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  • 19-06-2006 1:52pm
    Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭

    what are they?
    how do i find mine?
    and what can i do with it when i do?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    I suggest you start with google, really there are lots of sites out there and when you have a few ideas you wish to disscuss come back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    try a bunch of sites all kind of fluffy bunnyish
    any one here had experiences or can reconmend a site?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 169 ✭✭akari no ryu

    I work with my Totem a lot.
    I have them (or they have themselves) divided into two groups. An inner group (the names of which are reserved) of three and an outer group of four, two ancestrial from each side of my family.
    This system is straight out of UPG mind you. It makes sense so I use it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    to·tem Audio pronunciation of "totems" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ttm)

    1. An animal, plant, or natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the emblem of a clan or family and sometimes revered as its founder, ancestor, or guardian.
    2. A representation of such an object.
    3. A social group having a common affiliation to such an object.
    2. A venerated emblem or symbol: “grew up with the totems and taboos typical of an Irish Catholic kid in Boston” (Connie Paige).
    Types of Animal Totems

    When discovering totems you must first understand if the totem is a Life Totem, A Journey Totem, Shadow Totem, or a Message Totem. All totems are powerful but the meaning that the totem brings will vary on your action depending on what type of totem has come to you.

    Your Life Long Animal Totem works with you throughout your entire life or until such time that you no longer need that animal totem. It is always there when you need it's powers. Always reminding you of your power and connectivity. You may have only one or a few Life totems. They may become your Life totem at any time. But the primary Life Totem will be our focus at this time. The messages that your Life Totem brings are a hard reminder from Mother.
    Your Life Totem is always there for you and generally reflects your inner spiritual nature. Many call your Life Long animal totem your Spirit totem. For example if your Life Totem was a Penguin you would be a person who should be very spiritual since the penguin moves better in water (the symbol of the astral plane - which is were we go when we dream) than it does on land. Being able to leap out of the water (up to six feet) represents the ability of out of body experiences. It is also important to understand which type of penguin is your animal totem since some have additional characteristics that are important to consider, like most penguins life in tropical conditions not arctic ones.

    A Journey Animal Totem reflects a period of time. Not just a day but weeks, months, or maybe year s- the time it takes you to walk the path that the Animal Totem is reminding or guiding you on. During this journey you will find that this animal is always showing up in your life or that several animal totems will appear in your life all to guide you on the path. When you find one, two or three animals all of a sudden making an appearance and their nature all has the same basis then you have found the basis of your path. The difference between the Journey Animal Totem and the Message Animal Totem is a period of time. A Message animal Totem will bring itself to you quickly and impartially where a Journey Animal Totem will slip in and out of your life over the course of a period. Looking into the cycle of the animal also can give insight to the length of the journey.

    A Message Animal Totem usually is bringing you a self growth, spiritual message, or a cautionary warning. It is often a wake up call or slap in the face. It will usually be a very unusual experience making it very powerful at that time and very impartial. A Message Totem is a brief period of time, a day, a week, and occasionally as much as a couple of months but can be immediate for just a few hours. Sometimes a Message totem is not bringing you a message but causing a delay in your life. This delay, such as when you are trying to leave to go somewhere, is often in assistance for you; to be sure you are not in a place at a certain time so that you avoid an accident or can catch a phone call or meet someone you are supposed to run into.

    A Shadow Animal Totem are those totems that test us. They have great power for us but will put us through tests before they will let their power work with and for us, instead of against us. In all of nature there is prey and predator. In the spiritual or Shadow World there is the same. A Shadow Animal Totem is one that initially you fear. The Shadow Totem often represents inner fears that you must overcome. You may have even been attracted by the animal; a very vivid test to see if you are ready to accept the power of the animal totem. Until you face the fears of the Shadow Animal Totem it's powers will work against you, not letting you soar high. When you overcome the fear of the Shadow Animal Totem you bring it into the Light World as a Spirit animal totem and they become one of your most powerful Animal Totems. Your goal with a Shadow Totem is to learn the lessons and incorporate that animal into your life. If you are scared by something over and over then you still have not accepted the lesson that animal has for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    akari what's a upg pray tell? how did you find yours? why so many i thought you only really had one?

    how different are they to familiars?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 290 ✭✭scorplett

    This thread has the potential to be a very interesting one. Many people, including myself at one time find it very difficult to recognise what their totem or power animal is.

    This is often for many reasons, the two most common are that you get them mixed up with a journey totem as described in thaed's last post because when a particuluar animal comes to you for a period of time they will often be more obvious to you. The problem with this is that it often leads people to mistaking the journeyer for their life totem and dont learn the lessons etc the journeyer is there to bring and as such it sticks around longer than nescessary and the person never truly recognise their own personal life totem. If this is a problem for someone I would advise seeking some assistance from a good shamanic practitioner.

