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The Testosterone Monologues



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,431 ✭✭✭✭Frank Bullitt

    has dragan died from the cut?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭tribulus

    nah he's just hibernating like the bear that he is!!

    I'm sure he's still on it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Gintonious wrote:
    has dragan died from the cut?

    SOrry guys, just been a little busy is all, i will do up a summary post of the last little bit later and put it up! The cut is going well though! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Hopefully with more pictures of jessica alba to convey the message:D :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Okay so,

    The last time I posted here was about 2 to 3 weeks ago!!! I have been keeping a journal over on Team Test, but I just never seem to have the time , or remember, to update it over here!!! Anyway, I will get back to doing so on Monday properly and my apologies. However, if you do want a day by day breakout then just check it out on Team Test.

    Now then, this is in bullet point the last few weeks.

    1) My strength is still going up, which is nice. I have also been told I have added some arm and shoulder mass as well, which is once again nice. Now I hear you say, how the crap can you do that on 66% of your maintenance calories and less than 50grams of carbs a day on average. The answer is I am not entirely sure yet. I am taking some BCAA's ( well, a lot of BCAA's ) on a daily basis which really has to have something to do with it. I am also taking one or two other things, so don't want to make assumptions just yet. I will break everything down in more detail when I finish the cut!

    2) My energy levels are all over the place. One minute your up, the next minute your down. For anyone who wants to do something like this….think carefully. Be at a place in your life where you can run through on automatic. It's hard to work, it's hard to remember stuff, it's hard to think. This will test you in every way.

    3) I went to Leeds for the weekend with G'em and T-ha and that was a MAJOR test! I passed though, and according to my traveling companions my mood was good the whole time. Don't get me wrong it was torture to sit there and watch others eat but hey, I decided to do this so I gotta deal with that stuff when it happens.

    4) I damn near broke at one point. It was a Thrusday ( I think ) and I was just run down to hell. I was tired, hungry, cold and just miserable as hell. I was looking through the freezer for my chicken fillets to cook some dinner and found a bag of oven chips. Oh you can bet your ass the Jessica Alba scale kicked in!!! For more than a little while those little buggers were the rough equivalent of….

    Just for you Brian!

    Fortunately Dragan stayed strong and did not break!

    5) When your on a heavy cut you get run down, your tired and your emotional. Me, I'm normally a pretty steady kind of guy and while this cut has made it's dents and I have had some depressed/angry/upset moments that would normally just role off me I am now starting to get a really good idea as to where the whole "roid rage" garbage comes from. Now don’t get me wrong, if you up your test you become more Alpha orientated, no doubt, but if you doing that while cutting your calories to a large degree and all the stuff that that entails then your going to be running a fine line and might just end up snapping and people you don't normally snap at. I haven't….but that’s because it's just not me. Just something to watch out for if you thinking about something like this and have a bit of a temper?

    Well that’s about it, I will be back to regular journal keeping and odd picture posting on Monday.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Saturday : TBT
    Location : Micks
    Status : Funky

    Dips 6 , Chins 3, Bicep Curls 12, Lat Pull Downs 8, Dumbell Press 12 ( just for a warm up, t'was cold in Micks!!! )
    Dumbell Press : 20(12) 25(12) 30(10)
    Lat Pull Downs : full stack for (11,10,10)
    Seated Rows : 80(12) 120(12) 140(
    Dumbell Shrugs 45kilos(8,8,
    EZ bar curls/standing french press superset : 3 sets
    Standing Military Press : 60(6,9 - PB!)

    Sunday : TBT
    Location : Total Fitness
    Status : Slightly Less Funky

    Hammer Strenght Chest Press : 40(12) , 80(10) , 100(7) 120(3) 80(7)
    Power Cleans (singles) 60,60,60,70,70, 80(miss) 80(miss) 60,60.
    Hammer Strenght Shoulder Press : 40(12) 80(10) 100(5 - PB!) 80(7)
    EZ Bar Bicep Curls 50kilos (6,6,5 - PB's!)
    Tricep Bar Pushdowns : 65kilos (12,12,12)
    Standing Dumbell Presses : 25(8,
    Reverse Preacher/Normall Preacher Superset with negatives - can't remember, tiny weight but a big hurt.

    1) Two fairly okay sessions, although today I am all funked out. My brain doesn't work, I have no energy and I am finding it impossible to care about….well…..anything? I have ONE thing in my head that I am thinking about and that’s it. This is affecting my work but in the run up to X-mas no one will notice I imagine.

    2) Three weeks left. Man, that seems like a pretty long time let me tell you!!! I'm pretty damn happy with my progress so far and feel I am setting myself up nicely to achieve that ultimate goal by next summer. Single digit bodyfat!!! Oh yes!

    3) Happy with the PB's I got….the only reason I curled 50kilos is because the bar was in my way, and as I was moving it I thought "**** it, I can curl that" so I did. It was nice. Standing Military Presses I was very happy with as well!!! Power Cleans pissed me off….i had no ooomph and they just were not happening!

    4) Very happy with the feedback from Trib, JSB and JayRoc over the weekend!!! Well done to those three for their respective sessions, some nice weight was moved by all!!!

    5) All in all Dragan is happy, but tired.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Workout : Back and Chest
    Location : Westwood

    ( Let me start this post by saying Eamonn is a bad man for giving me the idea for superset number one )

    Warm up : power cleans, single and trips with 60kilos, deads with 100 kilos for 12 reps.

