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Departed pets;



  • Registered Users Posts: 716 ✭✭✭SarahJ

    So sorry to hear that Anniehoo, absolute beauty.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,235 ✭✭✭Dave147

    Hi all,

    Just thought I'd share my experiences with my beloved Golden Labrador Marley, who went to sleep for the last time yesterday evening aged 10 years old :(

    To be honest I'm finding it quite hard to cope, he was there through all the ups and downs of my life, whenever I felt lonely he was there, never judged and always listened, gave me nothing but love. At the moment my whole family are in shock, my mother who stays at home during the day minding him is obviously lost, two of us were sobbing our eyes out last night. My dad is the one who fixes everything, telling me and my two sisters our dog needs to be put to sleep hurt him an awful lot, who knew a big golden ball of fur could have such an effect on people?

    Right now, I'm trying to think of all the good times we had, and in the 10 years there were lots, and I realise all the heartache I'm suffering now was worth it to have such a wonderful dog in our lives, obviously I had been dreading that moment for years and to be honest it was much worse than I thought it would be, I was with him when the vet gave him the injection, I was hysterical and stayed with him for over an hour afterwards, I finally understand why a dog is man's best friend, I'm completely lost without him and can't adapt to the feeling that he won't be there when I go home. I'd give anything to take him for a walk, there was nothing he enjoyed more.

    Anyway just wanted to write some stuff down to get it off my chest so thanks for listening :) here is a small photo of the handsome fella..


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭fatmammycat

    Sorry for your loss Dave, it might not seem it now, but soon the grief will lessen and you will remember all the good times you had with your big fellow and be glad you shared your life with him. It's always sad to let go, but worse to let any animal suffer. Thoughts with you today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 530 ✭✭✭joyce2009

    Hi Dave,,
    I'm so sorry for you ,.this is one of the hardest things you can go through,,losing a best friend is so hard..I was in your shoes a few months back so I know exactly how you feel..All I can say is cry when you feel like it and talk about him as much as possible to people who knew him.It may be hard but there will be a time when you can go and get another little ball of fluff not to replace Marley but to have another friend to walk and talk with..I hope you and your family find that time untill then all i can say is sorry for your loss.:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Reflector

    This thread is very upsetting,
    Amazing how pets become such a part of your family.

    When I was about 22 my dog had to be put down, I was there when the vet did it and although I was upset that he was so sick it was when he went to sleep for the last time that I started blubbing like a baby. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't help it. Such a weird sensation.
    He was a great dog and can never be replaced.

    RIP Hero

    To Dave, when you are ready get out some photos and get frames for them, thats what my sister did and everytime I see them it always puts me in a good mood.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,429 ✭✭✭✭star-pants

    He was beautiful :)
    Just think he had so many wonderful years with you and your family, he got as much love as he gave and you gave him a happy happy life by the sounds of it.
    I think we're blessed to be allowed the honour of having such a close bond with our animals, you can live for years without one, but once you get one, you couldn't imagine your life without them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,235 ✭✭✭Dave147

    Thanks for the kind words, I knew this forum I would find like minded people who viewed dogs as friends, and not as "just a dog". I'm at work now (family business) and I'm nearly in tears, my friends have been ringing me and leaving messages of condolence which are a great help. Marley touched so many peoples lives I'm so happy that I have memories but I'm going to miss him so much :( Also I chose the name Marley as I have always been a big fan of Bob Marley, needless to say I blubbered like a baby watching Marley and Me last year.

    Reflector was your dog's name Hero? If so, then that's a mighty cool name :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,861 ✭✭✭Irishcrx

    Sorry to hear Dave , They truely are a mans best friend and it never easy. But remember all the good times you have with him and be happy that you gave him such a good life and that he is out of his pain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,861 ✭✭✭Irishcrx

    Dave147 wrote: »
    Thanks for the kind words, I knew this forum I would find like minded people who viewed dogs as friends, and not as "just a dog". I'm at work now (family business) and I'm nearly in tears, my friends have been ringing me and leaving messages of condolence which are a great help. Marley touched so many peoples lives I'm so happy that I have memories but I'm going to miss him so much :( Also I chose the name Marley as I have always been a big fan of Bob Marley, needless to say I blubbered like a baby watching Marley and Me last year.