    The second (which as was true for me and many of my friends and I think the vast majority of people) is an intentional rejection of the animal that is truly your life totem. More often than not people's totem animals are not what they want or expect. Just because you love cats and think they are cool does not mean that cats are your totem. I dont think it too dificult to accept that someone who's totem animal is really a snail for example will be reluctant to accept. It is often portrayed to people that power animals are predominantley lions, bears, eagles, wolves, dolphins etc. and not mundane or everyday creatures. The snail analogy funnily enough is very often the sort of animal that would be very appropraite for souls who are incarnated into a life of this spiritual path for the first time as it demands an understanding of the effects your actions have on the world about you.

    It is very important for anyone who is seeking their totem animal to continue to explore the area for some years as to be sure and also to look deeper into what various animals are. Even the meekest creature has virtues that are worthy of a teacher. If they didnt have such virtues there would be no need for the many diverse creatures that this plannet is home to. Also if an animal that comes to you that you believe to have familial connections through your ancestors, chances are that the animal should be a native to the land of those ancestors and or have relevant significance within the everyday lives of their lives. After all, you wouldnt find a hopi tribesman worshiping the spirit of the kangaroo. However if it is just for and from your personal soul journey in a way that is unconnected to birth lines then anything is possible if it has relevance to you.
    Best of luck to anyone seeking such guidance...

    P.S. I'm a cow... moo!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    fmailiar=totem or am i wrong?

    can anyone recommend a method for finding my totem/familiar?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 290 ✭✭scorplett

    King Mob wrote:
    fmailiar=totem or am i wrong?
    Familiars are under the control of a master. Totems are closer to a guardian, you dont controll them.
    Also, often a familiar is conjured or created wheras a totem is a pre existing entity. The wiki links thaed provided give good pointers on these two subjects. Start there, follow some of the links, google for info, check out some shaminism sites etc... Read up on it for a while and then when you have any questions after that you will find lots of help here but as for right now I think you need to go explore and find out on your own...
    Good luck...

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    thanks for the links n' stuff but i have already got what i need form them
    i need to know what has and hasn't worked for other people what to use what to avoid etc.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Why do you want a totem or a familar ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    protection and as a focus in magic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    King Mob wrote:
    i need to know what has and hasn't worked for other people what to use what to avoid etc.

    I can't do that for you, it would not be a ethical thing from my point of view.
    Who am I to short cut your path for you and interupt what ever lessons and learning experiences that you are ment to have for you could end up lacking or
    worse not having learned a skill futher a long to your detrement.

    I would say be very carefull when you put out the call what answers it and
    take you time before accpeting and bonding with what may come your way.
    Good and guiding spirits in what ever forum while they will challenge you they will not put pressure on you to do things you feel are not morally right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Thaedydal wrote:
    I can't do that for you, it would not be a ethical thing from my point of view.
    Who am I to short cut your path for you and interupt what ever lessons and learning experiences that you are ment to have for you could end up lacking or
    worse not having learned a skill futher a long to your detrement.
    that would be true if you where imposing your opinion however i'm asking for it your input could be valuable

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    I have given all the input I currently feel comfortible with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,257 ✭✭✭hairyheretic

    I can't give you any personal experience, but back when I first got interested in totems I had this book recommended to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    found my totem its a white rabbit if anyone's interested

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Oh intresting but what is it's purpose ?

    It is mere a journey totem are you due to go down the rabbit hole and into wonderland ?
    Or is to teach you to be careful that you do not end up being pulled out of a magicans hat instead of being the magician ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 290 ✭✭scorplett

    King Mob wrote:
    found my totem its a white rabbit if anyone's interested
    I am very happy for you having found your totem so quickly. It takes most people years if not decades to truly find their totem. I find it quite remarkable tha you have found yours so soon and as such I am sure you have not yet fully learned or understood the full lessons of rabbit. Being a rabbit and not having the time to do things in an orderly way lest you be eaten by a wolf I will post the information contained on and So now you can at least eliminate the need to click your mouse over a link TWICE (aaghh you say but please dont run away, I promise ill keep you safe from the predators)...

    Rabbit Totems

    Rabbits normally live alone in the wild, making their homes by burrowing underground. Rabbits are curious animals who like to explore their surroundings. They live on a few acres of land & become familiar with every square inch. They are territorial creatures who will fight over their piece of land. Their eyes can see in every direction, so they will watch a bird in the air while watching a predator on the ground. When aroused, their ears stand up. All these characteristics combined with their willingness to run away, are what rabbits use to defend themselves against predators.

    Rabbit is often connected with fear because they are timid and constantly on guard. Rabbit wants us to learn how to face our fear and know when to defend our space or walk away.

    Rabbit shows us that defending ourselves doesn't always involve fighting back. He teaches us to listen carefully to what is going on in our environment so we can accurately use our intuition when in danger.