    Superset 1:
    Power Cleans(60kilo) / Deads(150kilos) : 6/3 , 6/3 , 6/2 , 6/2 ( deads were raw, forgot my wraps )

    Super Set 2 :
    Cable Cross Overs (26kilos) / Explosive Push Ups : 10/9 , 11/9 , 10/11

    Incline Plate Loaded Press : 40(15) 80(9) 100(6 - PB!) 100(4) 80(10)

    One Arm Dumbell Rows ( 4 second negative ) : 45kilos (10, 10 , 10)
    Barbell Rows : 70kilos (12,12,12)


    1) Grip strenght. You gotta love it. 4 months ago I could not hold the 45kilo dumbells raw for 1 rep, and my raw deadlift was 140 for 1. You gotta love the Captains of Crush!

    2) That first superset was great. And by great I mean torture! It the power cleans really knocked lumps out of my deadlift, but man did I ever feel each and ever one of those reps!! It was great, not something to be done if you have a twingy back, or are prone to one. I wanted to use 70 for the cleans and 170 for the deads and I did for one set, but the 70 was too much and the 170 just would not move afterwards!! ( who knew!!!! )

    3) Very happy with the incline plate loaded as well….i felt it all in my pecs and got some funky looks when moving it as well!

    4) My supplement budget is about to go through the roof due to the uber hot Polish chick who works in the supplement store in Westwood now. Dammit.

    5) Yesterday you may have noticed I was absent from the board. The reason? I was sick. I woke up the last three days and felt awful, and yesterday was the final straw so I took myself off to the doctor. You may recall that just the week before I started the cut I was getting over a chest infection….well it's back!! Hurray!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,431 ✭✭✭✭Frank Bullitt

    how is the cut going,is it finished now?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Hey dude,

    Yeah I finished up the cut a week early due to illness, which sucked! But by then I was down to a depleted 232! Right now I am a full 238, which I am very happy with as I started at 255! I also managed to add some size to my shoulders, chest and arms, which is just plain silly really!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Have you measured body fat levels, I'm assuming you were aiming to get close to 10%?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Have you measured body fat levels, I'm assuming you were aiming to get close to 10%?

    To be honest, i don't really worry about bodyfat % too much. It just seems way too subjective to me. Lets say i weight 200 pounds. Whats my lean muscle %? organ weight, hydration, bone density....they all vary from person to person so it gets hard to figure out how much lean mass you actually have.

    BF, for me, if a purely visual thing. If i can perform as i need to, lift what i want to, be healthy and do that all with a 6 pack does it matter if by BF level is 8% or 12%?

    Besides, i find the whole skin fold measurement to be a total pack of lies and unless i could do x-ray or underwater measurements than i wouldn't worry about it too much! All in all, i would say i lost about 6% bodyfat over the course of it, if i had to guess. I would say right now i am about 14%??

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,431 ✭✭✭✭Frank Bullitt

    thats pretty cool man,fair play,its unfortunate that you had to finish up a week early but there is no shame in quitting,im going on the same diet on monday,have been working it out all week,its not unusual as well for some people to gain size in some areas as i have read on other forums and on here..

    just one terribly crucifying is it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Gintonious wrote:
    thats pretty cool man,fair play,its unfortunate that you had to finish up a week early but there is no shame in quitting,im going on the same diet on monday,have been working it out all week,its not unusual as well for some people to gain size in some areas as i have read on other forums and on here..

    just one terribly crucifying is it?

    I'm not gonna bull**** you. It's pretty harsh man. As I said earlier you never feel "normal" you always feel a little off, a little weak, a little slow….and that’s on the good days. When then crashes come you will honestly and truly just want to quit. That word will be like a big shiny beacon in the sky at times!!! Another MAJOR thing is that little voice in the back of your head and says "go on, eat that donut, no one will know." That’s a little bastard and will need to be overcome.

    Personally, I think it helps if your semi-masochistic. To be honest, if you go to the gym and work hard then you’re a good bit of the way there. I've never worked out with you, so I don't know what your like but I think anyone who know's us would describe myself and G'em as , well, not quite right in the head so to speak. If it's a challenge that’s broken other people then we're up for it!

    If you have that streak in you then your golden, because you'll view the suffering in the best possible light, as proof positive that what you are doing is worthwhile!

    In short, it sucks, it really , truly , honestly sucks so much balls you cannot believe it…..but it's SO worth it man!

    Anyway, best of luck with it, if you have ANY questions just give me a shout! By the way, will you be keeping a journal about it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,431 ✭✭✭✭Frank Bullitt

    yeah ill be starting one tomorrow or the next day outlining my plans,aims and hopeful results,ill ask a few questions in the thread.

    thanks for the help,i recon ill need all i can get!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Dragan wrote:
    I think anyone who know's us would describe myself and G'em as , well, not quite right in the head so to speak. If it's a challenge that’s broken other people then we're up for it!
    I really can't argue with you over this coz you're so right... :o ah well. There's worst ways of being described than "not quite right in the head". I'm not entirely sure what they are though... :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Workout : Shoulders/Arms
    Location : Westwood
    Status : Super Funkified

    Shoulders :
    Dumbbell Press : [18kilos by 12 for 2] 32kilos by 8 , 28kilos by 10, 24kilos by 10
    Cable Lateral Raises : 3 sets, 2 plates to failure.
    Standing Barbell Presses : 40kilos 12,11,10
    Dumbbell Front Raises : 2 sets
    Lateral Dumbbell Raises : 2 sets
    Rear Raises : 2 sets

    Tate Press : 10kilos(10)12.5kilos(9) 12.5kilos(8)
    Alternate Dumbell Curls(20 kilos)/Hammer Curl Superset(12.5kilos) : 5/10 , 5,11 , 6/9
    Overhead Dumbell Extension : 32(10) 34(9) 36(7 - PB)
    Concentration Curls : 17.5 kilos (10,10)
    Decline French Press/Close Grip Bench Superset(38kilos) : 5/6 , 5/6
    Bar Push Downs : 2 sets, full stack plus a plate
    Cable Bicep Curls : Half stack to failure at about 15 reps.

