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The Hazards of Belief



  • Registered Users Posts: 34,608 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Some fluffly feel-good stuff from Sr Stan:

    Sr Stan: Out of disaster and despair, good can emerge

    But what's this?
    If this vile virus can do any good at all, maybe it is this: that it will teach us to recognise our fragility. We think we own the Earth; we certainly think we can dominate it. It is salutary to discover that our dominance is based on a very wobbly foundation and that we can only hope to co-exist, carefully and thoughtfully, on this Earth, with our fellow-humans and our fellow-creatures, respecting and managing our environment and its ecosystems.

    Now, where could people have got an idea like that from?
    And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”


    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,608 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Does this mean vegetarianism is heretical? After all, vegetables are on the earth but do not move so we do not have dominion over them...

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,086 ✭✭✭Odhinn

    Reverend Ralph Drollinger is especially close to the Trump administration, holding a weekly bible study attended by multiple members of Trump's cabinet.
    This proximity to national policy-makers is why it's so concerning that in a recent blog post titled "Is God Judging America Today?" Drollinger said the global pandemic was caused by LGBTQ people, environmentalists and atheists.
    In his post, Drollinger claimed members of all these groups with "depraved minds" were igniting God's wrath, causing him to lash out with crises like the pandemic.

    In a 2018 post about the book of Leviticus, the reverend compared homosexual relationships to a woman falling in love with her cat and said accepting gay marriage would be "a path toward extinction."

    Yez dirty shower of enviromental cat lovers yiz......

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,414 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    Does this mean vegetarianism is heretical? After all, vegetables are on the earth but do not move so we do not have dominion over them...
    Hard to say. Though many of the religious people I know seem, politically, to be zero-summers - where a win in one place is understood to require an equivalent or greater loss elsewhere, and vice versa.

    Hence, anything small and insignificant which doesn't move - and therefore, over which dominion doesn't actually mean very much in practice - doesn't really play any meaningful part in the power game implied by the idea of "dominion".

    To a first approximation, therefore, I'd say that vegetarianism doesn't really figure one way or the other.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,219 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    Odhinn wrote: »

    Turns out the path towards extinction was not marrying a cat but eating a bat.

    Sooo close but no banana.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,387 ✭✭✭✭Peregrinus

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,608 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Since when did anyone go to 'Nawlins to avoid sin?

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,896 ✭✭✭✭PopePalpatine

    Odhinn wrote: »
    It sounds like something a Brazilian rancher would come out with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,405 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    Since when did anyone go to 'Nawlins to avoid sin?

    tbf, the wife (also stricken) said they “seemingly always catch some sickness while they’re there,”

    Yeah-hah, I can imagine what you can pick up in NOLA during Mardi Gras. Uhuh.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,414 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    Kenneth Copeland demands "that a vaccination come immediately", calls the virus "doggone" and announces that "It is finished! It is over! And the United States of America is healed and well again".

    On the plus side, his formerly large audience seems to have dwindled to just one guy who keeps his distance:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,405 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    Think of it as evolution in action:
    Liberty reopens, students come down with Coronavirus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,608 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Doing their bit to raise the USA's average IQ :)

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,608 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    How five days of evangelical worship set off the coronavirus outbreak in France
    Three days after the Christian Open Door evangelical megachurch’s “week of prayer and fasting” in Mulhouse, eastern France, pastor Samuel Peterschmitt, the organiser of the event, began feeling feverish. He, his six children and 13 grandchildren have all since been diagnosed with coronavirus.

    The event ran for five days, from February 17th-21st. The first case of coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, in Alsace was diagnosed in Strasbourg on February 29th. The victim had not attended the 2,500-strong religious gathering, but her two children had accompanied their grandparents. The regional health authority (ARS) missed the clue.

    The penny finally dropped on March 2nd, when a solitary inhabitant of Nîmes who drove back alone from Mulhouse tested positive. “Eureka!,” Christophe Lannelongue, an investigator for the ARS told Radio France. “It was the gathering at the Christian Open Door in Mulhouse!”

    Even then, authorities believed that only a few hundred of the faithful had been contaminated. It took more than a month for the prayer week to be recognised, in the words of French health minister Olivier Véran, as “the tipping point” of the French epidemic, which by Tuesday had infected 44,550 people and claimed 3,024 lives.

    The church gathering was “like an atom bomb that fell on us in February, and we didn’t see it”, Lannelongue continued. “After February 21st [when the gathering ended] people did not know they were infected, because they had few symptoms.”

    The Christian Open Door was founded by Peterschmitt and his father in 1989. It has held the week of prayer and fasting annually for the past 25 years. There is no registration, and as the name implies of the church, anyone can enter.

    Over five days, 2,500 faithful prayed, sang and danced in the converted supermarket. They embraced each other and held hands. Pastor Peterschmitt stalked the stage, his image projected on a giant screen.

    The pastor’s son Jonathan, who is a medical doctor as well as a pastor, now believes the vast majority of 2,500 participants were infected in up to four daily services in the megachurch. “We were immersed in the same culture for a week,” he said. “Same chairs, same toilets . . .”

    Another doctor in Mulhouse asked a coronavirus patient if a lot of people were coughing at the gathering. “Yes, most of them,” he answered.

    Regardless of how it started, the disease spread like wildfire. The ARS says a nurse in a Strasbourg hospital who attended the gathering contaminated 250 of her fellow medical workers. Outbreaks all over France, in Orléans, Besançon, Saint-Lô, Belfort, Dijon, Mâcon, Agen, Briançon and Paris, have been traced to the Open Door Church in Mulhouse.

    Six pensioners from Corsica flew back to Ajaccio, where they infected at least 263 people, of whom 21 have died.

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,086 ✭✭✭Odhinn

    I knew it was the gays, knew it from day 1.

    The cause and spread of Covid-19 to humankind has baffled the great scientists of the world to date, but one DUP local coucillor in the north reckons he has it sussed and his intimations have caused huge embarrassment for his party.
    John Carson, a DUP councillor in Ballymena, Co. Antrim has invited ridicule for suggesting that the presence of the virus is as a result of God’s punishment for the legalisation of same-sex marraige and abortion in the six counties.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,219 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    Odhinn wrote: »

    Feck off, I'm not admitting anything until my test results come back. :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,608 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Odhinn wrote: »

    Odhinn, I click on that and I get an empty "reply to post" box pointing at this thread?

    Anyway, relevant questions must be asked. If the quares and the hures are responsible, if they'd only legalised gay marriage but kept abortion illegal, would they have had a virus half as potent? And vice-versa of course. Does allowing johnnies add a certain percentage to the viruses' vigour? How about those poor (lit. and fig.) cnuts living in god-forsaken (yeah, right, where faith is strongest generally) shítholes with poor government and close to non-existent healthcare who are going to be fùcking devastated by this thing in spite of how devout their faith may have been? We need answers DUP.

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,086 ✭✭✭Odhinn

    Odhinn, I click on that and I get an empty "reply to post" box pointing at this thread?

    Soz, fixed.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,414 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    Yaakov Litzman is Israel's Health Minister. Or, to give him his full title, Rabbi Litzman, head of the ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism party.

    About ten days ago, Litzman announced his hope that the messiah would return and sort everything out. Unfortunately, after breaking his own health department's guidelines, Litzman tested positive for coronavirus, causing Israel's PM, Mr Netanyahu to go into quarantine too:

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,608 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Going to Mass ‘can make people faint’
    Going to Mass can make you collapse, a new study shows.

    The multiple sudden changes in position during Mass from sitting to kneeling to standing can cause fainting or in medical terms a syncope episode due to a fall in blood pressure.

    Syncope is described as a transient, self-limited loss of consciousness with an inability to maintain postural tone that is followed by spontaneous recovery.

    The study, carried out by the Department of Aging and Therapeutics at UL Hospital Group in Limerick, focused on Mass in particular as it is a common situation where people can lose consciousness due to short bouts of sitting, standing and kneeling.

    Syncope is common and accounts for 1 to 2 per cent of annual Emergency Department presentations and often leads to hospital admission.

    In the 2016 census, 78.3 per cent of Irish people identified as Catholic, and attending weekly or daily Mass remains common throughout the country.

    The study, published in this month’s Irish Medical Journal, examined the number of times and the duration of stance changes during a Sunday Catholic Mass.

    The review identified 110 cases of fainting, with 56.3 per cent taking place at Mass with patients being brought to University Hospital Limerick as a result.

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,414 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    CNN reports that christians from The Solid Rock Church believes they're safe from Coronavirus as they're "covered in the blood of Jesus":

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,086 ✭✭✭Odhinn

    Trouble at Mill for Pope Frank.

    An influential conservative cardinal has established himself as a “parallel authority” to Pope Francis, according to a new book that depicts the pontiff as a prophetic reformer who is surrounded by opponents waging “guerrilla warfare” against him.
    Cardinal Robert Sarah, a prelate from Guinea who heads the Vatican’s liturgy department, has sought to present an alternative leadership model for the global Roman Catholic church, Christopher Lamb claims in The Outsider.

    Sarah, who is frequently tipped as a potential successor to Francis, “combines a mystical spirituality with an unbending defence of traditional Catholic teaching. Were he elected pope, he would undoubtedly harken back to Pius XII, a neo-traditionalist who would ‘reign’ as pope rather than adopt the style of the Latin American [Francis], who rolls up his sleeves and takes risks to take the church out on to the street.”
    The cardinal is described as “extraordinarily conservative” and “very uncomfortable” with women holding positions of authority in the church’s charitable network.

  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭A_Lost_Man

    Isreali minster who said corona virus is divine punishment for homosexuality is tested positive along with wife

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,414 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    Guardian wrote:
    Cardinal Robert Sarah [...] is described as “very uncomfortable” with women holding positions of authority [...]
    The good cardinal might wish to consider changing his surname then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,460 ✭✭✭Niska

    <snip> It's already in the Ongoing Scandals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,597 ✭✭✭Yellow_Fern

    Its also good low intensity exercise. Kneeling recruits leg muscles unlike sitting. Should be encouraged

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,086 ✭✭✭Odhinn

    No such thing as a virus, "wifi poisoning "

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,608 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Would have been great if the guard had tazered her

    Didn't know that driving around with a virgin mary statue on the roof and speakers blasting out the rosary was essential travel.

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,086 ✭✭✭Odhinn

    Would have been great if the guard had tazered her

    Didn't know that driving around with a virgin mary statue on the roof and speakers blasting out the rosary was essential travel.

    Blessings on the move seems to be a thing

    I look forward to footage of a priest zooming along on some electrically powered scooter while chucking the holy water about the place,

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,406 ✭✭✭✭ohnonotgmail

    Odhinn wrote: »
    Blessings on the move seems to be a thing

    I look forward to footage of a priest zooming along on some electrically powered scooter while chucking the holy water about the place,

    was that not a Father Ted episode?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,086 ✭✭✭Odhinn

    was that not a Father Ted episode?

    Might well have been, given Poes law.

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