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Slander you say??



  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    dahooligan wrote:
    He has a huge teen fan base and he is very good at his job.
    I reckon this is what irks him the most, and why he has let it bother him so much. also has a massive teen userbase, and most of them seem to manage to get along fine here, yet Ray couldn't. He wasn't able to understand. So instead of doing the clever thing and attempting to capitalise on the userbase here (it's very possible to have an agenda, but not piss the Admins off), he decided instead that he had a right to force his agenda and gives out when he gets ****ed out for it. There's no difference between him and the hundreds of others who've been banned before.

    As for the "nobody" statement, well I haven't heard of him in print, visual or aural media before this, and clearly most other people haven't either, ergo he's a nobody.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,563 ✭✭✭connundrum

    What I would hate to see however, is a bunch of boardsie posters lowering themselves to his slanderous level by levying personal abuse at him here, on the bebo whiteboard or anywhere else.

    A very thin line is being walked at the moment on both sides re this situation...

    Can't we all just be friends :D

    /runs for cover

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    I couldn't be bothered Keyser. He's just another muppet that acted up and got banned, same as polmki whenever he goes "Bummers" all over the place or any other eejit whose parents didn't manage to teach them how to behave in company.
    If people want to complain about particular remarks then it is of course more than reasonable that they do, but I can't be bothered pandering to every little upstart that wants to get some free publicity by starting a "private war" against us as a back-handed way of taking advantage of our success.

    He's clearly a nobody, if he was somebody he'd be more worried about actual radio press than anything here (again, it's telling that while most of the criticisim of him has been of the innane "[insert name here] is a gob****e" variety, it was a well-reasoned review that triggered his hissy fit in February).

  • Registered Users Posts: 211 ✭✭Surrender

    dahooligan wrote:
    I haven't read the entire thread.....
    .....He is one of the most popular DJ's on one of our national broadcaster stations. He has a huge teen fan base and he is very good at his job.

    1. Read the entire thread
    2. I've never heard of him before today
    3. If he's so good at his job, why does he have to self promote himself on sites like boards, bebo and myspace.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭dahooligan

    Listen man, read the whole thread, you've kind of got the wrong end of the stick here. He called all users tossers!!!! So this is our response to him, and I'll be emailing into the station with a complaint myself, I hope every single other boards member does so too.
    I understand where you are coming from, he should never have risen to the bait (spelling errors again I think) by responding.
    Ok, here is what i think about the whole thing - If you chose to place yourself in the public eye, you leave yourself open to a certain amount of abuse from the public.
    Ray Foley chose to be a DJ for Today FM and as such he is a 'product' of the station, and his style and skill can be spoken about, positively or negatively by the consumer (i.e. - us) and he has to accept that.
    However, the thread did not just refer to his DJ style and Skill, it became quite vicious and fairly personal.
    I think what we forget is, Ray Foley is just a person, a young lad from Mayo, 25 years old, who just wants to do his job the best way he can. He is just a very normal person who is doing well for himself at the minute.
    He is not a Hollywood A lister, he is an average Joe Soap who is will take offence to remarks such as the ones made here and react.
    No one likes to read bad things about themselves, and if bad things where said about any of us here, we could defend ourselves publically, in the same forum, and not have to worry about any real come back - with regard to our jobs etc.
    Ray, on the other hand, could not do that. If he had of entered the thread he would have been attacked (and I realise thats a pretty dramatic word to use) by the forum users, and possibly come out looking even worse.
    So he pmed instead, hoping the whole thing could be resolved as quickly as possible.
    Personally I think the best thing he could have done would have been to ignore the entire thing, but he didn't, he has allowed himself to get completely wound up, and in doing so, he feels he needs to defend himself by insulting
    I know some of the users will take great offence to that, especially the mods, but lets not forget, we are all anonymous, and, with the exception of some of the mods, none of us have been personally singled out by him.

    Look, I have probabaly waffled all 'point' out of my post, but basically, what I am saying is, he is a young lad, who was slagged off, was unable to properly defend himself, who got frustrated by the whole thing and reacted badly.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Personally I think we should ignore this chap, he will move onto whatever else is flavour of the month.

    He is only here because is the largest site of its type in Ireland and we cover quite a few of his target listeners.

    If you do feel strongly about what he said then complain to the station or if he said it on air complain via the Broadcasting Complaints Commission. I would prefer if you kept your comments about his abilities off here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    dahooligan wrote:
    Ray, on the other hand, could not do that. If he had of entered the thread he would have been attacked (and I realise thats a pretty dramatic word to use) by the forum users, and possibly come out looking even worse.
    If he'd entered the thread I might have realised he was registered and banned him sooner (I banned him for something he did in February from outside of the site itself) so he couldn't enter the thread for that reason.

    Still, his reaction to Monkeyfudge on the latest matter demonstrates yet again that whenever moderators do someone a favour, that's the user that has a tantrum and starts kicking us in the shins screaming for sweeties.

    I'm with Gandalf. He's just another muppet and not worth fretting over. Go to the BCCI if you feel that strongly about something he says, but otherwise just ignore him.

    Don't feed the troll!