    Thoughts :

    1) It's been a while since I have done a really high volume workout, and last night I had some extra time as I was getting a lift home so I said "**** it, give it socks bujha!" By the time I was done my arms and shoulders were literally pumped up beyond belief. The top I was wearing with the sleeves rolled up was literally cutting into my arms when I walked off the floor. It was deadly, everything felt like a rock!

    2) Hot girls in the weights area are a major boost to workout intensity I have to say. I'm actually surprised that Trinity is not the new Hercs, given the presence of our G'em in there. Obviously those student lifters are not the best at harnessing environmental variables to aid workouts! There was this cracking girl in the weights area last night, and while her strength would be nothing special she was putting in some major effort, and I'm sure her strenght will increase over time! Anyway, we got chatting a little bit about form for arms and she seemed very enthusiastic about lifting, which was nice.

    3) The anabolic kick back after coming out of the cut is RIDICULOUS!!! I mean seriously scary! My mojo stayed good the whole length of the cut, due to the high fats etc but man, upping the calories post cut seems to have driven my test through the rough. I actually found myself watching "Into the Blue" the other night, purely for Jessica Alba and at the risk of losing all credibility I watched 30 seconds of Mean Girls while channel flicking last night. Now I know what your thinking, your thinking "Dammit D, why!!!!!".

    When she's not being too skinny she's being pretty damn hot.

    I think that covers me? Besides, it was just one scene where she was running in a low cut top, I really couldn't help it! Like I said, the test kick back is really quite ridiculous!

    4) While it was nice to venture back to high volume after a few weeks of more low volume TBT style workouts I will be sticking with the TBT. Don't get me wrong, the pump was brilliant, and I felt fantastic, I just feel that TBT can offer me more than a bodypart split can right now.

    5) Can anyone here tell me why you would wear a weightlifting belt and simply round your back? There was this guy and his bird in last night. The fella has trained for a while now, and thinks he hardcore as **** even though he's really just fat and weak and recently he has started bringing his bird along. So last night they were doing back and were both wearing belts, but they were both COMPLETELY rounding out there back on just about everything. And I wouldn't mind only the weights were really LIGHT! They could easily have maintained proper form. Grrrrrrrrr! Now you guys know I try and see the good in everyones gym efforts, but these two take the cake!!!

    6) Very, very excited about Micks new gym. I imagine that he just wants to get it done and stop having to worry about it but for me it's like someone is purpose building a playground for us!!! Lets face it, if you can have a corporate gym, or a gym that has been planned out by an actual lifter then your gonna go for option B!!!!! Bring it on I say!!! Especially that Titan Gripper!!!! Getting a 200 kilo deadlift with no wraps or chalk or nothing was sweet but 220 is calling my name so I gotta up my grip strenght again!

    Dragan Out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    My weekend was split between collecting for the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind and helping Mick, so overall I feel like I am now two steps further from Hell than I was on Friday! Friday night was plenty of fun, putting the first machine together seemed to take forever, but then we got on a roll with the second one, and when we came back from having some food we got two of them built in 2 hours! After that it was home and sleepy time after a few epidsodes of family guy! I like to take some "awake but relaxing" time on Friday night, regardless of what time I get home from where I might be.

    Saturday was spent collectiong cash, the same early Sunday and then it was into Mick's again for about 1ish to try and help some more. After throwing some bits and bobs together myself and Mick headed off to collect the Hummer and then out to pick up plates, bars and dumbells! Loading up was fun, but sitting in the Hummer with a tonne and a half of weight in the back was nice! The scariest thing was the engine didn't even notice the added weight, but the inertia you would build up was mental! At one point Mick turned to me and said…."Ah, the brakes don't really work with all the added weight." Now in any other vehicle you would worry, but not in a Hummer. I mean, any bad that could possibly happen is not going to happen to YOU, and that’s the important thing. I'm not a big fan of people in general, so if we ended up crushing a few of them it wasn't really going to bother me. It might have bothered Mick, but only because it would have meant having to wash the Hummer.

    After we got back and everyone pitched in and unloaded it was workout time!

    Quick Complex to warm up then,
    Bent Over Dumbell Rows : 30 by 2 for 12 reps ( warm up ) 57.5 for 6,6,6
    Flat Bench : 70kilos (10,10,10)
    Shoulder Dumbell Press : 30 (8,8,7)
    EZ Bar Curls : 35kilos(9,9,
    Standing French Press : 35kilos(10,10,9)
    Shrugs : 60(10) 100( 140(6) 180(3) 220( couldn't lift the bastard! )
    Did some other random things that I can't really remember.

    Today I am tired and sore but I feel great! It's just a shame that it is Monday! I will have a workout tonight and then take a rest day tomorrow. I am planning on going down to Limerick this weekend so want to be able to train at least 3 time this week before Friday!

    Dragan Out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Workout :
    Flat Dumbell Press(32kilos)/Push Up Supersets : 10/10 , 8/9 , 7/9
    Chins/Lat Pull Downs Superset(120 pounds): 3/12 , 2/12 , 2/12
    Standing Dumbell Press(18kilos)/Lateral Raise Superset(10kilos)
    Hip Adduction/Abduction : 3 sets for each, 15 reps, long squeeze.
    Tate Press : 10kilos(10) 12.5(10) 15(7)
    Dumbell Concentration Curl Drop Set : 20kilos/12.5kilos , 2 sets to failure.

    1) Man was it ever busy last night! The newbs are out in force. It would also seem that the excerise that’s cool to do wrong is the lateral raise. I'm not even going to go into what I saw people doing last night, needless to say it was all hilarious!

    2) The above might not read like much on the screen, but at a nice steady pace it takes it out of you. I like having the occassional super set workout as it keeps the intensity up and the energy levels high.

