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General Election 2007 -- What's the most important issue for you?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,853 ✭✭✭Glenbhoy

    I can't believe how many of you are taking Netwhizzkid seriously - he's winding ye up - trolling!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,479 ✭✭✭✭philologos

    netwhizkid wrote:
    1) Keeping Fianna Fail and the Pd's out of Government.
    2) We have the worst health care system in Europe, this needs to be improved massively.
    Agree with these points.
    netwhizkid wrote:
    3) Stopping all forms of Immigration into Ireland, our country is being swamped by all sorts.
    This is just bull**** though. Immigrants have improved our services if anything and have made this country a better place in the last few years. Think about foreign workers working in hospitals and the like. They are also more enthusiastic about their work than any Irishman usually.
    netwhizkid wrote:
    4) Direct Fibre to the home, we need broadband :- Nationalise Eircom

    5) End VRT, Cut Fuel taxes and reduce Motor Taxation, end all road tolls.

    6) End privatisation, Re-Nationalise formally privatised companies and successful private ones like Kerry Group, use their profits to fund more infrastructure, High Speed rail linking all our cities and a national non-tolled motorway network.
    In fairness when you want better services such as FTTH, you really would have to pay more taxes than less where is the logic in that. These things cost money and the government does have a budget to keep.
    netwhizkid wrote:
    7) Increase taxes for those earning over €60,000+ to 60% eliminate lower earners from the Tax bracket, cut VAT and use profits from Nationalised Industry to run the country. Curtail Diplomatic Relations with the USA as long as George W. Bush is in office, Cut all Diplomatic relation with Israel and refuse to recognise it. Recognise the Hamas Led Palestinian Authority.
    On the tax front no way 42% is already high enough for people earning more than the cutoff point. Nationalised industry as I said above, would cost the government a hell of a lot of money, it's either FFTH or nationalisation of companies. Well stopping US forces from using Shannon would be a start. In terms of Israel absolutely because they were the only nation to fund the Apartheid Government in South Africa. Now they are almost running an Apartheid Government of their own. On terms of recognising Hamas, they have been elected in by the Palestinian people themselves so yes they should be recognised.
    netwhizkid wrote:
    8) Greater links with Great Britain, force a United Ireland.
    Thats really down to the people of Northern Ireland, and for the time being the majority are happy to be a part of the United Kingdom. However I think that elections should be carried out in each county with a period of 10 - 15 years between them. With each county becoming part of the Republic if they vote to stay as part of Ireland. This would stop the economy getting damaged as a result of a huge 6 county block becoming part of the Republic at once.
    netwhizkid wrote:
    9) Ban the Fianna Fail and Progressive Democrats Party, try them for corruption and re-introduce Captial Punishment and make it applicable in cases of corruption. Repatriate 120,000 Polish home to Poland.
    Good luck shifting 120,000 Poles, (some are estimating it to be 150,000)
    netwhizkid wrote:
    10) Reform the Irish Constitution banning free market politics and gradually phasing out Capitalism.
    Now this is laughable... Communist countries rarely work, with the exception of Cuba under Fidel Castro (which has one of the best healthcare systems in the world) why do you think that all the Eastern European countries eventually crumbled and went for the capitalist option?

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,231 ✭✭✭✭Sparky

    For me personally

    Make housing affordable. Only ten years ago, house prices were on average £40,000.

    Improve the health system.

    Improve the transport system in Dublin and in the rest of the country.
    Traffic in Dublin come 4-7pm gets worse. Make it worthwhile for people to use public transport.

    As for immigrants, my only issue with them is their driving. A system should be implemented for them if they intend on driving in Ireland.
    Only twice have I avoided a head on collision with them, thanks to a farm gate entrance and the hard shoulder.

