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NTL lost my account

  • 15-03-2006 1:49pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,470 ✭✭✭

    A few months ago we bought a second hand house. On the day we moved in, I phoned NTL about transferring my account. After just a couple of minutes, I was told my account had been transferred from the apartment we lived in to our new house. I was delighted, as it was about the only utility we had no problems with during the moved.

    Last Saturday, four months later, we woke to find our NTL disconnected. While looking for an old bill to get my account number before I called them, I realised we hadn’t seen any since we moved in. When I called them on Monday, the only account they had on record at that address was that of the previous vendors. The have no record of me ever having an account, at my old or new address, or under anty of 3 contact phone numbers I gave them. They said there was (something like) €140 outstanding on the account at our new address, which would have to be paid before we were reconnected. Although if we could prove when we moved in they would work something out. At €19.99/month, by my reckoning we owe them about 80 euro.

    When I asked why we had received no bills or any warning about disconnection, they said the previous owners had transferred their account to their new address, and their correspondence was going there. But in that case surely it’s their account NTL are talking about, not the one at my house. And then NTL also said at some point the old owners had requested when they moved that the account be disconnected at my address, which seems to be contradicting themselves.

    They then had the cheek to say that unless I could find an account number and prove I had transferred my account to my current address, they would have to charge me a 50 euro connection fee. For their mistake. For a new connection. On which there’s apparently 140 quid outstanding. They advised me to go off and try to find an account number, which I know I don’t have, because I dumped all my old bills before or shortly after I moved. So I hung up and rang Sky, which I’m getting installed next week.

    I’ve no problem paying NTL the 80 quid I owe them, that’s fair enough, and I don’t want this coming back to haunt me in the future. But I’ve no account number, they have no record of my account, and I don’t want to get my name anyway involved in whatever account they have at my address with this outstanding balance.

    Any similar experiences? Suggestions?