    3) I weighed myself last night and came in at 237lbs. Last week I was 238lbs. So what does that tell us? That I am still undereating slightly, which is good. Remember that my metabolism is still a bit slow after the GSD, and I still need to watch what I eat quite carefully. It's fine to pop into Eddie's over the weekend after a session but that is not something I would want to be doing everyday! For example, today is a non lifting day, so it's a CAT day, and the diet looks like this.

    08:00 6 egg white omellete with peppers and tomatoes, 2 slices McCambridges brown bread ( remember to get your carbs in for breakfast even on Cat days )
    10:00 BCAA tabs
    11:30 Broccolli, Carrots, tuna and sesame seed oil.
    13:30 Whey shake
    16:00 Broccolli, Carrots, tuna and sesame seed oil.
    18:00 BCAA tabs
    20:00 Chicken Breast with Veg Stir Fried in Walnut Oil.
    21:00 BCAA tabs
    23:00 Whey and Cottage Cheese Shake.

    As you can see, I have pretty much adopted the GSD style diet as my cat day. I mean, if I can do it for 49 days then doing it a few times a week should not be an issue. A steady flow of amino acids in all days means I don't need to worry about things and I will be experimenting over the coming weeks with how low you can drop your calories on a Cat day.

    4) I pretty much have my next 8 week plan worked out. It's an odd one, and may or may not raise some eyebrows. I hope to get it written up tonight and posted tomorrow for your viewing pleasure. It's a nice one and I am hoping that it will lead to some good results!

    5) Last night when I got home from the gym I just ate my dinner and then fell asleep on the couch! I was asleep by about half 8 and did not wake up until half 12! This is a shame, as I slept through True Romance which was on sky movies and I wanted to watch it!

    6) Why did I never do push ups regularly before? I swear since I started them I love the things! It's nice to walk into the gym and bang out 2 sets of 25 of them for a warm up, then run through my stretching complex all the while having the newbs looking at me. I know what they are thinking. They're thinking "who is this fat man who fights gravity so easily?"

    7) Because I am in the mood, and for the foreseeable future and inspired by Tribs journal I will be doing a "Song for the Day" section. Today's comes with a history lesson. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away there was a band called "Jimmy Eat World". It was around this time, and because of this band that the term "Emo" was coined. At the time, it simply implied "emotionally driven rock." before it became twisted by stupid music journo's looking for a name to apply to the new genre of band who wears their sisters make up and is pissed at their Dad. Anyway, back before Emo meant eye liner and you could still put on a decent live show that didn't involve lasers and fireworks there was Jimmy Eat World. I am including two tracks, because there are both sweet. - Bleed American - The Middle

    Anyway, that’s it for today. As mentioned today is a non training day, so this evening is spent writing up my plan and playing Pro Evo 6!

    Dragan Out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    You know, it occurs to me as I write this that sometimes it's best to just keep your mouth quiet, hope for the best and pray that no one notices whats happening. Then, afterwards, should things turn out to be a success you can be good and loud and say how great you are. Below I will go into detail about my new routine and my reasoning and thinking behind it. I hope no one is expecting rocket science here, but you might get something along the lines of a clever interpretation of kinesology.

    The Plan :

    Okay, for a clue yesterday I gave "undulating rep schemes, alternating set numbers and cyclical recovery" or something along those lines. That’s not so much a clue as the basis for the whole program but hey, what can you do!

    So here is the plan.


    Now then, at first look it seems like simple A,B,C TBT workout plan. But I have included some different techniques and a kind of shifting rep scheme. As came up in a thread earlier today I think we all know the importance of deloading, having different days of different intensities etc when it comes to building power and strenght. But what about size? What can we alter on a daily, TBT program to help us to grow? The rep scheme of course!

    Now I have mentioned before ( and it recently came up in CP's last article on T-Nation ) that it is quite obvious that oly/powerlifting rep ranges and loads induce hypertrophy. However, for me , the king of Hypertrophy falls within the 8 to 12 rep range. I myself have had good results operating in this rep range. So this is where I would plant my flag and hope that flag would grow!

    As you can, the reps vary for each bodypart from day to day. Why? Well, the whole point of TBT is that you are training each bodypart 3+ times a week, with a far less workload than a split bodypart routine. As such, what do you think would happen if you walked into the gym and attacked your whole body with good heavy weights, for 8 reps over 3 to 4 working sets each and every day? In my mind anyway, you would not make it very far, you would be takeing the whole point of a TBT program and ignoring it. As such, I have applied a rolling rep scheme to my workouts, each day having a different bodypart that is on it's "Heavy Day" so to speak, following that with an effective "active recovery day" and then third day being almost a warm up into the heavy lifting day.

    Basically it's a Heavy (5-8 reps) , Recovery (15 reps) , Lead In ( 12 reps) days for each bodypart, but when one body part is on a heavy day, one will be on it's active recovery and the other will be on a Lead In day. This way, you do not have the whole body needing the same degree of recovery, nor do you have the over excessive strain on recovery caused by a split routine. I have adopted supersets as the way I will really target the bodypart that is having it's heavy workload day, as I find them to be a fantastic way to really fry a bodypart over a TBT routine.

    Now then, I did have other considerations when I was planning this program. First of all it had to have a main goal, you can't really make a "Maintain your mass" program so I opted to try and emphasis muscle growth, I mean, why not? As such, GP 1 stands for "Growth Program 1" as I change and refine it the version number will change. It just makes life easier. The second was that I wanted to work in a progressive loading increase for my high rep range benching. So the recovery day suits me fine as I pick my weight for 15 reps, and each week add 2.5 to 5 pounds to that. I deliberately picked the 15 range for recovery days for two reasons.

