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Stop the Charlesland Yipper!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭The Yipper

    Sounds like the little fellas being neglected:

    Anyone feeling brave enough:
    ISPCA 043 25035

    Unfortunately I don't live in the Wood, so I can't honestly say it's bothering me. All I have to contend with in the morning is my birds snoring....and that's probably just as bad!!!
    Best of luck!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,939 ✭✭✭mikedragon32

    I think someone else on this thread said they did contact the ISPCA about the first Yipper, but they couldn't do anything as there was no neglect.

    Have to say though, I would consider a dog left alone for 12 hours a day to be neglect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭Sparks115

    I would agree...I would love a dog but it would be so cruel to leave it on its own all day long especially outside. You got to wonder are these people real dog lovers or do they just have a dog for security purposes!! Anyway its cruel cruel cruel!!! NASTY NASTY PEOPLE!!:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 182 ✭✭daveco23

    INCH wrote:
    I would agree...I would love a dog but it would be so cruel to leave it on its own all day long especially outside. You got to wonder are these people real dog lovers or do they just have a dog for security purposes!! Anyway its cruel cruel cruel!!! NASTY NASTY PEOPLE!!:mad:
    Pop a note in their letterbox telling them the incovenience its causing if you cannot get them at home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭eleMental

    morning all
    called in on sat morning and caught the owner while she was in. she said thats its not just her dog but also a couple of others that aggravate it, that its an "outdoor" dog so it wont come into the house and she cant make it(and said she doesnt want it in the house anyway.) its there for protection and security, its like a crying baby so she cant make it stop barking. she said she couldnt care less about anyone else living around her or the disruption its causing them and that if i want to take it further that i can speak to her solicitor.
    so unfortunately not a very successful neighbourly chat! :( i did try to be as reasonable and friendly as possible as the last thing i want is a fued a neighbour, but to be honest i dont think theres a whole lot more can be done as she was pretty angry and defensive despite my approach - maybe im not the first person to have had words? :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,942 ✭✭✭✭loyatemu

    well fair dues to you for talking to her anyway.

    she's correct that there are a couple of other dogs barking in the vicinity but hers is by far the noisiest. as for not wanting it in the house - well that's just sheer ignorance. she's willing to inconvenience all of her neighbours just becasue it suits her to keep the dog outside, and i can't see how much security a small terrier thats locked up in the back garden is providing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 657 ✭✭✭FirstIn

    I had a quick look on the net and found;

    might be worth giving it a go. There are many other products so perhaps the affected folk could arrange to purchase different items and give them a try.

    Or look at

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wifey

    eleMental wrote:
    morning all
    called in on sat morning and caught the owner while she was in. she said thats its not just her dog but also a couple of others that aggravate it, that its an "outdoor" dog so it wont come into the house and she cant make it(and said she doesnt want it in the house anyway.) its there for protection and security, its like a crying baby so she cant make it stop barking. she said she couldnt care less about anyone else living around her or the disruption its causing them and that if i want to take it further that i can speak to her solicitor.
    so unfortunately not a very successful neighbourly chat! :( i did try to be as reasonable and friendly as possible as the last thing i want is a fued a neighbour, but to be honest i dont think theres a whole lot more can be done as she was pretty angry and defensive despite my approach - maybe im not the first person to have had words? :o
    I Do beleive, under the management contract that any animals owned causing a disturbance etc will be contacted by th emanagement company I dont know what they will do exactly but it is in breach of the management company rules ( near the same clause re the satalite dishes). We are in the Wood, so I dont know if you are & if it is in your Contract, but deffinately call them, although if it is wyse, they may not do anything, I rang them as our car was broken into & loads taken & requested a letter to be sent but they didnt do anything!

    Anyway give it a try you never know. What a B**** by the way!

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭Sparks115

    Oh MY GOD she sounds like a total b****!!! A bit of compromise goes a long way in life. Well I agree with the above comment, there is a clause in the contract with the management company for Charlesland Grove about dogs being annoying so I would get on to them if I was you. If she has the ignornance to be so rude to you after u approached her amicably then let the management company know and see if they are doing what we pay them to do! God she is a nasty piece of work from the sound of it. Poor dog!!! God people like that make me sooooo angry!!!!! Good thing I dont live near her as I wouldnt be as nice a neighbour as you have been. grrrrrrrrrrr

  • Registered Users Posts: 182 ✭✭daveco23

    Send a letter to Cuala Property Management detailing the inconvenience and the response you got from her. Pop a copy into Madam's letterbox as well.:D
    If anyone else has been annoyed by the dog then do likewise. If herself sees several different letters going to the management company she is sure to get the message.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wifey

