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Racism and After Hours



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,839 ✭✭✭Hobart

    LiouVille wrote:
    Key word is persume, and I used logical in a later post.
    So because you presume, it's logical? Right.
    LiouVille wrote:
    ]I never put forward a definition for what a race is. I never even put forward a definition for what anglo saxon is. Your simply Lying at this stage to cover up your inability to form a coherent arguement. It is logical that the guy is anglo saxon, as assposed to any other race.
    You said that African American, is a race. You said the Anglo Saxonism is a race. Do you not remember that Boston?
    LiouVille wrote:
    All I'm saying is stop pretending I said stuff I didn't like it was fact. Where did I over a definition for what a race is? How have I proven that the anglo Saxon race is irrelavent? You asked what race is Tony blair, the most probably answer is anglo saxon, but what you wanted was "Race is a an construct of the un educated".
    If I could understand what you were trying to say, I could answer it more comprehensively. But basically, I am asking you to stop mis-quoting me and putting words into my mouth.

    And now your saying that Anglo Saxonism IS a race. How is it a race? What defines it as a race? Tell me?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    Hobart wrote:
    So because you presume, it's logical? Right.

    Now now, It this instance it is logical to persume, however the reverse is selfdom true.
    You said that African American, is a race. You said the Anglo Saxonism is a race. Do you not remember that Boston?

    Their examples, not a definition. Learn the difference.
    And now your saying that Anglo Saxonism IS a race. How is it a race? What defines it as a race? Tell me?

    What the hell is your problem with reading my posts. Now Im saying anglo saxon is a race, I've been saying that from the start. It's the whole thing you've been arguing with me about. YOu say "how is it a race" I say "how is it not a race".You're also asking me for a definition of race, after claiming I've allready given one. Your already said I'm not in a position to give you a definition of what a race is, so what ever I say you won't accept, so why yea asking me for one? Can't you think for yourself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    Oh yeah, Corinthinian. For someone who doesn't care what I say or think, you're spending a lot of your valuable time replying to my posts, and tbh you do seem quite concerned.
    I’m not bothered by what you think, but I do enjoy making you look foolish before others.
    Let me get this straight - you want to have a vote to see who has the bigger intellect???Are u for real?? U really are a sad b*stard if that's the case. So, explain how a poll of people here can determine my intellect, or yours for that matter??? Some mysterious IQ divining spirit at work here maybe? Very scientific method, we'll have a poll!!Good one...
    I’m simply pointing out that if you start accusing someone of stupidity you might seek some second opinions. You might find that objectively more consider you a fool than me.
    And as usual, you are wrong with regards your criticism of my posts. I did not use my lack of emails as a point - I merely stated the fact that I did not receive any.
    No I asked if your point was irrelevant as a response to Hagar - which apparently was the case.
    And yes, I am suggesting that because people receive certain emails is not a grounds for viewing people of a certain race suspiciously. Absolutely I'm suggesting that.
    No one her has suggested that we should view people of a certain race suspiciously because of 419 scams. No one. I’d ask you to quote where someone has suggested a racial link, except you’d try to sidestep that too.

    What has been said is that given these emails largely originate from a particular region, indeed country, in Africa, there is reason to question the culture of grift that thrives there and thus be aware of this.

    That’s not racist, no one is claiming that someone of Nigerian descent but having grown up divorced from that culture of grift will grow up to become dishonest. No one has suggested that Nigerians are genetically or racially (not that Nigeria is even a racial definition, making your claim even more absurd) doomed to become crooks.

    Yet you continue to make these claims and accusations that people have made racist comments and admissions and whenever challenged to back them up you either avoid responding or do so with hostility.

    You made a claim that Hagar had admitted to being a racist. I asked you to show us where, to which you can at best only attempt to fob me off with some juvenile claim that I should go and do so myself. Even the claim of racism, vis-a-vi 419 scams, makes no sense in light of the very definition of racism you’ve posted up.