    A) I don't think that an active recovery day should inflict a large amount of fibre tears. It just makes no sense to me. Your looking to flood the muscles with blood and nutrients, not cause more micro tears.

    B) I would like to work on my muscular endurance, so the 15 rep range is suitable for that while also falling in line with other goals.

    Another important consideration was my legs. I will be slowly working them back into action, as my knee is still a little dodge and I want to be very, very careful. So my program would be upper body dominant. Perfect. You may notice that I have not really applied the rolling rep scheme to arms and this is because I feel they respond best to a steady battering. The great thing about doing a program for yourself is you can choose the exercise that you KNOW work for you and apply the rep schemes that you KNOW work for you. As far as I am concerned, if you have been lifting for more than 2 years with any degree of seriousness and you don't know what works for what bodypart then your not paying attention to your body.

    As I said I's really quite simple and basic and was inspired by various articles from various people, so there is nothing I can really claim as my own. I'm just giving it all a structure that suis me, so maybe that is the biggest lesson people can take from it? Sure, it's great when CT or Dave Tate says "do a,b and c to achieve d" but sometimes you just gotta apply your own knowledge of your own self and hope for the best.

    Anyway, program starts on Monday coming. I am looking forward to it!!!

    Dragan Out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Workout :
    Deadlifts : 60(10) 100(6) 140(3) 180(1) 200(1) 205(miss) 180(1) 180(1) 180(1) ** funny story?
    Flat Plate Loaded Bench Pree : 40(12) 80(8) 120(5 - PB!) 80(11) 40(15)
    Seated Barbell Shoulder Press : 40(12) 60(8) 60(6) 70(2 - PB!)
    EZ Bar Curls(38) : 9,8
    Cable Curls (55) : 12
    V-bar Tricep PushDowns : fullstack(12 reps) fullstack+2 plates(10reps) fullstack+4plates(10-PB) fullstack+6plates(10-PB) fullstack+7plates(10-PB)

    Thoughts :

    1) It's funny how close people come to great personal misfortune and terrible agony without realising it. Last night, as I was warming up for 205 ( my target lift) and JUST as I was about to pull 180 ( I mean literally just, I was actually standing up and beginning the pull ) I was tapped on the shoulder. That’s right. Someone actually tapped me on the ****ing shoulder at the start of the movement. Needless to say it completely threw me and I stopped the lift and turned around. There was these two French guys standing there. The conversation went something like this?

    Me : "What the hell are you doing?"
    French Guy 1 : "I was just wondering what that lift is you were doing."
    Me : "You ****ing what? You actually interrupt me mid lift for that? I could have blown my back out you moron."
    French Guy 2 : "Hey man, there is no need for anger we were just curious…."
    Me : "There is everyneed for anger you ****ing tard, now get the **** out of my face."
    ** At this point I am boiling, and the only thing keeping these two alive is witnesses
    French Guy 1 : "Hey man, I don't like you attitude, the gym is for to relax and have fun."
    Me : "No mate, the gym is for me to move big heavy weight and be left alone…….."
    ** at this point a guy I know walked over and told the two boys to leave, that it would be for the best. One of them said "why, what will happen should we stay" and he simply replied "listen, this guy will get to a point where he really won't care that we're in a public place and he really will hurt you." so off they went. In fairness to my mate he then went down to the front desk to make a complaint that he had seen the two guys physically interrupt me mid lift.

    I have to say, in all the gyms I have been in, over all the years I have lifted no one has EVER been stupid enough to do that. Im quite sure I was very close to murder. Stupid cheese eating surrender monkeys. But anyway, I was so pissed off that I never put the 2.5 plates on either side with the 10's when I moved up the weight and it was the easiest 200 pull I have ever done. Rage is a great supplement. So by the time I went for 205 my CNS was a little taxed and I missed it ( barely) so it was 180's for singles then on to other things.

    It's a Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey......geddit?

    2) Very happy with the PB's on both my chest and shoulder pressing, it was well tasty!

    3) I know people bang on about Dave Tate a lot, but it would seem he really, really does know his stuff. I have only been doing the Tate Press for 4 weeks but already I can feel my tricep strength is on the up. I mean just look at what I was pushing today? By the time I was done on Push Downs the stack just looked ridiculous with all those plates sitting on it! It would seem that slow burning rage stayed with me the whole night and pushed my number ups. Gutted I didn't put those plates on for the deads but hey, what can you do?

    4) Really looking forward to starting my plan. As I said to G'em on the phone last night this is really the first time I have ever done a plan with the anticipation of growing. In the past I really just grew as an after effect of what I did in the gym. Hopefully some clever progression will see my weights on the major lifts go up as well as I will be rocking it Milo style.

    5) I was gutted last night after finishing my workout and going down to the shop to find they had no chocolate Pro Flap Jack Bars. "hot Polish Girl" did promise they would have more in tonight though, and also promised to keep an eye on them and hide them under the desk should the levels drop again.

