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Irish Illegals



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭dathi1

    Double Standards. But I am sure someone will disagree with me.
    No..its simple really. We built America...they owe us. There's no evidence of Nigerian involvement in Ireland until the Schengen Agreement.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,494 ✭✭✭ronbyrne2005

    dathi1 wrote:
    No..its simple really. We built America...they owe us. There's no evidence of Nigerian involvement in Ireland until the Schengen Agreement.
    thats crap,what about the chinese british italains etc etc who also built america,i dont see the irish illegals appealing for them to given legal feiners all of them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 769 ✭✭✭Freelancer

    dathi1 wrote:
    No..its simple really. We built America...they owe us. There's no evidence of Nigerian involvement in Ireland until the Schengen Agreement.

    Brillant we built american we get to stay. Tell you what you go tell the chinese, and the italians. I'll go tell the Russians, they can all go illegaly work in the US, because they "built it".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 alan1978

    Just because we had a role in developing America does not mean Irish people should be allowed to stay there. True it's an historical link between 2 nations....but that's all it is. Whatever the US government decides should be respected, I think this public lobbying is actually very sad. Also the publicity stunt pulled in Washington by the Irish in green tops will not have been missed by immigration officials. It's not as if Ireland isn't a very wealthy nation itself, we are not in the same league as the Mexican's for example.

    Every Country has it's own rules and regulations on immigration, we should respect their system, just as we foolishly expect the scammers from Nigeria to respect ours.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 769 ✭✭✭Freelancer

    Oh Alan, third time asking;
    Freelancer wrote:
    Find us the numbers for illegal Nigerians in Ireland and the figures for rejected applications.

    On and the league table for asylum applications in main industrialised countries.

    And just so you know;
    When offering fact, please offer relevant linkage, or at least source. Simply saying "a quick search on google...." is often, but not always, enough. If you do not do this upon posting, then please be willing to do so on request.

    You've offered numerous dubious "facts" on this thread I'm going to ask you politely once again to show linkage to support the following;
    alan1978 wrote:
    It shows how much this country has been abused when u think that the Irish illegals in America are less than a tenth of the Illegal Nigerians in Ireland

    alan1978 wrote:
    I admit, I am obsessed with the problem of bogus Nigerian asylum claims in Ireland, and with dam good reason. Ireland received the second highest number of asylum applications in main industrialised countries from nationals of Nigeria in 2004. Just how many turned out to be genuine - 0.6%. These are government figures - check them out youreself.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 alan1978

    You are obviously obsessed with the rights of bogus Nigerian Asylum seekers. Let me guess, would you be a fan/member of RAR or just a plain old ultra liberal. Anyway I couldn't be arsed providing u with all the figures at my disposal, but here is a snapshot: Click Here

    I work in this area so I hope you can appreciate why I am so interested in it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 769 ✭✭✭Freelancer

    alan1978 wrote:
    You are obviously obsessed with the rights of bogus Nigerian Asylum seekers.

    Lets see, how do we start, with a piece of mud slinging, you're the one admitting to be obessesed with nigerian asylum seekers.
    Let me guess, would you be a fan/member of RAR or just a plain old ultra liberal.

    More mud slinging.
    Anyway I couldn't be arsed providing u with all the figures at my disposal, but here is a snapshot:

    Followed by a quick boast about the power and knowledge at your disposal, but you can't be bothered entertaining us with it.
    Click Here

    Onto your .pdf

    I'll start my objections to your .pdf with this. Theres no source. It's simply called asylum brief. Theres no name, we don't know if this is a private report, refugee council report, department of foreign affairs, no way to trace, who or what wrote this report, or to allow us to verify any of its findings.

    Now ontop of all this
    alan1978 wrote:
    It shows how much this country has been abused when u think that the Irish illegals in America are less than a tenth of the Illegal Nigerians in Ireland

    The report does not verify this.
    Ireland received the second highest number of asylum applications in main industrialised countries from nationals of Nigeria in 2004.

    yes this is true a massive 1776, down from 3000 odd in 2003. It's an odd statistic why we have more Nigerians than other nationalities, however we're 9th in the EU wide table for total number of asylum seekers so suggesting we're a soft touch on immigration isn't true.
    alan1978 wrote:
    Ireland received the second highest number of asylum applications in main industrialised countries from nationals of Nigeria in 2004. Just how many turned out to be genuine - 0.6%.

    The second half of this statement the 0.6% isn't verified by this document.

    So just to re-iterate.

