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Official Author websites

  • 30-08-2006 8:08am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,400 ✭✭✭✭

    Feel free to add to this list.

    I just thought I'd add some links to the official websites of authors I like. Some of them are very good, others mediocre. I like John Connolly's site as he has some interesting entries in his blog and he keeps it updated fairly regularly.
    Peter robinsons is very simple but the guy responded to an email I sent asking for information on literary agents so I'll forgive him :D

    So here goes!
    John Connolly
    Ian Rankin
    Lee Child
    Peter Robinson
    Karin Slaughter
    Brad Meltzer

    Terry Pratchett
    David (and Leigh) Eddings

    Iain (M) Banks

    There's tonnes more but that's enough from me for now. Please add your favourite authors websites here :)