    Reduce the tax on the pint and petrol/diesel.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,731 ✭✭✭DadaKopf

    For me, the issues are (in no particular order):
    • Change the party system - encourage bigger coalitions - grow the size of Labour and the Greens
    • Growing inequality in Irish society - the introduction of a basic income - scrap ASBOs, they make things worse
    • Better tax regimes to tax the super-rich and generally make people more equal - equal societies are better overall
    • House prices and the power of developers over government - more socially affordable housing in a way that doesn't destabilise the market
    • Terrible national infrastructure, no public transport to speak of, and no urban planning (leading back to inequality)
    • An unjust asylum seeker system - scrap direct provision and let asylum seekers work
    • Better funding for overseas aid and more investment in development research - more inter-departmental integration at policy-level so aid policy becomes coherent with trade, agriculture, enterprise
    • Healthcare - more money, privatisation isn't the answer
    • Education - more money, and strict rules on private funding of knowledge, more funding for humanities and social sciences
    • The Dáil sits more days

    Loads more... I dunno.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,731 ✭✭✭DadaKopf

    Jackass wrote:
    Now this is laughable... Communist countries rarely work, with the exception of Cuba under Fidel Castro (which has one of the best healthcare systems in the world) why do you think that all the Eastern European countries eventually crumbled and went for the capitalist option?
    That's all that's laughable? Maybe worrying. Netwhizkid seems to be a national-socialist. I dunno how much he's having a laugh. But theres a definite whiff of racism in what he says, which, frankly, I'm repulsed by.

    120,000 Poles? No. That measures migratory flows, many of those come and go.

    I do agree that the government has brought this state too much under the forces of unbridled capitalism. If the Irish government pursued a crazy socialist vision of the country, we'd be screwed. But we're also getting screwed by the free-market and the government is increasingly wiping its hands of its responsibilities. If, as a nation, we still hold ourselves to the Proclamation of Independence, Ireland was set up to ensure everyone was equal. As the direct descendents of its authors, Fianna Fáil has forgotten its roots.

    Netwhizkid reckons everything should be nationalised? For the white Irish, is it? Kick everyone out, the economy collapses, we descend into protectionist dirigisme. You know, we can't re-nationalise or raise tariffs - it's illegal under EU and WTO rules. We're locked into privatisation.

    If you're disappointed with privatisation and the free-market, retreating into insular racist nationalism isn't going to solve anything because the problem is international and global - the decisions are taken by multilateral global organisations. As a single country, the only option for us is to get our politicians to redistribute wealth more effectively and lobby EU commissioners to halt and reverse their privatisation agenda.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

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  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,804 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    daveirl wrote:
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    That's an interesting one. Generally we hear complaints when decisions are left entirely to unelected officials (it seems to be one of the most common issues people have with the European Commission).

    I make the point because it has often seemed to me that planners are a law unto themselves as it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,141 ✭✭✭masteroftherealm

    daveirl wrote:
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    [*]10 Years in Prison for Paying Below Minimum Wage and other worker abuses

    Definity agree!!

    [*]Sack any workers who go on Wildcat Strikes - we have a great labour court system so they should use it

    No we dont we have a rubbish labour court system as youd see if you ever had to experience it!!

    [*]24 Hour Pub Opening

    lol like we dont have enough of a problem already

    [*]Reintroduce Third Level Fees with Government Sponsored Interest Free Loans

    And cripple all students once again? You obviously havent seen the benefits of the free fees scheme for this entire country. Have you been away for the past while lol!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,141 ✭✭✭masteroftherealm

    daveirl wrote:
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    Ok granted there are difficultys accociated with it.
    But would you not agree the positive far outweigh the negative.
    Look at the educated prosperity that has come to ireland in recent years for example.
    That wouldnt have happened without free fees.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,141 ✭✭✭masteroftherealm

    daveirl wrote:
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    No no no by introducing fees again your again pushing the limit of education into the upper classes.
    With freee fees everyone has an equal opertunity. education has no longer become the arena of people who can afford it.
    If your system was to be comsidered it could ONLY be done with a huge nationwide introduction of scolarships and grants for people who coulnt afford the loans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,924 ✭✭✭✭BuffyBot

    Break the Gardai up into a number of different police forces as they have in the UK so as to have someone 'to police the police' the same time the UK is proposing to reduce the regionalisation of forces. I don't think it nessecarily needs to be broken up, and to do so just seems wasteful. However a proper Police Ombusman-style role should be something that is there anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,046 ✭✭✭democrates

    BuffyBot wrote: the same time the UK is proposing to reduce the regionalisation of forces. I don't think it nessecarily needs to be broken up, and to do so just seems wasteful. However a proper Police Ombusman-style role should be something that is there anyway.
    Agreed, look at what happened in Donegal, local fiefdoms are a bad idea.

    The practical challenge is to balance powers and information. Central systems are required for fingerprints, dna, criminal records, outstanding warrants etc, specialised units are required to tackle things like drugs, fraud, paedophilia, terrorism, liaison with foreign police forces and the like. At the same time local decisions should be taken locally, but it should all be recorded on central systems.

    In addition to an ombudsman to handle complaints, there should be an external body with an audit-type function, who should be required to do spot checks and keep an eye that all is going as it should, and then report in detail to both the minister and the ombudsman with recommendations and also produce a public summary report.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,046 ✭✭✭democrates

    No no no by introducing fees again your again pushing the limit of education into the upper classes.
    With freee fees everyone has an equal opertunity. education has no longer become the arena of people who can afford it.
    If your system was to be comsidered it could ONLY be done with a huge nationwide introduction of scolarships and grants for people who coulnt afford the loans.
    Agreed. With the price of property today it would be apalling to expect young people to start their career saddled with debt.

    Education is the most sound investment, those who go on to better careers will pay more tax at the top rate, some will start businesses and create employment for those who don't. But should the offspring of the rich pay? There's always an appetite to put the boot into those who are better off.

    While I agree this government has set up all sorts of schemes for the rich from BES to SSAP's, and when the public outcry at zero tax stories became too much they had to act, but still deferred the introduction of fair contribution for a couple of years!

    But let's not be so distracted that we miss the real challenge: to encourage start-ups. While the governing parties can point to lot's of business friendly measures, these have primarily been aimed at those who are already riding the gravy rather than at working stock with entreprenurial aspirations above their station in life.

    But look at how many posts are about how they're going to get jobs, we still have a way to go in encouraging an enterprise culture, there's still too much expecting someone else to provide a livelihood and when some people aren't making it as much as they would like they stop trying and blame, he, she, they, everyone else in the country but themselves. That's a prison of their own making.

    While I can point to injustices and obstacles that could have been avoided if this government was doing it's job I'm not sitting back waiting for the day when everything beyond my direct control is as I would like, I'm focussed on what I can do every day, making headway on my own plan under my own steam, and I've never been happier.

    Come the next election I want the current parties out of government, but regardless of who gets in I'll deal with it and press on regardless.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,350 ✭✭✭Het-Field

    daveirl wrote:
    This post has been deleted.

    24 Hour Pub Opening. Eh now thats just stupid. In Ireland we have a terrible problem with alcohol. People go out and spend huge oney on drink before barfing it all up in their backgarden. Furthermore this would prepetuate the problem of alcoholism which is rampent. People could disappear for days from their family. Furthermore it would allow people drink a whole lot more and this would in crease viloence, vandalism and general anti social behaviour. If people drink within the confines of their own home thats fine. But once drink is removed into ther public realm it becomes a wider problem that we all must contend with.

    Reintroduce Third Level Fees with Government sponsored interest free loans. That means that the rich will be forced to pay, as you can be sure that they wont benefit from these loans at all. Education should be totally free and available for all regardless of material circumstances. The free market opens up more and more money which the Government can spend on allowing third level education in Ireland to prosper

    Legalise Abortion. Abortion is a very sticky subject and what is key is that everybody understands that its not a dogmatic thing that you can say "well its a womans right to choose", or "that baby has the right to life at ewxpense of the mother's". What worries me is that by offering free abortions, you are offering it as a contraceptive to young and vunerable people. My view is that abstainance is the only form of contraceptive, and abortions could be used to remove somebody form a difficult situation, which could be solved without the process of an abortion. However, id like to thin that i could empathhise with a woman who is driven to contemplating and abortion

    Certain points you make are good but i dont agree with certain points

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,141 ✭✭✭masteroftherealm

    daveirl wrote:
    This post has been deleted.

    Hmm Id disagree.
    Many people that I even know personally are able to attend college whereas they would be otherwise.
    Statistics lie often as they dont exist in the real world.
    Median INcome familys may techincally have the cash to allow their kids to go to college. But inreal life they would be able to.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    Anto McC wrote:
    A and E,actually the whole health service!
    htere has been about 12,000,000,000 EXTRA spent on the health service. ther have between 1998 and 2005 been about 50,000 more people employes in the Health service. What has all that done? there are few extra doctors and nurses. clearly spending money on the health service is NOT the answer.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    daveirl wrote:
    This post has been deleted.

    Strond EU legislative argument for the first. the second is very reasonable but no party will go near it.
    [*]Remove Councillors From Planning Process - Only Town Planners should have say

    which increases the opportunity for corruption as the tribunals have shown. why try to bribe five or ten councillors when one assistant City manager will do?
    [*]End Defined Benefit Pension schemes in the Civil Service

    Is happening in the Public service anyway. The Labour Party would never run with this as it will erode their middle class senior civil service base.
    [*]Sack any workers who go on Wildcat Strikes - we have a great labour court system so they should use it
    Now Labour might run on this because it plays to the same base. But then it smaks of the Marxist/facist state that they hate to be associated with.
    [*]10 Years in Prison for Paying Below Minimum Wage and other worker abuses

    But extreme isnt it? I mean dont pay a worker the full money and get ten years. Actually the worker and get less than that???
    [*]Longer Sentences for Almost all Crimes

    where is the evidence that this will decrease crime and recidivism?
    [*]Reintroduce Third Level Fees with Government Sponsored Interest Free Loans

    while keeping the HEA block in situ or while removing it? If you remove the block grant then all you have is money coming form one source rather than another. It will make no difference to the system. They will just take from the User rather than central funds. Sure it may be fairer but nothing is gained and nothing changed and only votes lost. no party will do this.
    [*]Deregulate the Drinks Industry, make it infinitely easier to get a pub licence
    [*]24 Hour Pub Opening

    But you mentioned stiffer penalties for crimes above? what will all these pubs do when their clients are locked up?
    [*]Legalise Abortion, Civil Unions

    How is gay marriage and abortion on demand going to improve the economy?
    [*]Take Back Schools & Hospitals From Religious Orders

    We did that already. And it resulted in a explosion in the cost base as we had to pay dor clerners administratioon etc. Billions have been spent on admin jobs.
    [*]Reduce Dependence on Fossil Fuels - Nuclear, Wind, Solar, Tidal should all be part of an integrated plan

    are they not already?
    [*]Reform Work Permit System, basically allow far more Non-EU people to work here. They should have posession of a work permit themselves rather than the employer.

    This would increase market freedom so I probably would assist the economy.
    [*]Give more money to CAB and basically just spend more money in general on funding anti-organised crime groups

    Why bother? why not just let them bounty? i.e. whateer the cease they keep. Most of CAb isnt getting cold cash. they arent the untouchables. they are accountants in suits who find art , stud farms property and not just cash so one cant lump them in with the types who found drugs and explosives and used it for promotion.
    [*]Break the Gardai up into a number of different police forces as they have in the UK so as to have someone 'to police the police'

    Not necessary to break them up in order to have someone watching them.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    daveirl wrote:
    This post has been deleted.

    We dont pay! The people who live offshore and dont pay tax here dont pay for it in their taxes. However Working people who pay tax and never go to university WILL pay for the richer kids to go! And then when they finish they can go and work in dads business and also not pay tax here.

    Surely they should pay for the education as they get it? Imagine going into a pub and drinking for free for years on the basis that you will pay win several years time when you get a job. All that time everyone else pays for you including the working people who do not decide to drink elsewhere!

    Try telling a publican to get the price of a pint from the punters whose community is going to reap the benefit from you input later on.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    Hmm Id disagree.
    Many people that I even know personally are able to attend college ...

    Which is why the point was that in general and supported by the facts that marginalised communities and working class people have only benefited marginally from the "free fees" at third leveland the sample was not based on just the people you know.
    Statistics lie often as they dont exist in the real world.
    Median INcome familys may techincally have the cash to allow their kids to go to college. But inreal life they would be able to.

    Please produce the statistics which show how poorer people benefited for getting rid of fees? You cant can you? No! Because poorer people already had grants! The continue to have them! Only people who had more money benefited from the abolition of fees. the point was made that it would allow access for poorer people. It didnt change that in any significant way!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    Ok granted there are difficultys accociated with it.
    But would you not agree the positive far outweigh the negative.
    Look at the educated prosperity that has come to ireland in recent years for example.
    That wouldnt have happened without free fees.

    Yes it would! Can you please tell me in what way abolition of fees contributed to "educated prosperity"? I mean what is "educated prosperity"?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    daveirl wrote:
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    correct me if I am wrong but the reason the information came out was because of a lobbyist bribing councillors. The tribunals later pointed to the fact that an assistant city manager was being paid off for years and it would have continued without the visability of what elected representatives were doing.
    I'd dispute that it's happening. It needs to happen but if you mentioned pension fund performance to a civil servant they wouldn't have a clue what you were talking about.

    Note i wrote "public" not "civil" service. for example univrsities are not employing tenured lecturers abut are taking on post doctoral researchers on contract at amuch greater rate. This is partly because they do not have to take on the huge committments on the public sector pay on conditions.
    True but I have a massive massive problem with it and the punishments are non-existant. It's a personal thing really. I'm a big time capitalist but as far as I'm concerned it's theft.

    isnt "put them up agains the wall and shoot them and they will be the end of that problem " closer to Marxism than to Capitalism. actually scratch that it is part of the worst aspects of both philosophies really.
    Who cares? I don't, I'm more interested in the punishment aspect of things rather than the rehabilitation part. Too many people get way too short sentences in Ireland, in particular perpetrators of violent rape.
    While white collar crime may need more action change for the change of change is useless. Also "I dont care I just want to see some action" is the basis of mob rule. This led to "lynch the nigga" and "gas the jew". The idea that extreme stiff penalties solve anything is proven not to be true. Much of the crime in society is social in origin. I am not a bleeding heart and I dont excuse personal choice though it may be more difficult for some people. All the same "I don't care" cant really apply can it? I mean one cant express a position of ambivalence can one? And if you really dont care then why not just accept no change as opposed to drastic measures?
    I don't get it? Not everyone who goes to the pub is a criminal.

    I dont like the Idea of 24 hour pubs. I would think 16-20 hours and they be printed on the wall outside and any serving alcohol outside of these times the publican loses his licence. This ensures the place is cleaned and the publican is regulated. But the people who will want the 24 hour pub are the city centre drinking factories. I want it because satellite towns and small pubs could benefit. The drinking factory bingo hall pubs are no contribution oto Irish society. they only contribute to the pockets of businessmen who do not care about the country.
    It's not all about the economy. I believe both are basic human rights hence I'd like to see them and would vote for a party that wanted to implement both.
    So now you do care?? The constitution actually says that the people get what the people want. The people dont want abortion or gay marriage. Therefore they are NOT constitutionally human rights! furthermore it is currently clear that the "unborn" also have rights. By introducing abortion on demand you are proposing that we remove these rights. Rights which already exist under the constitution. You want them removed and replaced with your opinion of new rights. So what party do you think will agree with you?
    Doesn't matter, not running them is abdicating responsibilty and we've seen the disasterous effects that can have. If it costs money so be it, it's not all about saving money it's about the State taking up it's responsibilty to Education.
    But now you are saying that we should pile money into health and education no matter how much is wasted. Even if we pile it into administrators on pensions who do not provide any medical care to patients. Isnt that abdicating our responsibilities?
    Not remotely, we're only making slight progress on wind energy and that's incapable of supplying all our demand due to the 'dirty' nature of it's electricity. And we're hardly on the path to nuclear power yet.

    We could nave a nuclear power station in five years. We need to move onto renuable resources but this requires a paradigm shift in the culture. Not littering isnt just keeping the country clean it is intruducing a conservation mindset. We are the greatest litterers in Europe so I am in despair of progress on this when of out current "spend with no ending" philosophy is prevalent.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,033 ✭✭✭Chakar

    Well obviously you would be voting for a party that is closer to your own political views as am I.

    I really do not want a FG and Labour government.I frankly couldn't trust them to run the country.I would prefer Fianna Fail and the Progressive Democrats.It looks like the Independents would have to be on board to form the coalition between Fianna Fail and the Progressive Democrats.The election could go either way actually.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    If a party proposed sending Netwhizkid to some remote part of Poland, with no internet access, I would vote for them every time.

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