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Buckfast Lane



  • Registered Users Posts: 14,163 ✭✭✭✭danniemcq

    kevmy wrote:
    It's just the under6 stuff you could probably drink a few pints of stuff to feel any effect at all. Actually thats a good idea somebody should start slugging Calpol and see how much they can drink before they pass out .

    Any volunteers??:D

    fights against urge to raise hand....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 paddy316L

    here, right, theres no way in hell in going drinking tonight.....;)
    fights against urge to raise hand....

    a new fangled cocktail?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,711 ✭✭✭Redhairedguy

    i'll have the ambulance on standby, just in case!

  • Registered Users Posts: 731 ✭✭✭peterswellman

    The amount of chavs that drink the stuff turns me right off drinking it. Hell a naggin of Jameson would do the same for me and I won't look like such a scumbag drinking it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,711 ✭✭✭Redhairedguy

    The amount of chavs that drink the stuff turns me right off drinking it. Hell a naggin of Jameson would do the same for me and I won't look like such a scumbag drinking it.

    hisssss.... heretic! Burn you scum!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,478 ✭✭✭padi89

    The amount of chavs that drink the stuff turns me right off drinking it. Hell a naggin of Jameson would do the same for me and I won't look like such a scumbag drinking it.

    And you wouldnt look like a scumbag drinking a naggin of Jameson? How can you say that a naggin of Jameson would do the same for you when you have never even drank Buckfast?

    When you've taken the courage to have a bottle of B get back to me and dont worry its not a fashion statement.If you dont want to look like a scumbag then stop shoping in lifestyle sports.

  • Registered Users Posts: 731 ✭✭✭peterswellman

    padi89 wrote:
    And you wouldnt look like a scumbag drinking a naggin of Jameson? How can you say that a naggin of Jameson would do the same for you when you have never even drank Buckfast?

    When you've taken the courage to have a bottle of B get back to me and dont worry its not a fashion statement.If you dont want to look like a scumbag then stop shoping in lifestyle sports.

    There both alcohol aren't they? Therefore my goal is to get drunk which alcohol does for me. Therefore they do the same for me.*Sarcastic applause*

    The courage? I have made an atempt to drink a bottle of Tesco brand vodka, that takes courage boyo. It's feckin' vile. Stop shopping in Lifestyle sports?:D Pfft!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,478 ✭✭✭padi89

    There both alcohol aren't they? Therefore my goal is to get drunk which alcohol does for me. Therefore they do the same for me.*Sarcastic applause*

    The courage? I have made an atempt to drink a bottle of Tesco brand vodka, that takes courage boyo. It's feckin' vile. Stop shopping in Lifestyle sports?:D Pfft!

    Well besides stating the obvious which you have already done sarcastically ,to make it clearer to you the difference between the buzz you get from Buckfast compared with beer,spirits etc is miles appart.Its a tonic wine with a high caffine content and doesnt make you just drunk alone but also gives you a hyper energetic buzz ,hence its popularity.Its something you just wont ever know until you drink it so your comparison has no grounds.

    Now to get back to your whole scumbag theory, i think its hypocritical.I would have thought attempting to drink a Tesco brand bottle of vodka would be also scumbag like? but hey thats your theory.Im sure there are plenty of scumbags that drink your favourite tipple but just because they aint in the tracksuit you just dont notice them.Be an individual and make your own choice, not on what you see others around you doing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    Peter, dude.

    You're forgetting about the caffiene, sugar and malevolent-pixie-jism in buckie.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,478 ✭✭✭padi89

    SyxPak wrote:
    Peter, dude.

    You're forgetting about the caffiene, sugar and malevolent-pixie-jism in buckie.

    The reason Buckie took over from Thunderbird as Galways Off Licence tipple of choice. Didnt know though it was the pixie-jism that was the decider,but there ya go.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 731 ✭✭✭peterswellman

    padi89 wrote:
    Well besides stating the obvious which you have already done sarcastically ,to make it clearer to you the difference between the buzz you get from Buckfast compared with beer,spirits etc is miles appart.Its a tonic wine with a high caffine content and doesnt make you just drunk alone but also gives you a hyper energetic buzz ,hence its popularity.Its something you just wont ever know until you drink it so your comparison has no grounds.