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,231 ✭✭✭✭Sparky

    Never heard of the guy tbh untill now. But anyone who has a war against boards is an idiot anyway.
    He's too full of himself really.
    Thread lock?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,713 ✭✭✭✭jor el

    Well I actually thought he was a decent enough guy until I read his blog. I've only ever heard him when he filled in for Ray D'Arcy a while back and also on Friday morning last he filled in for Ian Dempsey. I have no intention of ever listening to him again though and if he fills in for Dempsey again I think I'll switch over to Marty Wheelan. I've never listened to The Blast and I don't think I ever will.

    His comments about Gavinfudge^H^H^H I mean MonkeyGavin were unwarranted as he was actually trying to defend Foley in the thread. I hope you learned your lesson Monkey, never defend anyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    Ray Foley thinks far too highly of himself, he should seek help for that. He also comes across as childish and petty.

    It's best to ignore people like that. He's making himself look badly all on his own, an angry bitter sad little man who insults thousands of people on a whim because they don't like his stupid little show.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    personally, i have never heard of him, so have no opinion of his talent, music, persuasions or anything else about him.
    i havent bothered to read any of hos posts, becuase i dont care what his opinion is.
    if he has called me several names through generalisations, well, you know, i'll live. if hes had an unwelcoming time here, hey, its not for everyone, and sorry you didnt like it.

    however, boards is boards is boards, and everyone will always be treated the same way, regardless of colour, creed, or preference of radio station.

    sorry it didnt work out for you ray old chap. i still have no interest in who you are. nor in you waging your war against boards.

    oh, and this can go to feedback...

    nesf, bad boy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,688 ✭✭✭grimloch

    I'm actually on his bebo page now and a full whiteboard assault has already begun. Nothing too bad but pretty childish all the same. EDIT: It's only actually been four drawings and two was in fact the same person.

    Either way, this certainly tops the Karl Hungus Stormfront incident.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,658 ✭✭✭✭The Sweeper

    dahooligan wrote:
    He has been referred to, amongst other things, as a two-bit DJ, and a nobody. Now I am not about to launch a 'defend Ray Foley' crusade, but a 'two-bit DJ' and a 'nobody' he is not.

    In his blog, Ray Foley referred to our esteemed Monkeyfudge as follows:
    Gavinfudge didn't agree. He told me he's a wannabe radio presenter with very little talent and as embittered as he is, he himself doesn't like the show, so he felt he should start a thing slagging me off. No, I'm kidding. That's not true.

    Does this now mean I am permitted to call Ray Foley abusive names and make wild accusations if I say "only joking" at the end of it, and that makes it okay?

    When you're in the public eye (or ear, in this case), you're open to being critiqued. If you don't want people that you don't know slagging you off, then don't put yourself in the public eye.

    Foley doesn't offer the right of reply automatically on his blog, comments will all be moderated. Boards does offer the right of reply automatically, but the moderators reserve the right to snip things that are against the charter of the section.

    It is not the responsibility of the moderators to prevent posters expressing negative criticism about something they don't like. Threads have been edited, locked, include moderator warnings and have generally been tightly reined in on the Radio forum - just short of telling people "You're not allowed say bad things about Ray" - because that's not how this site works.

    Foley doesn't like the negative criticism (who does?), but at the same time has done himself no favours to date with his reactions to it. Similarly, if you read the threads on the Radio forum, you'll see a bunch of "ten posts or less" signed up accounts extoling the virtues of Ray and his show. Signing up a membership account specifically for the purpose of promoting something isn't a pastime the admins like. In fact, DeVore has a tendency to get all a-fluster if you bring the subject up near him.

    The whiteboard assault on Foley's bebo page is exactly what we didn't need though. Still, I suppose 60,000 people do have a right to respond to the man who called them tossers...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,478 ✭✭✭GoneShootin

    It's interesting that Foleys blog does not allow for comments to be made on his entries.

    Blog cowardice

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    Signing up a membership account specifically for the purpose of promoting something isn't a pastime the admins like. In fact, DeVore has a tendency to get all a-fluster if you bring the subject up near him.
    Yeah, it was encouraging that muppetry that got him banned.

    I wouldn't bother with the bebo whiteboard nonsense. It's just dragging things down to his level (and I can't remember my bebo password, it doesn't have much worth logging-in for).

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,924 ✭✭✭✭BuffyBot

    You know, Mr. Foley, for one so young you sure do have a big old chip on your shoulder.

    You came, you couldn't play by the rules, and you got kicked. And now that is somebody else's fault (of course). And now, you've decided to go and attack people who've a) not heard of you up until now, b) not really cared about you up until now and c) people who were actually defending you/doing their job.

    Now a) is annoying, but most people wouldn't care. b) is just plan silly. However c) does nothing for you but demonstrate exactly what you are. If you want some hints, the words self-obsessed, egotistical, and over-confident of his own talent would come into it somewhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,216 ✭✭✭✭monkeyfudge

    dahooligan wrote:
    He has a huge teen fan base and he is very good at his job.
    I realise that his style, and show, may not appeal to a lot of the boards users, and thats fair enough.
    Actually I that's pretty much what I said on the thread and in a PM to him as well.. yet he's somehow twisted that around into me saying I hate his show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,658 ✭✭✭✭The Sweeper

    Monkeyfudge, personally I think you're being positively saintly about this. Foley has been far more abusive towards you personally, your career and your talents than you've ever been to him.