    6) Song for the Day time, and todays comes from Tool. Tool are one of my favourite bands on the planet. Formed in 1990 they instantly blew the top off the metal scene with the EP "Opiate" and quickly followed up with first album "Undertow". They have been labeled more times than I can think off, with more names and descriptions than any other band but the reality is that they are just Tool. Some of the greatest music ever written, one of the most distinctive and talented singers in the metal scene and of course the videos. Fronted by Maynard James Keenan , his voice and lyrics are just unbelievable. The entire band is like some kind of collection of intelligent wasters, and their newsletter reads like something from a "metaphysical meets the philosophical" conference. They have some odd views of the world, and wrap them up in odder songs and even odder lyrics. I actually found it impossible to just go with one song, so instead I went with three. - Aenima - Schism - Prison Sex

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    What were those two french ****ers thinking? Common sense would say they shouldn't tap you on the shoulder mid-lifting big weight. Retards

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Workout :
    Warm up Complex
    Flat Dumbell Press(32)/Push Ups : 8/10 , 7/8 , 5/4
    Dumbell Rows(36) : 12 , 12 , 12
    Cable Shoulder Complex : twice through for each side, lat/front/rear raises to failure on all of them.
    Decline Skullcrushers(12.5 dumbells) : 10 , 10 , 10
    Straight Bar Bicep Curls : 25(10) , 30(10) , 35(7)
    Leg Press : 80kilos ( 15,15,15 )
    Leg Curl : 110lbs (12,12,12)

    1) I expected a lack of sleep over the weekend and a relatively hit and miss diet to cost me a lot more than it did to be honest. My mind was on other things but I took the 45 minutes this took to get rid of some stress and confusion.

    2) The Flat Dumbell Press and Push Ups Superset was a killer, a total and utter killer. Hopefully as the weeks go on I will eek out more reps for each one and then up the weight. It was funny but by the time I had done the third one my chest was cramping and I have classic DOMS in it today.

    3) High rep dumbell rows = big wings. It's really that simple. I kept the weight light because I wanted all three sets at 12 reps as is the whole point of the program. Essentially each set is tougher that the last but a clever weight selection and some teeth grittage will see you through it.

    4) The cable complex nearly made me cry. Honestly, I forget how horrible this was as I have not done it since my press/raise shoulder split. Nasty stuff.

    5) Had to do dumbell skull crushers and straight bar bicep curls because two groups of young lads were using the EZ-bars.

    6) Legs!!!! Yeah!!! I know the weight is ****, I know that, but dammit that 80 kilos for 3 15's was maybe the hardest thing I did all night. My legs are really, really not used to any direct work at all and are really feeling it! My knee felt good, but I want 3 sets of 20 before I up the weight again. Sure, I am being uber cautious, but think about not being able to train YOUR favourite bodypart for 4 months and you'll see whay. Last thing I need is to blow it up again by doing something stupid.

    It was funny but I am still holding a lot of the cuts that the diet gave me, which is really nice, and there is a degree of seperation starting to come up in my quads. My VM needs work ( you should be recognising this from G'ems journal ) and I am not in the mood to go bending my knee at weird angels so I am just adopting a wide duck stance approach to bring it up and when I do I feel I will have more complete quads. When I can do 100kilos on the leg press for 3 sets of 20 I will start to work in light front squatting, then when that is decent I will start to work in back squatting again. Patience is a virtue.

    7) All in all a fine workout given my condition, both mental and physical. Really looking forward to day two as I am feeling day 1. Hopefull this plan will make me grow!!

    8 ) Song for the Day : Remember I was talking about Alice in Chains Unplugged? I believe I called it one of the greatest live rock performances of all time. Well one of the performaces that would rival that is definitely Nirvana in the same vein, Unplugged. It was just unreal to see this band playing stripped down acoustic versions of songs and breaking out so much stuff from other sources as well. For me, it's one of my favourite performances because there is a sense of joy and happiness radiating off Kurt Cobain throughout the whole thing. He was very different to the depressed man who would eventually commit suicide that the general public seemed to feel he was. I honestly don't think it's a stretch to say that Nirvana changed music in the a way that only a few people have. For me, certain acts and bands act almost like hinges in the music scene, allowing it to change and move off in a different direction. Elvis, the Beatles, Nirvana you could look at them all and see that way music was before them, and the way it was after. Anyway, once again it becomes difficult to choose just one song so I choose more! It's also worth having a look around at the Behind the Scenes stuff and you will get a good idea as to why I rate this as such a great performance, and the Unplugged shows at the time to have been doing something truly special. - Plateau - Oh Me - The Man Who Sold the World

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Workout : Cardio/conditioning

    Skipping( 1 min ) / Bag Work (2 mins ) : 5 rounds.

    1) This was actually pretty hard. It was very nice to be able to do it again though, as I haven't really been able to do **** for cardio/conditioning since I hurt my knee. Just before I hurt it I would have done this easily, very easily in fact, but yesterday it was a struggle. Hopefully the lungs will come back soon enough.

    2) Really feeling the skipping in my calves. I was pretty surprised that my rhythm was not worse actually, but I made it back to two stepping pretty quickly yesterday.

    3) I might be imagining things but I am pretty sure that my left jab is faster and my right cross is heavier. JayRoc, will need your opinion on that next time we do pads.

    4) AnaCat and TBT ( I nearly said GP-1 there but I don't want to get ahead of myself ) is a match made in heaven. I feel good and strong everyday. My energy levels are always nice and high, I never feel slow or sluggish and the whole "cutback/reward" element of AnaCat makes it one of the most mentally satisfying diets I have ever done. I have to say as well that there is something about having a slight bit of DOMS all over that really, really makes you feel good. I think it makes you very aware of your muscles even when your just walking about the office.

    5) I was helping out a friend from work last night down the gym and I had to laugh. There was an entire soccer team in training. Their coach had them doing tricep kickbacks, benching in the smith, seated dumbell pressing. The whole team. I could understand a position that needs a strong upper body doing it, but having the whole team running through the same program strikes me as just poor coaching.