    We used to have a lot of dog's, we got a Super Soaker( They were great Danes), and would spray water at their noses! It would stop them immedidatly, so if you are in a position to do so, get a water gun of sorts, and just spray it at the dog if it is barking( as long as it is outside) it will soon get the message. At the end of the day the poor animal is probably Bored & has nothing better to do. I promise the above method does no harm to the dog at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭eleMental

    Thanks for the advise all. To be honest I am loathe to take it further by going to Cuala, I had hoped to resolve amicably and informally (though not sure thats going to happen now!!!) I'm going to leave it another week or so and see if theres any improvement (as I did notice there was a siognificant improvement in the barking at the weekend after I spoke to the owner, despite her reaction).

    If not, then I will consider taking it further but would leave it in the hands of Cuala to resolve rather than getting involved in sending her letters myself.

    Would appreciate that if anyone else is being affected by the same dog (in the Grove) that you also contact them so then at least it wont be just me having a rant :) (as I doubt anyone else will want to approach her directly after my experience!! :rolleyes: )

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 213 ✭✭Ru

    I think i might be on the wrong thread but........ did you know that the fences between our house slide up very easily?

    In fact it's amazing just how easy it is. I lost a golf ball in my neighbours and i just nipped in and grabbed it............that easy...........slide up and grab.......

    of course i'm only reffering to golf balls and maybe the odd tennis ball

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,942 ✭✭✭✭loyatemu

    i'll see what happens at the weekend - if there's a repeat of the 5.30am wake up call then I'll be warming up my letter-writing hand...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 Do_nal

    loyatemu wrote:
    ............ then I'll be warming up my letter-writing hand...

    hey what you do in your own time is no-one elses business............. :D

    only messing :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 213 ✭✭Ru

    One valid point....

    My neighbors have a dog. Whenever they go out at night he barks non stop for hours..... i can live with this as it's usually only one night a week....and that's it.
    They keep him inside most of the day which is unusual as he's not a small dog but at least they bring him out a couple of times a day. Every day when they are off to work they bring the dog over to their parents so he's looked after... this is a good owner and solely because of this I can see no reason to complain about 3 Friday’s a week i have to turn up the TV for a few hours.

    The owners of the yipper are NOT good owners.
    They show neglect for the animal they have taken into their care.
    They are not good neighbors because they show disrespect.

    I know from personal experience, most people who use the "talk to my solicitor" line are used to saying it. They are one of two kinds of people.

    1) They know or are related to a solicitor so it's easy to get letters and documentation from them...

    2) They have used solicitors many times in the past and are used to having to need one...this leads to an automatic response when confronted...whether with reason or not...

    Irrelevant to whether you have a satellite dish or not, this is a rule of Cuala that HAS to enforced….personally I would call to every house in the area (bar the offending one) and have a petition drawn up and signed by everyone. Present this to Cuala and have them sort it. If not, at least you can protest your fees the next time they increase them due to lack of service.
    I live in the Grove so I can’t hear the dog but I do know that I could not put up with it.

    You can't pick you neighbors but you can pick your fights

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,942 ✭✭✭✭loyatemu

    does anyone know if those ultrasonic anti-barking devices work? - there was an ad for one in yesterdays Irish Times...

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wifey

    I beleive they are not very nice for the dog, We looked into getting one as one of ours Continued to bark for no reason & upset an elderly lady behind folks house; thats when we learnt the water trick. if it is for your own dog, get it checked by a vet, there are other devices that spray something from the colar, to the dogs chin/ face. but before you invest in anything like that check with the vet.

    Hope that helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,942 ✭✭✭✭loyatemu

    Wifey wrote:
    I beleive they are not very nice for the dog,

    i'd rather annoy the dog than have the dog continue to annoy me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wifey

    Well there is that, but ultimately it's not the dog's fault...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭eleMental

    :( 06:42 it started this morning and was still going without the dog taking a breath it seemed like when i left at 08:40.

    my patience is really starting to wear seriously thin. even with the venty thing closed you can still hear it clearly......god help anyone trying to have a lie-in during the week, you wouldnt stand a chance.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭The Yipper

    Not a sound up here in the Court.
    There's just the one little fella up here.....and he's a raving looney.
    Doesn't bark at all, but he'll race along beside cars if he's given the chance. condolences.
    Ever thought about earplugs??;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭Sparks115 sympathys again..I really really think its about time u called your property managment company and get them to send out letters to everyone underlying the DOG issue and see what they say. Other than that I think u should invest in quadruple glazing...soundproofing your walls and buy super earplugs!!:rolleyes:
