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How do you manage your sales process and leads?

  • 12-06-2006 4:12pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 56 ✭✭

    We already have basecamphq(project management), blinksale(invoicing) and 1time(timetracking) for us service base companies. Now I need a way to keep track of leads,contacts etc. Can anyone tell me any nice software hosted or otherwise that i can use to manage my sales process?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,188 ✭✭✭growler

    I've used as our ASP CRM system that can integrate quite nicely with marketing email campaign management and source tracking.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,747 ✭✭✭Figment

    37 signal guys are due to have one out soon Derek.
    If it integrates well with Basecamp it might be worth hanging on.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 56 ✭✭dereko

    Thanks alan, I didn't know 37 signals were creating a crm tool. I'll defo keep an eye out for it. I see they just lanched a calendar, pretty nifty.

    As for salesforce i'll have a look adn see for now anyhow. I thought salesforce was directed towards big companies?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,747 ✭✭✭Figment

    Salesforce looked a little too big for us anyway. I have been half thinking about building something custom...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 241 ✭✭leftofcentre

    Salesforce is the number one online CRM system. Its for company's of all sizes, they charge per user so it can be used by anyone.

    Why not sign up for the free trial and give it a shot:

    Its an excellent system. There are software systems like act! and goldmine, but its there are several users you will find online solutions are less hassle.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 56 ✭✭dereko

    I've had a look at salesforce and maybe its because I'm not a salesperson by trade but I can't see the value in it at all for a small (i.e less than 5 person) service company. It seems very bloated for what i want so far anyhow and i know its sales software but the constant sales crap they spout on page after page trying to get you to buy is ridiculous.

    I need a way to track leads easily and possible quantify sales, track where i'm at in the sales proccess with each lead.

    Surely there has to be something already out there that does this? I'd love to see a 37signals version i have to say but in the mean time are there any alternatives to salesforce?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,747 ✭✭✭Figment

    dereko wrote:
    I've had a look at salesforce and maybe its because I'm not a salesperson by trade but I can't see the value in it at all for a small (i.e less than 5 person) service company. It seems very bloated for what i want so far anyhow and i know its sales software but the constant sales crap they spout on page after page trying to get you to buy is ridiculous.

    I need a way to track leads easily and possible quantify sales, track where i'm at in the sales proccess with each lead.

    Surely there has to be something already out there that does this? I'd love to see a 37signals version i have to say but in the mean time are there any alternatives to salesforce?
    I agree.

    In the words of the great Flash Gordon.."Lets all team up and fight them".
    Or build what we, and many other sme s, need. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 56 ✭✭dereko

    definitely an idea alright.. checked the pricing of the salesforce for a sme like myself 70 euro per month per user which is very expensive really considering the price of basecamp and blinksale for example.

    so what exactly do we need in the app?

    contact managment (quick and easy contact intertion, imports and exports)
    status of each contact (lead, proposal send/meeting, customer)
    possible link with standard proposal/contracts documents
    integration with outlook would be nice

    anything else?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,747 ✭✭✭Figment

    Integration with the basecamp api would be nice as i hate having to type out all my contacts for every application.
    But thats about it. Some way to mark a contact as a sub contractor but thats a minor one and there are lots of work arounds.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 56 ✭✭dereko

    Just looking at a few options..

    SugarCRM - Not sure but i think it is almost as big as salesforce and not really ideal for our particular senario:

    Pipeline - Seems to be more down our ally but haven't tested it yet :

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,747 ✭✭✭Figment

    Pipeline looks a lot closer to what i need.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,683 ✭✭✭✭Owen

    We use Kerridge which is crazy expensive, but required by our distributors. I used to use outlook before that, and place contacts into folders : prospects, hot leads, closed, lost, archived. I set reminders after that.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 56 ✭✭dereko

    only just starting to use pipeline.. first impressions are good

    Its isn't a polished application as it needs to iron out a few bugs but in general i think it works perfect for what i want actaully even few options i didn't even think about.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    i use salesforce as well, and im a big fan.
    this is the second company ive worked for that uses it, and its very different to what i used to use.
    i guess thats a lot to do with custom design.

    also used pivitol, which has been useful, but just far too picky and difficult

    also not very intuitive.

    salesforce also wraps nicely into outlook as well, so everything can be tracked.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,946 ✭✭✭SouperComputer

    not a total solution, but may be worth looking into:

    You have email, bulletin board, conatcts, calendar and many more, all open source too. It may even replace your basecamp as I think it offers time tracking. Have a look at the live demo and see what you think.

    Kolab may be worth a look too.

    Or perhaps open exchange as this has outlook support? Not sure how good the CRM with it is though.

    Have a look on sourceforge for CRM and groupware, theres a good bit of stuff there that might suit your needs.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 244 ✭✭scribs

    Sage has a range of CRM Solutions

    ACT Pofessional
    ACT Professional for Workgroups
    ACT for Web

    Sage CRM MME (Standard)
    Sage CRM MME (Advanced)

    Saleslogix Standard
    Saleslogix Advanced

    If yee want more info PM me


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,735 ✭✭✭mikeanywhere

    I was going to suggest ACT and the other one is Goldmine.

    In my previous company we Siebel but that tends to be company specific (€€€€)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,412 ✭✭✭tom-thebox

    Have been using the quotations part of our Line50 package todate, has been doing the job.

  • Moderators, Motoring & Transport Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 12,616 Mod ✭✭✭✭Zascar

    A friend of mine has a small company and he has just been set up with Sugar CRM - its free and aparantly excellent. We have a friend that has a small web developemnt business and set the whole thing up for him for very cheap. PM me and I can get him to tell you more if you are intersted.