    You’re like the racial equivalent of the Pedofinder General, jumping to erroneous conclusions based upon some demented and hysterical interpretation of what people say, and to add insult onto injury, even when it becomes evident that you’ve been jumping to these conclusions, you prefer deceit and misdirection to admitting that you may have been overzealous.

    Now we can now go round again in another circle where you use offence in lieu of evidence or argument and I’ll respond making you look even more foolish, or you can take a step back, take a deep breath and start again without the zealotry.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 404 ✭✭Doctor Fell

    Degsy wrote:
    A polish race?A german race?lol!Absolute bloody grabage.Poland for example has poked out of the mists of history evry so often but never in exactly the same place,likewise the 1940's great swathes of europe,russia and the balkans were actaully in germany as was poland.Does that mean that a geo-political division determines what race teh inahibitants are?No it bloody doesnt.Races within the human species are quite specific.There are Caucasoid(white),Negroid(black) and Mongoloid(yellow or asian).Within those very broad categories you have a number of sub-divisions for example Melanasian(south seas,papua etc),Aborigine and so on.You do not have "polish" and "german" races any more than there's a northern ireland race.I think you're just being precious for the sake of it,you really havnt experienced any racism at all have you?

    No, you seem to be operating under certain false concepts there. Do you not agree that races evolve over time, and an examination of human races now would yield very different results to 100 years ago?
    Jesus, do you really think I'm ignorant of european history? Wow, in the 1940's great swathes of Europe were under German control? Really? First I've heard of it, thx. The definition of race is subjective, and often very complicated, and imo it is perfectly logical to say there is a Polish or German race.

    Who are you you to presume anything about my personal life? Why did you make that assumption about me not experincing racism? On what basis do you make it? You are 100% wrong, for what it's worth, but I don't think that means anything to somebody like you. Will you apologise for being wrong, like I apologised to you for calling you a d*ckhead? No, I doubt that you're up to something like that, but feel free to go ahead and prove me wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,839 ✭✭✭Hobart

    LiouVille wrote:
    Now now, It this instance it is logical to persume, however the reverse is selfdom true.
    I really do not understand your logic at all. Why is it Logical to presume. Answer me in a clear and coherent manner.
    Their examples, not a definition. Learn the difference.
    I can extrapolate from your examples. i.e. By your examples, it would be true to say that Cubans are a race.
    What the hell is your problem with reading my posts. Now
    The last one was badly constructed, full of gramatical errors and almost totally misspelt. That's what my issue was. Can you not see that?
    Im saying anglo saxon is a race, I've been saying that from the start. It's the whole thing you've been arguing with me about. YOu say "how is it a race" I say "how is it not a race".You're also asking me for a definition of race, after claiming I've allready given one. Your already said I'm not in a position to give you a definition of what a race is, so what ever I say you won't accept, so why yea asking me for one? Can't you think for yourself.
    It does not matter if I have a definition in my head or not. you are putting forward the thesis that this is a race or that is a race, why can you not simplify it and give me your definition of what a race is?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,733 ✭✭✭Blub2k4

    Hobart wrote:
    It is widly accepted that there are 6 different nationalities which can call themselves celts. Irish, Scots, Manx, Welsh, Bretons and Cornish or Brythonic Celts. Beyond them, the history of the Celts can be traced back to Asia Minor. It is believed by anchient historians, that the Celts originated from an area ariund the Danube. If you don't know where the Danube is, I presume you can use google? The Normans are from Normandy (as the name would suggest). Again, google if you are still confused.What do you mean?

    I googled Celtic race:

    My point was that the celts are a race yet you deny that to justify splitting hairs over racism vs bigotry and prejudice.

    If racism is the call of the PC liberal then I would add that the counter cry of the bigot is to seek to so narrowly define race as to exclude whatever pet hate the justifier was called up on.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,397 ✭✭✭✭Degsy

    Blub2k4 wrote:
    I googled Celtic race:

    My point was that the celts are a race yet you deny that to justify splitting hairs over racism vs bigotry and prejudice.

    If racism is the call of the PC liberal then I would add that the counter cry of the bigot is to seek to so narrowly define race as to exclude whatever pet hate the justifier was called up on.

    Your last sentence makes no sense.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,397 ✭✭✭✭Degsy

    No, you seem to be operating under certain false concepts there. Do you not agree that races evolve over time, and an examination of human races now would yield very different results to 100 years ago?
    Jesus, do you really think I'm ignorant of european history? Wow, in the 1940's great swathes of Europe were under German control? Really? First I've heard of it, thx. The definition of race is subjective, and often very complicated, and imo it is perfectly logical to say there is a Polish or German race.

    Who are you you to presume anything about my personal life? Why did you make that assumption about me not experincing racism? On what basis do you make it? You are 100% wrong, for what it's worth, but I don't think that means anything to somebody like you. Will you apologise for being wrong, like I apologised to you for calling you a d*ckhead? No, I doubt that you're up to something like that, but feel free to go ahead and prove me wrong.

    The definition of race is not subjective,its scientific.If your opinion is that there's a german race or a polish race then you are wrong.
    Tell me what racism you've experienced with your blonde,blue-eyed,hot-looking srtunner of a girlfriend please?Has she been pursued down the street by colour-blind people?Give an example or two please...
    I reiterate,you dont know anything about racism because you've never experienecd it,you're meerly slinging mud around in your self-righteous way hoping to offend people.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    The definition of race is subjective, and often very complicated, and imo it is perfectly logical to say there is a Polish or German race.
    That’s not a definition, that’s a fudge.

    Academic racial sub-groupings typically do not follow national boundaries other than by historical coincidence. There are no Italian or British sub-races; they are continually changing racial mixtures of other groups, such as Mediterranean, Celtic, Alpine, or Nordic. Poles and Germans are no different in this regard, which explains why there are large genetic differences between northern (Nordic) and southern (Alpine) Germans. One may certainly say that there are ethnic Germans or Poles, but racially people are not that well defined.

    TBH, sub-division of race becomes pointless very quickly as you will find as many races as people if you look long and hard enough and it ultimately to little more than petty tribalism with no academic or scientific merit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,839 ✭✭✭Hobart

    Blub2k4 wrote:
    Good for you.
    My point was that the celts are a race yet you deny that
    Where? Where did I deny that? Show me.
    If racism is the call of the PC liberal then I would add that the counter cry of the bigot is to seek to so narrowly define race as to exclude whatever pet hate the justifier was called up on.
    Very noble souding, but actually nonsensical. But, soundbite away.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 404 ✭✭Doctor Fell

    Now we can now go round again in another circle where you use offence in lieu of evidence or argument and I’ll respond making you look even more foolish, or you can take a step back, take a deep breath and start again without the zealotry.

    OK, deep breath, pheeeewww!!

    You are stubborn, and you are persistently trying to provoke me I think. You are definitely guilty of trolling (see your own definition if you can understand it ;) , and I hope this is the last time I'll respond to you.

    May I remind you that you started the insults, so whenever you want to finish, feel free. You're making me look foolish?? Please. Your constant inability to read my provious posts, or understand what they say is truly laughable. I have answered on numerous occassions all your petty questions. Why should I answer them again? You are the zealot, and have decided to try and pick on me for some reason. That makes you a bully in my book, and so see if your brain can figure out what this means: **** off and d*e.
    I really dislike bullys like you, you really have got some sort of superiority complex (I'm sure its totally unjustified btw), and I'm going to try not to reply to your inane posts in future. No promises though!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    Hobart wrote:
    The Normans are from Normandy (as the name would suggest).
    Actually they were Vikings (Nordics) who settled in Normandy. Norman is derived from ‘Norseman’:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,733 ✭✭✭Blub2k4

    Hobart wrote:
    Where? Where did I deny that? Show me.
    Hobart wrote:
    However, there is quite a mixture of different nationalities involved in the colonisation and re-colonisation of Britan. These include, Celts, Picts,Normans, Vickings and Huguenots amongst others.

