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The Official "rant/bitch/moan" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,024 ✭✭✭Awayindahils

    did nothing today. though my books spent from half 9 to half 6 in the library..yes yes i am one of those i'll get ranted at in while no doubt.

    not too much ranting for today but emm it rained today for a bit, and the lecturers only gave non-answer answers to very simple questions. no wonder its impossible to get firsts in arts subjects:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,314 ✭✭✭Nietzschean

    i'd rant at you Hilarie but i've been there, and done that too many times to count...

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,135 ✭✭✭✭John

    Pet wrote:
    Secondly, the lack of developmental biology notes or lecture slides on the web. It's a pain in the ass.

    I think they might be in the counter reserve in the library for you to photocopy if I remember correctly. Paula Murphy normally gives a handout so you might be able to find someone to photocopy it or email her, she's very nice.

    Rant, the batteries in my discman are ****. They're really not holding the charge anymore. ****ers.

    Oh and another rant. I didn't get much done today. Exams start on Monday. Eek!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,579 ✭✭✭Pet

    I have Paula Murphy's notes, and yes she is lovely, and a good lecturer too. It's Frank Jeal who didn't put much up.

    I've not gotten much done today either unfortunately. It's taken me three days to get through genetics..and I still have alllllll the other modules to go. Grr.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,135 ✭✭✭✭John

    Oh yeah, Frank Jeal doesn't use computers does he? You can get his stuff from a book easily enough. It's just gastrulation and all that jazz. First couple of chapters of Developmental Biology by Scott F. Gilbert should do you. I'll check my copy when I get home and send you the page numbers.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,523 ✭✭✭ApeXaviour

    My (non college related) rant: As of time of posting this thread has 3103 posts. Which puts it 2 clear pages ahead of "Liverpool Signings and general rumours thread" in the top ten most posted on threads statistics. This should by all right have replaced that thread, it's not even spammy like the where in trinity thread, this is HALF DECENT!

    IAN, is php slow to react or something like an op-amp at high frequency? Or does someone have to change the links manually?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,135 ✭✭✭✭John

    I think someone (probably Ian) said somewhere earlier that the top threads are refreshed every morning so tomorrow we shall be kings. But we can't celebrate here, it'll have to be in the woohoo thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,579 ✭✭✭Pet

    First couple of chapters of Developmental Biology by Scott F. Gilbert should do you. I'll check my copy when I get home and send you the page numbers.

    Do you need it for your exams? I only ask because I've got five books on loan from the library (dunno how I managed that), so I can't take out anymore, and besides I bet the Stupid 40-Year-Old Mature Students have probably taken all the copies out anyway..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,945 ✭✭✭cuckoo

    Seconding Ape's rant:

    JS Physics - wtf? :confused:

    What was i thinking? I must have been high or something when i thought "sure, physics, that'll be interesting...".

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,135 ✭✭✭✭John

    Pet wrote:
    Do you need it for your exams? I only ask because I've got five books on loan from the library (dunno how I managed that), so I can't take out anymore, and besides I bet the Stupid 40-Year-Old Mature Students have probably taken all the copies out anyway..

    Well you might need it if you haven't got the notes. I can easily lend it to you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭shay_562

    Scarily enough, it was a 48N. what with living at the terminus and all, its usually how it happens for me. Stupid 15N not running during the week

    I live at the terminus plus 2 miles towards the mountains. Bah. So I'll happily second your "Stupid 15N" rant.

    As a fresher, I have to point out that we aren't all utter ****wits. Some of us are perfectly normal people who are equally inconvenienced by the chattering morons who don't seem to understand libraries (with the obvious exception of the Lecky, which is beyond hope) are for quiet study and not full-volume chats. And while I'm bitching about stupid library behaviour, what's with those girls who come to the library all dressed up like it's a ****ing nightclub and know...the library? There was one sitting across from me today wearing a t-shirt so low-cut that it actually made me uncomfortable (in a "Did she forget to put on an actual top? Should someone maybe warn her just how much we can see when she bends over the desk?" kinda way), and her boobs kept jiggling wildly every time she moved, and having movement at the corner of your eye when you're trying to read is very distracting.

    (Yes, I'm aware that for many of you this would be a "Woohoo!" post. For me, it was just irritating)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,024 ✭✭✭Awayindahils

    shay_562 wrote:
    I live at the terminus plus 2 miles towards the mountains. Bah. So I'll happily second your "Stupid 15N" rant.

    As a fresher, I have to point out that we aren't all utter ****wits. Some of us are perfectly normal people who are equally inconvenienced by the chattering morons who don't seem to understand libraries (with the obvious exception of the Lecky, which is beyond hope) are for quiet study and not full-volume chats. And while I'm bitching about stupid library behaviour, what's with those girls who come to the library all dressed up? There was one sitting across from me today wearing a top so low-cut that it actually made me uncomfortable (in a "Did she forget to put on an actual top? Should someone maybe warn her just how much we can see when she bends over the desk?" kinda way), and her boobs kept jiggling every time she moved, and having movement at the corner of your eye when you're trying to read is very distracting.

    (Yes, I'm aware that for many of you this would be a "Woohoo!" post. For me, it was just irritating)

    didnt you say you like the lecky becuase of the chatter, and that the level of noise currently present in the ussher was neccessary for you to work?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭shay_562

    Yeah, but there's a quiet hum of chatter (which keeps me awake while still allowing concentration) and then there's people being bloody rude and obnoxious, which is bad at normal times, and 5 days before exams is worthy of a good stabbing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,314 ✭✭✭Nietzschean

    i got freaking SOAKED on me way into college earlier :(
    still wet/cold over an hour tempted to go home n back to bed...
    on the up side,

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,314 ✭✭✭Nietzschean

    just after noticing that windows with the bar's on it in that pic, i'm pretty sure thats a stair case...why is the only window in the place with bar's a stair case? how does that make any sence?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,135 ✭✭✭✭John

    shay_562 wrote:
    And while I'm bitching about stupid library behaviour, what's with those girls who come to the library all dressed up like it's a ****ing nightclub and know...the library? There was one sitting across from me today wearing a t-shirt so low-cut that it actually made me uncomfortable (in a "Did she forget to put on an actual top? Should someone maybe warn her just how much we can see when she bends over the desk?" kinda way), and her boobs kept jiggling wildly every time she moved, and having movement at the corner of your eye when you're trying to read is very distracting.

    So many girls with short skirts walking around the library. I'm convinced that if they had a frumpy dress code for the library I'd have done another two or three hours of work a day. *sigh*

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,135 ✭✭✭✭John

    And Ian, those ducks are cool. You should bring them to the TCD Boards Awards (although don't let them near the kitchen)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,579 ✭✭✭Pet

    You should bring them to the TCD Boards Awards

    I'll bring the rosemary and orange sauce.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,983 ✭✭✭✭Hermione*

    Aaaagh, why did I pick a course because it was interesting? Damn Richard Aldous and his 'this is a hotchpotch of history and other stuff, but we'll have so much fun with it' stuff. Shoulda stuck with Fanning and cut and dried Irish history, and my guaranteed first (Irish history's what I'm best at). As it is, I have so much to read I won't sllep tonight, I have to try and read on the Enlightenmnet and apply it to the music of Handel. Plus other difficult stuff. :mad:

    AND I'm missing the match tomorrow, and the full implications of the loss are beginning to dawn on me. :(

    I'm so tired it hurts, as does my back, and I'm still getting random muscle cramps. :mad:

    Also, I got money three days ago to last me til the first weekend in June, and at least half of it is gone already. I'm going to have to radically cut down on my eating. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭shay_562

    Spent today staring at microeconomics getting **** all done. I'm sure I used to know this back in December. I've got to go to work in half an hour, so I've officially given up and written today off. Bah. Hope tomorrow goes better...there's only so much longer I can afford to **** around not studying properly.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,234 ✭✭✭Edwardius

    Pet wrote:
    I'll bring the rosemary and orange sauce.
    I'll do the killin' then. it'll be redemption for the time we failed miserably in trying to kill a duck for dinner in a drink and drug fuelled haze (to prove manliness). Those bastards are clever though. That fox running around campus looks tasty too.

    On another note: I've become a walking disease and am making a point to stand really close to other people in order to infect them. Damn infidels

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,945 ✭✭✭cuckoo

    The clothes on the washing line that were almost dry half an hour ago are now soaked due to sudden rain, i'm now soaked as well from fetching them in, and i caught my little finger in the door of the tumble dryer.

