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can you creating tables using variables in pl/sql

  • 21-03-2006 5:06pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,320 ✭✭✭

    hey guys,

    i need to dynamically create tables in oracle using plsql. i cant explicitly state the table names because at runtime the script doesnt know them. so i need to use a variable that contains the table name and use the statement

    CREATE TABLE tableNameVar etc.

    but this throws up a table name error.

    in the code i can get the table names from the other schema and store them in a table of varchar(20) but i cant recreate the tables in my schema.

    is it possible to create tables like this?

    all the best,

      -- Declare the PL/SQL table
      type deptarr is table of VARCHAR2(20)
           index by binary_integer;
      d_arr deptarr;
      -- Declare cursor
      type d_cur is ref cursor;
      c1 d_cur;
      i number := 1;
      sql_stmt VARCHAR2(200);
      -- Populate the PL/SQL table from the cursor
      open c1 for select table_name from all_tables where owner = 'SCOTT';
        exit when c1%NOTFOUND;
        fetch c1 into d_arr(i);
        i := i+1;
      end loop;
      close c1;
      -- Display the entire PL/SQL table on screen
        for i in 1..d_arr.last loop
            --This is where i should create the table
            --Cant use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE because the create statement will be create table tablenamevar as select * from SCOTT.tablenamevar
        	dbms_output.put_line('TABLE NAME : '||d_arr(i) );
      end loop;

    even this doesnt work!
    	sql_stmt VARCHAR2(200);
    	tablename VARCHAR2(10) := 'TEST';
    	sql_stmt := 'CREATE TABLE :x ( name VARCHAR2(20) )';
    	EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING tablename;	


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,320 ✭✭✭Q_Ball

    never mind, got it. missing stupid ' marks :mad:
