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Banned from UL forum.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    Rozie wrote:
    Might makes right is not a logical argument and nobody has, as of yet, provided a logical argument for my banning.

    Simply because you choose not to acknowledge that there is a valid reason for your banning, doesn't mean there isn't one. If you took a look at your own actions, rather than slandering the moderators constantly, you'd probably find yourself banned a lot less.

    But no, you're too busy making spurious insulting comments like this:
    Rozie wrote:
    Yeah, he has a big shiny ban button that's probably also connected to the erectile function of his penis.

    How the hell can anyone take your complaints in any serious manner when you spout such outright childishness?

    You'll get a far better response if you cop on to yourself, and stop making idiotic comments. You're an incredibly abusive and confrontational individual, I've seen you start fights here on boards with people who were only offering helpfull advice, so kindly put away the victim complex, because you're the aggressor in almost every situation, and you are repeatedly banned justly for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    Deaf ears, Ruthie.... deaf ears. Maybe she'll listen when she's ready

    You do it to yourself, you do, and that's what really hurts

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,346 ✭✭✭Rev Hellfire

    It's good to know you have a special place in your heart for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,991 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Rozie, I can tell that you're obviously pissed off and you do tend to get yourself worked into states. The fact is, you do have real issues and problems than originate in the real world and let themselves loose in outbursts on forums such as this one.

    The moderators can be the most caring people in the world, but they're just not equipped to handle the more sensitive posters. We provide a service that facilitates discussion, not a counselling or help service. There are however people who do specialise in helping people who are having a tough time of it. Perhaps you should contact your local LGBT rep, your student welfare officer or a professional counsellor.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,396 ✭✭✭✭kaimera

    Rozie wrote:
    ,snip>maybe if I wasn't so excluded I wouldn't have such terrible communication skills, and start paying attention to what I'm saying.

    On that note, I do believe Nukem has PMd you wrt the BULBS only to be greeted with a curt
    from your good self.

    You chose to be excluded in this sense and lose all right to coment about being excluded.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    whoa I sense a lot of anger here, crazy. Blind fury i call it

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    Rozie wrote:
    I' remember you "at work" in the LGBT(and other) threads and you're one to talk. You're one of the most horrible people on this board by far.

    And don't call me "he".

    And by the way, the LGB-not-T forum is still a joke here. I'm going to contact the LGBT Alliance or whatever it is we have in this little island about that as again, it's very representitive of LGBT in Ireland. It's ridiculous that gay and lesbians are protected and nobody can question them, but half the board just wanderring in can take potshots at transgenders all they like. And of course, I get in trouble. This is mostly why I find it hard to take any of the moderators/admins here seriously as good people.

    I'm getting really sick of people saying Nukem was within his "remit". Yeah, he has a big shiny ban button that's probably also connected to the erectile function of his penis. That doesn't mean what he does is in any way fair. Might does not make right, and regardless of how many "warnings" I was given, I was only expressing my opinion.

    Might makes right is not a logical argument and nobody has, as of yet, provided a logical argument for my banning. There's nothing more people love than a scapegoat of a badguy getting their "Due", so there will nearly always be more people for a ban than against it, but even in this case, it seems it's at worst about even. That should tell you something.

    Most of the "warnings" were for trivial or asinine things, or do to Nukem taking sides against me in an argument. If you want to see a real troll, I suggest you take a look at Rev. Hellfire and some of his posts against me in the LGBT forum.

    Maybe I haven't been the nicest person, but that's only a direct result of how I've been treated. The attitudes of people on this forum are often horrific and pretentious, with the typical Alpha Male(Even the girls) "Anti-Emo" attitude, Rev Hellfire being again a fine example of this. There's nothing wrong with whining if it's for a good reason, and I believe this is one. Why the hell does nobody remember that being an asshole is much worse than being a whiner? Assholes are only funny if they're intelligent, which most people online are clearly not.

    People need to stop pointing out the obvious, yeah I know Nukem can ban me, that's rather a "Duh" moment considering it did. That doesn't make it right or fair by any stretch of the imagination. Being protected by the rules is an entirely circular argument as the rules have to be called into question too, except not in this case, since I didn't even break them, or even technically disobey a moderator, as he entirely pulled a reason out of his ass to get rid of me. He had ridiculous reasons for banning/suspending me the last time. "Just because you have an opinion doesn't makle it right"?!?! YOU DON'T SAY! Not to mention that he was in blatant denial of things that WERE facts, such as societies failing, that I was not allowed to comment on. It's ridiculous that people can't say anything negative about UL. Only by pointing out the negativity can it be truly erradicated. Being enitrely positive will add new things but it won't fix existing ones, which are the most important.

    If you're so worried about the Image of UL, you've just made it out to be a place full of suck-up losers who don't tolerate anyone who doesn't like the current "System" in place. Now that I think about it more, you did more harm for the image of UL than I could have ever managed. But it's still censorship taken to the extreme since you're "filterring out" my views by banning me. I post on the UL forum as I am in the UL whether I like it or not and there are some things I need to post about, the lack of ability to do so will now hinder my already difficult progress in my course. Also, as an example of how a form can take as well as give "for free", I was cranky all last night and this morning which made it impossible to concentrate on anything.

    Unless moderators start caring about the people on the board and not their powers, the system will start to slip downhill eventually. I've never made a wrong prediction on a forum dying thus far. This board is obviously far too big to ever degrade entirely, but as time goes on there will be more bans, more power trippers, and more trolls, until it becomes just as bad as every other board of it's size. People should stop paying attention to how pissed off I am as that's only my reaction and obviously I'd much rather find another way to do it, maybe if I wasn't so excluded I wouldn't have such terrible communication skills, and start paying attention to what I'm saying.

    is it just me or has anyone else noticed that rozie seems to go on a bender every 28 days?

    evening primrose oil does work wonders my dear.
    i suggest you go for the larger sized bottles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,658 ✭✭✭✭The Sweeper

    ...wind-up merchant.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,478 ✭✭✭GoneShootin

    Rozie is similar to some kind hormonal version of RopeDrink.


    At least RopeDrink's rants are entertaining.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    Rozie wrote:
    And by the way, the LGB-not-T forum is still a joke here. I'm going to contact the LGBT Alliance or whatever it is we have in this little island about that as again, it's very representitive of LGBT in Ireland.
    And what the hell do you think the LGBT Alliance is going to do?
    Rozie wrote:
    It's ridiculous that gay and lesbians are protected and nobody can question them,
    Actually, we don't ban people just for being homophobes and we don't completely prohibit homophobic posters. It's not that I sure as hell wouldn't mind banning the little homophobic twats, but there's a balance in these things, and really even they know that their homophobia is a big part of why so many people dislike them.
    Rozie wrote:
    but half the board just wanderring in can take potshots at transgenders all they like.

    We're about as permissive of that as we are of homophobic, xenophobic, racist, sectarian and misogynist comments. Pretty much some forums have strong policies against one or more of these types of speech for reasons specific to that forum, but on a whole they're allowed.

    That aside, the fact that you're transgendered doesn't stop people who don't have any issues with transgenedered people generally from having issues with you.
    Rozie wrote:
    And of course, I get in trouble. This is mostly why I find it hard to take any of the moderators/admins here seriously as good people.

    As the Christians say "you will know them by their fruits".
    Rozie wrote:
    I'm getting really sick of people saying Nukem was within his "remit". Yeah, he has a big shiny ban button that's probably also connected to the erectile function of his penis. That doesn't mean what he does is in any way fair. Might does not make right, and regardless of how many "warnings" I was given, I was only expressing my opinion.

    See, it doesn't even occur to you that even if your were completely in the right as to your behaviour in that forum, that Nukem could have misjudged?

    Nope, it's obviously a play for ego-boo at your expense.
    Rozie wrote:
    There's nothing wrong with whining if it's for a good reason, and I believe this is one.

    The only good whining can do is if it's in private and for a short term, as a way of getting through some negative emotions, rather than publicly feeding them.

    Whining is not the same as complaining.
    Rozie wrote:
    Why the hell does nobody remember that being an asshole is much worse than being a whiner?
    Because your example of doing both at the same time has confused the differences for us?
    Rozie wrote:
    But it's still censorship

    Any argument containing the word "censorship" is null and void as far as boards goes. We do not control your access to the web. We do not control your access to other media. We are not in a position to censor you, we simply don't have that power, though strangely those who accuse boards of censorship (and hence implicitly of having the power to do so) also accuse moderators of having inflated senses of their own power. Go figure.
    Rozie wrote:
    I post on the UL forum as I am in the UL whether I like it or not and there are some things I need to post about, the lack of ability to do so will now hinder my already difficult progress in my course.

    Are you seriously suggesting that boards use is an actual necessity of any UL course?
    Rozie wrote:
    Unless moderators start caring about the people on the board and not their powers, the system will start to slip downhill eventually.

    I care. That's why I do the job.
    Rozie wrote:
    I've never made a wrong prediction on a forum dying thus far.

    I'm pretty sure we should be dead by now according to you, but I'll freely concede I could be misremembering.
    Rozie wrote:
    This board is obviously far too big to ever degrade entirely, but as time goes on there will be more bans, more power trippers, and more trolls, until it becomes just as bad as every other board of it's size.

    There will be more bans and more trolls because the number of bans and trolls is a function of the size of the userbase, and we're still growing.

    There will be no power trippers, because we have no frigging power. It's a website. Many of us consider it a good, even a great, website, but it's still just a bloody website.
    Rozie wrote:
    People should stop paying attention to how pissed off I am as that's only my reaction and obviously I'd much rather find another way to do it, maybe if I wasn't so excluded I wouldn't have such terrible communication skills, and start paying attention to what I'm saying.

    Do that first. Post after. Also maybe consider that maybe this site is not good for you. Maybe you should go away, not because of what Nukem, I, or anyone else thinks of you, but because really, are you getting anything good out of all of this?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,848 ✭✭✭✭Doctor J

    I've resisted posting on this thread so far but I can't hold back any longer. Rozie you've no problem accusing pretty much everyone of something or other against you, how your actions are not your fault and how you're always the victim. Look, I couldn't give a **** what gender you are, what your orientation is, in fact I've yet to see where somebody has made an issue of it, it's none of our goddamn business. The only person who keeps bringing it up is you. So tell me who has the problem? In your time on Boards, that I've seen, you almost always end up in some sort of confrontation over something insignificant which is never your fault, yet the vast majority of posters on Boards seem to get on just fine usually. Coincidence? Your seemingly endless negativity towards the other users of Boards makes me despair. You were banned from instruments a long time ago for constantly taking umbrage at ****ing everything anybody said to you which was detrimental to the forum as pretty much every thread you posted in ended in a flamefest. I would imagine something similar is behind your banning from the UL forum too. We all have problems. Everybody has hard times. I don't think it's reasonable at all to vent your frustrations in life on the participants of Boards who, by and large, are friendly and helpful in my experience. Boards is a good thing, drawn from the character of the people who contribute. People generally don't care what goes on behind the avatar and judge you on your contribution to Boards at large, nothing else. Your flippant disrespect to seemingly everyone is like a rain cloud on a sunny day. Your attitude to the other contributors of Boards is frequently hostile and resentful and that is why you seem to fall foul of so many others here. It has nothing to do with your private life, it's not based in hatred towards transgenderism or any other excuse you can think up to cover the fact that it is your attitude and demeanor alone which cultivate peoples perception of you. You are what you post, nothing more. The world is not out to spite you, so you could do yourself a favour by not using the notion as an excuse to get away with generally disrespectful and largely unacceptable behaviour here. It's not on. Boards is meant to be fun. That's why people come back.

    I would second the idea that you perhaps reconsider your participation in the forums. If Boards is causing such anguish in your life that you constantly feel the need to unleash vitriol at whoever happens to cross your path then maybe it's not a good thing to be a part of at this point in your life. Negavitity breeds negativity and that is not a good thing at all and is possibly just fuel to the fire.

    That's all I have to say on the matter, I'm not having a go nor saying you should be banned nor telling you to **** off, just expressing things as I see them, which is the purpose of this board, no? I wish you happiness in your future and swift pacification of what irks you currently.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,396 ✭✭✭✭kaimera

    damn, first paragraph is hard on the eyes :-/

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭Rozie

    You know, this would have been solved a lot quicker if an admin actually looked into it, realised it was a bunch of nonsense, and got rid of the damn ban.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,696 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish

    Rozie wrote:
    You know, this would have been solved a lot quicker if an admin actually looked into it, realised it was a bunch of nonsense, and got rid of the damn ban.

    My work problems would be solved a lot quicker if someone looked into it, realised its a bunch of nonsense, and handed me 3 million euro.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    Rozie wrote:
    I' remember you "at work" in the LGBT(and other) threads and you're one to talk. You're one of the most horrible people on this board by far.

    Get five otehr regular posters to back a name change, then we will talk.

    And by the way, the LGB-not-T forum is still a joke here. I'm going to contact the LGBT Alliance or whatever it is we have in this little island about that as again, it's very representitive of LGBT in Ireland. It's ridiculous that gay and lesbians are protected and nobody can question them, but half the board just wanderring in can take potshots at transgenders all they like. And of course, I get in trouble. This is mostly why I find it hard to take any of the moderators/admins here seriously as good people.

    From my tiny experience, people like you don't represent the majority of transgenders, so stop making out you do. Also the LGB forum was created by DeVore over strong objection. It was a favor, like all the other forms are. You've no right to demand anything of the admins.
    I'm getting really sick of people saying Nukem was within his "remit". Yeah, he has a big shiny ban button that's probably also connected to the erectile function of his penis. That doesn't mean what he does is in any way fair. Might does not make right, and regardless of how many "warnings" I was given, I was only expressing my opinion.

    Nukem is a god damn saint.
    Might makes right is not a logical argument and nobody has, as of yet, provided a logical argument for my banning. There's nothing more people love than a scapegoat of a badguy getting their "Due", so there will nearly always be more people for a ban than against it, but even in this case, it seems it's at worst about even. That should tell you something.

    Here, why don't you sign up another account, never mention you're transgendered, and continue to post in the mannor you're accusumed. See how far you get.
    Most of the "warnings" were for trivial or asinine things, or do to Nukem taking sides against me in an argument. If you want to see a real troll, I suggest you take a look at Rev. Hellfire and some of his posts against me in the LGBT forum.

    Rev seems to be able to play nice on the LGBT forums... and at that point i stop reading this ****e, good night fokes, I can't even be arsed spell checking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,628 ✭✭✭Asok

    Rozie wrote:
    You know, this would have been solved a lot quicker if an admin actually looked into it, realised it was a bunch of nonsense, and got rid of the damn ban.

    As you failed to answer my earlier question I'm guessing you are just going to ignore it. I have looked into the matter and I think that Nukem was correct in handing out the ban. I have seen the ban notifications come in for the first two times and thought that maybe you would tone it down a little but looking through your posts this does not seem to been the case.
    To be honest with you I doubt an admin is going to look into this as to be honest this has been looked at by a few smods and we have all come to pretty much the same conclusion about the ban so chances are the admins will see what we think about it and not get involved.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    Rozie wrote:
    You know, this would have been solved a lot quicker if an admin actually looked into it, realised it was a bunch of nonsense, and got rid of the damn ban.

    For that to happen, the issue would have to be a 'Bunch of nonsense' in the first place. It isn't, so the ban shouldn't be removed, and nothing would have been solved quicker.