    And, now, i'm back upstairs, looking at my sore finger and it's stopped raining. Ffs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,135 ✭✭✭✭John

    I'm not getting much study done at all today. I started a past question, got one page into it (normally they're in the 4-6 page answer region) and now I'm online again. Talking ****. ****'s sake!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,626 ✭✭✭Stargal

    Groargh, I got nothing done today. Had a headache (quel surprise!) but no sweet sweet tablets to quell the pain so had to lie down for a good few hours. Still feel kinda shakey. And not in a good way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,579 ✭✭✭Pet

    I'll do the killin' then. it'll be redemption for the time we failed miserably in trying to kill a duck for dinner in a drink and drug fuelled haze (to prove manliness). Those bastards are clever though.
    Just as well, you're supposed to leave it hang before you cook it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,523 ✭✭✭ApeXaviour

    I hate tossers:

    Boy: (after brief greetings) "So how's bebo going for you?"
    Girl: "Oh great! I've been looking over photos and I uploaded some last night and nearly on three thousand!!! How's it going for you?"
    Boy: "Oh wow three thousand that's amazing [said with geniune interested admiration] I'm pretty much on a stand-still at 1300"

    And much more excessively mindless bebo-esque chatter (now they're talking about they're "doing facebook" now too) all WAY too loud for a computer room, the volume is actually getting louder as they try and talk over eachother. YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS ROOM SOME PEOPLE ARE OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO STUDY YOU COMPLETE SOCIAL RETARDS WITH NO LIVES (as far as I can gather, I mean it's all they have to talk about.....) OTHER THAN BEBO BEBO BEBO BEEPOP CUNTRAGS! If they say bebo again with those stupid penetrating raspy D4 accents I'm going to throttle them

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,391 ✭✭✭arbeitsscheuer

    Kill the f**kers.

    There isn't a court in the world that would convict you - not a jury on earth that wouldn't have sympathy with the plight you have endured.

    Eviscerate their corpses!!!


    Too much?

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭gilroyb

    SebtheBum wrote:
    Eviscerate their corpses!!!

    Good advice, but make sure to put photos of their bodies on your Bebo first

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,579 ✭✭✭Pet

    There's an inverse relationship between the imminence of my exams and my tolerance for D4 saps. The weather seems to have brought them all out of the woodwork - they're EVERYWHERE, with their ****ing Stillorgo rindabites and Sandymounsh this and Dorsh that. If August brings the yearly headwreck that is Spanish students (loud, yellow, annoying, much like wasps except you can't set their nest on fire and watch them burn), then May brings the D4 saps and their oversized sunglasses and DREADFUL MUSIC. Yes Fiachra, if I have to listen to anymore of the Kaiser Chiefs you keep playing, I'll strangle you with
    a) the (white, always white. even if it's an especially clueless sap who didn't realise that you have to have an iPoo to be "one of the goys", (s)he'll still have white earphones. "Loike, they won't clash with my shoes!!" *sound of me bludgeoning sap with heavy object*) headphones you left in your pocket, or
    b) the scarf you have draped around your skinny, chicken-like neck (all the easier to do business with), you drooling, spluttering imbecile.

    Oh, and while I'm on about dreadful music, I had to listen to five James Blunt songs today whilst shopping in Dunnes. Dunnes, if you had any fucking concept of good point-of-sale marketing, you'd realise that playing music that makes your customers feel physically ill and nauseous while they're considering buying food from you is a BAD FUCKING IDEA.

    And what the fuck is with all the people in Halls adopting the D4 accent too? People I know from Galway, Longford and Cavan..all arrived with normal accents for their hometowns. All now have that same stupid vaguely-Californian, I-watch-the-OC-religiously-because-I'm-a-mindless-twigbrained-meatpuppet twang, and the vacuous attitude that goes with it.

    I want to smash and burn things every time I hear that accent. Smash, burn, and strangle until eyes pop out of sockets.

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH exams are making me crazier with each passing moment.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    The thing that gets me is that you have all those sorts, and then i have mates who actually just have that accent, but are so very sound, and nothing like it. STOP TARNISHING THE GOOD ONES, ASSHOLES. anyhow.

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