    6) Today is day two of my new program and it's Recovery day for chest ( light enough work in the 15 rep range ) heavy day for back ( deadlifts in 8, chin/lat pull supers ) and lead in day for shoulders ( standing barbell presses in the 10 to 12 range ). Sweetums. Really looking forward to deads. Would like to pull 140 for 8 but haven't really done anything like this in a bit so will just wait and see how it feels. I feel good and strong….somethings getting PB'd tonight, I don't give a ****.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Workout :

    Deadlifts : 60(8) 100(8) 140(8) 140(8) 140(8) ( OUCH! )
    Flat Bench : 60(15 by 2)
    Chins/Lat Pull Supers(120lbs) : 4(PB!!)/10 , 2/10 , 1/10
    Standing Dumbell Press(20kilo db's) : 10 , 10 , 9
    Concentration Dumbell Curl : 30lbs (10, 10 , 10)
    Tate Press : 12.5(10) 15(10) 15(10)
    Leg Extension : 30kilos ( 25 , 25 , 25 )
    Leg Curls : 90( 15 , 15, 15 )

    1) Delighted with this work. The deadlifts are a total grinder. I was delighted to get the 140 for 3 sets of 8 reps. The first set was good, the second set the last rep really made me pay and in the third my mind was screaming stop at the 5th rep. My back however was saying "listen buddy, your not even feeling any pain so stop being a bitch about it" and I ground out the last three reps. It was freaking brilliant. Next weeks target is 145. One of the most painful things I have done. My back feels torn up today.

    2) I am also delighted that I finally added another rep to my chins! I was starting to think it would never happen!! Woot!

    3) Benching was fine, just light recovery work although I choose my weight perfectly again and the 15 rep was coming in just before failure so it was spot on.

    4) Everything else was perfect. Felt fantastic walking out of the gym, if a little sick in the stomach but one of my best workouts in ages, if only for sticking around to do it after the deads!!!!

    5) I reckon I can get away with eating a little more on Day 2 than I normally would in a Ana day build up. I also reckon this will be the toughest day of my workouts!

    6) Song for Today : Sadly my good mood didn't last as after I got home things caught up with me ever so slightly so I ate and then sit and shot people in "Black" all night to work of the stress. Great way for a grown man to spend his evening. While doing so I broke out some of my older dustier CD collection and one of the albums I ended up listening to was "White Zombie : Astro Creep ". What a freakin' album! Our song from the day is taken from it…. - More Human Than Human

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Saturday : Day 3
    Location : Micks

    Dumbell Press/Lateral Raises Super : 35kilos/12kilos ( 4,7 - PB!) , 35k/12k (2,7) , 30k/12k ( 8,6 ) 30k/12k (6,6)
    Straight Arm Pull Downs : 4plates( 15 ) , 5plates(15) , 6plates (15)
    Seated Rows : 40kilos ( 15 ) 80 (15 ) 110 (15)
    Incline Flyes : 20kilos ( 8 , 8 , 8 )
    Alternate Dumbell Curls(20kilos)/Hammer Curls (15kilos) : 6/7 , 7/6 ( both PB's for alt dumbell curls )
    Overhead Dumbell Extension : 35k(10) 40k(10 - PB )
    Tate Press : 15kilos(10)
    Rope Pushdowns : 2 sets, can't remember the weight.
    Stiff Legged Deads : 60 ( 6 , 6 , 6 )

    Sunday : Day 1
    Location : Westwood
    Incline Dumbell Press/Push Up Supers 10/10 , 9/8 , 10/8
    Dumbell Rows : 36kilos 12 , 12 , 12
    Shoulder Cable Complex : 2 a side, rear, front and lateral raises.
    Decline Skull Crushers : 15kilos Dumbells (9,9,8)
    Straigth Bar Bicep Curls : 25(10) 30(10) 35(8)
    Leg Press : 80(20) 80(20) 80(15)
    Leg Curls : 110lbs (12,12,12)


    1) Tired now, two days in a row was a killer. Happy with the weights posted on all days to be honest. Micks was good fun on Saturday. Well done to Trib on his benching, it is always nice to see that happy smile after someone posts a new PB!

    2) Right now I am just sore all over. I will take tonight off and go hunting a haircut I think!

    3) I look forward to Day 2 with a combination of desire and dread. Starting with Deadlifts is good and bad. The challenge is there but you gotta do the rest of your workout afterwards. The cyclical days seems to work a charm, my back was killing me up to Saturday but the recovery work did a treat for it!!

    4) Muscular size seems to be coming thick and fast right now, which is nice. I think a combo of certain supplements, AnaCat diet, the TBT program and the continued enjoyment of post cut anabolism is doing a lot for me right now, and I can't say that I'm not enjoying it! Had a great "trap off" with G'em on Saturday and I have to say it was two mighty fine slaps of meat on display!

    5) Maybe it's because I watched a load of the Ultimate Fighter over the weekend, I don't know, but I will be adding some horrible, horrible circuits to get my conditioning and cardio back up to scratch. These will be done on non lifting days and should be fun/horrible whatever your view of the world is. I think they will also go a long way towards ensuring no adipose is added and facilitate a continued steady leaning out as well.

    6) Trained with a new girl yesterday and had a good laugh. She has a good attitude towards it all and is more than willing to give me **** which is always a good thing. We will be training together on a regular basis, at least in the short term. It will be nice to have a regular lifting partner again, if only for a little bit.

