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Ghosts in the news!



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    A headless male ghost said to have once stalked a famous Aberdeen theatre appears to have returned - in high heels.

    Full story on BBC here

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Locals who felt a pull toward the paranormal recently joined on to form Tampa Ghost Watchers to investigate and document hauntings in homes and landmarks around the Tampa Bay area.

    They met for the first time three weeks ago at Al Lopez Park to share their ghost experiences and trade ideas of places to investigate.

    I've posted on New York paranormal section of and was ignored completely but it looks like is doing in the states whtat Paranormal Forum is doing here.

    Full story:

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    This is report in a few papers but I got this article from the Mumbai Mirror:
    In a country where people struggle their entire lives for a home of their own, residents of a village in Madhya Pradesh are collecting money to build a house for a ghost.

    Apparently, the ‘ghost’ appeared in their dreams and made the demand.

    This rattled many villagers. Seven scared families have reportedly already left their homes to stay with relatives in neighbouring villages.

    “Earlier the ghost used to live on a tree. But it got uprooted in a storm a few months ago. Since then, it has become homeless and has been demanding a place to live in,” said a resident of Madanpura village, about 500 km from Bhopal, in Bhind district.

    According to village head Akhilesh Purohit, many villagers told him that the ghost would ask them to urge the panchayat (village council) to get a new house constructed for him. “But I would take it lightly.”

    That was until the ghost appeared in his dreams.

    Finally, the villagers decided to collect money and construct a house for the ghost. Construction is slated to start soon.

    However, there is a hitch.

    “The ghost insists that the house be constructed through the panchayat and registered in his name. But the rules do not permit us to do any such thing,” Purohit said.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Article from The New Yorker:
    One of the ghosts is said to be Belasco’s. The other is that of a showgirl who died when she fell into an elevator shaft backstage. Belasco’s wears a clerical collar (as did the man), and the showgirl’s wears a blue dress. To appease her, or it, every production at the theatre is supposed to feature at least one actress so costumed. In “Awake and Sing!,” the Clifford Odets revival that finished its run at the Belasco last week, that role belonged to Zoë Wanamaker.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    Not really ghosts in the news, but there is an interesting new photo on coast to coast that a few of you may have missed:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Nice find Kernel, maybe you could post it in too?

    Would love to get a hi res version of that shot for a closer look.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    6th wrote:
    Nice find Kernel, maybe you could post it in too?

    Would love to get a hi res version of that shot for a closer look.

    Ahh sorry yeah, that's the thread I was looking for earlier.. hangover day. ;)

    Here's a 'ghosts in the news' link just pulled from coast to coast:

    EDIT: BTW 6th, the guys hotmail is listed on the coast to coast page, maybe he would send you a hi res?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Ok this is from BBC last year but its an interesting article about scientist involvement with spirituality:
    If there was any truth in phenomena that appear to defy the known laws of nature, the known laws of gravity, then scientists believed that they had to be the ones to investigate.

    Full Story

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    Parapsychology is a Science that investigates the Paranormal so by definition many Scientists are working in exploring and researching the field. Many other Scientific professionals are open to the concepts too, it's no help to generalise about Scientists or any group of people. check out the Edinburgh University Koestler Parapsychology site where you may learn more about modern research into the subject.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    In one of the most remarkable paranormal cases on U.S. court records, the Spirit of a murdered woman contacted her mother from beyond the grave to expose her murderer.
    23 year old Zona Heaster married Edward Shue in Greenbrier, West Virginia in 1897 despite her mother's disapproval. Three months later Edward sent an 11 year old boy to their home to ask Zona if she needed anything from the market. When the boy entered the house he found Zona lying still on the floor, body stretched out straight, legs together. One arm was at her side, the other rested on her body and her head was twisted to one side. At first the boy thought she was asleep but when he could'nt wake her he rushed home to tell his mother. When Dr. George W. Knapp,the local doctor and coroner arrived an hour later he found Edward had taken his wifes body to an upstairs bedroom and dressed her in her best Sunday clothes, a dress with a high neck and stiff collar. Her face was covered with a veil. Dr. Knapp tried to examine the body to determine cause of death while Edward cried almost hysterically, holding his dead wife's head in his arms. The doctor failed to find anything to explain Zona's death, but noticed faint bruising on the right side of her cheek and neck. He wanted to examine the marks, but Edward would not allow him to and Knapp came to the conclusion that Zona had died of "an everlasting faint." His official report concluded the cause of death was childbirth, extremely odd as the girl had not even been pregnant. Equally strange was his failure to notify the police about the suspicious marks on her neck that her husband would not allow him to examine.
    At Zona's wake. Edward's strange behaviour was noticed by Mary Jane Heaster, the girl's mother, and some of the neighbors. In the coffin Edward had placed a pillow on one side of his dead wife's head and a rolled up sheet on the other, as if to keep her head in place and he refused to allow anyone near her. Around her neck was what he claimed was her favourite scarf, a large one that covered the entire neck and he insisted he wanted her buried in it. In late January 1897 the 23 year old was buried in the cemetery near Greenbrier, West Virginia.
    Zona's mother was suspicious about the circumstances of her daughter's death. Mary Jane had removed the rolled up white sheet from Zona's coffin before it was sealed. After the funeral she offered it to Edward but he refused to take it, so the grieving mother decided to keep it as a memento of her daughter. Noticing that it smelled of something she could'nt identify, she immersed the sheet in a basin of water. Immediately the water turned red, like blood streaming from the sheet. Startled, Mary Jane scooped some of the water out of the basin but it was clear. Mary Jane did everything she could to remove the pink stain left on the sheet, she washed it, boiled it and hung it in the sunshine to bleach but still the stain remained. Mary Jane took this as a a sign, a message from her dead daughter that she had been murdered.
    The mourning mother prayed that Zona would contact her from the Spirit world to reveal the circumstances of her death. Mary Jane prayed every day for weeks, then claimed her daughter appeared to her on four nights and told her mother how she had died. Zona's Spirit told her mother that Edward would hit and beat her frequently. On the day of her death he flew into a rage on hearing she had no meat for his dinner. He lashed out and savagely beat her, breaking her neck. To demonstrate what had happened, the Spirit turned her head around completely in front of her mother. Mary Jane went to see John Preston, the local prosecutor, and recounted her tale. Although sceptical, he concluded that there was something suspicious about the case and ordered Zona's body to be exhumed for an autopsy. The results revealed that Zona's neck had been broken and her windpipe crushed from being viciously strangled.
    Edward Shue was arrested and charged with his wife's murder but he completely denied the charges. Then Mary Jane Heaster was called to give evidence. In front of a crowded courtroom and an astounded jury, Mary Jane told how Zona's ghost appeared to her, accused Edward of her murder, and told her mother that her neck had been "squeezed off at the first vertebra." The jury found Edward Shue guilty of the murder of his wife. At the time such a verdict automatically meant the death sentence, but because of the nature of the evidence, Edward was sentenced to life in prison where he died in 1900. So Zona Shue from her grave, revealing not only how she died - but at whose hand. Her ghost's testimony not only named her own murderer, but helped in convicting the culprit in a court of law. It is the only case on U.S. lawbooks in which the testimony from the spirit of a murder victim aided in resolving the crime.
    To this day a historical marker near Greenbrier commemorates Zona and the unusual court case surrounding her death. It reads:i
    "Interred in nearby cemetery is Zona Heaster Shue.
    Her death in 1897 was presumed natural until her spirit appeared to her mother to describe how she was killed by her husband Edward. Autopsy on the exhumed body verified the apparition's account". Edward, found guilty of murder, was sentenced to the state prison. This is, to my knowledge, the only legally-documented case in which testimony from the Spirit world. helped convict a murderer.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    (with regards to post 40)

    er ...ok ...i'm just posting news articles on relative subjects for people to read. Its a fun thread not a debate thread. If you want to raise issues about parapsychology being a science theres loads of more suitable threads.

    Like these:

    and this one

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    mysteria wrote:
    one of the most remarkable paranormal cases on U.S. court records, the Spirit of a murdered woman who contacted her mother from beyond the grave to expose her murderer.........

    Very interesting, do you have a link to the original article?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 69 ✭✭blahblah1234

    I've found a few videos, don't know if there genuine but here they are anyway:

    and a video of a UFO Sighting:

    Strange Video:

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    These arent news reports are they? My point of this thread is to show how common (or not) it is for the media to give attention to a suject which is labeled as crazy by so many.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 173 ✭✭imprezza

    6th wrote:
    Is that the same Belasco that was on "The legend of hell house" on tv3 I think a few nights ago?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Not sure will have to check it out, am sure google will be as helpful as always ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    From BBC Africa:
    Zimbabwe has unbanned the practice of witchcraft, repealing legislation dating back to colonial rule.

    From July the government acknowledges that supernatural powers exists - but prohibits the use of magic to cause someone harm.

    Full Story

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    A police dive squad has searched the Manawatu River for an elderly man who has been missing for over a week.

    James Alexander, 73, who has Alzheimers, went missing from his Palmerston North rest home on Sunday last week.

    After a call from a psychic, police focused their search on a section on Manawatu River which had previously not been searched. Some of the man's clothing and personal belongings were found next to the river in the area the woman pointed them to.

    A dive squad began a search of a stretch of the river by Riverside Drive on Monday morning.

    Police say the river has been running high but has dropped considerably in the past week, which will be a big aid to the search.

    Full Story

    Edit: This story is getting alot of attention - its showing up in about 20 different newspapers world wide, a few radio and Tv spots too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 173 ✭✭imprezza

    6th wrote:
    Not sure will have to check it out, am sure google will be as helpful as always ;)
    I know about Google I only asked a question I thought your an expert.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Sorry i wasnt being smart at all, i just menat i was gonna google it cos it seemed interesting. I hate that sometimes tone and intent dont come across in posts.

    For the record i'm no expert, just an enthusiastic amateur ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 173 ✭✭imprezza

    6th wrote:
    It seems that there is plenty going on around the world with regards to psychics and the paranormal.

    Here is a case where a court is allowing the testimony of a psychic:

    Whats this supposed to link to? I cant find anything paranormal here?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Yeah the link is out of date now, that happensa lot with news sites.

    Anyway is a murder case where a psychic gave testemony.

    Try google: Polk Trail Psychic

    Very Interesting story.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    After years of bangs in the night, taps turning on and doors slamming, staff at Riccarton's Racecourse Hotel believe they will soon find out whether they have a noisy ghost or fanciful imaginations.

    Full Story

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    "The amount someone believes in the paranormal more or less goes up and down," said Radford. "Paranormal shows have always stayed around because there is always an interest in what's out there."

    Full Story

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,908 ✭✭✭LostinBlanch

    As asked have posted this here
    GARDAÍ have begun a new search for the body of murdered Wexford woman Fiona Sinnott after new information came to light.

    Forensic experts and gardaí from Wexford town have begun a search of two locations in the Mulrankin area, just one mile from her family home in Bridgetown, Wexford.

    This follows a visit by Dublin-based clairvoyant to the area a fortnight ago, when he met with investigating gardaí and members of the Sinnott family.

    Full story

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Malevolent ghosts stealing your chickens and torturing you in the night? Who you gonna call? For farmer Sunil Das, his first call was the police, who laughed at what they thought was a joke, the Hindustan Times newspaper reported Tuesday.

    But a judge in India's northeastern state of Assam saw little humor in Das' allegation that ghosts controlled by his neighbors were making off with his poultry at night. Instead of laughing, the judge ordered police to get to work and find the culprits, the newspaper reported.

    Full Story

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    A group of children learned how to detect ghosts the old-fashioned way in one of Brownsville’s oldest buildings, the stable of the old Charles Stillman House in downtown.

    Full Story

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Mainland China may have left otherworldly beliefs behind, but in Taiwan ... well, you'd better just do what the spirits say.
    In Taiwan, ghosts are rarely a laughing matter. On TV, in daily conversation, at temples and in the deepest recesses of the unconscious, they maintain a firm grip on island society. Taiwanese are ghost-crazy — or rather, crazy to avoid them. A recent survey of Taipei college students found that 87% were believers, and some say that could be on the low side.

    Full Story

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Event promises to be the most comprehensive conference, trade show, and symposium on ghosts ever held.

    Gettysburg, Penn. (PRWEB) July 24, 2006 -- Ghost World, LLC announced today that its Ghost World Conference 2007 ( will be held July 20-22, 2007 at the Wyndham Hotel and Conference Center in Gettysburg. The objective of the supernatural summit is to bring together members of the paranormal community to discuss the issues facing ghost research today, to listen to lectures from some of the leading names in the field, and to establish standardized investigation protocols during an open symposium at the conference. On Sunday, July 22, the conference will conclude with a paranormal awards ceremony which will recognize excellence in individuals and organizations for their contributions to the field of paranormal research.

    "This is going to be the big one," said Vince Wilson, author and one of the founding partners of Ghost World, LLC. "It's time to get paranormal investigators everywhere on the same page so we can move this field of science further into the mainstream. The Ghost World Conference will create an open dialogue between many different experts and groups so we can work to solve some of the mysteries of paranormal phenomena."

    Attendees and speakers of the three-day conference will include representatives from many different paranormal investigative groups, members of the media, and some of the leading names in the field of supernatural research including: Charles J. Adams III, Jeff Belanger, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, L'Aura Hladik, Mark Nesbitt, Troy Taylor, Kelly Weaver, Vince Wilson, and John Zaffis. Workshops will also be offered.

    "The Ghost World workshops will be the place for people to learn the basics of paranormal research, and to help those already doing this work to take their work and organizations to a higher level," said L’Aura Hladik, founding partner of Ghost World, LLC.

    Ghost World, LLC also announced today that the internationally-syndicated 'X' Zone Radio Show ( is the official media sponsor of the 2007 Gettysburg conference. Host Rob McConnell will be broadcasting live from Ghost World, providing the international community a taste of the supernatural happenings.

    About the Ghost World Conference
    Ghost World, LLC is a joint venture between (, the New Jersey Ghost Hunters Society (, and The Maryland Paranormal Investigators Coalition ( The Ghost World Conference is an annual event designed to promote the work being done in the field of paranormal research. More information and registration information can be found on the official Ghost World Conference Web site at:

    Press Realise

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Malaysian ghost hunter to sue museum

    A popular Malaysian ghost hunter said on Wednesday that he is planning to sue a museum for not allowing him space to explain his scientific research in an exhibition featuring the supernatural.

    Syed Abdullah Al-Attas said he would seek one million ringgit (USD 273,220) from the Shah Alam Museum after it failed to provide him space to display his findings.

    He heads the Paranormal Seekers Malaysia group and appears regularly on local TV in reality programmes pursuing ghouls, according to a news report.

    Syed Abdullah said he would take legal action against the museum for breach of promise.

    “The exhibition's organising committee had initially promised to give us space at the exhibition to explain to visitors our research findings on the exhibited items," the

    Star newspaper quoted him as saying.

    Syed Abdullah and his team, known as the ‘Seekers,’ were initially roped in by the museum's organizing committee to carry out research for its “Mysteries, Genies, Ghosts and Coffins,” exhibit which features ghosts famous in Malaysian folkore.

    However, the museum board chairman Amzah Umar told the paper Syed Abdullah and his group did not conduct much research and had voluntarily quit the committee and then made a claim for more than one million ringett as compensation.

    He added that the items belonged to a religious teacher and not to the museum.

    Full Story

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