    Your unverifible, totally anonymous document, supports just one of your claims. Wow. I'm convinced.
    I work in this area so I hope you can appreciate why I am so interested in it.

    Ah more unverifible claptrap.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 alan1978


    Source is as the link url suggests......department of justice. We are 2nd in the EU ;eague table for Nigerian asylum claims........

    If liberals like you were in charge, we as a nation would be bankrupt. :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 769 ✭✭✭Freelancer

    Well done alan you've sourced the document.

    It still doesn't verify your claims that
    It shows how much this country has been abused when u think that the Irish illegals in America are less than a tenth of the Illegal Nigerians in Ireland


    Ireland received the second highest number of asylum applications in main industrialised countries from nationals of Nigeria in 2004. Just how many turned out to be genuine - 0.6%.
    If liberals like you were in charge, we as a nation would be bankrupt.

    Yeah compared to how well we'd be doing under your inane mixture of extremist right wing republican nationalism....... :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 alan1978

    I wonder why there was a sudden drop in application......hmmm maybe because they feared that their children wouldn't get Irish passports due to the referendum. No passport for the baby meant no automatic right to residency for the parents. All of a sudden Ireland was not as attractive.

    Any by the way, my views are not extreme right wing, they are in common with the majority of people. I fully support the new law where children born to non nationals are not entitled to Irish Citizenship unless one of the parents was lawfully resident in Ireland for at least three out of the four years before the child’s birth. This law prevents the citizenship tourism we have had in the past.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,588 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    Reality check one: the asylum applications massively jumped in line with our economic progress from basket case to successful. The weather didnt get better afaik.

    Reality check two: the richest and wealthiest of the asylum seekers are those who makes it to our shores. I remember reading an article in the Irish Times - not exactly the reactionary right wing times by any means - where a Nigerian woman commented on how hard it was to adjust to life in Ireland without a maid.

    Reality Check Three: We need immigrants to keep our economy going. Quite frankly were at full employment. Anyone who cant get a job in these times just doesnt want one. Simple as. The fact that we need to import workers speaks a lot to the lack of people willing to take jobs in Ireland. Immigrants arent taking jobs from anyone, theyre taking jobs that no one else will take.

    Reality Check Four: Irish people have gone to america, the UK, europe for generations. This is a policy decision for Americans, the British and Europeans respectively. Far as Im concerned, If Sean Og down the road moves to the US illegally, Im no more responsible for him or his actions than I am if he decides to murder some guy for the craic. Whatever political ructions errupt in the US over Irish immigrants does not, and should not, affest the decisions made by Irish politicians for their Irish electorate.

    If the US legislature decides its good policy to legalise illegal irish immigrants, good for them. I dont care. Im not an illegal Irish immigrant. The chinese have just as much claim to being "the hands that built america" in cringe inducing Bono speak. It should have no impact on our own estimation of whats good policy in Ireland. I doubt anyone is arguing that because the US thinks its good policy to execute some criminals that Ireland should execute criminals too.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    alan1978 wrote:
    You are obviously obsessed with the rights of bogus Nigerian Asylum seekers. Let me guess, would you be a fan/member of RAR or just a plain old ultra liberal. Anyway I couldn't be arsed providing u with all the figures at my disposal, but here is a snapshot: Click Here

    I work in this area so I hope you can appreciate why I am so interested in it.
    Take a months ban for abuse and ignoring the charter

    Thread locked.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭zuma


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 769 ✭✭✭Freelancer

    alan1978 wrote:
    I wonder why there was a sudden drop in application......hmmm maybe because they feared that their children wouldn't get Irish passports due to the referendum. No passport for the baby meant no automatic right to residency for the parents. All of a sudden Ireland was not as attractive.

    Still doesn't back up your assertions re 0.6% of applications failing or the number of illegals here.
    Any by the way, my views are not extreme right wing, they are in common with the majority of people. I fully support the new law where children born to non nationals are not entitled to Irish Citizenship unless one of the parents was lawfully resident in Ireland for at least three out of the four years before the child’s birth. This law prevents the citizenship tourism we have had in the past.

    Yeah and no one ever lost an election scaremongering about immigration, the fact that doctors in most major hosipitals came out aganist McDowells claims.

    You remind me of Justin Barrett post the divorce referendum convinced he was going to sweep to power because since all of the parties had supported the divorce amendment, 42% of irish people weren't represented by mainstream parties, and this was his time.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    zuma wrote:

    I might be later on tonight :D

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