    7) Song For the Day : Nothing so deep and meaningful today ( although you music surely realise there are two of the Big Seattle Four still to touch on ) just a nice little number I heard one day on the radio. A fine little guitar driven tune that doesn't ask a lot. The bands name is Theory of a Deadman, which is regrettable I suppose. - Santa Monica

    Anyway, Dragan Out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Workout : Day 2
    Location : Vestwood ( whats with skinny armed newbs in vests, eh? )

    Deadlifts : 60(8) 100(8) 145(8) 145(8) 145(8)
    Flat Bench Press : 62.5 ( 15 by 2 )
    Chins/Lat Pulls(135lbs) : 2/10 , 2/10 , 2/10
    Standing Military Press : 40 kilos for 3 sets of 12
    Concentration Curls : 15kilos 3 sets of 10
    Tate Press : 15kilos(10) 17.5kilos(10 - PB!) 17.5kilos(8)

    Cardio : 20 mins on the Threadmill

    Thoughts :

    1) Deadlifts hurt. They actually hurt at the time something awful. Set 1 hurt for **** sake. Set 2 was murder and Set 3 is my greatest acheivement in the gym to date. I got stuck mid way up on the fifth rep and had to grind it out. I honestly wanted to quite but fooled myself with the "fail, don't quit….if you quit your weak if you fail you tried" argument. So I ground out number 6, and then number 7. I was told it took me a good 8 or 9 seconds to get number 8 and while doing so I was shouting "Mother****er" because I was sure I was going to lose it. But I didn't, I got that som'bitch! A guy walked up to me afterwards and told me it was "one of the coolest things I have ever seen." One of the gym instructors came up to see what all the noise was about but when he saw it was me he figured it was for a good reason and just left it.

    I have re-evaluate my approach to back somewhat. This was far, far harder than a simple 5 extra kilos warranted so I am just going to have to take a step back and do a heavy week and a light week for deads….i really cannot see my back taken too much more of this. If I was just doing one set then it would be fine….but it's three, because three hurts and 3 works. My target is 180kilos for a set of 8, I just thought I would say that in public as a driving force to get to it. I have no date, or time that I want it in, I just know I will not be driven from my course until I have that **** up on Youtube. There's no real words than can describe how sore my back is today. So I’ll make one up….. "un****ingbelieveablysorelikesomeonestucka****ingknifeinagainandagainandagain."

    2) Chuffed with the bench as well, a simply 2.5 kilo increase but over time these will add up. I would like to finish my 8 week run doing 70 to 75 kilos for 2 sets of 15. My eventual dream would be 80 to 85 kilos for 2 sets of 15.

    3) Tate Press rocks, and my strenght on it is going up and up. My triceps feel damn strong, and that big lump of muscle just above the elbow is starting to come on nicely. Hoorah!

    4) Very happy with the session all round to be honest….all the weights were good for me, I progressed on what I was hoping to progress and got my target reps. I didn't train legs as my knee feels a tad unstable but hopefully it's nothing major. I took a little slip on some ice on Monday's walk to work and it's been a little iffy since, but in a few days will be fine. I hate people who wash the ice of their cars and then have the water running all over the path only to freeze and catch up poor pedestrian on our walk to work. ****.

    5) Song for the Day - Right, it's back to Seattle again and this time it's Pearl Jam. People talk about Nirvana as having an impact in music, and they surely did, as a band. But you could argue that Eddie Vedder had a bigger impact as a singer. Just like all Seattle bands Pearl Jam are surrounded by a lovely legend…..all the muscians came together through various Seattle based "grunge" bands and made a demo of some music. This made it's way to the hands of Eddie who listened to it and then went surfing. While out on the water the words for "Alive" , "Once" and "Footsteps" came to him and he legged it home and recored them on a ****ty cassette player. Fans refer to those three songs as the "Mamasan Triliogy".

    Pearl Jams first album was Ten and I honestly cannot think of a stronger debut album by any band, ever. It was unreal with a run of songs that has never been replicated. Spawing hits with "Alive" , "Once" , "Jeremy" and "Black" the album is currently 12x Platnum and you can bet it will go to 13. Think about that…..12 million copies sold. Unreal. Anyway, here are the songs for the Day….. One of which is naptured from Pearl Jan : Unplugged. - Black - Jeremy - Alive

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Workout : Day 3
    Location : Vestwood

    Dumbell Press/Lateral Raises Super : 34kilos/12.5kilos ( 5,8 ) , 34k/12k (4,7) , 34k/12k ( 3,6 )
    Straight Arm Pull Downs : 5plates( 15 ) , 6plates(15) , 7plates (15)
    Fixed Elbow Cable Pulls ( these are awesome! ) : 5plates(15 by 3 )
    Incline Flyes : 20kilos ( 9 , 8 , 8 )
    Alternate Dumbell Curls(20kilos)/Hammer Curls (15kilos) : 6/10 , 7/10
    Overhead Dumbell Extension(34k)/Rope Pushdowns Supers(55k) : 10/7 , 8/6
    Stiff Legged Deads : 70 ( 6 , 6 , 6 )

    Thoughts :
    1) This is my 4th workout since Saturday. I trained Sat, Sunday, took Monday off, then Tuesday and Wednesday. I will take today off and train tomorrow. I am very purposefully beating the snot out of myself this week. As I said before, all will become clear on Monday!! Woot!
    2) Very happy with the session. Honestly thought I would be weak as water given Tuesday's burner of a workout but I got respectable numbers and am very happy with them. My trainees are really starting to get into there routines as well, training with a dude from work and a girl that I know last night and they both said they thought the workouts were "hard, but great fun." That what you want!
    3) Is anybody else all excited to find out who G'ems new training partner may be? I love TT gossip!
    4) Went to see "Smokin' Aces" last night and it's one of the most enjoyable films I have seen in a while!
    5) I did a few Oly bar one arm snatches with a 10 kilo plate on each end last night and discovered that people will give you the weirdest looks and frankly I cannot blame them!
    6) Song for the Day : A pretty simple one. First heard Eve6 when I was about 15 and thought there were a pretty sweet band. Nice simple music. Originally fell in love with them for the song "Shower Head" the chorus of which is "I loved you while he was in you in the shower." - Think Twice
    Actually, because I'm in the mood, have this one as well. Band is called Cold song is called Black Sunday

    Big D Out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Hey man how have things been going lately? would love to read some updates.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Hey man how have things been going lately? would love to read some updates.

    Sorry dude! Things have been a little nuts but will start posting again from today!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 864 ✭✭✭Aedh Baclamh

    Same here, would love to read some more!