    But you know what would have been handy solving this whole issue? If Rozie took an introspective look, and realized why the ban was justified. Perhaps realise that it is indeed Rozie's own aggressive and abusive behaiveour that gets her banned in the first place.


    Lets look at it this way. You're coming along and shelling out abuse. You get banned. You shout and scream and blame everyone else for your own actions. Where is this getting you? More banned. So cop on to yourself, and stop blaming others for what is your own doing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,346 ✭✭✭Rev Hellfire

    For rosie this thread is a great result. This is exactly what he wants, lots of attention directed towards him.

    Since you get a more immediate response and reaction with aggressive confrontational posts I suspect we’ll not be seeing an attitude change anytime soon.

    This thread really has run its course and really only serves a vehicle for him to gather further attention for himself, so maybe it should just be closed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    LiouVille wrote:
    From my tiny experience, people like you don't represent the majority of transgenders, so stop making out you do.
    She doesn't even represent the majority of transgendered people on boards.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 42,362 Mod ✭✭✭✭Beruthiel

    Rozie wrote:
    You know, this would have been solved a lot quicker if an admin actually looked into it, realised it was a bunch of nonsense, and got rid of the damn ban.

    An Admin is not required.

    They have given us Smods the responsibility of taking care of things on boards that they don't have the time for.
    As more than one Smod has taken the time to comment on this thread, I think that should be more than satisfactory for anyone.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    Based on the sole post you were banned from it does seem a bit unfair but I think one has to take into account your past history of conflict with mods and "unfair" bannings :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    HavoK wrote:
    Based on the sole post you were banned from
    No such post exists. Read the thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,658 ✭✭✭✭The Sweeper

    Rozie wrote:
    You know, this would have been solved a lot quicker if an admin actually looked into it, realised it was a bunch of nonsense, and got rid of the damn ban.

    "I am not happy with how you're handling this. Please put me through to your line manager."

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,396 ✭✭✭✭Karoma

    "I am not happy with how you're handling this. Please put me through to your line manager."
    "Actually, I demand to speak to Mr.!"

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    Karoma wrote:
    "Actually, I demand to speak to Mr.!"

    "And I want a refund!"

    Oh wait...


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,598 ✭✭✭ferdi

    i admit i dont keep track of rosie's posts as everyone else here seems to do but from what i read on that UL thread, rosie gave his opinion, nothing else, and i dont see how it was 'strike three'. thats probably one of the most retarded pieces of modding i have ever i banned?

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,991 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    ferdi wrote:
    am i banned?

    No, you're just a hopeful martyr.
    ferdi wrote:
    i admit i dont keep track of rosie's posts as everyone else here seems to do but from what i read on that UL thread,

    I think Nukem passed braindeath stage from repeating this so I'll just say it, Rozie's entire history of posting on UL forums, previous bans and warnings were taken into account.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,598 ✭✭✭ferdi

    eh, previous history aside, i honestly truely madly deeply cannot see ANYTHING wrong with rosie's post in that thread.

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,803 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    eh, giant haystack aside, i honestly truely madly deeply cannot see WHY that camel had a problem with that last straw.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,082 ✭✭✭Nukem

    oscarBravo wrote:
    eh, giant haystack aside, i honestly truely madly deeply cannot see WHY that camel had a problem with that last straw.
    Right this will kinda sum it up for people who said i was too mean,harsh whatever.Imagine having someone that visits the forum only to bitch and moan and put the place down again and again. After several warnings to tone it down and if they had nothing constructive to say;say nothing at all. Rozie couldnt resist just getting some form of dig in.

    Only comes into the forum to tell us all that he hates college and what a mistake he has made coming here. Been that way since the forum opened 2years ago. If that person was so bloody unhappy then leave! The only time he wasnt moaning about the place was when he wanted help with a project!

    On reflection maybe i was a little harsh with ban but i could have banned him months ago for the persistant moaning and complaining,getting into fights with other boarders,flaming...etc..... Was just sick of reading the same thing...........and in my opinion completely untrue fabricated rubbish.

This discussion has been closed.