    Reflector was your dog's name Hero? If so, then that's a mighty cool name :)

    Ha ha so did I, was in the cinema with my girlfriend and she turns and says "Mark, Are you crying??" chicken something in my eye, ehhh I gotta go to the toilet lol...

  • Registered Users Posts: 91 ✭✭medici

    To Dave,

    It's obvious you loved your dog and I know the grief you and your family is going through. We had a Westie terrier for the guts of 10 years (he wandered into our lives as a stray) and when he had to be put down a year ago everyone was inconsolable.

    While I was really sad about this too, the thought struck me about what an incredible little life he'd had. "Skamp" had wanted for nothing in all the time he was ours and in return he provided an enormous amount of joy for all of us. In time I hope you begin to remember Marley from this perpective as I consider it to be a real help in the healing process.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,544 ✭✭✭marwelie

    Sorry to hear that, ours went to the big kennel in the sky last November 12 months aged 15. Still miss her every day. Its a huge loss and you will miss him, its the worst feeling in the world. People will say its only a dog, but from experience I can say it certainly isnt just a dog, definitely another member of the family. Its a bereavement only a select unlucky few have to suffer, and I sympathise. We've had 3 dogs in my lifetime and its the first one that didnt die from an accident. If its any consolation to you at least you had control over the situation, as we had. It makes it a little easier to cope with (but not much). I couldn't think of anything worse than waking up one morning and finding she had died during the night (as my best friend experienced, it traumatised him and his family so much they havent been able to get another animal since). It was a fear I always had hoped would never happen to me.

    Ours was a Shetland Sheepdog that was supposed to be pedigree but was definitely the runt of the litter. Definitely a sandwich short of a picnic! Had a unique personality (as yours surely had). Didn't like men apart from me, Dad and my brother in law. The first time my sister brought the brother in law home (before she even started going out with him) the dog spent the whole evening flirting with him! Had phantom pregnancies all the time and carried her toys around like they were babies. When my little sister went to Italy for a year as part of her college course our dog had to be brought to the vet because she wouldnt eat. Turned out she was only missing my sister, gave her an old jumper of my sisters to sleep with and she was fine.

    She was particularly protective of me as I am a wheelchair user and would lie under my chair or close to my wheel. However she was a sneaky wagon in that she use to run upstairs and look at me at the top of the stairs if I was in the house on my own and she didnt want to go out at night before I locked up.

    I'll never get used to not finding her dismantling my bed clothes trying to find me or a manky pillow to lick!

    She had not been well for years and always put on a brave face but she was falling apart, the vets billed were getting ridiculous. We put the inevitable off for years but in the end we reached the only conclusion we could come to. My dad had to bring her to the vets and when he came home its the first time I ever saw him cry! My sister was with her when the injection was given and she still can't talk about it. My mother, like yours, is a stay at home Mum and still can't get used to not having her around. We got a picture of her blown up and put it on the wall over the kitchen table and instead of having her buried we got her cremated and have her ashes on the fireplace. Its not to everyones tastes but it helps us. As we say, when we go into the sitting room " I'm going in to talk to the dog"

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,235 ✭✭✭Dave147

    Thanks, I know what I need to do, but it's actually succeeding in doing it is the problem, I am thinking about the good times but instead of smiling I'm breaking into tears because when I go home to see my mother later I won't see his tail wagging mad coming out to see me :(

    I definitely need time, I'll never forget Marley and he knows himself that he's irreplaceable, no two dogs are the same and I think I was very lucky to have him. My girlfriend only knew him about a year and a half and she is broken up too, people just fall in love with him because he is the most loving creature you could ever meet, thanks for the support guys, badly needed! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 699 ✭✭✭aoife2k

    I don't have a picture but my boxer's mum died yesterday... She was only 3yrs old :( R.I.P Belle :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,235 ✭✭✭Dave147

    Great story marwelie, we're going down the same road with the cremation, we'll be putting his ashes in the living room where we can hopefully feel his presence, some people may think it's ridiculous but you can see how this dog has touched us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭Roro4Brit

    So yesterday morning I had to do the hardest thing I've ever had to do... stand in the vets room with my doggie in my arms and watch the vet send him off to sleep. It absolutely broke my heart. He was a King Charles and I got him for my 12th birthday and I turn 25 in March and what a legend of a dog he was. I begged for 2 years solid to get him and I'll never forget answering my front door on my birthday and my mam's friend coming in with a little basket and telling me to look inside. Sitting on a big cushion was this tiny little brown and white mousey thing looking up at me and squirming around like mad. I was instantly in love with him.

    So I had him then as a teenager, then when I left for college and when I came home most weekends he was always there and he would go mental when I'd walk in. I can honesly say that he was the most gentle and caring dog ever to grace the planet, even when my mam found an abandoned kitten in our yard Gismo used to look after it and play with it. My brother used say he had a touch of the 'doggie downs' cos he had no idea how to act like a proper dog :D He even let that cat hang around and steal his food all the time.

    So he's gone now and I'm still very upset today, but I know he had an amazing 13 years was spoilt rotten every single day! I just wanted to thank him for being such an amazing animal and a great friend. As with everyone, I've had some rough times and he was always there to make me feel better. It was impossible to be in a bad mood around him, he just didnt allow it. If ever he saw me cry he would launch a licking attack on my face until I was laughing again. I'm going to miss him so so much and he will never be replaced.

    I know some people think such sentimental attachment to a dog is insane. That's fine, whatever. But if anyone else here wants to add a thank you or a story about their favourite little loved one then can be a way to honour such loving and caring gems, and a way to thank god of whoever for giving us the chance to know them...


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,596 ✭✭✭anniehoo

    Aww your story about Gismo was lovely OP. I know exactly what you're feeling as i had to put my own girl Bonny to sleep 2 weeks ago...she was 14.

    We'd awhile to get used to the idea we wouldnt have her for much longer (she had lymphoma) yet it really didnt make it any easier when the day came.

    I had her since i was 16 and like you OP the pure joy she'd show you when you walked in the door everyday was just heart melting. I loved everything about her, her smell, her little tricks, the different looks only id understand when she wanted something,her contrariness when she was havin a bold moment, the heat from her when she slept on the end of my bed...ah i could go on!!

    I keep forgetting shes not here and when i remember driving home that shes not going to be there or i wont be bringing her for anymore walks is devastating. She was a great little friend and i was lucky to have her for so long. I think its sad that some people fail to see the pure love a pet can give you and i feel lucky to be able to appreciate it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭Roro4Brit

    Sorry guys I didn't realise you already had a thread for departed pets!

    I see some of you have photo's up so here is one of my little man taken just last week. My mam went on holidays two weeks ago and he came to stay with me in my place....almost like he knew....


    Such a cutie...

    EDIT: Sorry huge pic, not sure how to make it smaller lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,713 ✭✭✭lrushe

    anniehoo wrote: »
    I keep forgetting shes not here and when i remember driving home that shes not going to be there or i wont be bringing her for anymore walks is devastating. QUOTE]

    I know that feeling, about a week after I had to put my German Shephard Daisy to sleep (I'd had her since I was 14) I was in the bathroom just tidying up when I heard some barking outside, I stuck my head out the window like I'd always done to see what Daisy was barking at and realised it couldn't be her cos she wasn't there anymore. I must have sat on the side of the bath for about an hour crying my eyes out, I think it was then that it finally hit me that she was really gone. That was 3 years ago and it still gives me a lump in my throat to think about it. I've an oil painting of her in one of my bedrooms and I always say a quick hello when I pass it, makes me feel like she's still around somehow. I've three new dogs now who I love to pieces, but Daisy will always have that piece of my heart!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 778 ✭✭✭Essexboy

    Our beloved bichon frise, Báinín, went to sleep in November but we still expect her to walk into the room. She suffered from pancreatitis, seemed to be recovering but had a relapse.

    We knew we had to let her go, she deserved to pass away peacefully, and not
    suffer any longer but we are devastated. She should have had another 3-4
    years ahead of her, ruling the house, barking at strangers - and cats! - and
    reprimanding us for leaving her behind in the house (even though she refused
    to come with us!). She brought so much happiness and fun to us - and

    We held her while she slipped away peacefully.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,134 ✭✭✭x in the city

    Roro4Brit wrote: »
    So yesterday morning I had to do the hardest thing I've ever had to do... stand in the vets room with my doggie in my arms and watch the vet send him off to sleep. It absolutely broke my heart. He was a King Charles and I got him for my 12th birthday and I turn 25 in March and what a legend of a dog he was. I begged for 2 years solid to get him and I'll never forget answering my front door on my birthday and my mam's friend coming in with a little basket and telling me to look inside. Sitting on a big cushion was this tiny little brown and white mousey thing looking up at me and squirming around like mad. I was instantly in love with him.

    So I had him then as a teenager, then when I left for college and when I came home most weekends he was always there and he would go mental when I'd walk in. I can honesly say that he was the most gentle and caring dog ever to grace the planet, even when my mam found an abandoned kitten in our yard Gismo used to look after it and play with it. My brother used say he had a touch of the 'doggie downs' cos he had no idea how to act like a proper dog :D He even let that cat hang around and steal his food all the time.

    So he's gone now and I'm still very upset today, but I know he had an amazing 13 years was spoilt rotten every single day! I just wanted to thank him for being such an amazing animal and a great friend. As with everyone, I've had some rough times and he was always there to make me feel better. It was impossible to be in a bad mood around him, he just didnt allow it. If ever he saw me cry he would launch a licking attack on my face until I was laughing again. I'm going to miss him so so much and he will never be replaced.

    I know some people think such sentimental attachment to a dog is insane. That's fine, whatever. But if anyone else here wants to add a thank you or a story about their favourite little loved one then can be a way to honour such loving and caring gems, and a way to thank god of whoever for giving us the chance to know them...



    so sorry to hear, our dog max also passed away new year night, posted a few years back

    sounds exactly like yours.. also a king charles.

    wonderful dogs, x

    i get sad whenever i think of him and he is no longer there to greet me but time is a healer

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,957 ✭✭✭Magenta

    Roro4Brit wrote: »
    I know some people think such sentimental attachment to a dog is insane. That's fine, whatever.

    The people who sneer or don't understand... the "it's only an animal, get another one" brigade- those are the people I feel sorry for, because they will never know what it is to have the bond that we do with our pets.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,556 ✭✭✭the_monkey

    My Dad phoned me up today to tell me the heartbreaking news that he
    had to put his dog Timmy to sleep ..

    He was a springer spaniel and a legend ... truly mad he was always chasing a stick/stone/tennis ball/bough !!! and wanting to swim ...

    he had a great 12.5 years....


    tears in my eyes as i type this ... RIP Timmy ....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,026 ✭✭✭Amalgam

    the_monkey, sorry for your loss. Springer Spaniels are smart as buttons. I just love the attentive eye contact.

    Caramel was put to sleep due to deteriorating health caused by FeLV. A personality as soft as his fur. A total pansy. Loved to sit between two people talking on a couch or at a table and just chirrup and purr, chest sticking out, proud and happy. He got a real kick out of it.

    One of his weirder habits was Foxes and Fox cubs. You could not keep him in if he felt they were around, outside the house. You'd let him out and find him nose to nose, playing with a cub or watching the adults. Not causing them any bother, he just had a thing about them.

    The photo attached is more or less, kitten, teenager, oldie.

    A soft hearted boy. April 9 1999 - February 1 2010.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,570 ✭✭✭patmac

    I had to put Cherie to sleep after a brave battle against cancer. She had 2 operations and was on a course of steroids for the last 6 weeks and seemed to be improving but in the end she had had enough and I brought her to the vet. She was blind in one eye and every rib was out of place when we rescued her. But we gave her a good seven years and she was a real fighter (in the good sense of the word), my wife treated her 'Dryeyes' every day and nursed her very well at the end so I excused her when the bad deed had to be done.
    It was tough as I thought it would be instant but she went to sleep for a good 15 minutes before finally she stopped breathing. RIP

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,841 ✭✭✭CrowdedHouse

    Sorry to hear patmac..especially a Lhasa,she's like our Hayley

    And of course everyone else on their recent losses

    Seven Worlds will Collide

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,429 ✭✭✭✭star-pants

    I'm so sorry for the recent losses :(
    At least it's some comfort to know they were given a good life and a loving family.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,570 ✭✭✭patmac

    Sorry to hear patmac..especially a Lhasa,she's like our Hayley

    And of course everyone else on their recent losses

    We never really knew what breed she was but now that you mention it she was definitely part Lhasa. Thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,321 ✭✭✭dunworth1

    had to put my baby Ruby to sleep to day.
    she sprained her leg and she picked up an infection. and wasn't able to fight it off. she was 15 years old.

    i just cant believe shes gone.

    i got her when i was three years old.
    she has always been there for me when i was sad/down.
    she always cheered me up.

    i miss you. i will never forget you

    R.I.P Ruby

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,429 ✭✭✭✭star-pants

    Don't watch or read if you're already very sad, cuz this made me cry.
    But I felt it fitting of the thread, and very sweet. I know it's a dog poem but it really can relate to most pets.

    I'll put up the you tube of Jimmy Stewart because it's nicer to listen to but I'll put the words below it incase anyone would like them.


    By Jimmy Stewart
    [Beloved Actor, WWII Veteran, Humanitarian]

    He never came to me when I would call
    Unless I had a tennis ball,
    Or he felt like it,
    But mostly he didn't come at all.

    When he was young
    He never learned to heel
    Or sit or stay,
    He did things his way.

    Discipline was not his bag
    But when you were with him things sure didn't drag.
    He'd dig up a rosebush just to spite me,
    And when I'd grab him, he'd turn and bite me.

    He bit lots of folks from day to day,
    The delivery boy was his favorite prey.
    The gas man wouldn't read our meter,
    He said we owned a real man-eater.

    He set the house on fire
    But the story's long to tell.
    Suffice it to say that he survived
    And the house survived as well.

    On the evening walks, and Gloria took him,
    He was always first out the door.
    The Old One and I brought up the rear
    Because our bones were sore.

    He would charge up the street with Mom hanging on,
    What a beautiful pair they were!
    And if it was still light and the tourists were out,
    They created a bit of a stir.

    But every once in a while, he would stop in his tracks
    And with a frown on his face look around.
    It was just to make sure that the Old One was there
    And would follow him where he was bound.

    We are early-to-bedders at our house--
    I guess I'm the first to retire.
    And as I'd leave the room he'd look at me
    And get up from his place by the fire.

    He knew where the tennis balls were upstairs,
    And I'd give him one for a while.
    He would push it under the bed with his nose
    And I'd fish it out with a smile.

    And before very long
    He'd tire of the ball
    And be asleep in his corner
    In no time at all.

    And there were nights when I'd feel him
    Climb upon our bed
    And lie between us,
    And I'd pat his head.

    And there were nights when I'd feel this stare
    And I'd wake up and he'd be sitting there
    And I'd reach out my hand and stroke his hair.
    And sometimes I'd feel him sigh
    and I think I know the reason why.

    He would wake up at night
    And he would have this fear
    Of the dark, of life, of lots of things,
    And he'd be glad to have me near.

    And now he's dead.
    And there are nights when I think I feel him
    Climb upon our bed and lie between us,
    And I pat his head.

    And there are nights when I think
    I feel that stare
    And I reach out my hand to stroke his hair,
    But he's not there.

    Oh, how I wish that wasn't so,
    I'll always love a dog named Beau.

    [From Jimmy Stewart and His Poems, 1989]

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 369 ✭✭Michael B

    That's so sad but lovely, thanks for sharing that.

    Sorry to hear of all your losses everyone, it's always a horrible time. At least people on here will understand you even if some people in your life don't. You gave them all great lives by the sounds of it, be proud.