    Done, anything else?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    even when it becomes evident that you’ve been jumping to these conclusions, you prefer deceit and misdirection to admitting that you may have been overzealous.
    You are stubborn, and you are persistently trying to provoke me I think. You are definitely guilty of trolling (see your own definition if you can understand it ;) , and I hope this is the last time I'll respond to you.

    May I remind you that you started the insults, so whenever you want to finish, feel free. You're making me look foolish?? Please. Your constant inability to read my provious posts, or understand what they say is truly laughable. I have answered on numerous occassions all your petty questions. Why should I answer them again? You are the zealot, and have decided to try and pick on me for some reason. That makes you a bully in my book, and so see if your brain can figure out what this means: **** off and d*e.
    I really dislike bullys like you, you really have got some sort of superiority complex (I'm sure its totally unjustified btw), and I'm going to try not to reply to your inane posts in future. No promises though!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 404 ✭✭Doctor Fell

    Degsy wrote:
    The definition of race is not subjective,its scientific.If your opinion is that there's a german race or a polish race then you are wrong.
    Tell me what racism you've experienced with your blonde,blue-eyed,hot-looking srtunner of a girlfriend please?Has she been pursued down the street by colour-blind people?Give an example or two please...
    I reiterate,you dont know anything about racism because you've never experienecd it,you're meerly slinging mud around in your self-righteous way hoping to offend people.

    I retract my apology. Why won't you accept what I've said? What is your problem? She's not blue eyed, she's not my girlfriend. You are so wrong I really think you're a complete idiot.
    Wasn't going to give an example, but you've really pissed me off so what the hell:
    1) "polish people are only happy when someone is throwing them money"
    2) Polish worker gets paid less than Irish worker for same job.

    Where's my apology???

    I'm not slinging anything unwarranted, get a grip. You are sanctimonious and totally self-righteous, so get off your high horse and stop slinging allegations and wild assumptions about me around this forum. And people like you talking about my wife annoys me too, so why don't u shut the f*ck up if you don't have something truthful to say.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,733 ✭✭✭Blub2k4

    OK, deep breath, pheeeewww!!

    You are stubborn, and you are persistently trying to provoke me I think. You are definitely guilty of trolling (see your own definition if you can understand it ;) , and I hope this is the last time I'll respond to you.

    May I remind you that you started the insults, so whenever you want to finish, feel free. You're making me look foolish?? Please. Your constant inability to read my provious posts, or understand what they say is truly laughable. I have answered on numerous occassions all your petty questions. Why should I answer them again? You are the zealot, and have decided to try and pick on me for some reason. That makes you a bully in my book, and so see if your brain can figure out what this means: **** off and d*e.
    I really dislike bullys like you, you really have got some sort of superiority complex (I'm sure its totally unjustified btw), and I'm going to try not to reply to your inane posts in future. No promises though!

    Dont worry, if Ferdi is the poor mans WWM, TC is the poor mans Bonkey.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,839 ✭✭✭Hobart

    Actually they were Vikings (Nordics) who settled in Normandy. Norman is derived from ‘Norseman’:
    I appreciate that, but the did cultural identity "Norman" exist before the people who referred to themselves as Normans, settled in Normandy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,839 ✭✭✭Hobart

    Blub2k4 wrote:
    Done, anything else?
    Yes, there is actually. Where did I deny that they were a race?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,733 ✭✭✭Blub2k4

    I cant read it out to you unfortunately, ok so you didn't directly deny it but call the celts a nationality, a bit rich when you are resting your argument on splitting hairs as to the definition of race vs nationality, your statement implies a denial of that fact.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,733 ✭✭✭Blub2k4

    Anyway it's the same old wagons and horses game, with the same characters, and I find it just as distasteful now as I did when discussing travellers with the same shower of bigots.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    Hobart wrote:
    I appreciate that, but the did cultural identity "Norman" exist before the people who referred to themselves as Normans, settled in Normandy?
    No idea, I was simply discussing race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,839 ✭✭✭Hobart