    The Rabbit

    There are two dozen species of Cottontails in the United States, all with similar characteristics. Rabbits are vegetarians eating the inner bark of saplings and shrubs as well as leaves and fruit. They provide a perfect illustration of Nature's balance. Their rapid rate of reproduction is countered by the fact that almost every predatory animal eats them. Cottontail rabbits are quite timid, never venturing too far from the safety of their warrens. Rabbit teaches us through its timidity, to be gentle with ourselves in all situations.

    The rabbit is often associated with fear because of the nervous energy it expends. They move suddenly and unpredictably. They hop and leap through life asking those with this totem to pay attention to their personal movement. Growth is assured if one is moving in balance with what is in their life. If they are moving to fast or to slow an imbalance occurs and growth is stifled.

    Rabbits are most visible during dawn and dusk. The sun rising and setting from horizon to horizon holds an air of mystique about it. It is a time when the invisible becomes visible and nature spirits are more pronounced. Because the rabbit and the fairy realms are active during the same time of day it has a strong connection with the magic and mystery of other worlds. To enter this world all that is required is a leap of faith.

    Sensitive with keen observation skills, the rabbit has strong reflexes that help them dash to safety quickly protecting themselves from danger. They can be seen, disappear and reappear in the twinkling of an eye. Fast, agile and clever they hold the teachings of spontaneous decisive movement. Always knowing which direction to go and when. When rabbit appears it is enabling you to take advantage of opportunities that may only present themselves for brief moments.

    Rabbits are guides into the shadow world, where all of our personal fears lie. When the rabbit appears it is time to examine those deep reflexive fears that hold you back from growing. Do you keep dashing for the safety of your old patterns every time something new or challenging presents itself? If so the rabbit asks you to face your fears with compassion for yourself. Accept that it is part of human nature to feel fear at times, but also believe that our fears need not paralyze our growth and movement.
    Now I understand why you keep asking questions that are about things that others cant do for you... Best of luck and remember not to be so frightened lol :):D;) :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    i could be wrong but i'm pretty certain. absolutly no idea how to read it.
    Thaedydal wrote:
    It is mere a journey totem are you due to go down the rabbit hole and into wonderland ?
    Or is to teach you to be careful that you do not end up being pulled out of a magicans hat instead of being the magician ?

    interesting perspective

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18 Matthew Hopkins

    Thaedydal wrote:
    Who am I to short cut your path for you and interupt what ever lessons and learning experiences that you are ment to have for you could end up lacking or
    worse not having learned a skill futher a long to your detrement.

    Please dont forget folks, we are all part of eachothers lessons and journeys, It seems that a lot of the time when someone asks a question here they are given a link to a website or told to go google something, sharing ones personal experience is a great gift and infinitely more valuable than directing somebody to tidbits of unreliable anonymous electronic code.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    An intesting point but one I am going to take up in another thread rather then dragging this one off topic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 gez

    I am new here, but I work in this particular area of Shamanism and it is often the case that a totem will attack the potential seeker, testing your strength and worth,before accepting you, not the other way round. I don't know if that is particularly helpful, but it is an ancient traditional belief - in Northern Europe and The Americas too.Love Gez.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 290 ✭✭scorplett

    Thats a really interesting perspectiv Gez and I'm really glad you mentioned it. I would see things in a pretty close way on the personal level because my patron deity and power animal are one, because of this I had unusual experiances when first exploring totems etc which I was doing a little before developing a personal relantionship with deity, due to both being the same for me it became very intense and the same and through certain techniques it can often be experianced as a step in of the sort described by vaudun practices etc. But then vaudun is a practically a shamanic practice of sorts. That said I would more than often speak to others of it in the ways mentioned elsewhere in the thread, this being due to the sort of path many individuals are on. It is not everyone that can easily make sense of possive step in's, so often that will not happen to them. Also, in many traditions it is not as common as it should be for people to reguluarly achieve theta states which are nescessary for such workings. The majority of what I term Magical practice operates on alpha brainwave levels ie. medative level and it is sadly very rare within many traditions to see reguluar theta trance work being done.
    What comes to my mind is jsut what shamanic practice is at its core. I personally would seperate any system that uses trancing techniques to achieve deep levels of altered conciousness as opposed to someone like myself a (wiccan) practitioner who would use ritual formats to achieve similar yet quite different states of conciousness.
    Differences such as these I would see as more often than not of being the format for how one experiances such things.
    You see, I am a great believer that those things within the etheral astral etc etc are more often than not experianced in ways that people can comprehend, digest and understand. Therefore such things will come in ways that are natural to the individual.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 423 ✭✭triskell

    Scorplett, blessings upon you i have found more insight in your posts over various threads than i have in several years of seeking .
    thank you
