it 'properly' now? I'm doing small salt baths for the wound as well, using a paper coffee cup. I'm also still using small pieces of cotton, which I wrap around the shaft and head, so stop it all moving much and to keep it covered, but should I be leaving it uncovered instead? Yesterday I started using Vaseline on the glans/stitches as they were sticking to the pieces of cotton and were painful to remove. But I wonder if using Vaseline reduces the chances of the wound crusting and the glans becoming less sensitive.

    Any tips on what I should do/not do just to reduce the healing time? Is it just a matter of time really, and I'm doing everything I should? I've got a cold and an upset stomach too, so that's not helping!


    I don't know if there's anything more you can do to shorten the healing time. From my experience, and I'm only 2 weeks post op. you're progress seems normal. Keep everything clean and putting vaseline on the would is helpful. You just need to be patient really. It's actually quite frustrating and takes more out of you than you think it might have. I can't give specific advice on the details of your questions though, apologies! Days 5 - 10 were very frustrating generally. Things healed too slowly for my liking. But it does speed up after that point.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Thanks a lot for your advice mire, I appreciate it.

    Unfortunately, since I posted yesterday morning, things got worse, getting more sore, more swollen and also it became a 'hard' swollen, not a soft one. I couldn't move the remaining skin half as much as earlier in the week, and couldn't see the stitches anymore. I also started feeling a little under the weather, a bit hot and rather tired.

    So, after first thinking I could ring my Doctor tomorrow and get an appointment for Tuesday, today I decided to bite the bullet and go to the K-Doc. It was only a few euro more to go today instead of during the week, and it meant that if something was wrong I'd get it seen to 2 days sooner, and even if nothing was wrong I'd get some peace of mind.

    As it happens, the Doctor took one look and said it's definitely infected. So now I have a week's worth of antibiotics to take, and some antibiotic cream as well.

    So in some ways it's good to know I was right to go, and hopefully the drugs will help, and quickly. But part of me keeps thinking 'Stitches AND an infection, really?!' :)

    It was also good to get reassurance about using salt baths and keeping it clean and giving it time to air as well.

    So now I'm home, I have a plan to follow for the next week or so, and hopefully in a few days I'll be feeling better. And I'm glad I followed my gut feeling when I felt that things were getting worse, not better!

  • Registered Users Posts: 490 ✭✭mire

    My Turn wrote: »
    Thanks a lot for your advice mire, I appreciate it.

    Unfortunately, since I posted yesterday morning, things got worse, getting more sore, more swollen and also it became a 'hard' swollen, not a soft one. I couldn't move the remaining skin half as much as earlier in the week, and couldn't see the stitches anymore. I also started feeling a little under the weather, a bit hot and rather tired.

    So, after first thinking I could ring my Doctor tomorrow and get an appointment for Tuesday, today I decided to bite the bullet and go to the K-Doc. It was only a few euro more to go today instead of during the week, and it meant that if something was wrong I'd get it seen to 2 days sooner, and even if nothing was wrong I'd get some peace of mind.

    As it happens, the Doctor took one look and said it's definitely infected. So now I have a week's worth of antibiotics to take, and some antibiotic cream as well.

    So in some ways it's good to know I was right to go, and hopefully the drugs will help, and quickly. But part of me keeps thinking 'Stitches AND an infection, really?!' :)

    It was also good to get reassurance about using salt baths and keeping it clean and giving it time to air as well.

    So now I'm home, I have a plan to follow for the next week or so, and hopefully in a few days I'll be feeling better. And I'm glad I followed my gut feeling when I felt that things were getting worse, not better!

    Sorry to hear about the infection. That's really annoying. Hope things are getting a little bit better at this stage in terms of healing and the infection clearing up. Good call to go to out of hours doctor in the end!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Thanks mire...

    It's going very slowly. The impression I got from the K-Doc was that I'd be a lot better after a couple of days. Well, that didn't happen, so much so that I finally ended up with my own GP again, and they referred me to an Urologist in Tallaght.

