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MBA From DBS ( dublin business school )

  • 26-04-2006 5:03am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 11

    hi all

    I'm gaurav from INDIA. I'm engineering graduate from mechanical and having 2 years of exp.

    I'm planning to do MBA from DBS. this is their first batch starting from sep 2006. this course is recognised by John Moorey Univ UK.

    I want to know the recognition of DBS in Ireland and World wide .
    Job oppurtunities after doing MBA from there .

    Part time job oppurtunities.
    Average salary of graduates.

    Looking to hear from the group soon


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Lawdie

    Welcome Gaurav

    First thing is welcome to boards, you dont need to post the same mail to several sections to obtain a reply.

    DBS is in my opinion a fine teaching venue, but its like any venue you get out what you put in!

    On the MBA programme, the smurfit school or trinity college would hold the most recognised MBA (I stand to be corrected).

    However, the LJMU is also recognised throughout the world, so its not a poor credential.

    DBS is also handy if your working city centre which was my case.

    Hope your studies go well

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 345 ✭✭GusherING

    DBS seems to be alright but its not a university. Its a private college. Internationally, I'd wonder what kind of reputation it has. I know a lot of employers would look down upon a DBS degree, but a lot wouldn't either. Personally, I'd stay look into studying elswhere.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 31 catussa


    I had a friend doing a Business degree in DBS and after he graduated he couldn't find a job...that was about 2 years ago, so in the good old times :).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 82 ✭✭ramblingcelt

    be very careful in your choice of MBA course. An MBA is like buying a luxury car, brand is everything! Have a look at

    I know that some courses outside Ireland are much cheaper and higher ranked. Look at It is important to see who accredits the course as a guarantee of the quality. MBAs are a lot of money, take ur time before you invest. ALWAYS visit before you decide.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 hitherto

    be very careful in your choice of MBA course. An MBA is like buying a luxury car, brand is everything! Have a look at

    I know that some courses outside Ireland are much cheaper and higher ranked. Look at It is important to see who accredits the course as a guarantee of the quality. MBAs are a lot of money, take ur time before you invest. ALWAYS visit before you decide.

    Hey everyone, i'm applying for MBA in DBS as well. Can anyone put insight whether its better to do it in Griffin College? I know Trinity or UCD or DCU requires a very expensive fees.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1 karan saxena

    hi everyone ,i am btech (I.T) passout from india ,without work exp and an agg of 61 percent

    I was looking forward to an mba from dublin business school ,I was told that having a IT base will be an advantage for me to get a job in ireland as major IT firms are there ,and demand for IT people is high in ireland .

    plz help me out with the decision,
    Is the information I have is correct ,what abt reputation of dublin business school .

    ALSO I CAME TO KNOW THAT IT WILL COST ME ABT 15 LAKHS Rs for entire course inculding living expenses which is same as it will cost me for an indian mba .so plz help me out