    Blub2k4 wrote:
    I cant read it out to you unfortunately, ok so you didn't directly deny it but call the celts a nationality, a bit rich when you are resting your argument on splitting hairs as to the definition of race vs nationality, your statement implies a denial of that fact.
    Ah...I see. So therfore if I say a football is white, I immeditely deny that it is also round. :rolleyes: Cop on and deal with what I have actually said, if you can.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,397 ✭✭✭✭Degsy

    Blub2k4 wrote:
    Anyway it's the same old wagons and horses game, with the same characters, and I find it just as distasteful now as I did when discussing travellers with the same shower of bigots.

    Pity your highness cannot find anybody more worthy to have a highbrow discussion with.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    Blub2k4 wrote:
    Anyway it's the same old wagons and horses game, with the same characters, and I find it just as distasteful now as I did when discussing travellers with the same shower of bigots.
    If you believe so, then you’re welcome to leave the discussion with your sanctimony intact.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,839 ✭✭✭Hobart

    Blub2k4 wrote:
    Anyway it's the same old wagons and horses game, with the same characters, and I find it just as distasteful now as I did when discussing travellers with the same shower of bigots.
    Oh please, spare me from your self-pittying rubbish will you. If you find a discussion on a BB distasteful, click the little x in the corner and go knit or something.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    Hobart wrote:
    I can extrapolate from your examples. i.e. By your examples, it would be true to say that Cubans are a race.

    extrapolate = fancy word for make up from nothing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,839 ✭✭✭Hobart

    LiouVille wrote:
    extrapolate = fancy word for make up from nothing.

    Yea, got me there Boston. I'm pwned allright :rolleyes:.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,397 ✭✭✭✭Degsy

    I retract my apology. Why won't you accept what I've said? What is your problem? She's not blue eyed, she's not my girlfriend. You are so wrong I really think you're a complete idiot.
    Wasn't going to give an example, but you've really pissed me off so what the hell:
    1) "polish people are only happy when someone is throwing them money"
    2) Polish worker gets paid less than Irish worker for same job.

    Where's my apology???

    I'm not slinging anything unwarranted, get a grip. You are sanctimonious and totally self-righteous, so get off your high horse and stop slinging allegations and wild assumptions about me around this forum. And people like you talking about my wife annoys me too, so why don't u shut the f*ck up if you don't have something truthful to say.

    Thats still not racist.
    You're not getting an apology,you cant string two words together and you're babbling with increasing incoherence.You started on a bout your wife in order to make yourself sound like some sort of victim but you cant justify anything you've said.calling people racist is an easy thing to do when you cant think of anything better to say,and you've been doing it ad naseum.Why dont you go away?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 404 ✭✭Doctor Fell

    Degsy wrote:
    Thats still not racist.
    You're not getting an apology,you cant string two words together and you're babbling with increasing incoherence.You started on a bout your wife in order to make yourself sound like some sort of victim but you cant justify anything you've said.calling people racist is an easy thing to do when you cant think of anything better to say,and you've been doing it ad naseum.Why dont you go away?

    You would apologise if you had any sense at all, which makes me believe you really are thick. Can't string 2 words together? Really?
    You are so wrong, I just want to strangle you, really.
    I did not "start on about my wife" for the nonsensical reason you said. Why can you not read English and understand what was written????? I twice said I mentioned it to explain that it made me more sensitive to the issue. You then claimed I couldn't give examples, which I did, and you still won't admit u are wrong. I have not been calling people racist ad nauseum - what's wrong with you? I suspect quite a lot is, but anyway.
    So, to summarise, you owe me an apology (any reasonable person would admit this), but you're not man enough or reasonable enough to do this. I'm not going anywhere until you I guess that'll be a long time.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 404 ✭✭Doctor Fell

    Oh, and of course it is racist! Jesus, what's wrong with you, really??