    Anyhow, I got seen there, and there was some talk of 'draining' which worried me slightly, but in the end they decided that the antibiotics should do the job. So I'm still taking them (only two days left) and it's improving very slowly. But it's still swollen, still sore, and still leaking blood/plasma etc. At this stage I really don't know how much of these issues are 'normal', and how much are due to the infection etc.

    Suffice to say this hasn't been a great experience for me so far, and I'm hoping it sorts itself out soon so I can try to get used to what it's like being circumcised, and not just be spending my time trying to recover from the procedure!


  • Registered Users Posts: 490 ✭✭mire

    My Turn wrote: »
    Thanks mire...

    It's going very slowly. The impression I got from the K-Doc was that I'd be a lot better after a couple of days. Well, that didn't happen, so much so that I finally ended up with my own GP again, and they referred me to an Urologist in Tallaght.

    Anyhow, I got seen there, and there was some talk of 'draining' which worried me slightly, but in the end they decided that the antibiotics should do the job. So I'm still taking them (only two days left) and it's improving very slowly. But it's still swollen, still sore, and still leaking blood/plasma etc. At this stage I really don't know how much of these issues are 'normal', and how much are due to the infection etc.

    Suffice to say this hasn't been a great experience for me so far, and I'm hoping it sorts itself out soon so I can try to get used to what it's like being circumcised, and not just be spending my time trying to recover from the procedure!


    That really is a horrible experience you've had. Of course it will sort itself out in time and you will ultimately see the benefits. I'm three weeks post op now and things are improving very slowly. I've still got a good few stitches. Istil still wear a bandage to protect from sensitivity. Things are very sensitive, especially in the frenulum area which looks bumpy and ugly as well as being sore to touch. Anyway, the good thing overall is that I think it was worth it after all. It's beginning to become a secondary issue now and I don't have to constantly mind it. You will get to the stage where it will begin to look better too. My scar is still red and isn't a work of art but it looks much better than before. I was embarrassed about the appearance of my penis before. It looked bad and felt bad. Circumcision is actually quite a major step to take but I'm definitely happy I've done it. I'm pleased too that the underlying medical problem is gone (phimosis)...This was the reason I got this procedure after all. Keep these things in mind. It's worth having these things to reflect on and you should look forward to them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,122 ✭✭✭✭Gael23

    My Turn why did you need to use a suppository before the operation? Fasting is common but I've never heard of the need for empty bowels for that kind of thing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Thanks for your support and advice mire, it's much appreciated.

    I keep telling myself that in the long term/big picture, it'll all be good, but sometimes it's easy to get a bit down about it when you're in the middle of it. I can barely see my scar, as it's all still a bit swollen so it's not easy to see. I can pull back the remaining skin a little and see the stitches, but that's about it. And even that isn't easy on the side that was most swollen and is still a bit 'hard' under the skin.

    Speaking of stitches, one came out yesterday while I was cleaning myself, and it looks like it was still 'whole' which makes me think it was my skin that tore (only slightly, I didn't feel it) rather than the stitch breaking.

    And then I got a *very* rude awakening in the early hours, my 'worst' erection yet and I literally felt my skin tear against the stitches. I changed my cotton bandage which had some blood on it and lay awake for the next hour or two until it was time to get up. This morning there were two stitches in the old bandage, and once again they look whole, which means once again I think it was my skin that tore. It's hard to tell, but I think it was below were the frenulum was, as that are looks a little more raw/exposed this morning. Not a nice start to the day, though it's settled down alright now. To be honest, I think I'm a bit of a grower (i.e. not that big when flaccid) so I think that doesn't help, as there's big change in size when I'm erect, and that's pushing against the stitches.

    You're a little over a week ahead of me Mire, can I ask you if you're still getting any blood/plasma etc.? Or our your bandages just for sensitivity now? I still have to change mine every few hours. They're not soaked in blood or anything like that, but they do have blood/plasma on them alright. It probably doesn't help that I'm still using antibiotic cream, so that 'oozes' onto the bandage too.

    Apart from all this infection hassle, I'm still trying to decide if I'm happy with how the circumcision looks, as I thought they're be more skin gone. At the moment a little part of my head is still covered, but as I'm still swollen it's hard to know what it'll look like when it's all healed.

    Two weird/interesting things I've noted. Firstly, I can't tell when I've stopped peeing unless I look and see. I used to be able to tell because when I was peeing I could fell a little pressure on the inside of my foreskin, and when the pressure stopped, that meant the pee had stopped. But now, with the foreskin gone, I have to look to see. It's a little weird, but interesting to spot the difference. Also, and this is nothing to do with the circumcision, I could feel the two clips in my scrotum from the vasectomy last night, and that was a bit weird too, having these little metal things inside me!

    Gael23, the nurse said the suppository would help with pain relief after the Op, I don't think it was anything to do with emptying my bowels or anything like that. They said my stomach had to be empty (which the fasting took care of), but the suppository was some kind of slow release pain killer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 490 ✭✭mire

    My Turn wrote: »
    Thanks for your support and advice mire, it's much appreciated.

    I keep telling myself that in the long term/big picture, it'll all be good, but sometimes it's easy to get a bit down about it when you're in the middle of it. I can barely see my scar, as it's all still a bit swollen so it's not easy to see. I can pull back the remaining skin a little and see the stitches, but that's about it. And even that isn't easy on the side that was most swollen and is still a bit 'hard' under the skin.

    Speaking of stitches, one came out yesterday while I was cleaning myself, and it looks like it was still 'whole' which makes me think it was my skin that tore (only slightly, I didn't feel it) rather than the stitch breaking.

    And then I got a *very* rude awakening in the early hours, my 'worst' erection yet and I literally felt my skin tear against the stitches. I changed my cotton bandage which had some blood on it and lay awake for the next hour or two until it was time to get up. This morning there were two stitches in the old bandage, and once again they look whole, which means once again I think it was my skin that tore. It's hard to tell, but I think it was below were the frenulum was, as that are looks a little more raw/exposed this morning. Not a nice start to the day, though it's settled down alright now. To be honest, I think I'm a bit of a grower (i.e. not that big when flaccid) so I think that doesn't help, as there's big change in size when I'm erect, and that's pushing against the stitches.

    You're a little over a week ahead of me Mire, can I ask you if you're still getting any blood/plasma etc.? Or our your bandages just for sensitivity now? I still have to change mine every few hours. They're not soaked in blood or anything like that, but they do have blood/plasma on them alright. It probably doesn't help that I'm still using antibiotic cream, so that 'oozes' onto the bandage too.

    Apart from all this infection hassle, I'm still trying to decide if I'm happy with how the circumcision looks, as I thought they're be more skin gone. At the moment a little part of my head is still covered, but as I'm still swollen it's hard to know what it'll look like when it's all healed.

    Two weird/interesting things I've noted. Firstly, I can't tell when I've stopped peeing unless I look and see. I used to be able to tell because when I was peeing I could fell a little pressure on the inside of my foreskin, and when the pressure stopped, that meant the pee had stopped. But now, with the foreskin gone, I have to look to see. It's a little weird, but interesting to spot the difference. Also, and this is nothing to do with the circumcision, I could feel the two clips in my scrotum from the vasectomy last night, and that was a bit weird too, having these little metal things inside me!

    Gael23, the nurse said the suppository would help with pain relief after the Op, I don't think it was anything to do with emptying my bowels or anything like that. They said my stomach had to be empty (which the fasting took care of), but the suppository was some kind of slow release pain killer.

    When I was at your stage I couldn't see much of the scar either, just the stitches really. And only when I gently pulled back the skin. The skin by the way still covers some of the head in my case, but I think that's just the way it is for a 'grower'.

    I also had four or five intact stitches fall out quite early on in the process. ...I think these were stretched out of place with horrible early morning erections.

    I'm more or less blood free on the bandages front now. But I was getting blood in small doses up until 3 or 4 days ago. I still wear them for sensitivity really. Your bleeding I'd imagine is par for the course.

    The one thing I think that makes everything down there more complicated and frustrating is the swelling. Once that subsides things should improve for you. The pain levels decrease and it starts to look better too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭BigProblem

    mire wrote: »
    When I was at your stage I couldn't see much of the scar either, just the stitches really. And only when I gently pulled back the skin. The skin by the way still covers some of the head in my case, but I think that's just the way it is for a 'grower'.

    I also had four or five intact stitches fall out quite early on in the process. ...I think these were stretched out of place with horrible early morning erections.

    I'm more or less blood free on the bandages front now. But I was getting blood in small doses up until 3 or 4 days ago. I still wear them for sensitivity really. Your bleeding I'd imagine is par for the course.

    The one thing I think that makes everything down there more complicated and frustrating is the swelling. Once that subsides things should improve for you. The pain levels decrease and it starts to look better too.

    hi - I am getting this done next week and need to make up an excuse about the op in work - what have people said they were getting done? don't want to tell people in work I'm having a circ :D hernia operation maybe?

  • Registered Users Posts: 490 ✭✭mire

    BigProblem wrote: »
    hi - I am getting this done next week and need to make up an excuse about the op in work - what have people said they were getting done? don't want to tell people in work I'm having a circ :D hernia operation maybe?

    I mentioned urinary tract issues and the need for corrective/explorative surgery. No need though for anyone to provide details. No one will ask questions.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I've just been saying 'a small procedure' and left it at that, and like mire says, no-one will ask you for details anyhow! I have heard of someone using the excuse of a cyst being removed from the top of their leg as well.

    Thanks for your reply mire, I'm doing a bit better now. The swelling is going down slowly and hopefully will continue to do so. Another three or four stitches have come out, all relatively painlessly thankfully. Both of my vasectomy cuts have the stitches gone now, which is good.

    I'm hopefully on the road to recovery now, though it's hard to know what is 'normal' recovery from this procedure, and what is due to the infection. I'm still using cotton strips all day just to help with sensitivity and to absorb the plasma/blood/antibiotics cream. I'm still putting on cream once or twice or day, though the antibiotic tablets are all done. I'll stop using the cream this weekend.

    So hopefully the swelling will continue to die down, the 'hard' part of swelling on the left hand side will go away, and the stitches will continue to slowly come out. I'm back in work now, so I've less time to think about it, and that's helping too a way. I'll see how I feel on Monday, 3 weeks after the Op. It would be nice to not be afraid of an erection and the pain it causes...

    Thanks for all the advice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5 Icetea1988

    Well, i found this thread on google and found it very useful. Interesting to hear positive stories. I feel i can do it also but i am very nervous.

    I am in my late twenties and have tight foreskin, when i try to pull it back it gets very painful. This is going on now for over years. I feel anxious & embarrassed to visit my GP and overwhelmed how will i say her about this issue. And even if i get referred for surgery i am very scared to go to the hospital. Another big issue for me is i am shy to show my privates to even get it checked. It often comes in my mind they will laugh & so on.

    Is there anyone with similar thoughts & could give me a tip?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi icetea 1988 you sound just like me same issue same shyness... but it is now 6 months since my circumcision ..... when i first went to the doc I was very shy by the time I had my op I did not care who saw my penis , I was so glad I had the op so please do not let this hold you back !! Because of shyness I did nothing for ages and i live with the regret of "why did I not do it sooner" please dont let it go that far.
    I am very proud of my new penis and do not care who knows I had the operation I told my father in law as it helps to talk to somebody , he was a great help support and encouragement to me to get it sorted he has the same operation at 50 and fully understood what I was going through. As I say deep breath and go for it..............