    Monkeyfudge for Ghandi!

    Foley for after school special about fighting da powa!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,249 ✭✭✭✭Kinetic^

    Monkeyfudge for president - Ray gay Foley for binman!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    dahooligan wrote:
    If you chose to place yourself in the public eye,
    he is an average Joe Soap

    With respect, you can't have it both ways. Once you place yoruself in the public eye, you cease to be an average Joe.
    will take offence to remarks such as the ones made here and react.
    As yourself one question:

    If Mr. Foley reacted to a guest on his show in the same way he reacted to boards members here would it be considered acceptable by his producers?

    If a guest said something negative about Mr. Foley or his show, would it be considered within policy for Mr. Foley to get abusive on-air at his guest in retaliation?

    My guess is that it wouldn't. My guess is also that Mr. Foley is professional enough at his job to realise this, and he wouldn't go shooting his mouth
    off even if provoked when the reprecussions would directly influence his professional life.

    But give someone a blog, and a target who isn't at least of minor national celebrity status....
    if bad things where said about any of us here, we could defend ourselves publically,
    Unless you subscribe to the notion that a good offense is the best defence, then there is no rationale for suggesting that Mr. Foley's attack on the community was defending himself in any way.
    Personally I think the best thing he could have done would have been to ignore the entire thing, but he didn't, he has allowed himself to get completely wound up, and in doing so, he feels he needs to defend himself by insulting
    So his defence against what he sees as an unreasonable attack was to engage in exactly the same tactics? Kinda undermines the unreasonableness claim, dontchya think?
    but lets not forget, we are all anonymous,
    If we all are anonymous, then how does anyone know that Ray Foley and some user of are one and the same person.

    This whole problem arose because someone did not remain anonymous. There's probably a lesson to be learned there.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,848 ✭✭✭✭Doctor J

    Well, I hope you're all satisfied. You bankrupted a bunch of
    naive movie folks -- folks from a Hollywood where values are...
    different. They weren't thinking about the money. They just
    wanted to tell a story, a story about a radioactive man, and you
    slick small-towners took 'em for all they were worth.

    And all he wanted to do was get people to listen to his vapid show... and you buggers ran him out of town. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. This is the most interesting read here in a long time. Can we remove the ban to see what wacky things he'll get up to next. Huh, can we? Can we? :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,688 ✭✭✭grimloch

    Doctor J wrote:
    And all he wanted to do was get people to listen to his vapid show...

    I daresay it worked. I'm certainly going to make it my business to listen to at least one show of his.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 10,247 Mod ✭✭✭✭flogen

    I agree with everything that has already been said.

    Seriously though, Foley was treated just like every other member of, and he got slapped just like every other member of would. The fact that he has made attacks on single posters and as a whole on his show and his blog, where there is no right to reply (something he claims he was not given here) shows just how his mind works. He came out with some total rubbish about Monkeyfudge and tried to distort entirely the way that the situation panned out (ie, he was a diplomatic nice guy crushed by the NaziMods). His actions back up the assumptions I made about him when I accidently listened to 5 minutes of his show way back when (was listening to Pet Sounds, forgot to tune off after it).
    He got slagged in public, he didn't like it. Monkey tried to deal with it, he didn't like it; I have a hard time believing his "I don't mind being slagged" mantra, I've yet to see that proven.

  • Registered Users Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    I heard that a radio presenter that has been talked about on is a dirty kiddy fiddler. I'm joking.

    As for Ray in-denial Foley:

    Ray, please come back as I want to siteban you this time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    Meh, if I had a penny for every time I was slagged on boards I'd have... well, bus-fare at least.

    And what's all this crap about him not having a Right of Reply? He can post here like other banned users (unless he manages to get himself banned from there too).

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,980 ✭✭✭✭Giblet

    Man was I drunk!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,813 ✭✭✭themadchef

    oh what a great laugh i got out of this one!:D To think a so called professional with a career that involves publicity (and remember bad publicity is still publicity) took such offence to the posts is just belly shaking funny! get a life ray. As for Monkeyfudge, good for you are being most kind considering you said fcuk all that i can see to upset the man!
    rock on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 211 ✭✭Surrender

    Fair play alright Monkeyfudge, I saw some of the older threads about the man and you were more than civil about the guy, you policed the thing quite well, all in all I think people like that are a bit sad really, craving attention like a spoilt brat.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,352 ✭✭✭funky penguin

    A thread full of intrigue, lies, slander, mass insulting over the air-waves, rude white board messages and fudge made from gavins.

    What a great read. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    wow. that blog was pathetic.

    from his bebo page:
    Ray Foley hails from Ballina in County Mayo, where he’s also from.

    you don't say.

    kids, threatening to give him a slap is not really a good idea. best to refrain from that sort of thing.

This discussion has been closed.