    Now to get back to your whole scumbag theory, i think its hypocritical.I would have thought attempting to drink a Tesco brand bottle of vodka would be also scumbag like? but hey thats your theory.Im sure there are plenty of scumbags that drink your favourite tipple but just because they aint in the tracksuit you just dont notice them.Be an individual and make your own choice, not on what you see others around you doing.

    Nah, think I'll abstain tbh. Me and my mate had an encounter with a group chavs there one Saturday night and they were carrying bottles of them. If that's what it does I think I would prefer the Tesco brand vodka. tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 731 ✭✭✭peterswellman

    SyxPak wrote:
    Peter, dude.

    You're forgetting about the caffiene, sugar and malevolent-pixie-jism in buckie.

    As for the first two, ever hear of Red Bull? I won't even try and pretend I know what the third thing is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,711 ✭✭✭Redhairedguy

    The third thing only comes in Buckfast.... and turpentine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 paddy316L

    i think theres a few people missing the point about the sort of folks who drink Buckie. you could give a chav/scumbag/pikie, call them whatever you want, a packet of skittles and they would get wired up, because they are always eggin each other on to see whos best. most of the time they are out to cause trouble not matter what they drink or where they are.
    has this just turned out to become an attack on Buckfast, just because folks dont drink it and never will, because they assume that only scum drink it? but dont most "grown up" folks think that anybody out bushin is a scumbag or a bum, regardless of what they drink? all they see is people out drinking. they dont take any great notice of what exactly what kinda drink.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,478 ✭✭✭padi89

    Nah, think I'll abstain tbh. Me and my mate had an encounter with a group chavs there one Saturday night and they were carrying bottles of them. If that's what it does I think I would prefer the Tesco brand vodka. tbh.

    Oh dear Peter,making generalisations on one incident,you obviously havent been in Galway long if you think this is the case.Its quite amusing how you find the type of drink they are consuming as the problem and not the actual "chavs" themselves.
    Whatever you want to drink is up to yourself but an ill informed opinion on what other people drink is a pretty lame.As for Red Bull ,it doesnt contain alcohol.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    Ah now lads in fairness - even though if I liked it, I'd drink it no bother - Buckfast is associated with knacks and shams.

    It's not like peters just saying it himself, its a generalistion that just exists and everyone knows it, why deny it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,711 ✭✭✭Redhairedguy

    That's not necessarily fair... That stereotyping. That's like saying any dude that drinks alco-pops is automatically gay regardless of justification.

    At the end of the day, Buckie is just an alcoholic drink like any other. it's just that knacks seem to love it! The same thing happened with burberry... and McDonalds.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,478 ✭✭✭padi89

    HavoK wrote:
    Ah now lads in fairness - even though if I liked it, I'd drink it no bother - Buckfast is associated with knacks and shams.

    It's not like peters just saying it himself, its a generalistion that just exists and everyone knows it, why deny it!

    See here we go again, its the people that dont drink it think its for knacks.The same as the people that assume that bushin is for knacks but have no problem on a sunny day getting a few cans and sitting down at the arch or drinking on the streets race week with booze from the Off Licence.Hypocritical.

    By the way the term "sham" is for Tuam and from what i have see, its not a very popular drink out there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    Essentially you're both missing the point. I'm not arguing myself that buckfast is a drink exclusive to knackers - I'm arguing that its a generalisation made by the general populace shall we say.

    For example - burberry hats and chavs. No-one will deny that that IS a generalisation that exists. However, would it be fair to say that every person that wears a burberry hat is a chav? No, because I'm sure 1000's of people wear burberry hats worldwide, not that that actually changes the already existing generalisation. Same with buckfast - obviously we all know that loads of people drink it, but its just a thing attached to it regarding the knackers.

    So whether its burberry hats or buckfast, the point being that even though generalisations do not always actually translate to actual statistical fact, that does not change the fact they exist...THAT was my point.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,478 ✭✭✭padi89

    That's not necessarily fair... That stereotyping. That's like saying any dude that drinks alco-pops is automatically gay regardless of justification.

    At the end of the day, Buckie is just an alcoholic drink like any other. it's just that knacks seem to love it! The same thing happened with burberry... and McDonalds.

    Yeah but this is ireland, if you drink a 7up or Mineral water whilst out its assumed there is something wrong with you.The whole alcopops thing is quite funny,God knows how many blokes i saw holding Fat Frogs in their hands when they were popular, but it was OK to drink them as they were in a pint glass..grrrrr.

    The thing is Buckie is not just an alcoholic drink like any other, if it was there are much cheaper and tastier alternatives.Its drank for the buzz it gives you and there is no other drink out there like it.If knacks like it, so what ,they also like beer,cider ,Peters Tesco brand vodka ,as was said earlier knacks will get off on skittles.Knack is in the blood before any alcohol is consumed.Anyway im done defending Buckie ,from what i have seen over the years all walks of life drink it from the highly paid professional to the crusty on the dole.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 389 ✭✭Jamey

    padi89 wrote:
    By the way the term "sham" is for Tuam and from what i have see, its not a very popular drink out there.

    I was waiting to see when someone would pick up on that! I was like 'WTF?' when people here started referring to scumbags as 'shams'. Everyone in Tuam considers them a sham, and we all call each other shams, it has nothing to do with being a scummer. Oh and we love our Bucky, don't worry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 731 ✭✭✭peterswellman

    padi89 wrote:
    Oh dear Peter,making generalisations on one incident,you obviously havent been in Galway long if you think this is the case.Its quite amusing how you find the type of drink they are consuming as the problem and not the actual "chavs" themselves.
    Whatever you want to drink is up to yourself but an ill informed opinion on what other people drink is a pretty lame.As for Red Bull ,it doesnt contain alcohol.

    I'm not at all saying that Buckfast is exclusive to chavs. Of course some decent people drink it, all I said was the amount of Chav's I see drinking it has turned me off the stuff. As for the red bull, you can always throw in some vodka or whiskey in it. Then you'll be buzzing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 731 ✭✭✭peterswellman

    HavoK wrote:
    Ah now lads in fairness - even though if I liked it, I'd drink it no bother - Buckfast is associated with knacks and shams.

    It's not like peters just saying it himself, its a generalistion that just exists and everyone knows it, why deny it!

    Spot on buddy.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,163 ✭✭✭✭danniemcq

    As for the first two, ever hear of Red Bull? I won't even try and pretend I know what the third thing is.

    hee hee thats why it's even more fun to put a can into it :)

    Buckfast drunk is a whole different type of drunk compared to everything else.

    also has anyone notices the numbers aren't on the bottles anymore???

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,711 ✭✭✭Redhairedguy

    danniemcq wrote:
    also has anyone notices the numbers aren't on the bottles anymore???

    What? I dunno!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,478 ✭✭✭padi89

    What? I dunno!



    There was a number on the bottles and some idiots used to think the number corresponded with a better or poorer quality buckie :rolleyes: .I used to work in a shop in town that sold it, so we used to pack all the high numbers in at the back of the shelf.Plonkers would come in and start pulling down all the bottles so as to get in at the back for the higher numbered ones.......

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,711 ✭✭✭Redhairedguy

    Ah yes.. I remember them... people would tell me, they were able to predict whether the bottle was going to be nice or rotten by a serial number on the bottle.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    Just out of curiousity, what does the number signify?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,163 ✭✭✭✭danniemcq

    i always found the lower the number the hyperer the person got and the higher the number the drunker they got.

    then i discovered mixing it with red bull. :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,478 ✭✭✭padi89

    HavoK wrote:
    Just out of curiousity, what does the number signify?

    Its part of the serial number thats all,but seems to have a placebo effect on those that believe it:rolleyes:
